C# - Regular Expression - Remove HTML Comment Spanning Multiple Line Breaks?
May 18, 2012
I'm using this script:
http:[url].....To convert some outlook HTML to plain text.It nearly works, the only thing that it leaves behind is the CSS which outlook places in html comment tags <!-- --> in addition to <style> tags (which are removed).This is the original text:
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">[code].....
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Jun 30, 2011
I have the following string:
<TD><!-- 1.91 -->6949<!-- 9.11 --></TD>
I want to end up with:
But instead I end up with just the tags and no information:
This is the regular expression I am using:
RegEx.Replace("<TD><!-- 1.91 -->6949<!-- 9.11 --></TD>","<!--.*-->","")
How to keep the numbers and remove just what the comments.
View 3 Replies
Jun 13, 2012
Can anyone help me with how to use the line continuation with an INSERT Command please. This is my
objCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO CollectionForm" & _
"(Region,District,Circuit,AcademicYear,Term,NameOf School,SchoolCode,Stream,Shift,DateOf,OpeningDays, InstructionalDays,EnrolKg1Boys)" & [code].....
View 4 Replies
Sep 16, 2011
Reading XML from asp file and taking the response into javascript variable, we are getting XML with line breaks.
below is the code iam using.[code]...
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Feb 22, 2012
I have created an XML file using streamWriter.. Now, i want to remove the line breaks in my XML file.. Is there a way to accomplish this task.
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Sep 15, 2006
get generic regular expression for my html file ....????? My html is....
View 2 Replies
Sep 14, 2009
I would like to match a certain url from an html page using a regular expression. For example I only want the url that appears after the <h2 header in the html page.basically here is the url I want to match; so what would the regular expression look like.
<h2 style="display: block"><a href="http://url.com/">url</a></h2>
I have matched the href part, but I only need to pull this particular one on the page that appears after the h2 header.
View 14 Replies
Oct 18, 2010
I have a string, for example "lol [-wow-] lol".
I would like to remove the brackets and the content to have something like "lol lol".
View 6 Replies
Mar 24, 2012
I know it may be quite easily for you. i have a text which contains 40 lines, I want to remove lines which starts with a constant text. check below data.
When I used (?mn)[+CMGL:].*($) it removes the whole text , when I use (?mn)[+CMGL:].*(
) , it only leaves the first line.
+CMGL: 0,1,,159
+CMGL: 1,1,,159
View 1 Replies
Mar 26, 2010
I am looking for a regular expression that can convert my font tags (only with size and colour attributes) into span tags with the relevant inline css. This will be done in VB.NET if that helps at all.I also need a regular expression to go the other way as well.To elaborate below is an example of the conversion I am looking for:
<font size="10">some text</font>
To then become:
<span style="font-size:10px;">some text</span>
So converting the tag and putting a "px" at the end of whatever the font size is (I don't need to change/convert the font size, just stick px at the end).The regular expression needs to cope with a font tag that only has a size attribute, only a color attribute, or both:
<font size="10">some text</font>
<font color="#000000">some text</font>
I also need another regular expression to do the opposite conversion. So for example:
<span style="font-size:10px;">some text</span>
Will become:
<font size="10">some text</font>
As before converting the tag but this time removing the "px", I don't need to worry about changing the font size.Again this will also need to cope with the size styling, font styling, and a combination of both:
<span style="font-size:10px;">some text</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">some text</span>
I am extracting basic HTML & text from CDATA tags in an XML file and then displaying them on a web-page.The text also appears in a rich-text editor so it can be edited/translated, and then saved back into a new XML file. The XML is then going to be read by a flash file, hence the need to use old-fashioned HTML.
The reason I want to convert this code is mainly for display purposes. In order to show the text sizes correctly and for it to work with my rich text editor they need to be converted to XHTML/inline CSS. The rich text editor will also generate XHTML/inline CSS that I need to convert 'back' to standard HTML before it is saved in the XML file.I know the temptation will be to tell me a number of different ways to set up my code to do what I want but there are so many other permutations I haven't even mentioned which have forced me down this route, so literally all I want to do is convert a string containing standard HTML to XHTML/inline CSS, and then the same but the other way round.
View 6 Replies
Jul 13, 2009
I saw the video from microsoft teaching the techique of programming and found out they can comment multiple line and the same time.
View 2 Replies
Mar 19, 2010
I'm using the code below to take a string and split it up into an array. It will take: Disney Land and make it two separate elements. If the string contains "Disney Land" then it is one element in the array. Works great, however it adds some empty elements to the array each time. So I just iterate over the elements and remove them if they are empty. Is there a tweak to the code below that will prevent those empty elements from occurring?
Private m_Reg As Regex
m_Reg = New Regex("([^""^s]+)s*|""([^""]+)""s*")
Dim rezsplit = m_Reg.Split(criteria)
View 2 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
I have a C# function call which looks something like this:
var res = function ("arg1", // argument# 1
"arg2", // argument# 2
"arg3" // argument# 3
View 4 Replies
Mar 3, 2010
Create a generic label method:
Public Function buildBasicLabel(ByVal labelName As Label, ByVal text As String, ByVal font As Font, ByVal align As Integer)
Dim tmpLabel
For some reason, the label is not lining up with the others once I span it. I'm trying to span it to get all the text to show but once I do, it starts pushing it over. I don't see anywhere where I restrict the size so that shouldn't be the issue.
I tried doing all this in the design and it works just fine. Mimicking the designer code doesn't seem to fix it either unless I'm doing something seriously wrong...
Posting images for clarity. NOTE: The borders are just to show the label alignment and the text should read "Flat-Footed AC"
IMAGE 1: Spanning 1 column (doesn't show all text)
IMAGE 2: Spanning 3 columns (still doesn't show text and you can see it's starting to dis-align)
IMAGE 3: Spanning 6 columns (Still doesn't show text and greatly dis-aligned. It should at least show all the text)
View 1 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I'm having a little trouble deleting multiple lines for a listbox. I know how to remove a single line, which is this: [code]If I change the value for IndexOf to SelectedItems, I get an error stating that -1 is not valid for index.I am guessing this needs to be done using an integer array and a for each but I don't know how to do that. I really never bothered to look much into arrays.
View 1 Replies
Mar 21, 2009
1. i added a datagrid at runtime on a form. i want to bind a datasource to the datagrid in a button's click event handler, but the datagrid doesn't seem to be visible anywhere else outside the form load event where it is declared. how can i find the datagrid control?
2. and another beginner question.. how to i declare a string that spans multipe lines? i tried with the + operator like in c#, but it doesn't work.
View 3 Replies
Aug 1, 2010
I am attempting to remove information from an html file, using known 'tags' (not html tags, just short sequences that only occur where my information is). My code worked fine until part of one tag was on a seperate line. Here's the function I have been using: (OriginalString conatins the HTML file)
View 6 Replies
Apr 10, 2012
I am not a programmer, but instead a business owner who has 97% of my custom built software complete. Unfortunately my developers didn't finish the last bit before moving on to another project. I wanted to point that out as I will most likely ask some novice questions regarding VB.Inside of our software (written on VB.net) we have an e-mail admin section for automated e-mails sent when certain actions occur. These e-mails populate variables/values from the DB before sending. I have noticed that the e-mails work perfectly fine unless I make seemingly simple changes to them. For example, If I add a <p></p> section with text the code breaks and the e-mail doesn't populate correctly, leaving many of the would-be filled in values blank
View 3 Replies
Feb 6, 2011
I have just comment and remove comment with the key combination ctrl + k, then ctrl + c and ctrl + k, then ctrl + u. But I think, I have pressed one time an another key. And I get the small mark in the code. What is this, and how can I get rid of it?[URL]..
View 3 Replies
Apr 19, 2012
I am writing data from a vb project to an XML document. When I recall the data, all the previous notes are coming back as one long line of text. How can I break the lines by submission to the XMl document?
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim AcctNum = txtAcctNum.Text.ToString
'Dim note1 As String = ""
View 1 Replies
Apr 16, 2011
How can i replace a line break with "" so that "linebroken" codes are joined together? I tried:
textbox.text = replace(vbCrLf, "") - it didnt work.
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Oct 22, 2010
If we need to comment more than one line we'll use the following syntax in C#.NET.
/* this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this.dataGridView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView();
this.textBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
View 3 Replies
Nov 27, 2009
I got a program that generates 4 strings which I want to output to a RichTextBox. Getting them there isn't the problem, its getting them on separate lines I am puzzled with. As of right now, they are all just lined up one after the other, which isn't practical for what I need. I simply need 1 output per line, i.e.:
and so on.
How to insert line breaks?
View 1 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
i have a problem in crystal report when i am getting a data from database field that field has 30 words i want that in my report that field should be broke in 10 words each line
View 4 Replies
Aug 23, 2011
How can I replace all types of line breaks (CR, LF and CrLf) using Regex?
Iīve tried different combinations of "
" and "
" but none finds them all.
formatedString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(text, "
", "[Exp 1]")
The following code does the job but it bugs my that I canīt seem to replace the Line Feed using Regexp.
View 3 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
I need to find out if the TextBox control contains a HTML comment but without closing tag. e.g. <!-- content here notice that it's possible that they can enter more than one comments so all of the comments have their closing tag except one (or even more).
I just need to find if there is ONE or more html comments without closing tag.
View 19 Replies
Oct 21, 2011
Regular Expression to count per words and characters in VB.Net. Here's my codes.
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Sep 1, 2010
my interface is like this, i've put 4 text boxes above, followed by a Generate Button in the middle and a multiline text box below the Generate button (please see the attachment)
so all i want is when i click the Generate Button, i want the data entered inside the above 4 text boxes to display in the multiline text box at the bottom in 4 seperate lines and not in 1 row. Also i would like to have some line spaces.
this is the code i used
' This is used to display in Bold
OutputTextBox.Text = "" & TextBox1.Text & ""
' This is used to display TextBox2.Text
Just wondering, is it possible to put some tabs above the big multiline text box at the bottom, say like 4 tabs and each tab consists of a big multiline text box inside it. And then when clicked the Generate Button which displays different data ...
View 19 Replies
Nov 30, 2011
I am reading a field from my database that has line breaks in it and displaying it on an aspx page. I want to maintain the line breaks on the page. I believe this is more of a VB.NET issue than a DB problem. [URL]
So this is what I tried:
If IsDBNull(CourseHours.Value) Then
EventDesription.CourseHours = ""
EventDesription.CourseHours1 = ""
EventDesription.CourseHours2 = ""
EventDesription.CourseHours3 = ""
[Code] .....
I am pretty sure that CourseHours.Value contains the cr-lf's I am looking for. I attached a screen shot of my debugging session. When I query CourseHours.Value I see boxes or squares which I believe is signitying CR-LF. But my split is only ending up with one array element and it is a long string with all the course hours concatenated. What do I need to Split on?
View 8 Replies
Dec 15, 2009
i know in java and other nice languages it's possible to comment out a bunch of lines at the same time. is it possible to do this in vb.net?
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