C# - Converting A HtmlElement Into An Image?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm using a WebBrowser control in VB.Net to load a website. At that point, the WebBrowser.Document.Images property returns a collection of HtmlElement that are considered images.

What I'm trying to do at this point, is take a particular HtmlElement that represents an image and turn it into a System.Drawing.Image so that I can manipulate it. But I can't figure out how.

I did try to search for an answer, but came up with nothing. 'WebBrowser', as it turns out, seems to be a really popular keyword.

EDIT: It's been suggested that I use the SRC attribute of the HtmlElement to download the image; but the image can be dynamic - meaning the image I download can be separate from the image on the website....so, that won't work for my purposes.

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Converting HtmlElement To HtmlControl?

Jul 25, 2009

It seems that in previous versions of Visual Basic it was possible to convert a System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement to the various System.Web.UI.HtmlControls but in 2008 I cannot seem to do this.What I am trying to do is convert HtmlElements that I got from a WebBrowser.Document into HtmlTableRow HtmlAnchor etc. to manipulate them but I cannot find a way to convert them in this version. I guess my questions are :1. Is it possible to convert a System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement into one of the various ystem.Web.UI.HtmlControls ?2. If not, is there another way to cleanly manipulate tables and anchors etc. from a HtmlDocument without writing my own logic to find the tags etc

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VS 2010 : Click Image / Webbrowser / HtmlElement Class / Multiple Identical Images?

Jan 7, 2011

I need to click an image in a webbrowser from a Windows Form in VS 2010.I can click ordinary links using code such as this one:

Private Sub Button14_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button14.Click
Dim lnk As HtmlElement
For Each lnk In Form2.WebBrowser1.Document.Links
If lnk.InnerText = "the_text_of_the_link" Then


When it comes to the second variation of the code I often get the following error message (exception):NullReferenceException was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Basically - how do I tell it to click on it only if there are two separate and unique strings of html code in a html tag?

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.net - Controlling Image Resolution When Converting A PNG Image Into A PDF Using ITextSharp?

Aug 10, 2010

I have created a PNG image that is 200 DPI, and perfectly sized for a landscape A4 page size. I needed to convert this to a PDF document, so I've used the iTextSharp library with the code below.This all works, however the image quality has degraded.

Public Sub ConvertPNGtoPDF(ByVal inputFile As String, ByVal outputFile As String)
Using fs As New FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)
Dim document As New Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate, 0, 0, 0, 0)


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Converting A Webpage To Image With Code?

Mar 19, 2009

Would it be possible to basically make a full web page appear in a windows form application as an image? Sort of like a print screen command, but just for the web page itself. I need this to show any web page in overview as a image in my program, but I have no idea how to go about this. I suppose it would be almost like a web browser; other then that you can't click links or interact with the page at all, as it is an image. Preferably without loading the web page then converting it, but having it as in image as you load any given page - not sure if it's possible with just VB. Even a rudimentary method would be much appreciated.Note: I'm not to great with VB, so if you don't mind, please provide as much detail as you can with any given code,

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Converting BMP Filepath To An Image For A Picturebox?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm Currently using the following code to open up a folder containing Text and Bitmap files only and store them in arrays.

Dim d As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and Settings" & GetUserName() & "My DocumentsWolfRiderGamesWaterGameMaps")
Dim FileCount As Integer = d.GetFiles.GetUpperBound(0) + 1


What I need is an extra bit at the end that takes the first bitmap file found and puts it in a picturebox called "PicCenter".

I need to have this done through converting its filepath to the image itself.

I will also Need an explaination of how you did it (If its complicated) because i'll need to do it again later.

Im using Visual Studio 2010.

I Know how to do most simple things in VB which usually allows me to do a workaround for something like this, but this one I couldn't.

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VS 2010 Converting An Image To Stream?

Jun 23, 2010

How would I go about doing this? I plan to send the image over a network.

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Image Converting - User Selection For Type

Feb 21, 2009

I an working on image converting program. I need to convert a file that the user selects in an openfiledialog to the following file types in a folder that the user selects:
The user will select which type they want to convert the image to.

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Interface And Graphics :: Converting Image To Grayscale?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm creating a Image viewer and was wondering if anyone could help me with resizing an image, and converting the image to grayscale? My knowledge of visual basics is very limited so any code snippets.I am wanting to resize the original image to a 3 x 3.

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VS 2008 Converting A Color Image To Grayscale?

Jul 16, 2009

I've been wondering if converting a color image to grayscale will reduce it's size?

And also wondering how to convert the image to grayscale?

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Converting An Image To An .ICO File Without Loosing Color Depth?

Sep 2, 2011

In a form I have an ImageList named MainLogoImageList containing a 100x100 pixel 32-bit colordepth image. That is my app logo.

I am too lazy to set up an icon editor and edit an icon of that logo, or convert the image to an .ICO file. (Ergh, well, I am not allowed to install custom utilities.)

To set my forms' icon, I use

Icon = IconFromImage(MainLogoImageList.Images(0))

in the OnLoad event handler to set the window icon.

In my about box, i have a PictureBox with no image. In its OnLoad event, I use

LogoPictureBox.Image = MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images(0)
Icon = IconFromImage(MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images(0))

to set the About box's icon and content.

So far, so good, the icon looks pretty good for a being created from a 100x100 pixel bitmap.

Is there an easy "no utility required" :-) way to get the icon that is returned my IconFromImage saved into an .ICO file so that it will keep the color depth when loaded as the app icon? I want to use exactly the icon that IconFromImage creates.

Saving it using

Dim S As New FileStream("MyAppIcon.ico", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write)

in the main form's OnLoad event handler and loading that .ICO file as the app icon in VS's project properties dialog yields and icon that is obviously converted to 16 colors, and looks awful.

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Converting Byte Array To Image To Load Crystal Report ?

Apr 8, 2012

i do not know why data type image on ms sql is not working ! so i choose to use varchar(max) as my datatype to store images.. but i do now know how to load it on crystal report..

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Get HtmlElement From A Stream?

Jul 25, 2010

How can I get html elements from a stream?

This is a part of a code that get me the stream[code]....

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Get HtmlElement From Stream?

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to get html element from a stream

this is the stream:

Dim request As WebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("http:www.mysite.com/")
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()

How can I get the html elements from it? (I DO NOT WANT TO USE WEBBROWSER CONTROL)

Then I will do something like...

For Each element As HtmlElement In XXXXXXXX

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Automate IE & Loop Through HtmlElement?

Jan 23, 2012

Public Class Form1
Dim IE As New Object
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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How To Iterate HTMLElement Attributes

Apr 20, 2009

Is there some way I can iterate through all available attributes for a given html element
something like:
for each lo_Attrib as attribute in htmlElement.attributes .........

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VS 2008 Get An HtmlElement From WebBrowser

May 17, 2009

I am having some problems with Navigating to the same URL of the WebBrowser.I am trying to get an HtmlElement from the WebBrowser. This HtmlElement is a simple link ("href"). The link is shown on the site that I am navigating to, every hour for only 1 minute and than disappears.I want to check every 15 seconds if this link exists. So, I am doing a loop with a Timer and refresh the WB control.The problem that I encounter is when the WB control already navigated to the site that I wanted to check, it always navigate to the same page when refreshing. The links or the DocumentText are never changed, even if I enter Internet Explorer and see that it has been a change in the page.

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VS 2008 Htmlelement Invokemember?

May 24, 2010

This is the button code in the html for a button on a webpage that displays more results. I tried to use the browser.invokemember but Im not getting any results back. Here is my

For Each element As HtmlElement In wb.Document.GetElementsByTagName("id")
If element.GetAttribute("id") = "more" Then


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Webbrowser Get Htmlelement Position

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to get position of html elements in a .net's webbrowser control and failing, i need the exact position of the element relative to the whole document or the webbrowser control to be able to send a mouse click using SendMessage() P/Invoke..I have tried the solution from here but it didn't work:getting absolute position of HTML element in webbrowser control with C#.I am guessing that is because the page relies on very complex ajax and css.the function "WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementFromPoint()" works just fine in getting the accurate html element, i just need the opposite of it.other wise, should i just keep on searching using "GetElementFromPoint()" until getting the correct element?

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Webbrowser HtmlElement Deleting?

Aug 2, 2011

i have a form with webbrowser and browsed website with an html selectbox in website and i dont want the other <option> elements unless couple of them for easly filling the fields at every visitng

is there any control to remove unwanted html elements exist at string getting by GetElementbyid or somthing like that? so here is some of my code works fine on otherfields


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Why Won't HtmlElement.SetAttribute Work

Dec 29, 2011

I'm trying to post to my blog programatically using VB .NET. So far, I've been using this to set the title:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("entry_title").InnerText = "title"

It works fine. However, when I try to set the body text:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("entryBody").SetAttribute("value", "body")

It won't work. It worked for me before, but now I can't get it to work again. I used the .OuterHtml command to view the line of code, and it assigned the value perfectly. However, it still won't display in the webbrowser. This is the code from the webpage I'm working with:

<textarea style="width: 95%; height: 350px;" name="entry[body]" id="entryBody">text inserted here

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How To Change A HTMLelement's Properties In Browser

Jul 17, 2009

I have this code which should change a password field into a text field in a webbrowser so that a user can see it:[code]Can anyone find a reason why this is not working, or find a better code to do it?

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Htmlelement To String Data Type?

Oct 10, 2011

is there a way to convert an htmlelement to a string ?

for ex Dim myhtm as HtmlElement = webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid("specificelement")

'to the Dim myhtm2 as string = myhtml

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Place A HTMLElement In A WebBrowser Document?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a Web-browser Control in My Form , in Which i am showing one HTML Page .

>>That HTML Page Contains Several Anchors.

>>As per my Requirement user Can create An Anchor by providing The Appropriate data like "Id", "Href", And "Value" .

>>for providing Those Values i have an Input form.

>> Now after Providing That Data .User has to select the Position By Selecting The Previous Anchor And Next Anchor.

i am Getting All The Anchors In the Document From The Following Code

For Each Elem As HTMLElement in WebBrowserDoc.Document.GetElementsByTag("a")


Now i want to place an anchor in between user selected Anchors.

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Screen Coordinates Of Webbrowser HtmlElement?

Jul 3, 2009

I am working on a project that involves the editing of html of pages on the fly. I have put a webbrowser on the form, and I am able to retrieve the element under my mouse by using: wBrowser.Document.GetElementFromPoint(e.ClientMousePosition) in the Document.MouseClick event.However, I want the experience to be more intuitive, by placing a semi-transparent blue rectangle over whichever HtmlElement the mouse is currently hovering over. I created a borderless form with 20% opacity for this, which works great, except that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to calculate the screen coordinates of the element under my mouse. Here is what I have so far, but while the size is adjusted correctly, the location of the rectangle is just stuck at (0, 0) relative to my form. Highly annoying:


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VS 2010 Convert An Htmlelement To String

Oct 9, 2011

is there a way to convert an htmlelement to string

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VS 2010 Webbrowser HtmlElement Remove?

May 31, 2011

have a form with webbrowser and browsed website with an html selectbox in website and i dont want the other <option> elements unless couple of them for easly filling the fields at every visitn

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'Value' Is Not A Member Of System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement'

May 24, 2009

I was just trying to create something and I found a little code on the web. When I pasted it it got 8 errors, and I could get rid of 5. The other three; I have no idea... It returns an error ('Value' is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement'). How should I fix this? The code is:


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Converting Image To String - String To Image

Nov 28, 2009

Basicly a simple test program of converting a image to a string, then converting the string to a image.


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.net - Check If HTMLElement Exists In Document In Webbrowser Control?

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to get the HTML inside a HTMLElement which has an id "block". I have tried:

If webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid("block") isnot nothing then
end if

But it keep throwing a NullReferenceException and tells me to check if it null/nothing which is what I'm doing.

So how do I check if an element in a HTMLdocument with a certain ID exists?

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