C# - Access Modifier For Namespace?

May 22, 2012

Can a function or sub-routine be accessed by the same namespace with the access modifier of private?

Or does the access modifier need to be public or internal?

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Where Is The Friend Access Modifier Intended To Be Used

Mar 21, 2012

The only place I've seen the Friend modifier used is in the WinForms designer, as alluded to in Why is the modifier set to Friend in Winforms? and VB.NET: what does the 'friend' modifier do?. The Friend modifier appears to be an almost arbitrarily wide access level that was created to solve some historic architectural problem in VB, I just wonder if anyone has a meaningful continued use for it?

I have had some desires to expose methods only to a given namespace so as to roll the functionalities of a related collection of objects together and manage any of their non-thread-safe methods, while exposing the safe public methods to a wider scope in the same assembly. This access level does not exist yet Friend does. Possibly a corollary question then, is my usage of assemblies and namespaces at odds with what is intended?


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Change A Forms Access Modifier To Public?

Jun 11, 2010

i want to now how to change the access modifier of a form so that it is publiv ind=stead of friend.

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Access And Use In Another Namespace VS 2005

Apr 9, 2009

I have a public class element from another namespace, called A, that I want to access and use in another namespace, called B. Namespace A and B are in different directories but are a part of the same project and solution. I try using the imports statement and referencing the class itself directly but it doesn't find it. Does anyone know what's wrong?

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C# - Access A Namespace With The Same Name As A Class Instance?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a question regarding namespace names and classes: If I have a class called cVeloConnect in namespace VeloConnect.


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IDE :: Project No Longer Recognises XML Documentation, And Does Not Access Namespace Correctly

Sep 30, 2010

I've just picked up a project from someone who has recently left our company, and the project file for the project has somehow had XML documentation deactivated. Typing ''' no longer automatically creates XML documentation segments, and existing XML documentation within the code does not show up in Intellisense, and is also not correctly highlighted as XML documentation.

In addition, the Intellisense for the My. namespace contains only MySettings, Resources and Setting under the "All" tab. Everything else is missing. Attempting to manually write My. namespace code results in compile errors. These are not problems with the IDE; I can start a new project and both Intellisense and My. work fine in these new projects. I can only assume that this is something which has been set on the project itself.

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Programatic Access To Project's Application Root Namespace Properties?

Jan 25, 2010

How does one gain programatic access to the information that is entered into the "My Project" properties Application section?I am able to pick up the assembly name from those properties, but I haven't been able to pick these up.Below is the line of code that makes me interested in picking this up programatically. I have found that if the name within the quotes for Sections (GenConfig) doesn't match exactly what is entered in those properties, I will get an application error during run time.How do I reference that property?Is there a better way to pick that value up?

Dim applicationSettingsSection As ClientSettingsSection = config.SectionGroups("applicationSettings").Sections("GenConfig.My.MySettings")

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Adding Namespace Attribute To XElement - Prevent Blank/empty Namespace On Child Elements?

Mar 17, 2011

I need to read an xml document from a database record into an XDocument object in order for it to be deserialized. So that the deserialization will work, I need to apply a specific namespace to each of the level 1 elements. So XML looks a bit like this:


How do I prevent the blank/empty namespace being added to each child element of the element to which the required namespace has been applied?

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ERROR : 'Namespace' Can Occur Only At File Or Namespace Level

Jan 29, 2012

Imports System.Windows.Forms

ERROR : 'Namespace' can occur only at file or namespace level

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Type Or Namespace Name 'Messaging' Does Not Exist In Namespace 'System

Apr 10, 2010

The type or namespace name 'Messaging' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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Friend Modifier Not Working?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a Class with certain subs and functions declared as protected friends. From my understanding this should allow me to be able to access those subs and functions from anywhere in my project and yet it isn't working.

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Why Modifier Set To Friend In WinForms

Sep 14, 2010

When adding a new control to the designer in Winforms, the modifier on the control is set to Friend, but the default modifier is Private (right clicking the property and resetting the modifier). Is there a setting to set the modifier to default (Private)?

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Class Modifier For Method Calculate()

Oct 15, 2009

I would like a answer to the following question: For instance:

You have a class called Main. This class created a object of another class called Math.
Class Math has a method called Calculate()
Class Main wants to call this method Calculate().

What kind of modifier should I use for the method Calculate()? I always used public but now I am not so sure... Friend seems to be working as well. What is the best way to do this?

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Define A Constructor With A 'Friend' Modifier?

Aug 13, 2011

Can we define a constructor with 'Friend' modifier?

Friend Class Reader
Friend Sub New()
End Sub
End Class

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How To Set A Control To Public Modifier With Code

Jun 16, 2012

My problem is that I have made a Tabbed WebBrowser in VB 10 I have a TabControl1 and the following code as webbrowser

I want to control the browser from another form but it is Private and I need ti set it to public.


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System Namespace Conflict With Sibling Namespace

Nov 16, 2011

This class is located in the namespace Acme.Infrastructure.Interface.A class with the same name EventArgs exists in the System namespace.In another project in my solution I have a class Acme.BusinessModules.MyModule.MyClass.When attempting to use the EventArgs class I have to fully qualify the class name or the compiler thinks I am using the System.EventArgs class.My understanding of namespace resolution was that the compiler would first look for the class in the current namespace, and then its parents. It seems that the compiler checks in System before it checks in sibling namespaces. Is it correct that System is checked before the sibling? Or is this behaviour caused by other issues (Imports order?)?

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Getting State Of Modifier Keys Compact Framework?

May 4, 2009

How can I get the state of a modifier key using VB.NET on the Compact Framework, in this case Windows Mobile 6.1. I want to be able to determine if the following keys are pressed or locked:


and for the Psion Teklogix machines


Although I may be able to work this out, if I can determine the others.I want to create my own on-screen indicator panel and want to poll the keys, not using events.

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Variable For "Where" Modifier Of Update Routine For SqlCeCommand

Mar 8, 2011

with the following code:


I am looking for the correct configuration to allow a variable for the Where modifier of the SqlCeCommand(Update) routine. Within the database, T01 is a bigint field, and T02 and T03 are nvarchar fields. A literal coding such as Where T01=2 works fine, but an attempted variable configuration such as above produces the error The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = ,Column name = T03Ctr ] at the ExecuteNonQuery() line.

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Inserting Rows Into A Tableadapter With An Identity.true Modifier

Sep 10, 2010

I have a TableAdapter created where one column.identity is set to true with an autoincrement.My problem arise when trying to insert a row at run-time. The following is my code and the error message I am trying to over come.[code]"The column cannot be modified. [ Column name = RecordNumber ]" I am not trying to edit that column name. I set it to true identity so I don't have to keep track of record numbers that may be deleted later on. So basic question.How do I programatically add a row to table adapter that has one column.identity set to 'true'.

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'Namespace' Statement Must End With A Matching 'End Namespace'?

Dec 8, 2011

I am getting this error,here is my code.

Public Class Sample2
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles Button1.Click


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Unable To Access "System.DirectoryServices" From Any Namespace But Presentation Layer

Dec 1, 2009

I am accessing active directory with the System.DirectoryServices library, currently in my web layer. However, I'm trying to move a function from a code-behind file to a VB class in another namespace, and I cannot seem to access that class from within that namespace.

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Change The Default Modifier From Friend To Private In The Windows Forms Designer In VS 2008?

Jul 2, 2010

When I develop a Windows Forms app in Visual Studio using C#, every control that I add to my form is by default marked as private, which is what I want.

When using VB.NET, every control is by default marked as Friend (the equivalent of internal in C#), which is not what I want.

Can I just change this default? It seems like surely it's a setting somewhere.

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Using WMI "Connecting To A 3rd Computer-Delegation" To Access A Target Server WMI Cimv2 Namespace In Trusted Domain?

Apr 2, 2009

Attempting to pull WMI Win32 properties information from a server in a trusted domain using the delegate string listed at bottom and receive the error listed below. The account has fullpermisions on the target server's root and subs WMI namespace and wbemtest connects fine. And all servers are in 2003 Native AD forests and trusted for delgation?

Scriptname.vbs(20, 1) (null): A security package specific error occurred.
Connection Moniker:
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _


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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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.net - Application "AppName" Is Inventing The Lower-case Namespace "appname", Causing The "AppName" Namespace To Become Ambiguous

Feb 3, 2011

As I say, I've got an application which I'll refer to as "AppName" (note the upper case 'A' and 'N') which, for example, attempts to reference "My.Application.Info.ProductName". Adding a breakpoint and putting a QuickWatch on that call shows the error:


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Getting Rid Of The `My` Namespace?

Apr 25, 2011

I've been developing a Vb.Net app lately, and I'm trying to make it as lightweight as possible (ie make the binaries as small as possible).I've done all the trivial stuff, but while browsing the binary with ILDasm, I noticed that it has a My namespace, with a lot of methods, although I don't use any of these in my program. It seems that there are default Get/Set methods for every form, and other methods.Or, can you show me a use case for the methods bundled by default in the binary? PS: I guess it's not going to make a huge difference in binary size: I'm just asking this out of curiosity; why would the compiler bundle useless methods in every binaries? Perhaps I'll learn that these methods are actually used somewhere under the hood.

PPS: Here's a minimal example:

Module Test
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module

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.net - Namespace With An Alternative Name?

Jan 27, 2011

Using VB.net, I have a namespace which I'd like to rename for the future. However, I'd also like to keep the old obsolete namespace for a time to ensure backward-compatibility for our consumers for awhile. Is there a way in .NET to have two namespaces, one ordinary and one that merely is an alternative name for the other?


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Adding The VB6 Namespace?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to add the Compatibility.VB6 namespace in some of my VB.NET Programs (using 1.1 framework, 2003). It was added in one of my programs because of a migration wizard but i can only use these commands in that particular program. How would I add that to the others?

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C# - In Which Namespace Is The DelegateCommand In

Jul 20, 2010

I am trying to work out an example from ".NET Domain Driven Design with C#", which contains a code example where you can see declared some attributes of type DelegateCommand. Now, I've tried googling it up, but I can't find its reference anywhere on MSDN (actually, I found this article, but not DelegateCommand's article itself). Is the DelegateCommand something that's part of WPF or is it just something created in the book?


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C# - Namespace And Use Keyword

Jul 13, 2010

why use of namespace and use keyword and declaration of namespace

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