Using Readline System For Richtextbox Info?

May 13, 2011

im using as usual vb express 2010 right now on winxp, but planning to make the programs fully suported on vista & win7.

First heres my structure on public class:
Structure cartas
Dim numero As Integer


and the richtextbox4.text has paragraphcs or vbnewlines however u wanna call them.

Saving it on a txt file looks like this:
7:John:Marcelo:this is first paragrah[]this is second paragraph[]and this is third

note i use [] to simulate the squareish paragraph thingie that is used in a textfile. since if i try to copy it here, it will automatically convert itself into an actual paragraph.

Anyways when i try to load the file using readline i only get the first paragraph displayed and all the rest of this specific text unexistent.

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C# - StreamReader.ReadLine And CR - Server Will Not Return From ReadLine Until A Disconnect

Jul 8, 2009

Am I being dense here? StreamReader.ReadLine states that: A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by a line feed (" "), a carriage return (" ") or a carriage return immediately followed by a line feed (" ")


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DB/Reporting :: How To Include DB Info In RichTextBox

Jul 27, 2009

I have connected my database to visual basic.I have a form1 which allows me to scroll through all the data in my database (i.e. the name, account no, address etc)My form2 contains a calculation involving payments which involve the previous account.My form3 needs to contain this calculation PLUS the database information in a RichTextBox. My question is how do I include my DB info in a RichTextBox? (i.e how do I pass the information from form1 onto form3)

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Send Info From Three Textboxes And One Richtextbox?

Jun 30, 2009

I'm Making my own email reminder. When a button is clicked it will send info from three textboxes and one richtextbox.But when i get the email, the text arent with spaces between what is typed in the diffirent textboxes.

So etc. "NiceCoolGoBad"
"Nice" is textbox1.
"Cool" is textbox2.
"Go" is textbox3.
"Bad" is richtextbox1.

How can i make my own text between them?


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Program To Send Info's From 3 Textboxes And One Richtextbox?

Jun 30, 2009

When you click a button, i want the program to send info's from 3 textboxes and one richtextbox. Public Sub Email(ByVal Subject1 As String, ByVal Body1 As String, ByVal ToAdd As String, ByVal Acc As String, ByVal Pass As String)'(Subject,Body, Email to be sent to,Email account, Password)Dim smtpServer As New SmtpClient Dim mail As New MailMessage


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Retrieving System Info Via WMI Slow?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm using the below to update a form with system information of a remote machine - it's rather slow at populating the labels, if there a faster method than looping?:

objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "


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Show The System Info Over The Background?

Jun 11, 2011

I've noticed running in a PE environment and seeing the "Nerd Herd" MRI software, I was wondering if anyone can tell me now to recreate this using VB.NET. I want to show the system info over the background if possible.

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PC Info System - How To Retrieve Date And Time Format

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to read the pc system information so that I can retrieve the time and date format.
My code below:
Dim Info As System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo
Info = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat
Retruns in debug: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"

So I have 2 questions;
1) Why is there, a dd after the MMMM.
2) My company has small franchise branch offices round the world - France, USA, etc. What I am trying to do is get the date format so I can decide what country I am in - then when I print out the date on my order labels I can change the date format to suit Americans or Europeans etc.

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Sales System - Creating Receipt With Complete Info Of Purchase?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm working on a sales system. I have a form which consist of all the following information (item code, item name, item price, quantity of item) which is display using a data grid. Data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database (sales database) I'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box. And amount paid will be input in a text box too, my major problem now is how to I create a receipt that will have all this information of the purchase. I have a receipt button. How to get the reciept done.

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Retrieving File Info When The System.IO.FileInfo Struct Doesn't Work

Oct 31, 2008

I have built a recursive file system crawler that amasses file system data from a file share. I use the FileInfo object to get my metrics, however, I am finding that in especially deep file structs, that the ol' 260 character MAX_PATH MS bug crops up ':8-0:'. This puts me in my angry place, since I do not seem to be able to get around it no matter what kind of programmatic tom-foolery I try.

So far, I have tried:- converting to 8.3 format --> no good path + filename STILL is > 260 (believe it or not) - tried to go with a Straight low-level API approach

What I have found is some pretty Sketchy information regarding VB implementation of the kernel32 api's in this regard (just try & find a createfile port for, I couldnt)

Anyway, I guess I was hoping that someone else has run into this pain, and knows how to make a surefire way to get a file's information (size, dates esp), regardless of how long and painful the path may in fact be...

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Jul 10, 2009

I did a conversion of a VB6 project to VB.NET 2005 and some properties of a RichTextBox control weren't upgraded. I was wondering if someone could tell me an alternative or what to do about the following properties of the RichTextBox:

ZOrder - this worked in VB6:
SelColor - this worked in VB6 fo example: formMain.textStatusWindow.SelColor = RGB(207, 73, 10)

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Coloring Syntax In RichTextBox Using System.Web.RegularExpressions.AspCodeRegex?

Feb 14, 2011

I was wondering if it was possible to colorize syntax of, say HTML, inside of a RichTextBox by comparing each word in the current line of text against the collection of words in System.Web.RegularExpressions.AspCodeRegex? I'd imagine that from this question it would be possible?

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How To Set Caret Position In A System.Windows.Forms RichTextBox

Oct 7, 2011

How do I set the caret position in a System.Windows.Forms RichTextBox? ScrollToCaret in not Working. Here are my Registry settings. When I save to the registry, It saves. When I try to get were I left off from the previous read, It leaves me at the beginning of the file and not where I left off. [Code]

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VS 2010 Replace Text With Image (smiley System) In Richtextbox?

Sep 13, 2010

I have big problem with my CHAT app. I want to add smiles but i have some problems. I using transparent Richtextbox, and when i try to use Regex system to replace text with image it work, but everytime other smiles disappearing, i only see last one. Second thing, i want to use GIF animated smiley and this Regex method don't work with all of these my problems. So i need an other way... Can anybody show how to do this

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class TransparentRichTextBox
Inherits RichTextBox


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VS 2010 List(of Class) - System.NullReferenceException Error When Add The Info To The List

Jan 27, 2011

I'm getting System.NullReferenceException error when I try to add the employee info to the Employees list.


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Getting Contents From Readline() Into Arrays?

May 22, 2012

For the most part, my program is working fine, but this procedure is given me issues when used

[URL] I've messed around quite a bit with it and I can't seem to get it to work.. it either freezes the program or spits out an error like:

>{"Index was outside the bounds of the array."}
> System.IndexOutOfRangeException
> Index was outside the bounds of the array.

If I change line 38 to something like (40) from (-1) the program will just hang and eventually an error will pop up because it hasn't responded.

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Readline By Line Project?

Nov 12, 2009

I need to read Line by Line from a .txt file stored on c:ext.txt. the file has 10 lines which must be read one at the time, random and never the same line. Once this reaches the then line a messagebox should display done and clear the program. What I am stuck is the random part and how to display the random line.


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Writing Info To And Getting Info From .text File Using A ListBox's Display

Jul 31, 2010

I am working on a media player, and I would like to setup a local playlist feature. I am using a single ListBox and its "Display-" and "Value-Member" properties. The display is the song's Artist and Name, and the value is the song's file path (i.e 'C:UsersUSERMusicetc.').To write the file path to the .txt file, I believe I can use the following code:[code]

View 18 Replies

Aborting A SerialPort Readline Method?

Nov 20, 2009

I have a program that is hooked to an external device via rs232. I can send and receive messages to this device just fine using the ReadLine() method of the serial port. This allows me to send a command and wait for a response in a synchronous manner. However, when I start the program I need to check the status of the device. If the device is in a sleep state, off, or on, I send a command and get a response, however, if the machine is unplugged, I get nothing so my program will hang waiting for a response before continuing. I would like to abort the readline after 1 minute and display a message that the external device is not connected or having a problem, etc. and allow the program to load. The command I use to check the device is:

Do Until Mid(balanceStatus, 1,3) = "S S" 'This is the return command that the status is read
spBlance.Writeline ("S")

balanceStatus = spBalance.Readline 'This will cause the program to hang if the external device is unavailable[code]....

That readline is causing the program to hang. So I need a way to abort if it exceeds a certain time (around 1 minute). I was trying to use the DataReceived Event of the serial port, but I need to wait for a response before continuing and DataReceived fires on its own thread.If there is a way to abort the thread, I was thinking of doing a timer control.

View 1 Replies - StreamReader ReadLine Is Reading Every Other Line?

May 2, 2012

I am looping through a text file and reading and then parsing each line.. then, inserting into a sql server. The problem is, I am getting every other line. Any thoughts? I read another post on here that is similar and it says that that person was calling the ReadLine twice... which makes sense. I just cannot spot where it is happening.

Private Sub btnUpdateRSR_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdateRSR.Click
' Get RSR File
lblStatus.Text = "Getting RSR File"


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IDE :: Change End Of Line Character Chr$ (10) In ReadLine

Jan 8, 2010

Retrieving strings from a serial port with ReadLine works fine as long as the line ends with a linefeed chr$(10).However if no more strings are available to be read, Do Loop or For Next hang up waiting for the linefeed which never occurs.I believe using chr$(0) in place of linefeed would still work with strings ending with a linefeed..Just that the linefeed would be output.I have the complete MSDN Library.

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Label.text Won't Show The Readline?

Mar 21, 2012

I have to work with network program with vb 2010. I'm trying to show the ReadLine stream in label text but it won't show.

Dim tcpCli As TcpClient = tcpList.AcceptTcpClient() 'claiming tcp listener to accept the tcp client
Dim ns As NetworkStream = tcpCli.GetStream ' assign ns as network stream and assign as client to get nw stream


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Reading Lines In File Using Readline?

Feb 16, 2011

I use this code to read in a text file:


Dim fileName As String = fileloc
Using reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(fileName)
While Not reader.ReadLine() Is Nothing


THe problem is it reads in every other line.I assume its because its reading line one in the 'while' then the next line being stored during the loop....

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Readline Order And Connecting It To A Combobox?

Apr 19, 2012

I have this Private MonthlyStreamReader As StreamReader Private Sub ButtonMonthlyFavorite_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonMonthlyFavorite.Click


and am trying to get that label to work with every item of the combobox. I do not know what property or code of the combobox makes this work correctly, but so far only the first index of the data file gets recognized by the combobox. If I click the next item in the combobox while running the program, it goes to my error message.

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Text File Read (Readline)

Mar 11, 2010

When I read a text file as the code below the first line returns as nothing. I checked the text file and it contains 3 lines before the read. After the read the first line is blank the following 2 lines have values.


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VS 2005 ReadLine() While (inputRecord1 IsNot Nothing)?

Aug 22, 2009

I am using this code bellow to read each line of a file doing stuff then repeat to the end in a while loop. My problem starts after that since I have to exit this loop then go back to it and start the process all over again 100+ times and I cant go back in since it knows I hit "Nothing" or EOF. Is there a way to do this without opening and closing the record 100+ times??

inputRecord1 = inStreamReader1.ReadLine()
While (inputRecord1 IsNot Nothing)

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Create Quick Info And/or Parameter Info For Own Code?

Jul 23, 2009

how to create Quick info and/or parameter info for own code?

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Read Info From A Text File And Add Info To A ListBox?

Jun 22, 2011

I am making a program, obviously, and I require some assistance. I found an explanation on how to read information from a Text file and have modified it for my needs. Here is my (modded) version:

Public Function GetInfo(ByVal playlistname As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlaylistInfo As String


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VS 2008 Add More Than 1 Info In A Database, But The Rest Of The Info Stays The Same?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm making a database app. I've finish the search, add new, and add function. What I'm trying to do is to expand the functionality of the add new item function.

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VS 2010 - Fill Out A Form With Certain Info, Put The Info Into An Array?

Nov 17, 2011

I am trying to do is fill out a form with certain info, put the info into an array, and write it to a listbox using loops, arrays, and maybe a function if I need one. This is for VB2010 and here is what I have so far... I think there are ways to make it shorter but I cannot figure it out.... maybe just brain dead from all the coffee I have been drinking!


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