Sales System - Creating Receipt With Complete Info Of Purchase?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm working on a sales system. I have a form which consist of all the following information (item code, item name, item price, quantity of item) which is display using a data grid. Data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database (sales database) I'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box. And amount paid will be input in a text box too, my major problem now is how to I create a receipt that will have all this information of the purchase. I have a receipt button. How to get the reciept done.

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Creating A Code To Populate Columner Entries Of A Purchase / Sales Register

Dec 8, 2010

i m new to programming sector... i m creating a code to populate columner entries of a purchase / sales register. [code]

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Creating A POS (point Of Sales) System

Dec 15, 2011

I have just finished college and I am awaiting my exam date. I have created some desktop applications for my portfolio, but now I want to create a Point of Sales (POS) system to add to the list.I notice in supermarkets and various shops that POS systems use touch screen monitors to interact with the program.My first question is, do I need to use different code or controls in my applications so they can be used with touch screen monitors.I have created an application for hotels for booking rooms (not for a client, just as a demo project), but if there is anyone out there who could give me some pointers on how to create the POS system.I will be doing some research and I will start designing some controls over the next few days. I am looking forward to getting this project started.

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Cash Bill Print For Sales Receipt?

Jan 14, 2010

I want to try to make a program for the Bill Print.

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Creating Sales Tracking Program

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to creat a program that tracks the sales of five products all with different monetary values. I'm trying to display the total number of each product sold, a combined total of products sold, and the total sales value. So far I'm only outputing the value of one of each product, I think there is a problem with the loop somehow. [code]

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Creating Sales Tracking Program?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm trying to creat a program that tracks the sales of five products all with different monetary values. I'm trying to display the total number of each product sold, acombined total of products sold, and the total sales value. So far I'm only outputing the value of one of each product, I think there is a problem with the loop somehow.

Public Class MailOrder
Private product1 As Decimal = 2.98 ' product number 1
Private product2 As Decimal = 4.5 ' product number 2


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Creating A Sales Tax Program In Visual Basics?

Nov 13, 2011

Assume a grocery store approached you to write a simple program that calculates total sales of purchases. The program should accept item costs as input, calculate the tax on each item (8%), then display the item cost, total cost, and total after taxes. Item costs will be added to a listbox while the total without the taxes will be displayed in a label, the tax amount in another label, and finally, the total cost (items cost + tax) in a third label. this is the problem I have to program for,

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Press The Calculate Button It Somes Up With Sales Totals And Sales Commissions?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to get a function so when i press the calculate button it somes up with sales totals and sales commissions. this is just a simple project i just cant find the answer.

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System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes Faills (Insufficient System Resources Exist To Complete The Requested Service)?

Dec 17, 2007

In a windows forms application I am attempting to read a file from a share into a filestream.I then start impersonating and write the stream to another share that only my impersonation account has access to.This works fine for small files. But if I attempt this on a 90 meg file I recieve a "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" error on the following line:


Full Example:
Dim ImageData As Byte() = Nothing
Dim fsAttachment As IO.FileStream = Nothing[code].....

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How To Accumulate The Sales Amount And Then Display The Total Sales

Apr 5, 2011

I need my program to output and input a customer ID and sales amount multiple times. I need it to display both outputs, customer ID and sales amount, on mulltiple lines. It also will need to accumulate the sales amount and then display the total sales. it should look something like that.[code...]

I think that I was supposed to use a messagebox but wrote the program a different way. the form.vb was already locked, but I added two text boxs. Not sure if I did this right because I need to enter multiple sales for one customer ID.[code...]

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Make A "sales And Inventory System" With Added Technology?

Nov 21, 2011

im planning to make a "sales and inventory system" with added technology like (barcode/ swipe card <-- this 2 are common) ....

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Could Not Complete Operation On Some Files And Directories (System.IO.IOException)

Apr 11, 2011

I get the following error message when i try to copy a directory using folder dialogue to get the path, into a predestined path. The code is as follows:


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Changing Assembly Info When Creating EXE File?

Jun 2, 2010

First of all let me say im not trying to change the assembly of the main app (done by going to the properties etc..) I have an application which (On press of a button) creates a new file (Newfile.exe) i would like the user to be able to specify the new files version info etc... I have tried a DLL called Flash Dissasembler which I did not like.

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Creating Form That Allow To Get Info From Attached Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I'm really new to any form of VB programming and I am trying to create a form which will allow me to take information from an attached database holding information on:
class names (i.e. Year6 Dragons)
Students names (i.e. Sarah Jessica Parker)
I want the design to look very similar to the form used in MS Access for the query wizard, which will allow me to choose a class and then specific students.

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Creating Tables And Entering Info Database?

Jan 18, 2010

i am creating a booking system for my A2 project but i cant create tables or field in the database and enter information in them. I have created a ms access database in vb but after that im stuck. The database must be created in vb programatically as i get more marks for complex code.

here's my code

Imports ADOX
Module Module1
Sub Main()


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Make A Simple 3 Layer System - 3tier Is For A Longtime Complete Misused By Marketing From Microsoft, 3 Tier

May 28, 2010

How to develop a 3 tier soution saying this. If you want to make a simple 3 layer system (3tier is for a longtime complete misused by marketing from Microsoft, 3 tier needs something like a Unix computer) However, do this: start a Windows Form project, then do 2 times File -> Add New -> Project -> Class Library while you name one DataLayer and the other BusinessLayer. While the DataLayer project is selected, you do Add New Item and take the Component (give it the name DataBaseHandling). Then while that component is open. In top Data -> and than what you want to select, however create in fact the DataSet and Adapter in that.

Don't forget to set in your main project a reference using Poject -> Project too your two datalayers. It is easy and don't need all those images, those you will see pasing by doing this. Try to avoid to use your DataLayer in your BusinessLayer which is often done, because then those layers make in fact no sence. i am not an expert The bussiness and datalayer in the same solution really? And when he said: "While the DataLayer project is selected, you do Add New Item and take the Component (give it the name DataBaseHandling)." What kind of component should i choose? and what about the presentation layer? how to call one layer to the other,

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Retrieving System Info Via WMI Slow?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm using the below to update a form with system information of a remote machine - it's rather slow at populating the labels, if there a faster method than looping?:

objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "


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Show The System Info Over The Background?

Jun 11, 2011

I've noticed running in a PE environment and seeing the "Nerd Herd" MRI software, I was wondering if anyone can tell me now to recreate this using VB.NET. I want to show the system info over the background if possible.

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Using Readline System For Richtextbox Info?

May 13, 2011

im using as usual vb express 2010 right now on winxp, but planning to make the programs fully suported on vista & win7.

First heres my structure on public class:
Structure cartas
Dim numero As Integer


and the richtextbox4.text has paragraphcs or vbnewlines however u wanna call them.

Saving it on a txt file looks like this:
7:John:Marcelo:this is first paragrah[]this is second paragraph[]and this is third

note i use [] to simulate the squareish paragraph thingie that is used in a textfile. since if i try to copy it here, it will automatically convert itself into an actual paragraph.

Anyways when i try to load the file using readline i only get the first paragraph displayed and all the rest of this specific text unexistent.

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PC Info System - How To Retrieve Date And Time Format

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to read the pc system information so that I can retrieve the time and date format.
My code below:
Dim Info As System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo
Info = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat
Retruns in debug: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"

So I have 2 questions;
1) Why is there, a dd after the MMMM.
2) My company has small franchise branch offices round the world - France, USA, etc. What I am trying to do is get the date format so I can decide what country I am in - then when I print out the date on my order labels I can change the date format to suit Americans or Europeans etc.

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Find Sample System With Complete Flow, Database Structure And Data Flow?

Jul 21, 2009

where to find sample system with complete flow, database structure and data flow.. just for reference purpose.. system like inventory, payroll, accounting, billing and etc..

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Way To Purchase Program

Aug 21, 2009

I'm a total beginner and want to know how one would purchase

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Retrieving File Info When The System.IO.FileInfo Struct Doesn't Work

Oct 31, 2008

I have built a recursive file system crawler that amasses file system data from a file share. I use the FileInfo object to get my metrics, however, I am finding that in especially deep file structs, that the ol' 260 character MAX_PATH MS bug crops up ':8-0:'. This puts me in my angry place, since I do not seem to be able to get around it no matter what kind of programmatic tom-foolery I try.

So far, I have tried:- converting to 8.3 format --> no good path + filename STILL is > 260 (believe it or not) - tried to go with a Straight low-level API approach

What I have found is some pretty Sketchy information regarding VB implementation of the kernel32 api's in this regard (just try & find a createfile port for, I couldnt)

Anyway, I guess I was hoping that someone else has run into this pain, and knows how to make a surefire way to get a file's information (size, dates esp), regardless of how long and painful the path may in fact be...

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What Software to Purchase For VB to Start Off?

Jul 26, 2011

I would like to learn to be a Visual Basic Programmer. What software and where would I purchase VB to start off? Also, can anyone suggest good training books for newcomers?

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Create A Purchase Order In Dynamics GP

Aug 25, 2011

My main question is what fields are required for creating a PO using the web services. I keep getting an exception, so I feel like im leaving some info out. [code]

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Programmatically Purchase From A Website In C# Or Javascript

May 20, 2011

I'm trying to create a website that can help a user purchase items from other websites. What would be the best way to go about doing this? I know most of the sites I'm using are sending their information using FORM:POST, but I'm having trouble finding the exact POST packet in fiddler (I'm assuming it's encrypted?), and know that a lot of the sites are using login credentials, so that complicates things a bit.


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Create A Purchase Order In Dynamics GP 2010 Using The Webservices?

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to create a purchase order in Dynamics GP 2010 using the webservices. I get the following error VendorItemNumber not setup for ItemKey First off, I am not sure what that error actually means. Second off, I am not sure why I am getting it. My code is below.

Public Sub PO()
Dim context As Context
Dim purchaseOrderKey As PurchaseTransactionKey
Dim vendorKey As VendorKey


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VS 2010 Developing Software That A User Will Purchase In Modules?

Jul 15, 2010

Im thinking of developing software that a user will purchase in modules.So they would buy the basic package, then if they want this feature, they purchase that and then they install that onto the basic package.

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Making A Printable Purchase Order Form Using Crystal Report?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm making a printable Purchase Order form using Crystal Report. This report retrieves data from two tables. Example, I have fields PONumber,DateofPO,Airline,DateofFlight,ETA,ETD from a table called tblFlight. I have fields PassengerName and Rate on another table called tblPassenger. Each PONumber can have multiple passengers. How can I get it so that I'll just be generating one PO that shows the multiple passengers while the rest of the items show only once? I've placed the PONumber and DateofPO on the PageHeader and the rest of the items on the Details section. But right now, on the Details section, if I have 3 passengers, the other fields also show 3 times on the report. Also, I'm considering to make a query but I have a conditional statement on my query, a WHERE clause that retrieves data dynamically. My problem is I'm not sure where to put the query, will it be on the .rpt or just on the Form? NOTE: I'm coding my SQL queries on the application itself, not inside the server, so no stored procedures/functions for me here.

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Purchase Order Database GUI - Retrieve Multiple Table Values?

Dec 7, 2010

i apologize if this isnt up to your developer lingo, i really do lack proper developer/English skills)Just for starters this request is 100% not some student trying to get you guys to finish my project, this is purely for educational and personal information for myself.Scenario: (brief)(i am using Visual Studio 2010)I am wanting to build a project that generates a printable purchase orders report and retreieves and save the entered details to a access Database (MDB).

In the purchase order application im trying to develop i want a user to be able to select existing clients from n table in the access DB. in which will then fill a portion of the CLIENT detail section in the application. i want to then be able to uses these client details to create a unquie purchase order ID containing all client details aswell as the purchase order list for that client this such as products and labor or whatever is inputted in the fields. (I have attached a screen shot of a brief example of the form layout, might give you more idea. - screen shot made in VISIO)


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