C# - Handling States And Countries (or Provinces)?

Dec 20, 2010

In my career I have seen literally dozens of ways that people choose to handle implementing state and country data (as in NY or USA). I've seen enumerations, multi-dimensional arrays, data driven classes from XML docs or databases, and good old-fashioned strings.

So, I'm wondering, what do people consider the "best way" to handle this very common implementation? I know that most of the answers will be based primarily on opinion and preference; but, I'm curious to hear arguments as a recent discussion for an app I'm working on has resulted in a small debate.

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Get List Of Countries And Languages?

Mar 23, 2010

Sometimes, you see a ComboBox in Windows with languages or countries in it. Is there a component like that in VB.NET? Or can I get the list from Windows?

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List Of All Countries In Any Language?

May 22, 2009

Where can I get a list of all countries/cities to populate a listbox?

I've got a bit of a dilemma where I need a list of all the country names in German. I can get this info for English using the following code but I'm not sure how to do it for German. [code]...

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Populate A Dropdownlist With All Countries?

Jun 1, 2011

Where can I get a list of all countries/cities to populate a listbox?

I'm trying to fill my dropdownlist with all world countries from windows, is there any way to make my dropdownlist get all countries from windows?

Or do anybody have a XML with all the list so I can use it?

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Translation Services For Visual Studio In Foreign Countries

Oct 31, 2011

Trying to locate information on translation services offered by Microsoft for Visual Basic around the world. Also, what arrangements does Microsoft have in place for those countries other than English speaking countries whose programmers want to use Visual Studio.NET.

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[2008] Class Or Library That Have All The World Countries And Then Add Them To Combo Box?

Mar 13, 2009

i saw in many website that there's a combobox that display all the world countries to choose one of the country as your country.so i want to do this in program.is there any class or library that have all the world countries and then i add them to combo box?or do i need to enter them manually?

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Forms :: Editcheck - Drop Down Called Country With A List Of Countries

Aug 17, 2009

I have fourm with a drop down box which has 4 things in it. e.g property, unlisted, listed and i have another drop down called country with a list of countries. what im trying to do it when someone click on the unlisted from the first drop down and tries pressing ok i want a pop up to say have to fill in country.

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Best Way To Manage GUI States

Dec 11, 2011

I was asked by a client to create a tool that would let a user add/modify/delete/read content from a database. The content can be read from TextBoxes.

My question is, what is the best way to manage GUI locks/unlocks for the different states of the program. IE: If I'm in a "insert" mode, some GUI elements should be enabled, and some not. If I'm in the "read-only" mode, a bunch of them should be disabled... etc.

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BindingSource Can't Change Row States

Mar 16, 2010

I have a bit strange problem in my application. I have more binding sources then one in my different forms. All of them work great when editing, deleting the data except one. But this one is a bit different from others. I'm using it only for updating and deleting. You can't add new records using it. And also its dataset doesn't contains any Insert commands in it. That's the difference.Now problem is:

After deleted the rows (using BindingSource.RemoveCurrent), it doesn't mark rows as deleted. I call BindingSource.Count method after deleted rows, it sill counts deleted rows. So it seems it doesn't update the dataset. But it is. Dataset.HasChanges returns true.

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Manage Asp.net Page In Different States Using An Enum?

Oct 13, 2009

I am having with what appears to be a ASP.NET page life cycle issue. I currently have a user control embedded into my page. Now depending on the options chosen from the menu item list, the page can be in one of three states represented by a PageStates Enum within the control. The page on selecting the menu item merely updates the a property exposed from the control

Initial State (nothing congifurable)
Editing (this uses a dropdown extender and makes a gridview within it visible)
Adding (this uses another dropdown extender and makes the same the gridview visible however with different properties)


The page will only get itself into the correct 'state' if the menu item is selected twice Controls are visible on the gridview when they shouldn't be The page 'state' seems to lag one state behind

I think the main problem I having with this is that the grid view has check boxes drawn if the page is Adding mode, however you would need to select the Adding menu item option twice to get it into this state and I believe it is because I am setting the page state when the menu item is selected however the grid rows are already created at this point ( I am dynamically creating the check boxes in the grid view within the RowCreated event

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Put A Listbox Of States In Reverse Abc Order?

Mar 20, 2011

I have two listboxes: lstStates and lstOuput

I have cut and paste the fifty states on one box in the order in which they entered the union. I have two buttons, one to alphabetize the states and one to reverse alphabetize the list. Here is the code for alphabetizing the list:

Private Sub btnAlpha_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAlpha.Click
lstOutput.Sorted = True


How can I put the list in reverse abc order without using an array? I've tried a variation of the above code, but it did not work?

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Use CheckedListBox CheckChanged States In An If Construct?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a CheckedListBox populated with specific records from an Sql table . I want to update each record in the table, only if the checkbox checkedState = True, so far I can update all or none. This unworkable code will hopefully give an idea of what I need to do.


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Display Info About Each Of The 50 States When Selected In Program?

Sep 14, 2011

I need to display info about each of the 50 states when selected in my program. I have one combobox with all the states as items inside, one button that you click to get the info and one listview for displaying the info. Here is my code so far:

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1
Private Function getinfo(ByVal state As String)


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Opening Windows In MDI Form With Different States At Same Time?

May 5, 2012

I did a MDI Winforms application and noticed behaviour that I have a question for. If one of the forms is opened with a Maximized Window State and another form is opened with a Normal Window State, the form Window State that used to be Maximized is changed to Normal. Can several windows be open in a MDI form with different window states at the same?

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.NextResult() Method Does Gives An Error That States That No Data Is Present

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to use the .NextResult() method of a DataReader but I get an error that no data is present.

The 1st query returns a value but the 2nd query is the problem.

Dim strSqlStatement As String = "Select Count(*) As TotalRows " & _
"From Parents " & _
"Where (FatherName = @SearchValue " & _


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C# :: Read Serial Port Control Line States With .net?

May 10, 2011

I'm working on a project where I need to trigger an event when a switch is closed. It is my understanding that it is possible to use the control lines on a serial port and read whether the switch is closed or not. I've found a schematic of how to connect the switches to the pins, but I have not been able to find any example code on how you can read the state of the switches.

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Implementing Timer States(Available,Busy,Away Etc) In A Chat Application ?

Nov 30, 2010

I am currently developing a chat application and am trying to include:

Various states, like MSN does, available, busy and away.If the user doesn't touch the keyboard for one minute, the state of the user isto be changed into Away.Or something similar to these.I also need the program to be able to play a sound while running.

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Using 2 Arrays To Make Random States Capital Quiz?

Nov 29, 2011

I have to make a program that uses 2 arrays, one with the states name and one with the capitals names. I have to make it to where it randomly selects a state and asks you what the capital is, and gives you 4 choices in the 4 radio buttons provided. My problem is getting one of the randomly selected answer choices to be the Correct answer.

Here is my code so far:
Public Class USCapitals
' Declare module level variables.
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 : Load A Xml Into The Treeview To Show Cities/states?

Sep 12, 2009

I have a treeview control on my form, i am trying to load an xml into the treeview to show cities/states (example at the bottom of the page)The xml that treeview is loading from looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Group name="US States">


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DataGridView Bug - Row States - Data Table Doesn't Change When Editing

Apr 15, 2010

It seems like when there is only one row at the data grid view with a data source pointing to a data table, it's row state for the data table doesn't change when editing. It remained "unchanged" reguardless to how many columns I had entered. However,after editing, when you click on a different row or click on any of the column headers to change their sorting, the row's state from the data table then gets changed to "modified". I'm not sure why the data table's row states gets changed only when you do those things instead of finishing editing itself. Couldn't the data grid view be able to change the data table's row states when you finished editing a cell?

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Visual Studio 2010 Listing Class As 'Type Undefined" When MSDN States It Exists

Sep 17, 2011

I am currently attempting to create a VB.Net script that pulls up information on installed printers. I am using Visual Studio 2010 SP1, and as my target program needs to run on older machines, is currently built using .Net 3.5.Looking online, there are several methods on how to do this, one from url...the code is supposed to use System.Management as you can see. However, after importing System.Management, Visual Studio throws an error and states that ObjectQuery, ManagementObjectSearcher, and ManagementObject are not defined.a quick look at the MSDN forums shows that ObjectQuery is a class of .Net 4, 3.5, 3.0 and 2.I figured the error might be because I didn't have the .Net 3.5 SDK installed, so I installed the .Net 3.5 SP1 SDK to no avail.just to make clear, I am importing System.Management at the top "Imports System.Management"

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Large Multidimensial Array - Write A Program To Do Markov Chain But States Are Quite Large

Jun 9, 2011

I want to write a program to do Markov chain, but my states are quite large. First of all I calculate all the transition probabilities and revenues for all states(1381860 total states), and store in a multidimensional array. Public RevArr(0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As Long

After that the iteration of markov chain should use these as inputs to calculate the steady-state probabilities. But when I try to run the main code I got this error.Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The following is the declaration of second array I add just another dimension for storing all the iterations, but I get this error. Dim stateprob(IT + 1, 0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As single

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Boolean - Enter The Name And Click The Confirm Button It States"flight Is Full"

Jul 5, 2009

In this code i enter a name and it is assign to a radio button. but when i try to enter the name and click the confirm button it states"flight is full" i'm not sure where things are wrong.

Here is the code.

Public Class Form1

Private availableSeats(7) As Boolean
Private buttons(7) As RadioButton


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Resolve The Config Error Which States A Machine To Application Error?

Mar 10, 2010

I imported a website made in visual studio express 2008 to visual studio express 2010. When I run the home page I get the following error:"It is an error to use a section registered asallowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS."

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VS 2008 Arrays Displaying States/searching Arrays?

Oct 30, 2010

the statement Dim state(49) As String and maintain a list of certain states. The list of states should always be in alphabetical order and occupy consecutive elements of the array. The buttons in the program should give the user the following options: (a) Take the state specified by the user in a text box and insert it into its proper position in the array. If the state is already in the array, so report. (b) Take the state specified by the user in a text box and delete it from the array. If the state is not in the array, so report. (c) Display the states in the array. "

Private Sub states_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
state(0) = "Alabama"


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Error Handling Should Be Used In .NET

Jun 15, 2010

What error handling should be used in VB.NET? Should one use the "On Error Goto ErrorHandler Exit Sub ErrHandler ... End Sub" pattern or should you use the "try {... } catch {...} finally {... }" pattern?

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Handling API Responses In VB?

Aug 27, 2011

I'm trying to develop an app that will let me manage all my domain names through enom and I'm getting stuck here. I'm up to the point where I can get a response from the server but I'm not sure how to grab just the responses I need to get my app to do what
I want it to do. In this example, I'm looking to grab just the "RRPText" response from their servers in VB, you can see below what responses I'm getting:


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Handling COM Events In .NET?

Jun 7, 2009

I'm calling the SQLDMO 8.0 COM library from VB.NET (using a PIA I generated with tlbimp) in order to backup a database with percentage completion notification:

Dim server As SQLDMO.SQLServer = Nothing
Dim backup As SQLDMO.Backup = Nothing
Dim restore As SQLDMO.Restore = Nothing
Dim backupAbortable As Boolean
Dim restoreAbortable As Boolean


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Handling DBNull In Dot Net?

Jan 19, 2012

I have been having an error that DBNull cannot be returned as a String and after hunting around I came up with the folowing but have had no sucess. it is very inportant that this code can handle DBNull as it will encounter this often.


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Handling Events In .Net?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a component written in C# which exposes an event which the clients can Handle. I would like know how to handle this event in VB.Net?

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