C# - .NET Code To Execute Only When In Debug Configuration?

Aug 4, 2010

I have some code that access an API out on the web. One of the API's parameters allows me to let them know that I am testing.I would like to only set this parameter in my code when I am testing. Currently, I just comment the code out when I do a release build. Is there an automatic way of doing this based on the build configuration?

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Can't Set Debug Configuration

Jan 23, 2010

How do I select DEBUG or RELEASE configuration in Visual Basic 2008?The drop down list Project > Properties > Compile > Configuration that was in Visual Basic 2005 is gone from Visual Basic 2008.software developer

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Changing Project Build Configuration To Debug Mode?

Jul 31, 2009

From my DLL project I have succeded in making AutoCAD launch by pressing F5 from VB.net IDE (Visual Studio 2008) en route to try to make debugging of the DLL easier ...

... however one last obstacle is currently in the way and the obstacle is that for some reason when I hit F5 and AutoCAD is launched my breakpoints are not recognized at all... and program runs from start to finish instead of allowing me to debug ...

It issues a strange message which says "The following module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information... to debug this module, change its project build configuration to Debug mode..." and it is all weird because as far as I know I am not in release mode .. but in debug mode (anyhow I am relatively new to Visual Studio .NET so I am thinking that my impression could be that I am in debug mode when in actuality I maybe in release mode)...

Here is why I think I am debug mode ...

1. From Solution explorer ... when I click on the Solution Name and view its properties ... the Active config property says Debug|Any CPU

2. When I look at the properties of the project and look at the compile tab it says that the Configuration is Active (Debug) and under Platform it says Active (Any CPU).

3. Under the Advanced Compile Options of Compile Tab from project properties ... Enable optimizations is UNchecked ...

Anyhow with all the settings mentioned above it seems that I have everything okay but then the message above proves otherwise ... and so at this point I know that I am still missing something ... like a setting somewhere... wondering what else do you think am I still missing?

As additional info...there are seven projects in the solution and it is the main one (the one that I set as startup project) whose properties I refer to in all the paragraphs above.

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VS2005 Error On Execute, Correct In Debug Mode On Some Computers?

Aug 4, 2010

It read some data from a database and put the result into a word document. In this document is a blanc table with a bookmark to indicate the start position.In debugmode this works fine and after distributing thsi is still working fine.A user called me to say that the word document was a complete mess. I ran the application in production mode and yes it is a complete mess. Because the bookmark is not found, the data will be enterd into the wrong column.When i return to debug mode, the apllication is still correct and the result on the word document is good. Behalf of this, there are users who don't have this problem at all.

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Log Debug Information In "Release" Configuration?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a project written in Visual Basic.NET and at each action I do have a statement for handling the exceptions (if any) :

{what to do}
Catch exc As Exception
lib.WriteToLog("text", lib.GetLine(exc.ToString()))
End Try

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Code To Load The Already Compiled Yahoo Files To Execute The Code Again, Without Having To Recompile The Code?

Dec 8, 2011

I have some code to execute code at runtime...

Here is the main

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text.Trim <> "" Then
If TextBox2.Text.Trim <> "" Then


When the button is pressed, it all works and the following files are created: yahoo.dll and yahoo.pdb My question is this: What is the code to load the already compiled yahoo files to execute the code again, without having to recompile the code?

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Set Namespace Of A Web Service In Configuration Instead Of Code?

Jun 16, 2010

Currently we're using in [code]... to set the namespace, can this be done in web.config, instead? I've looked but can't find where?

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'ConfigurationManager' Is Not A Member Of 'Configuration' Even When A Reference To System.Configuration.dll Is Added To Project?

Nov 16, 2010

Receive 'ConfigurationManager' is not a member of 'Configuration' in VS2008.I read all of the topics in the forum about this error Tried adding areference to System.Configuration.dll to the project and an "Imports System.Configuration" to the vb file.Still get an error

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Configuration Code That Uses CodeBase Tag With A Binding Redirect

Mar 24, 2010

Can anyone post some example code for an App.config file that uses a binding redirect with the CodeBase tag and an href attribute that points to a file system location? I can't use a standard binding redirect because it is a 3rd party dll that includes the version number in the dll name.

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Modify Code - Get The Configuration Error And Also The Form Doesnt Load ?

Sep 6, 2009

I got the below code from Deborah Kurata one of the msdn moderator on her webpage. Her code is to save the form size at runtime but i would like to modify it to save the buttons which i have dragged and drop. I tried to modify the code but i tend to when i put the Dim theButton = DirectCast(sender, Button) under the form load method. It put there cannot cast object. something like that.

Public Class Form1
Dim tm As New Timer
Dim Index As Integer = 0[code].................

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Autogenerate/compile Code On-the-fly At Runtime Based Upon Values (like Key/value Pairs) Parsed Out Of A Configuration File?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a set of classes that mimics enums (see my other questions for specific details/examples). For 90% of my project, I can compile everything in at design time. But the remaining 10% is going to need to be editable w/o re-compiling the project in VS 2010. This remaining 10% will be based on a templated version of my Enums class, but will generate code at runtime, based upon data values sourced in from external configuration files.what my Enums class looks like. The templated fields, per that question, will be the MaxEnums Int32, Names String() array, and Values array, plus each shared implementation of the Enums sub-class (which themselves, represent the Enums that I use elsewhere in my code).I'd like to parse values from a simple text file (INI-style) of key/value pairs:


So that the following code would be generated (and compiled) at runtime (comments/supporting code stripped to reduce question size):

Friend Shared ReadOnly MaxEnums As Int32 = 3
Private Shared ReadOnly _Names As String() = New String() _
{"enum_one", "enum_two", "enum_three"}


I'm certain this would need to be generated in MSIL code, and I know from reading that the two components to look at are CodeDom and Reflection.Emit, but I was wondering if anyone had working examples (or pointers to working examples) versus really long articles. I'm a hands-on learner, so I have to have example code to play with.

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Execute A Code After Every 5 Min In C#. - C# Dream.In.Code?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to execute a code after every 5 min.I am trying to develop the application in .net and using the C# as a backend language.My basic requirement is a C# code which executes after every 5min which i click a start button on my .net form.

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Code Being Executed But Not Being Able To Debug It

Jul 30, 2009

I have a hashtable of a class that contains a timer. When this timer elapses x amount of time, it calls a subroutine within the class. This subroutine calls several other functions and subroutines and then its done until the timer elapses again. Now one of the subroutines updates a label on the form and i can see that happening when its supposed to. There is another subroutine that should be updating another label but it is not. I believe this would be a simple correction but when i set a debug point on the routine it does not work. I'm not going to post the code for this as it is hundreds of lines of code and its probably just a configuration in the IDE that got changed somehow.

I run break points around the rest of the project just fine, even in other classes that use timers. Does anyone else have this problem of code being executed but not being able to debug it?

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Changes In Code But When I Do Debug It Doesn't Show The Changes?

Sep 14, 2010

I have made some changes in my code but when i do debug it doesn't show the changes.For example: In my code i create a simple text file in "C" drive.I have change the path to the desktop and when i do debug it still create it in the "C" drive.

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VS 2008 Can't Debug Code Within A Thread

Sep 1, 2009

I am going nuts here. First time trying to debug an app that uses threads. I have a console application with a thread that calls Sub (Sub A) from a thread. I have been able to get the debugger to stop on breakpoints in Sub A by setting the condition to "Test" = Thread.CurrentThread.Name (and naming the thread "Test") Using a normal breakpoint does nothing.

However, in Sub A after it hits the breakpoint, any stepping (F10, F11) causes the Sub and app to exit instead of going to the next line of code.There is an IF / ELSE statement in Sub A. I have put a System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine statement in both the IF / ELSE blocks, yet none of this code executes. Sub A calls a webservice, so I initially thought something might have been crashing in that, so I tried running Sub A without using a separate thread and everything works as expected. Do I need to change some setting in VS2008's debugger?

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[2005] Can't Debug / Step Through Code

Feb 25, 2009

A problem has started recently - I'm developing an ASP.NET application and when I click 'Start Debugging', it builds and opens a web page, but not where I can set breakpoints or step through the code. From within Visual Studio, it looks as if it's not running after the web page opens.

If I restart the computer, it works the first time or 2, but after a while it starts doing that again. Also, I'm using RDP to access my work computer to do my work. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, because I didn't notice this happening the last time I went to the office.

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How To Execute Exe Via Code

Jun 25, 2010

for example there is a file named abc.exe in c:

what would be the code for executing this file?

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Get Errors When Run Code / Program Starts When Debug

May 8, 2011

I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong. I need to convert Me.xCommissionLabel.Text = Format(Me.xCommissionLabel.Text, "currency") to a toString, so it displays a dollar sign, 2 decimal places. so I did this. Me.xCommissionLabel.Text = commissionLabel.ToString(CType("C", IFormatProvider))When I run the program and input the data I get: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Commission Project.exe. [code]

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Testing If Code Executes In Debug Mode?

Aug 12, 2009

How can i test that the code executes in debug mode.

Here is what i would like to do in pseudocode
if not debugMode then
Do something()


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Visual Studio On Win 7 (64 Bit Ver) Won't Allow Debug To Change Code

Jul 28, 2010

I upgrade my computer to win 7 64 bit and run visual studio 2008, When I try to debug my old dotnet application (orgiinal from XP) it wont allow me to change any code while stop and debug. It said 'Change to 64 bit application is not allowed.

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.net - C# How To Add A Code To Execute At Runtime

May 31, 2012

I know this requirement may seem weired to many of you but it is one of my project requirement.Is it possible to add code in Sp and execute in .Net exe. Like on button click i call one SP that SP returns few line of code and then program execute the code.

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Execute C# / Code At Runtime?

Apr 11, 2011

Been spending some time on Codility.com recently and it crossed my mind; how do they execute the code you have created (Specifically pertaining to C# and VB.NET) ?

What I am basically wondering is how would I take a textbox on a form type some code in it and then run that code? Is this possible without 3rd party tools?

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Execute Code Every X Minutes?

Dec 1, 2010

I need to to make a timer that will execute my code every 30 minutes

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Execute Code On Every Form

Mar 23, 2010

Can anyone think of a clever way to execute a piece of code every time a form opens, application wide? I have an app with about 45 screens, and I don't want to drop code in each form load event.

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Execute Code On Every Form?

May 17, 2010

Can anyone think of a clever way to execute a piece of code every time a form opens, application wide? I have an app with about 45 screens, and I don't want to drop code in each form load event.

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Having Code Execute In The Background?

Jan 26, 2009

how to run code "in the background".As a form is loaded into memory I have the following code filling a listbox from a database table with this sub.I read in one of the documents about making code efficient that I could make this execute in the background.The list box is not needed immediately.

Private Sub getReleaseChoices()
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter()
Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(gCnRefString)
Dim ds As New DataSet()


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How To Execute Code Dynamically

Aug 4, 2010

I have an app that allows a user to type in code that can be executed much like vba code in the office world.I currently execute this code with the Proprietary Dexterity code used with MS Dynamics - GP.However, my users need to be able to run outside the Dexterity world.The easy answer is to allow them to type in vb scripting or vb code instead of dex code.However, I can't find an easy way to dynamically execute their code within my methods.CodeCom looked like it could be the answer, but If i'm reading it right, I would have to know what libraries the user is using in their code for vb.Thus, I thought to simply limit them to vb scripting.Unfortunately, I can't find a way to execute vb scripting from within vb, (all the articles are ancient and most links fail - thus I gotta believe there is an easier way).I'm at a deadline where I developed the prototype but trying to use sql statements failed miserably when trying to execute.

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Indicate Which Code To Execute Initially?

May 17, 2009

I am totally new to VB2008, so please bear with this likely dumb question.

I have seen numerous "my first program" tutorial that show you how to create your form, put controls on it, etc. I can get through those just fine.

However, I am wondering: If I compile a set of subroutines into a .exe, how do I indicate which code/sub to execute initially? I am an old school programmer (remember COBOL?), and we always had a starting point; a set of code execute, that initiated execution of other subroutines, functions, etc.

I have dabbled in VBA for Excel, and MS Access, and even those, you indicate in the interface, and menus you create, that first bit of code that brings up the menu, or perhaps the program's main interface.

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Whenever Execute - Code Hangs ?

Nov 15, 2011

When ever i execute this code it hangs ..how to troubleshoot

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO

Partial Class vbIPNexample


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Cannot Debug Some Of The Code In Process W3wp.exe (Debugger Is Not Registered)?

Feb 24, 2012

Attempting to debug a VB.NET Visual Web Part I am receiving the following error message.This error happens straight after I press play and and prior to any of the code in my webpart actually executing. I have tried googling and just thinking through what this error might be referring to but can't come up with anything.

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