Button Press And Text Displays To Textbox1?

May 12, 2012

I want to when you press the start button or stop that it displays a message output to the textbox 1

here is code from another member

Private Sub OnCheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles togglecheckbox.CheckedChanged
Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox)


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Press A Button, Some Text Comes Up In Textbox1?

Jul 6, 2009

i have a question about a code.So when i press a button, some text comes up in textbox1.But what is the code so that after the code there will be an "ENTER" so it will switch line.I think its something like this

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

TextBox1.Text = "Hello" ("{ENTER}")End Sub

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Unable To Press A Button And The Text From Textbox1?

Jun 29, 2010

How do i do this. i want to be able to press a button and the text from textbox1 (25 numbers) will be added as a new line to a list box. i would also like it to save so next time the i open the program the text that went from textbox1 will still be in the list box. i am also using Visual Basic Express Edition 2010.

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Create A Program That Displays An Image When Press The Start Button?

Jun 5, 2011

program a little begginner project. So I want to create a program that displays an image when you press the start button. When you press the "Next button" it will display a new image.My problem is, I want the image to change EVERY time you hit the next button.


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VS 2008 Press It It Put Text Into Textbox1?

Aug 30, 2010

I want to make a button when i press it it put text into Textbox1

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Put A Button In That When Click It It Sends The Writing In Form1's Textbox1 One To The Email Type In Dialog1's Textbox1?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm making a program that I need to put a button in that when you click it it sends the writing in form1's textbox1 one to the email you type in dialog1's textbox1.

Basically I have a textbox and button on Form1 that when you press it opens dialogbox1. In dialogbox1 there is a textbox and a send button. I need to make it so when you press send it sends an email to the email adress you type in the textbox and the body of the email is whats in textbox1 of form1.


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Add A Condition When Textbox1.text Changes , The Added Text To Textbox1.text Is Showed In Another Textbox?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to add a condition when textbox1.text changes , the added text to textbox1.text is showed in another textbox.

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Listbox - Make Listbox1.item1=textbox1.text Or First Row Of Richtextbox1=textbox1.text?

Feb 25, 2011

is there anyway to make listbox1.item1=textbox1.text? or the first row of richtextbox1=textbox1.text?

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VS 2008 When Enter Some Text In Textbox / Press Button Text To Be Added In Form1 Combobox

Jan 22, 2010

i have 2 forms.in form1: i have 1 combobox in form2: i have 1 textbox and 1 button...I want to make in form2 when i enter some text in the textbox and press the button the text to be added in form1 combobox

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TextBox1.Text : Show The Result Is X When Click The Button?

Aug 10, 2009

Today I installed VB 2008 express and having some older experience with VB at school I tried to translate some algorithm functions to VB. I came across these lines which are very simple.I had one textbox and wanted to show The result is x when i click the button. so, here is the part of the program.

Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim w As Integer


Because I write on paper in pseudo, "The result is", x would be correct and would show The result is x but instead, VB finds error. Does , indicate space here or does it recognise it as something else?

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VS 2010 How To Make SAVE Button That Saves Text From Textbox1 / 2 / 3

Nov 12, 2011

How to make an SAVE button that saves the text from Textbox1,2,3 and add an comment on the file.Example:

1 button named "Save", when click to save the text from textbox1,2,3 in file named "Anti.txt" (in the same directory where is the .exe file)

2. to display an message when save is complate, if it is not to display error that cannot be saved

I got simply code for save,but i dont know how to modify it to be like this: [code] Where it is Textbox1: to be like a title in the .txt file and after it to add the text from the textbox1.

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When Press A Button In Another Dialog It Appear A Text / Textboxs.text

Mar 11, 2010

i'M making a program for a game a tool software I made that when I press a button in another dialog it appear a text + textboxs.text so when I press a button it appears in the dialog but all in the same line how do I do that when I press the button the textbox in the other dialog says.

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VS 2010 Type Text Into Textbox1 - Click A Button To Add It And Save It In Textbox 2?

Oct 27, 2009

i want to do is type text into textbox1, click a button to add it and save it in textbox 2? I aslo want the user to have this option.

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Pass From TextBox1 To TextBox2 When I Press The Return Key?

Aug 26, 2010

I would like the focus to pass from TextBox1 to TextBox2 when I press the Return Key.

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Forms :: Subtracting A Value From A Text File Via A Button Press?

Aug 23, 2010

I have built a program in where I have to add and remove items from two listboxes. Listbox1 consists of a file which I have picked up on my C:/. Within this file, are different lines of items. At the end of the item line is a figure. I have a textbox in where when someone adds the an item from listbox1 to listbox2. On clicking the add button, it will add the total which was in the file. If I add more items, it will give me a running total of the items I have added to listbox2.

Now, I'm bamboozled in how to subtract the items from listbox2 with the remove button. So that when a user wants to remove an item that they currently placed in Listbox2. On pressing remove it will subtract the running total from the item which has been removed.. Here is my code in where I add products to the textbox. I have two other text boxes which I use to have these running totals. FYI, Textbox where value is outputted is Textbox5. Textbox6 is used to refresh the data and the other textbox is named 'Total'.

Public Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex < 0 Then
MsgBox("Please select a Batch")


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Make Label4 (Wrong) Shows If Text Not '25' When Press Button

Jan 23, 2009

im doing a textbased game and im stuck on a "mathtest" i gonna do in the game on the form its many things but i just gonna write that i want help with:) [code] i want to make that the label4 (Wrong) shows if the text not "25" when you press the button/

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Nter Characters Into A Text Box And Then Press A Button Which Will Validate String

Mar 4, 2012

Good Evening! I am attempting to write a code so that someone can enter characters into a text box and then press a button which will validate the string and then count the number of uppercase letters in the displayed text. I also have a button that will allow lowercase tabulation. However I cannot get either to work or display in the associated text boxes.

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VS 2010 Entering Text Into TextArea And Press Button On WebPage?

Oct 2, 2010

I have the HTML (I think its javascript) code below that is from the webapge.

I want to pass something from my textarea on my form, to the text area on the webpage, and then pres the submit button the webpage.

I cant seem to find a control that locates the textarea or button..

Here is html:

<textarea id="c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674_input" class="UIComposer_TextArea DOMControl_placeholder" name="status" onfocus="CSS.addClass("c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674", "UIComposer_STATE_INPUT_FOCUSED"CSS.removeClass("c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674", "hide_buttons"window.UIComposer && UIComposer.focusInstance("c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674"" title="What's on your mind?" placeholder="What's on your mind?">What's on your mind?

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DB/Reporting :: Usercontrol - Form - Press A Button That Opens A Text File And Populates The DataGrid

Jul 12, 2009

I have a 'DataGrid' usercontrol on my simple little form and I press a button that opens a text file and populates the DataGrid like so,

1 2 3
3 4 4
3 1 3

Where A, B, and C are my column headers.

I also have a 'ListBox' on the form. What I would like to do is, allow the user to select one, two, or three rows (or all) in the datagrid, and press a button that will move the data from selected rows into my listbox (each row its own string in the list box).

I can populate the datagrib easy enough, but don't know how to access the cell data individually?

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Entered Any Text In Txtbox1 And Press Tab Button Txtbox2 Should Display Same Text As Txtbox1?

May 11, 2010

i am using vb.net 2005, in my window form i have textbox as txtbox1 and txtbox2. if i entered any text in txtbox1 and press my tab button the txtbox2 should display the same text as txtbox1 .

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Show Script Alertbox On Button Click Event In Webpage If Textbox1.text=""?

Dec 20, 2010

How to show javascript alertbox on button click event in asp.net webpage if textbox1.text="" ?

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Press A Button - If I Clicked The Button In Form2 It Would Automaticlly, Click The Button In Form1?

Oct 30, 2010

Using 2 forms how would I click one button, from another form? ie In VB 4,5,6, I would used to do it as:-

Form 1:

private sub Command1_Click()

msgbox "Say Hello"

End Sub[code].....

If I clicked the button in form2, it would automaticlly, click the button in form1. Do I, do it the same way in VB Express or has it changed?

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Type Delhi-Manali In Textbox1 Then On Button Click Event Textbox2.text="Delhi" & Textbox3.text="Manali"?

Dec 16, 2010

If i type in textbox1 textbox1.text="Delhi-manali"Then on button click event

using vb.net


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Make A Button Press A Certain Button In Another Application?

Sep 26, 2009

I have a few questions:

1. how do I make a button press a certain button in another application? (i.e - for example it goes to application "iexplorer" and press insert, home, a, b, or other button in the keyboard)

2. How do I make a virtual keyboard (for example a button opens form 2 or 3 and when you click on a button in the keyboard it goes to a certain text box in form 1)?

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Forms :: Get TextBox1 To Show Which Button Clicked?

Mar 3, 2010

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;


So what I am trying to do is to get textBox1 to show which button i have clicked. Because I have Form_Activated I only see changes when i reactivate the Form. So I would like to have Event that is Active all the time and listens to everything that happens in Application and NOT only when something is clicked or some text have changed.

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VS 2010 How To Set That When Click A Button It Navigate To Url In Textbox1

Oct 29, 2009

[code] how do i set it so that when i click a button it navigate to the url in textbox1 ,something like this [code]

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Having A Picture Box That Displays One Of 4 Flags Based On Radio Button Settings?

Feb 5, 2012

how would i go about having a picture box that displays one of 4 flags based on radio button settings?

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Show A Tooltip Over Each Item And Displays Fine - Can't Replicate For A Button?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a listview where I can show a tooltip over each item and displays fine.However, I can't replicate for a Button.

Private Sub AddListview()
Dim lView As ListView = New ListView
'enable it[code]....

I have tried all different variations, but nothing really seems to work. The tooltip flickers on the button, but is constant on the listview.

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Visual Studio 2010 - TextBox1.text On Form Run Will Focus On The Text Want To Unfocus?

Jun 27, 2011

Just a quick question my textbox1.text seems to get focus when I run the APP.how do I cancel any focus to any textbox?I just don't want to select it or anything when I work with it only when the user select or uses it.

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VS 2008 - What Is The Code For Sending IP Via Textbox1.text And Button1.text

Nov 15, 2010

what is the code for sending IP via textbox1.text and button1.text

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