C# - Event Signature In .NET -- Using A Strong Typed 'Sender'?

Jun 25, 2009

I fully realize that what I am proposing does not follow the .NET guidelines, and, therefore, is probably a poor idea for this reason alone. However, I would like to consider this from two possible perspectives:

(1) Should I consider using this for my own development work, which is 100% for internal purposes.

(2) Is this a concept that the framework designers could consider changing or updating?

I am thinking about using an event signature that utilizes a strong typed 'sender', instead of typing it as 'object', which is the current .NET design pattern. That is, instead of using a standard event signature that looks like this:


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.net - Do Event Handlers Need To Exactly Match The Event Signature

Jan 27, 2011

I would like to do something like the following:

Public Class Form1
Public Event Evt1(ByVal c As c1)
Public Event Evt2(ByVal c As c2)


However, it seems to be invalid syntax, as the signature of OnEvt1OrEvt2 doesn't match that of Evt2.

Edit: The above code seems to work fine for everyone but me, but it doesn't compile for me in VS2005 SP1.The error message is something like:Error BC31029: The method 'Private Sub OnEvt1OrEvt2(c As WindowsApplication1.c1)' can not handle the event 'Public Event Evt2(c As WindowsApplication1.c2)' because the signatures do not match.


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Event Handlers Need To Exactly Match The Event Signature?

Feb 9, 2011

event handlers need to exactly match the event signature?

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C# - What Is Strong Naming And How To Strong Name A Binary

Sep 17, 2009

I heard somewhere that I need to strong name my binaries before I distribute them.

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Have The IDE To Create The Event Signature For Under .net?

Jul 14, 2011

for the past >8 years i was doing VB / VB.Net work now I'm jumping into C# world, so far it's very easy only thing that I find difficult is the fact that the signature of every events on object are not automatically created for me.I'm used to select the object name in the left dropdown in the code view and then the event that I want in the right dropdown.is there something similar to that in C#? if yes where can i find it, I really wish I don't have to write them by hand...

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C# - Event Parameter; "sender As Object", Or "sender As T"?

Feb 9, 2011

When I write public events for my business objects, I've adapted the habit of always passing the instance as "sender as Object", in addition to additional specific parameters. I just asked myself now why am I not specifying the class?

So for you with more experience; Do you ever pass the distinct class as sender in an event? And if so, what are your decision criteria for when this is ok/not ok?

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Custom Control - Signature Not Matching For Event

Sep 24, 2009

I'm using a third party grid control which I took and inherited to create some custom properties and events to it. Now when I tried to use this custom control on one of my forms one of the Events that I try to use keeps giving me an error and saying that the signature of the event does not match. It's only for this particular event and it doesn't give me the problem on every form I use this control on. To fix the problem, I constantly have to clean/rebuild the project with the custom grid control and then clean/build the project using the grid control. I'm using VS 2005 and the grid control I'm using is called iGrid.NET made by a company called 10Tec.

The exact error I get is below.
Method 'Private Sub iGridFlightInfo_BeforeCommitEdit(sender As Object, e As TenTec.Windows.iGridLib.iGBeforeCommitEditEventArgs)' cannot handle Event 'Public Event BeforeCommitEdit(sender As Object, e As TenTec.Windows.iGridLib.iGBeforeCommitEditEventArgs)' because they do not have the same signature.

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Method '' Cannot Handle Event '' Because They Do Not Have A Compatible Signature?

Nov 2, 2011

Method 'Private Sub trigger_Triggered(sender As Object, e As OamsIDD.VoamsWorldIDD.OamsStateChangeEventArgs)' cannot handle event 'Public Event Triggered(sender As Object, e As OamsIDD.VoamsWorldIDD.OamsStateChangeEventArgs)' because


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Determine What Type Of Object Is The Sender Of An Event?

Nov 25, 2011

Heres my sub:

Dim onThisTable as String ="Name"
Private Sub skill_mouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.MouseHover, button2.MouseHover, panel1.MouseHover, panel2.MouseHover, pbox1.MouseHover


Now I wish to give onThisTable a different value depending what the user pass over (panel or a pbox or a button) but I cant find what is the correct way to compare what type it is ...

Private Sub skill_mouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.MouseHover, button2.MouseHover, panel1.MouseHover, panel2.MouseHover, pbox1.MouseHover


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VS 2008 Generic Event Determine Sender In Sub

Jul 8, 2009

Is it possible to have a sub that is triggered when any control of a specified type is clicked (or some other interaction), and then within the code of that sub, determine the sender and depending on the sender perform an action?For example, you create buttons dynamically, and assign them a name based on a counter that tells the number of buttons on the form. Now you click on a button, but there was no code written for 'button123.mouseclick' specifically. Instead, you get the name of the sender (button123) and you do something specific to that button.[code]

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C# To VB: Class.Event += (sender, Args) => FunctionName(params)?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm trying to convert the C# code from this webpage to VB.Everything seems to have converted pretty much fine using an online converter tool, but then I reach the following line:

fadeOutAnimation.Completed += (sender, args) => OnFadeOutAnimationCompleted(d, hostGrid, grid);

The fadeOutAnimation.Completed event produces an event with the signature (sender, args), and d, hostGrid and grid are variables local to the function containing this mysterious event handler assignment.

I think I can see that the instruction on this C# line is telling the code to execute the OnFadeOutAnimationCompleted function, using d, hostgrid and grid as parameters, when fadeoutAnimation.Completed occurs, but I have no idea what to even search for in order to replicate this behaviour in VB.net.

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Determining List Index Of Child Event Sender?

Feb 23, 2009

I have a list of objects, each with several events. I can add an eventhandler to each object, so I can catch each item's events. But I would also like to know the sender's index in the list (ie, was this object the 3rd, 5th, etc, item in the list?) I'm guessing the object doesn't "know" its position.I could give each object an index number property when it is created and added to the list, so that information could be passed. However, I would have to reindex every item everytime I use remove, insert, etc, methods.

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Smart Device Framework Signature Panel - Draw Signature In Full WinForms App

May 15, 2011

I'm planning on using the Smart Device Framework 2.3 to use the signature control panel in a Windows Mobile 5 application using the compact framework 3.5.

The control has the option to save the signature as either a byte array of points, or as a bitmap. Now seeing as I want to store the signature in a sql compact database, I guess the byte array is going to be better. The trouble is, I'm not sure how to render that in a full WinForms application after I've transferred it back to the desktop.

I need to show the signature on a report, so it would need to be an image I could link/embed into the report.

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Raise Activated(Sender, EventArgs) Event Of An Active MDI Project?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a MDi project , I want to raise the activated(Sender, eventArgs) event of activeMdi Form

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Getting The Type Of Sender In (ByVal Sender As Object)?

Aug 13, 2011

(me = an absolute beginner in WPF / VB2010) how to get the type of sender in (ByVal sender As Object)? Purpose: when two different Objects call the same subroutine, find out which one actually called it.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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Custom DataGridViewColumn - Error: 'Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, E As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)'

Jan 19, 2012

following code from c# to visual basic, and I'm coming up with the following error: 'Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)' as an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.


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IDE :: Capturing Signature From An Electronic Signature Pad?

Apr 16, 2009

how can i capture a signature from an Electronic Signature Pad and store it in database. is there any particular api or it can be captured just like capturing an image from a WebCam. Is it manufacturer specific?

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GetAnsyKey Error "PInvoke Signature Does Not Match The Unmanaged Target Signature"

Jul 11, 2010

I was trying to use a GetAsyncKeyState code but each time I run the program an error occers where


'A call to PInvoke function 'WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1::GetAsyncKeyState' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.' The full code is in timer with (1) time interval


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DLL - How To Use Strong Name

Dec 8, 2009

I would like that my dlls created in vb.net will not used by others, is the strong name will do it? How to use strong name?

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Using Com On Dot Net Program That Have Strong Key?

Sep 17, 2009

how to Using Com on Dot Net Program that have strong key ?i get a com dll that need to used to control finger scan hardware.and i already added it in my vb dot net program. it completely work fine.but after i added my strong key to my vb dot net program, i can not compile my program. it seem because of com dll doesnt have strong key.

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C# - Strong Typing A Property Name In .NET

Dec 31, 2009

Say I have a class with one property


I have to pass the name of the property to a function call. (Please don't ask why it should be done this way, its a third party framework). For example SomeFunc("MyItem") But what I would like to do is, change the string into a strongly typed parameter. Meaning, if the property name is renamed or changed, it should be reflected here too. So something of this type :


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COM Access To Dll Without Strong Name Signing?

Jan 27, 2012

I'm converting a VB6 dll to VB.Net using Visual Studio 2008 Express. I want to use the same .dll to integrate with Excel via Excel-DNA, but also to be available via COM (I need to be able to call it from VBScript and VBA).

If I leave the assembly unsigned, I have access to all of the ExcelDNA functionality but no COM access.

If I sign the assembly with a strong name, then when I try to build the .dll I get the following error:

Unable to emit assembly: Referenced assembly 'ExcelDna.Integration' does not have a strong name.What are my options?

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How To Assembly Strong-name Dll File.

Jun 12, 2010

I'm trying to change the "load path" of all DLL-files that i have refereed to with this code

Function MyResolveEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ResolveEventArgs) As [Assembly]
'This handler is called only when the common language runtime tries to bind to the assembly


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Making Strong Interface?

Dec 7, 2010

I Finish my program but my interface is not good (its just a picture & its almost 0) but a good program like vb 2010, bitdefender & ... have very beauty a and strong interface how i can make a good interface

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C# - Strong Named Assemblies In Winforms

Feb 1, 2010

Ok, I've read every question on here about strong named assemblies and just want to clarify something. First though, from what I've read, GAC aside, strong named assemblies prevent a malicious 3rd party changing and impersonating your code. It'd be great to have some links to some real world examples of this kind of spoofing that happened pre strong named assemblies. If security or the GAC are not a concern, It seems that it's still advisable to strong name assemblies because:

(A) Clients who have strong named assemblies can only reference your assemblies if they are signed.

(B) Clients who do not have strong named assemblies can reference your assembly whether it's signed or not.

Is that a fair analysis?

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Deployment :: Allow Dot Net Program To Run From Network Without Strong Key?

Nov 1, 2009

how to allow dot net program to run from network without strong key ? since i have program put on network, ussually i put strong key on that assembly, and it can work and run from network this program.. but there is some component com object that make me to cannot compile if i put my stong key, so i compile it without stong key, but it came i cannot run this program from my network..

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Error: When Assign The Strong Name In Assemble

Dec 26, 2009

error: when assign the strong name in assemble

Use command-line option '/keyfile' or appropriate project settings instead of System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute'.

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How Is A Strong Authentication System Created

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to make a strong (or even medium-security) based authentication. How this would work is simply by storing a username/code on web (using dropbox perhaps) then using those codes to pass on to friends to use. This way if you remove that code online,that person will no longer be able to access that program. As far as I know, it is quite simple to save the number of uses, or username and pass on a text file to save on their file or registry things can be done but that is only 1 computer based. That is a very easily crackable security and is not worth it.As far as I have know you need to create a new main form where the code/ id/ username/password/onetimelogin will be asked. If it is correct, form2.show if not then "exit". The codes are stores on a text file on dropbox.com like websites, then the link to the textfile is obtained.

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FreeImageNET.dll Producing A Strong Naming Violation?

Apr 12, 2011

I am getting a strong naming violation for the dll file and really new to signing applications. How would I proceed in resolving this so that I can build the application I will be supporting? Also, as the FreeImage reference gets updated will I need to re-sign it?

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Spotted A With MVC 1.0 Handles Strong Types When Using IDataErrorInfo?

May 13, 2010

I wanted to ask this question here rather then at the asp.net site (it takes too long to get an answer) because I think I have found a problem with how MVC 1.0 handles custom classes that implement IDataErrorInfo when using view binding. Not sure if this is a problem in v2.0 but I have never heard it mentioned.

Here's a little background, in MVC if I want to have strongly typed view, I create a class that basically holds the post information for me. MVC binds the form fields in the POST to the class properties of the same name for me automatically when I do this rather then implementing the ViewData dictionary.


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