C# - Dynamically Call Web Service?

Dec 28, 2009

I need to dynamically call web service! For this I made simple web service Service1.asmx

Then I created the proxy class for the Service1 Web Service, I use the WSDL.exe utility and following command at the command prompt: wsdl /language:VB /out:myclass.vb http://localhost:3245/Service1.asmx?WSDL

This command create class myclass.vb. That class I include in my Windows Application project, but when I do this I get lot of errors.

This is the how created class look like:

Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Web.Services


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C# - Make Service Act Dynamically Based On Service Running Condition?

Jul 6, 2011

i was trying to make my service act dynamically... i have set time for my service about for 2 min ,if suppose it was doin huge amount of work means it will exceeds that 2 min time limit then we need to check the service condition if work is pending means we need to run that instance until upto finish.

public static void StartService(string serviceName, int timeoutMilliseconds)
ServiceController service = new ServiceController(serviceName);[code]............

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Tear Down Wcf Service After Each Web Service Call?

May 5, 2012

I inherited a working WCF Web Service with one major flaw - the WCF Service consumes memory and does not release unless the service is restarted. After a half a day of requests hitting the web service, the memory on the server hosting the service climbs to close to 2 gig and is dead in the water.

I'd like to be able to release memory after the web service has received its response but cannot figure out how (WCF is still new to me). [code]...

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Change Web Service Url Dynamically?

Sep 20, 2011

I have one web service reference in my project but it has two url one is live and second one is test,how to switch between these url dynamically in vb.net[code]...

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Dynamically Calling A Web Service?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a very simple web service that adds two integers

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function AddNumbers(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) As Integer
Return a + b
End Function

Is there a way to dynamically invoke this service without having to add a web reference from VS? Is it possible to maybe pass the parameters through the URL [URL]

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.net - How To Call A Function Dynamically

Sep 9, 2010

I have in vb a selector

Dim ver =101
Select Case ver
Case 101
Case 102


How can I make this select better by calling function in more dynamically in this form: with the prefix "upd" followed by a ver integer.

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Call A Class Dynamically?

Mar 9, 2007

i have 2 classes. Temp1 and Temp2

Instead of doing

dim clsname as new Temp1

How can i do it where I specify the class name

dim clsname as string = "Temp" & int

Then somehow use clsname - i tried Activator.CreateInstance but need some help

Public Class Temp1
Private _Account As String
Public Sub New()


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Call A Web Service?

Dec 17, 2011

I actually have a menstrip with sub-menu ... File > Service >>> Products

My aim is to add a uri to products so that when on click on product the particular web service will be invoked.

My question is only How Can I add a URI with Products on click ?

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C# - Dynamically Call Startup Form??

Apr 22, 2010

I have application in VB.net that have two different form (Form1 and Form2). Now I need to examine some condition and if condition is true then i set Form1 for startup for and if it not then i set Form2 for startup form.So is there anyway to dynamically call startup form?

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Php - Load And Call Files Dynamically?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm having one basic aspx script that needs to load some "plugins". Every plugin has its own settings and it should perform different logics. What i'd do in php is create a class for each plugin, load that class, pass the settings file to it and call some method on that class that would give me some output. But is it even possible in vb.net? I'd need to have multiple files with multiple classes, load those files, depending on the plugin name and call some method on them to parse that plugin's settings.

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Pass The Values From The Dynamically Added Textbox To A Web Service?

Jan 12, 2011

I created 5 textboxes using runtime controls:

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Dim custom As New TextBox
custom.Name = "Custom" & i


how can I get those values and then pass it to a web service? (This should happen when i click the submit button)

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Call Java Web Service Through .net?

May 2, 2010

I had deploy a program to call Java Web services from VB.net . Below is my code:


after run the code, I had get soap error code 500 after soap.send(), is that anything wrong with my program ??

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Forms :: Call An Event TabPage1_Enter Dynamically?

Jan 12, 2010

I want to call an event TabPage1_Enter dynamically. To do this what are the arguments should I pass.

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Forms :: How To Call Unkown Function In Another Class Dynamically

Jan 20, 2012

I've created a dialog which I'd like to popup from any function or sub in any class or form that I have in a project. It would nice to have it work exactly like a messagebox except it's got a progressbar and a cancel button on it. It's job is to display the progress of other functions so it should just stay open until I close it or the user selects cancel.Now I've found many of the basic examples on the net and have got the dialog working exactly as they have shown it. The trouble is that the examples are using a counter or thread.sleep which simply adds +1 in the DoWork sub. In other words, it validates that a worker thread can update a progressbar but it's a closed loop that only exists in the dialog's class.The examples don't show how to call an unkown function in another class dynamically, they're simply a hard coded 1+1 in DoWork. To me it's not a real world example because it doesn't show how to plug into the dialog or get a communication stream from other classes and functions that are running and wanting to increment the progressbar.[code]

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Async Web Service Call Within Console App

Nov 24, 2009

I have a console app that is supposed to async call a web service...i don't get any errors but the completed handler doesn't seem to complete correctly. I have a subroutine with a loop that is supposed to fire off say 6 seperate calls to another routine that calls the service. The completed event handler routine puts data into the database..If i put a thread.sleep under the call to the routine calling the web service. The completed event handler fires but only one record is put in the database instead of the hundreds expected and only that one webservice call appears to fire.I should mention that this works as expected when calling the sync method of the web service within a console app and the asyc calls work as expected from a windows forms app. I just need it to work async within a console app..

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Call A WCF Service From Code In The .net Framework 3?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm working in VB.Net and I'm trying to make a piece of code more generic.In fact, there's a big Select Case statement that build a ProxyServer based on a value passed in parameter (a string).

Select Case _strNteraHL7
Case Constantes.NomPRPMIN306010
strUrl = ObtenirUrl("ProviderDetailsQuery", _strVersion, _strEnvir, True, _blnSimulCAIS, _blnSimulPDS, _blnSimulPDSSIIR, _blnSimulPDSInteg)


or something similar, so I can remove all those big switch cases, that repeat the same thing 30 times.objWsHL7 being an object or type "object" at compiling.Again, in another switch case statement,

objMsgHL7Out = _objWsHL7.ProviderDetailsQuery(_objMsgIn)
objMsgHL7Out is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objMsgIn is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objWsHL7 is an Object

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Call Authenticated Rest Service?

Jan 18, 2012

private String[] createid(String id,HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {

try {

final Client client = Client.create(); [code]....

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Call Bat File In Windows Service Using VB?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to question how to call bat file in windows service using vb.net. This is my code:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel

this service created in service windows(service manager windows), but when i start this service not happening. What wrong in my code

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Call Wcf Service From Javascript Or Method?

May 15, 2012

I have a asp.net web application with jquery controls. I have a datagrid that will display data from a database table and created a WCF Service to access the db and return the data. I want to be able to call the WCF service from this application which is on a different server and have the xml data returned, converted to json format to be used in the datagrid which is a jquery widget. I have tested the web service and it works fine. Should I call the web service from the javascript function within the xml or create a .net method behind that calls the service and then does the conversion? From these how would I get started?

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Call Win Application From Windows Service?

Apr 18, 2006

Can somebody tell me the steps to follow so that i can call my windows application (.exe) file from my windows service in C# (.Net 2003

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Retrieving Call Source For A WCF Service?

Aug 12, 2010

Is there a way to identify the source of a WCF call ?I'm trying to find a realiable .Net property that will let the service know the address (URI) of the calling Web Service.Especially in the case where two Web Services are hosted on the same machine.

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Xml - Post Data To An Url If Someone Does Not Call An Web Service?

Jul 15, 2010

I have kind of a big quesstion...ok here goes...Usually if i understand it well...web services work in a way that i write a method to get some data from the database and then some other user/client adds a reference and calls my service and gets the data...now in my case i have to get the data and actually post it to the user/client in xml(in soap maybe) i guess....so here is what i do...

public class MyClass
{ [SoapAttribute]


So basically....I serialize it to xml(and soap) and convert it to string and then upload this string to the web service url...I just want to know if what i am doing is right?...i want to basically get the data convert it to soap xml and then send it over to the user's web service url...

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Visual Studio - Call A Keypress Method Dynamically For Each Control?

Sep 8, 2011

I working on a project that includes to call a certain type of method to each control, i have this code:

Private Sub txtBcNum1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtBcNum1.KeyPress
If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) Or e.KeyChar = Chr(8) Then


I have 15 textboxes( txtBcNum1,txtBcNum2,....,txtBcNum15 ), what's the best way to call this function inside KeyPress method on each textboxes with out manually adding it to KeyPress method?

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Call A Windows Service Written In Net From Application?

Sep 8, 2006

I have written a windows service to do some operation (in .net), im calling the same in .net it works quite fine without any issues. Now my problem is i need to call the same service which is written in .net from an VB application.

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Error When Using Windows Service To Call 2010 Exe

Aug 19, 2010

I have created a Windows Service that I am trying to use to call an Emergency Alert program that checks a database to see if there is an alert to display. This is the Timer in the Windows Service that I call the Emergency Alert program from.


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VS 2005 - Return Value From Asynchronous Web Service Call

Aug 13, 2009

I'm using ASMX web services in VB.Net in VS 2005. I am calling a function method on the web service that returns a true or false value. This works fine if I call the the web method synchronously, but if I want to call the method asynchronously, the function returns to a sub and there is no return value; therefore, I can't tell whether the result of call is true or false. Is there a way to make an asynchronous call and still get the true or false result (perhaps using the userState Object)?

For Example:
Dim MyResult as Boolean = MyService.GetResult(10)
Dim MyResult as Boolean = MyServer.GetResultAsync(10)
This doesn't work the compiler complains: "Expression Does Not Produce a Value"

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Window Service Call A Stored Procedure?

Feb 22, 2012

I used the same lines of codes to call a SQL server store procedure to export sql data to an XML file:

1. If I call the stored procedure from a window form application, it works and generates the file at the designated location.

2. If I call the stored procedure from a window service application with a setup project, and the install process run well, and I started the service, and checked the event log, it showed the service start successfully, BUT it FAILED to generate the file at the destination folder. I also run everything as administrator, but it still failed to generate the file. It made me wonder if a window service can call a stored procedure. Because, again, mine ran fine with the window form appl, but window service, I would like to have your sample codes. I have googled around for 3 days now, but could not find the answer. I use vs 2008, sql server 2008, and Windows 7

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Dynamically Call A Function With Delegates By Passing A String To A Background Thread?

May 20, 2009

How do I dynamically call a function with delegates by passing a string to a background thread in VB.NET?

Currently my code is this

Public Sub invertImageBK(ByVal image As Bitmap)
Dim snxl As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker = createBW()
snxl.RunWorkerAsync(New ImageProperties(image.Clone, "invertImage", Nothing))


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.net - Call Web Service Using Client Certificates / Mutual Authentication?

Mar 23, 2012

I'm building a web service client using vb .net. The web service is secured with ssl, basic authentication and also requires client certificates. So I created a web reference in Visual Studio and provided the credentials:

Dim cred As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("usr", "passwd")
Dim proxy As New SimpleFromLocal.simple
proxy.Credentials = cred

This works as expected, as long as I turn off mutual authentication on the server side.I added a client certificate like this:

Dim cert As X509Certificate = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(certFile)proxy.ClientCertificates.Add(cert)

The certificate is loaded, but the web service call fails. I could post the exception, but it is in german, which is an issue on its own. It basically says: Authentication failed, because the remote site closed the connection.I tried debugging the ssl handshake on the server side and it looks like the client certificate is not transmitted.So what am I missing here? Is it required to install the client certificate on the local machine?Edit: The error thrown:


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.net - WCF Service Accounts / A Call To SSPI Failed, See Inner Exception?

May 24, 2011

I have a WCF self-hosted as a Windows Service.When I start the service (under the NETWORK_SERVICE account), I can consume the service from my ASP.NET application on a different server.However, the business rules have changed. Now I need to run the service under my own account. I am able to stop the service, and start it again under my account. No problem there.Until I try to consume the service from my ASP.NET application on the other service. I get:

A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception

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