C# - StreamReader.ReadLine And CR - Server Will Not Return From ReadLine Until A Disconnect
Jul 8, 2009
Am I being dense here? StreamReader.ReadLine states that: A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by a line feed (" "), a carriage return (" ") or a carriage return immediately followed by a line feed (" ")
I am looping through a text file and reading and then parsing each line.. then, inserting into a sql server. The problem is, I am getting every other line. Any thoughts? I read another post on here that is similar and it says that that person was calling the ReadLine twice... which makes sense. I just cannot spot where it is happening.
Private Sub btnUpdateRSR_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdateRSR.Click ' Get RSR File lblStatus.Text = "Getting RSR File" Application.DoEvents()
I need to read Line by Line from a .txt file stored on c:ext.txt. the file has 10 lines which must be read one at the time, random and never the same line. Once this reaches the then line a messagebox should display done and clear the program. What I am stuck is the random part and how to display the random line.
I have a program that is hooked to an external device via rs232. I can send and receive messages to this device just fine using the ReadLine() method of the serial port. This allows me to send a command and wait for a response in a synchronous manner. However, when I start the program I need to check the status of the device. If the device is in a sleep state, off, or on, I send a command and get a response, however, if the machine is unplugged, I get nothing so my program will hang waiting for a response before continuing. I would like to abort the readline after 1 minute and display a message that the external device is not connected or having a problem, etc. and allow the program to load. The command I use to check the device is:
Do Until Mid(balanceStatus, 1,3) = "S S" 'This is the return command that the status is read spBlance.Writeline ("S")
balanceStatus = spBalance.Readline 'This will cause the program to hang if the external device is unavailable[code]....
That readline is causing the program to hang. So I need a way to abort if it exceeds a certain time (around 1 minute). I was trying to use the DataReceived Event of the serial port, but I need to wait for a response before continuing and DataReceived fires on its own thread.If there is a way to abort the thread, I was thinking of doing a timer control.
Retrieving strings from a serial port with ReadLine works fine as long as the line ends with a linefeed chr$(10).However if no more strings are available to be read, Do Loop or For Next hang up waiting for the linefeed which never occurs.I believe using chr$(0) in place of linefeed would still work with strings ending with a linefeed..Just that the linefeed would be output.I have the complete MSDN Library.
I have to work with network program with vb 2010. I'm trying to show the ReadLine stream in label text but it won't show.
Dim tcpCli As TcpClient = tcpList.AcceptTcpClient() 'claiming tcp listener to accept the tcp client Dim ns As NetworkStream = tcpCli.GetStream ' assign ns as network stream and assign as client to get nw stream
Dim fileName As String = fileloc Using reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(fileName) While Not reader.ReadLine() Is Nothing
THe problem is it reads in every other line.I assume its because its reading line one in the 'while' then the next line being stored during the loop....
I have this Private MonthlyStreamReader As StreamReader Private Sub ButtonMonthlyFavorite_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonMonthlyFavorite.Click
and am trying to get that label to work with every item of the combobox. I do not know what property or code of the combobox makes this work correctly, but so far only the first index of the data file gets recognized by the combobox. If I click the next item in the combobox while running the program, it goes to my error message.
When I read a text file as the code below the first line returns as nothing. I checked the text file and it contains 3 lines before the read. After the read the first line is blank the following 2 lines have values.
im using as usual vb express 2010 right now on winxp, but planning to make the programs fully suported on vista & win7.
First heres my structure on public class: Structure cartas Dim numero As Integer
and the richtextbox4.text has paragraphcs or vbnewlines however u wanna call them.
Saving it on a txt file looks like this: 7:John:Marcelo:this is first paragrah[]this is second paragraph[]and this is third
note i use [] to simulate the squareish paragraph thingie that is used in a textfile. since if i try to copy it here, it will automatically convert itself into an actual paragraph.
Anyways when i try to load the file using readline i only get the first paragraph displayed and all the rest of this specific text unexistent.
I am using this code bellow to read each line of a file doing stuff then repeat to the end in a while loop. My problem starts after that since I have to exit this loop then go back to it and start the process all over again 100+ times and I cant go back in since it knows I hit "Nothing" or EOF. Is there a way to do this without opening and closing the record 100+ times??
vb inputRecord1 = inStreamReader1.ReadLine() While (inputRecord1 IsNot Nothing)
When the form load I needed to create a text file into "C:\Program Files\User\User.text" But if the file exist it will read line1, line 2 and line3 of the text in different textboxes Then if I click save, it will write textbox 1 to line 1, textbox2 to line 2 and textbox3 to line 3.How do I do it?
I have been working on a assignment & I'm lost in the woods. I have developed this code that should read in data from a file and store in a Structured array. Most of it works but I'm getting an error that I don't understand & VB Help/Web sites are not making it any clearer to me. The file opens & displays into a List box, so I know that works, I just can't figure out how to read in the data & store it into the Structre array. Code is below.
Option Strict On Imports System.IO Public Class frmMain
I have been working on a assignment & I'm lost in the woods. I have developed this code that should read in data from a file and store in a Structured array. Most of it works but I'm getting an error that I don't understand & VB Help/Web sites are not making it any clearer to me. The file opens & displays into a List box, so I know that works, I just can't figure out how to read in the data & store it into the Structre array. Code is below.
Option Strict On Imports System.IO Public Class frmMain 'Creat a Structure for the Customer Information
Im reading a textfile and outputting the values to a listbox. Now my problem is that i need to do it in alphabetical order and i have to read the file line by line because i have to split each line into 3 array-items and insert each array-item into a separate listbox.
I am downloading page data using the stream reader using readline.I want to concatenate each line into one long string for parsing The below line of code is not working: datajoined =dataline.Insert(datajoined.Length - 1, dataline.Length - 1)My inevitable goal here is to track stream data with a progress bar. But first I must learn to dload page data in chunks.
This function doesnt reads the first letter.I have a text file and i use this method to read a line.. but it doesnt reads the first character and others is fine.. first character of all lines
Private Sub runExe() Dim myProcess As New Process() Dim myProcessStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("mkclean", " --optimize """ & txtSrcFile.Text & """ """ & txtSaveFile.Text & """")
The end of the text document my application is reading is denoted by a character that I cant identify, copy or paste. I attached an image of it so you can see. I have no control over the formatting of the document so I can't change the character. During debugging it shows the same character as shown in the picture, but if I hit the little tack next to where the variable shows then it changes to "f". However, if I try to see if the variable equals "f" it returns false.
I need a bit of advice. I am working on my project with the listbox. I know how to create a source to get the strings from the text file using ReadLine method, but I have no idea how to split the strings in the text file by on the third commas and ignore the other strings while select with the matched strings on the listbox for each row.Here it is an example listbox Here it is an example items on the listbox
random item 1 random item 2 random item 3 random item 4 random item 5
And here it is an example text file.
example strings one, any strings 1, any random strings 1, other strings 1, final end of strings 1 example strings two, any strings 2, any random strings 2, other strings 2, final end of strings 2 example strings three, any strings 3, any random strings 3, other strings 3, final end of strings 3 example strings four, any strings 4, any random strings 4, other strings 4, final end of strings 4 example strings five, any strings 5, any random strings 5, other strings 5, final end of strings 5
The listbox is display the list of an example items, so if I select the "random item 1" item on the listbox, it read the strings through in the text file on the first line to get the strings on the third commas in the same line which it is (any random strings 1) to split it while ignore the other strings (other strings 1, final end of strings 1) that come fourth and fifth commas. So, if I select the "random item 2" item on the listbox, it read the the strings through in the text file on the second line to get the strings on the third commas in the same line which it is (any random strings 2) to split it while ignore the other strings (other strings 2, final end of strings 2) that come fourth and fifth commas and so on...That is what I am trying to achieve by select the each listbox item to get the correct strings for each line in the text file that come on the third commas while to ignore the other strings.
Date TimeTickerSectorOpenHighLowCloseVolumeAsk AskVolBid Bid VolMidSpread Fact1 200802069:30:00AAPL45130.88130.88130.88130.88294028130.93850130.92700130.9250.500000 200802069:30:05AAPL45130.92130.95130.82130.9417294130.95700130.94100130.945-0.200000
Basically I would like to read in this file line by line and separate every every field into a custom variable and then do some processing. So, I would read in the first record and put the data into these fields
date time ticker sector open high ETC
I started coding this using a TEST file that only had two fields name and a number
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:aaple2.txt"
I got an unhandled exception on this line: mNum = objReader.ReadLine
i am trying to write code to assign values from a line of a text file to variables in my program. the problem is that I don't need all the values written in the text file assigned to variables. So. Basically I want to know if there is a way to use "ReadLine" to access specific lines in a text file.
I am running a socket client and need to write some blocking code much like the "Serialport.ReadLine" code which blocks for X amount of time before either throwing a time out exception or returning the string revived. I need to do the same thing with the client socket, basically bloxcking until a CRLF has been detected or a time out has occurred. What is the best way of doing this?
I connect an OPC server, I can get Datas, But when i try to disconnect from server Opc server's clients size does not decrease until program closed.[code]It gives no error. It removes all items from GRP1 but cannot disconnect.
I Have created an application with MySQL as database server.everything goes fine.When i tested the application on multiple system at a time.When i monitored the database server (MySQL) I saw huge number of connection to the database. and all are in sleep mode.I used below code for connecting and closing connection after every query.
'Connection variable declaration Public conn As New MySqlConnection 'Connection Opening command[code]....
But i see huge number of connections in sleep mode at database server.
ok i got this from online source the only problem i found with it is it will not disconnect from the server on a regual basis, now i did some mods on it but nutting to change the way it works i am using vb2008 the server side i have no problem with it. here is the code for the client:
i just can't get it to disconnect on a regular basis only maybe 50/50
Searched quite a bit and am having trouble finding how to have the server catch the client has disconnected. When the server detects the disconmnect it goes bonkers. Would like to Try and Catch ex so I could gracefully handle it.