- Can't Store A Korean String In Database Using LINQ

Feb 22, 2010

I'm using this code to store korean string in my database:

Dim username As String = Request.QueryString.Get("Some Korean String")
Using dg As New DataContext()
Dim newfriend As New FriendsTable With {.AskingUser = User.Identity.Name, .BeingAskedUser = username, .Pending = True}
end using

Checking my database, the username stored is a string"????"...

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Database Cant Store Korean Character

Jun 5, 2011

I try to store Korean langguage in Microsoft jet OLEDB 4.0 database, but I cant retrive it back.


I try to google around for weeks..but still cant find the solution, I believe microsoft jet 4.0 should support unicode, but cant find any command like charset to set the character set.

I've try store with DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar/DataTypeEnum.adWChar/DataTypeEnum.adLongVarWChar.

I've set the regional and lagguage setting to korean(I can view korean in textpad).

I've try System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ko-KR") before retrive korean string also.

Now i have totaly no clue. just suspect, i need to do something when create the database or when read from the database, but dont know how.

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Best Option To Store Database Connection String?

Apr 1, 2009

I just want to know what is your suggestion about storing database connection strings in .NET? I am using My.Setting usually, but now I am facing with versioning of my application. When I upgrade my application to higher version the value in My.Setting has been changed, it didn't remain as user has set before, but changed base on my machine's setting. eg. the value in My.Settings Version (User's computer) is 'ABC' When I develop again some new feature on my machine and set its version to, of course the connection string in my computer's My.Setting file is different with User's computer's My.Setting. So when I copied my recent updated file to use's computer, then run the application, the application read the new My.Setting file from my computer but not from their computer. the value in My.Settings Version (Developer's computer) is 'DEF' Therefore I have to reset and reset their connection strings onve I updated their application, that's too annoying?

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How To Split String Received From Modem And Store Parts In Database

Aug 12, 2010

I am doing a project on Sending/ Recieving SMS through VB.Net 2008. I am getting the following string while recieving a message from the modem
+CMGR: "READ READ", "+919223336661",,"08/10/10,12:45:00+22"THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE

Now I want to break it and store in database as
Sender= +91223336661
Date Time= 08/10/10,12:45:00+22

Where Sender, Date Time and Message are the column name of the database. The maximum length of the Message is 160 characters.

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VS 2008 - Store The Connection String In A Settings Table In The Database?

Apr 20, 2010

I am storing my connection string in my app.config file. I am using sql server express 2005. The connection string on my dev machine is different from the ones at the clients. so each time I update I open the config file and edit the connection string setting. This is quite a pain.also I have now published my app to an ftp folder so that the clients can get the updates each time I make changes. saves me the hassle of going to them each time i update. so now i need it to be so that I won't have to change the setting all the time.Would the best way be to store the connection string in a settings table in the database?

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Received A String From GPRS Modem / Split It Store Parts Of It In Database

Aug 12, 2010

I am doing a project on Sending/ Recieving SMS through VB.Net 2008..I am getting the following string while recieving a message from the modem +CMGR: "READ READ","+91922333666 1",,"08/10/10,12:45:00+22"THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE..Now I want to break it and store in database as [code]where Sender, Date Time and Message are the column name of the database. The Maximum length of the message is 160 characters.

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Store Whole Numbers And That A String Is A Varialbe Used To Store Any Text?

Feb 19, 2009

i know that integer is a variable to store whole numbers and that a string is a varialbe used to store any text, but what variable type would you use to store a number that has decimals?

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Text-to-speech In Japanese And Korean

Jun 12, 2011

i'm working on a system that include an audio annotation for every word. I have no problem when it comes to English Pronunciation of words. I'm using this Sapi code


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Determine The Type Of Object To Use To Store A Linq Query?

Jul 3, 2010

I am using VB .Net for this, so I don't have access to var or this would be a simple matter.Right now my query is as follows


So I used this query in LinqPad to help me determine what the object would look like. I got back a IOrderQueryable(Of RSError) which then contained a IGrouping(Of String, RSError) for each grouped collection of objects returned by the query.However I ended up with the current object type of errors as IOrderedQueryable(Of IGrouping(Of String, RSError)) because of the cast error I am getting in VS.


I'm not sure how to get rid of the VB$AnonymousType_1 Part of the returned object.Am I even on the right track here or am I missing something completely?

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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How To Store String In Date

Dec 6, 2010

how to store string value in date variable in

i am using the following code

dim dtBL as Date
dtBL = Format(CDate(txtBLDate.Text), "MM/dd/yyyy")

but i am getting the error which says that 'Conversion from string "23/11/2010" to type 'Date' is not valid.'

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Store In A String The Name Of A Component?

Feb 11, 2009

I want to store in a string the name of a component without using the component itself. I tried the following

Private Sub CmbPriceList_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles CmbPriceList.KeyUp
Dim test As String = sender.GetType.Name
End Sub

The above code returns the type of the component (here it returns 'Combobox'). But I want the name of it.

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Store String Information In Exe?

May 14, 2009

I want to store some string information in my application exe. The information should not be lost in when the application is closed or restarted. It should be like editing a text file in application resources.

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Copy Information And Store It In A String?

Jun 21, 2010

I was wondering how you can copy information (from a webpage, for example) and store it in a string?Also, how would I take only one word of the string if there are spaces between words and I will always be removing the word with the same location in the string (for example, the last word in string).

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Get Value From Datatable And Then Store It To The String() Arraylist?

Jan 6, 2012

I want to get value from datatable and then store it to the string() arraylist. datatable contain 3 column (columnA | columnB | columnC). I want to get all value from columnB and store it to arraylist.

I have try something like this

If myTableData.Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To myTableData.Rows.Count - 1
Dim value() As String = myTableData.Rows(i)(1)


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Permanently Store String/object?

Apr 23, 2011

I need to permanently store a string or maybe a object in my application. And yes, I have tried the application settings (My.Settings).

My.Settings.something = "hi" will save "hi" into something, and when i use msgbox to output the data, it works. The thing is; when I copy my application to somewhere else on my computer it is gone. I guess the settings is saved to some file at the filesystem, and when I move my file it also creates a new settings file. How can I store a string inside my application, and also move the application later on?

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Store & Get Connection String From App.config

Mar 11, 2010

I'm stuck regarding to grab connection from app.config file...i'm surf many type and kind to do it..but still can',t.....i need to connect into two database (oracle n firebird).

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Store Connection String In Registry Key

Nov 12, 2010

I am working on a winform application which makes extensive us of a mssql database. For the most part (almost exclusively), I have used the Visual Studio dataset for accessing the data. This means that the connection string was created as a program setting, and is saved in the app.config file. The problem that I have, is that I need to move this connection string to the system registry because it has been deemed by the powers that be that a config file is not secure enough.

I think that I can figure out how to access a registry key, and I know that I can save the string to a registry key, but the problem that I am running into is that I don't access the connection key in the code anywhere to easily swap out the registry key for the existing program setting. When VS creates the connection and dataset, where is the connection string referenced? Is there a simple way to swap these out? is it possible even to just reference the registry key in the setting so that I don't have to find where the setting is used and switch it out?

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Store HTML Code As String?

Feb 22, 2009

Is there a more efficient way of doing this than adding &""""& for every double quotation mark in the html code when building the string? I need to store the HTML code as a string. I am finding "[tablerow]" within an existing document with StreamReader and want to replace it with my string value (html code) when writing it back using stringwriter.

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WinForms - Where To Store Connection String

Feb 17, 2010

I am working for a few years. In, database connection string is stored at web.config file. All page can share this connection string. Now, I need to learn how to create windows app. Where to store a connection string, e.g. connect to SQL, to Access DB, so that all windows forms can share it?

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ASP.NET MVC - Store A String Per User, So It Seems Like A Violation To The MVC Separation?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a question about static strings and so forth, in an ASP.NET MVC.I need to hold a string(a value), when the user goes through the application.Problem is, I feel like that would be a violation to the MVC. I just need to store a string per user, so it seems like a violation to the MVC separation.

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Find A String In A File And Store It In A Variable?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a config.txt file that has the following lines in it.

[SHOWS_PATH]=X:MultimediaVideosTV Shows


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How To Store And Retrieve Connection String From Class

Apr 7, 2011

In my application I have many different forms each use 3 different database. And right now I am placing the connection string in each form but when it is need to change I have to change in every form. Now what I want to store all connection string in a vb class and call them in every form. So that if I need to change I can do in that class. I have stored my connection string in database so even I don't want to connect to database again and again. I have some idea in which maybe a public class is used and some how I will call it on other forms.

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How To Take Textbox.text String And Store In 2D Array

Apr 30, 2012

How to take Textbox.text string and store in 2D array..I have total of three textbox..Number one textbox takes name and Second textbox takes grades and stores in third textbox,

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Store A Single String Into Memory For Later Use On Different Pages

Jun 12, 2011

I need to store a single string into Memory for later use on different pages to be able to create a log file for my app.

so on my 1st form(Login Form) i need to pass the Username to Memory and then read it from the memory later on on different pages.

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Store And Retrieve A String From The Web.config File?

May 15, 2009

I have a connection string in my database which I read throughout my VB .Net application. I have another string which is NOT a connection string though. It instead has information about a domain on LDAP. So LDAP string just needs to be stored in the web.config as a string, and also to be retrieved as a string.


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Store DataGridView Content Into A String Array?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a datagridview on my form named DG1 I fill the datagridview cells, now I want to store the content of the datagrdview into a string array.

Dim output As String()
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DG1.Rows


it is giving me a NulReferenceException at: output(i) = cell.Valuehow to store my datagridview content into a string array?

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Store Dynamic / Static Query In String?

Jan 4, 2011

Can we execute any string like "Button1.Text = Value"
Question arises from sql server where we can store a dynamic/static query in a string (varchar) and execute it and it will put the value to the button1.

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Store Items In A Collection In String Array?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a string array called m_DirFileList and a collection called myFileCollection. I'm trying to loop through the items in the collection and store each one in the string array. It's not working though.


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Store String Data To Mysql Table?

Sep 19, 2009

How to store string data to mysql table.[code]...

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