C# - Ensure A Windows Form Is "fully" Closed?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a form in a Windows form application that I want to display on top of a main form, close it, and then immediately show a dialog box using MessageBox.Show(). But the first form is still showing when the message box is shown, and it does not disappear until I click OK on the message box. I tried waiting to show the message box in an event handler for the form's VisibleChanged event and even calling Refresh() on both the form and the main form. Is there a way I can determine when the first form has fully disappeared before displaying the message box?

Edit:Here is some code that demonstrates how the forms are being shown.

static class Program
// The main form is shown like this:
static void Main()


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Ensure App Fully Compatible With X64 Win7 Platform?

May 6, 2012

How can I ensure my app fully compatible with x64 Win7 platform? I have a choice of 32 or 64 bit development machines to use.

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Ensure A Form Shows In Front Of All Windows?

Sep 24, 2009

I've written a small program that monitors the customer field in Quickbooks and query's a database to determine if there are any important notes for the selected customer. This works fine however, I either need the messagebox or a form to come to the front of all open windows on the system to inform the user that the selected customer needs to be reviewed.

How can I ensure that a form (or messages box) that opens in my program comes to the front of any and all application windows that are open?

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Popup Closed - Main Form Hidden Behind Other Windows

Oct 26, 2011

Using vb.net. I've got a main form that displays when application is opened. A popup form can then be opened. If there are other windows opened on the desktop, for example windows explorer, then when the popup form is closed, the main form gets hidden behind windows explorer. You have to move windows explorer out of the way to get to the main form. Is there a way to keep this from happening?

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Windows - Drag And Drop - Modal Form Blocks Everything Until It Is Closed

Jun 10, 2011

I am implementing Drag & Drop in windows application. I have Main Form (Has a toolbar with Search, Open, Print etc) - MdiContainer On Search - Open a child - Search form. Drag and Drop a file to a Grid on this search form. In DragDrop event of the Grid - Call a Modal form. I am having trouble here.


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Ensure A Windows Service Is Started

Feb 10, 2010

I have a WCF service being hosted in a Windows Service (using techniques discussed here) and it works great. I'm now writing a (VB.Net) frontend app that needs to call that service, but I don't want my users having to fiddle around with the services snap-in and starting the service manually. Can I write some code to ensure the Windows Service is started, or start it if it isn't?

Edit: OF course, I can ensure the Service startup is set to automatic, but it doesn't need to be running all the time, and even then the frontend app still needs to be sure the service is running and start it if it isn't.

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Form Load Not Fully Executed?

Apr 25, 2010

i got this window is in an mdi form and the form_load event is not fully executed, im on window 7 x64 VB 2008. Here is the code of the form load event
Private Sub frmGestion_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

bd.connexion("TacoBD.mdb") bd.ChargerDataset("tblModelAutoLuxe", "SELECT * FROM tblModelAutoLuxe") For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 lstVehiculesLuxe.Items.Add(bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows(ctr).Item(0)) Next bd.ChargerMarques("tblModelAuto") bd.Deconnexion() For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsMarques.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1


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Hide Form Until Contents Are Fully Loaded?

Aug 29, 2010

the project i am currently working on has a form in it that has quite a few objects that take a couple of seconds to load. Because of that, if i simply use the .show command, the form shows up, but there are a bunch of blank white boxes where the content is still loading, how can i have the form not become visible until ALL of the contents and images inside are fully loaded?

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Make Controls Fully Fit On Form When Expand?

Jul 18, 2010

When i run my program and then click on the 2nd btn on the top-right corner to expand to fit my screen, i find that my control are not auto align to the expand. It also has the same problem when i run my program on other monitor of different size. Is there a way to make the controls auto align?

View 16 Replies

Forms :: Ensure That A Form Stays Completely On-screen?

Sep 10, 2010

how to ensure that a form stays on-screen completely and cannot be dragged outside the bounds of the window.

This is because the user needs to be able to completely see the form without any of it being cut off.

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Make Semi-transparent Form, With Fully Visible Buttons On It?

Jun 24, 2009

How can I make semi-transparent form, with fully visible buttons on it? I'm trying with opacity, but I can't force it to work only with form.(And I need semi-transparent form, so I can't use TransparencyKey)

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Ensure That The Currently Selected Row ID In Parent Table Automatically Appears In Child Form?

Feb 26, 2009

How can I ensure that the currently selected row ID in Parent Table automatically appears in my child form when I create a new row in the Child Form.I am using VB 2008 Express I have a Stored Procedure for the chiled table called "Files" can I do it from there:-

@FileName varchar(50),
@DateCreated varchar(50),


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Unit Testing - Moq + .NET - Will It Be Fully Supported In VS2010 Automatically In Its Current Form

Mar 11, 2010

We are looking to make a final decision on our Mocking framework. After trying several, I have fallen in love with Moq. I also love TypeMock - but because we are in the early stages of implementing TDD across the team, we do not want to make such a large investment quite yet. We are using VS 2008 now and are going to move to 2010 as soon as it is released.

So after doing much research I have decided on Moq because it's nearly as good as TypeMock and has super clean syntax, etc. Now here's the problem/question: we are mainly a VB.NET shop but are using C# for all of our CRM implementation code (plugsins, etc). It seems Moq only fully supports C# due to VB.NET lacking Lambda sub routines. Can anyone confirm that when VS2010 comes out Moq will work fully with VB.NET in its current version?

Is anyone here using Moq with VB.NET? w/ 2010? We need to make this decision asap, as we are under tight deadline and do not want to change frameworks again (went from NMock to TypeMock and now want to make final decision and move to Moq) or have 2 separate ones per language...

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Print A Fully Decorated Form having Radio Buttons,combo Box,checkbox And Other Controls In A A4 Sheet?

Oct 20, 2009

I want to print a fully decorated form having radio buttons,combo box,checkbox and so many other controls with vb 2008 in a A4 sheet, I dont want to use print form utility given in power pack since the print resolution are very low.

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VS 2008 - Windows Dialog Forms Hidden But Not Closed

Jan 24, 2010

I am using a Windows Dialog form in my VB 2008 project. I bring up the dialog form no problem with the following
Dim resultNewInc As DialogResult
resultNewInc = frmDialog.ShowDialog()
If resultNewInc = DialogResult.OK Then
...some code here ...
End If

And in the Dialog Form, the OK button has code
Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK

But there is one problem. If I call up the dialog form again, the form controls have the text values that were typed in during the previous instantiation and a class which is part of the form was not disposed. So it looks like the form is being "hidden" and not closed. I tried to use the code form.dispose but it didn't work.

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C# - Log All Windows That Are Closed In Windows?

Dec 27, 2011

I want to make a shell extension or app in .NET that logs all windows that are closed. The log should contain the process name that created a window.

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.net - DataReader Not Closed When Connection Is Closed, Consequences?

May 31, 2011

for example i have this code :

Sub Month()
Dim Conn As New Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection
Dim Cmd As New Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand
With Cmd


What will happen to the datareader when the Connection is closed ( Conn.close)

Will the Cursor that is used by the datareader be freed ? or will it stay open ?

If the cursor that is used by the datareader is still open , when will it be automatically closed ? or should i just closed it manually ?

Will it cause the dreaded "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" ?

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Form Closed When Use RightToLeftLayout?

May 24, 2008

I am making the interface controls on my forms to go from right to left using with RightToLeftLayout and RightToLeft which I have set the properties set to true. When I run the application and I open another form on the same application that I am using, I click the button to set the form to go from right to left. When I click the button where the code are running, it close one form as it leave the one other form running. There is no code like Me.Close() that required to close one form. I am using Me.RightToLeftLayout = True,

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Cannot Delete File - Still In Use After Form Closed

Jan 10, 2012

I am trying to delete a file after viewing it. I loosely copied the code from [URL]. The problem I am running into is the filename I am passing is still in use after I close this form. How to get id where the file is being held open. Here is the relevant portion of the code. This is how I am opening it

Private Sub TifViewer_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
PicImage.ImageLocation = PassedImage
PicImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
'Sets the tiff file as an image object.
[Code] .....

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Close Application When Any Form Is Closed?

Jun 8, 2009

I have multiple forms in my VB.NET application. How do I make it so that any form I close will terminate the application?

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Detect When A Child Form As Been Closed?

Aug 13, 2010

I need a way to detect when a child form has been closed. I've created an MdiWindowList thing (but in the form of a toolbar with buttons, similarly to the Windows taskbar), and everything works great, but the method I have for refreshing the taskbar's windows has to be called when a child form closes. I've trying calling the method from the child's Form_Closing event, but there's a slight lag so whenever there's more than 1 window open the first one gets skipped (then the others close properly, since the taskbar is being refreshed first before the form actually closes).

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Form Closed And Item Combobox?

Nov 15, 2011

And this problem:+ I have 2 form. - Form 1 have 3 combobox with some item load from database Access.- Form 2 load data when change item at combobox form 1.

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Form.Show() Won't Work After Closed

Oct 29, 2011

Using VB Express 2010 in windows XP Pro 64.

A ListBox shows the project forms names.
On ListBox_DoubleClick
For Each F As Form In xFormCollection


Works fine the first time but after closing the form opened by the DC, if I try to open it again, throws an exception "Cannot access a disposed object".

Since I can still access any other form not previously showed I guess that the closing changes a status that allowed the form to be .Show, there is no F.Load , F.Activate after the exception doesn't seem to do anything. What should I do?

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How To Check If Form Open Or Has Been Closed

Sep 1, 2009

I need to know if a form2 is already open when a button1 on form1 is clicked. I found the following code which fails when I open form2 then close form2. When I click button1 on form1 nothing happens. Is there a way to reset form2 to nothing or is this just wrong?

Sub isFormOpen()
If xmlTest Is Nothing Then
End If
End Subdavidbell

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How To Release Memory After Form Closed

Oct 4, 2011

When a sub runs, it is using up large chunks of memory on every pass. It is loading pics into a listview. The pics are 1 to 2mb each and it is consuming 30-60mb for each one. How to release the memory once I close the form. Is there anything I can do to reduce it?

Private Sub PhotoFrm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For Each ImageStr As String In Images
Dim Extension As String = IO.Path.GetExtension(ImageStr)
Dim fs As New IO.FileStream(ImageStr, IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim br As New IO.BinaryReader(fs)
[Code] .....

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Keep Checkbox Checked On Closed Form

Jul 1, 2009

I have a checkbox on Form2 that will enable an email notification. From Form1, it tests the .Checked property of the Form2 checkbox. What is happening is that the checkbox reverts to unchecked (default at run time) each time the form is closed.

What is the best way to keep the checkbox checked once the form is closed so that it will enable the email notification?

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Methods Are Executed When A Form Closed?

Apr 21, 2009

I want to add some action to my form when it is closed by clicking on the "X" button in the upper right corner of the form.How is this done? I suspect that i must add a handler for some event, but which event is it?

Currently i am using the closing event, but i dont get it to work properly.

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Pass A Variable Even When The Form Is Closed?

Dec 15, 2011

I have two forms with a variable (x) that is set by a trackbar on the second form.

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VS 2008 - How To Get Data From Closed Form

Aug 25, 2010

I have a dialog box with about a dozen combo boxes. How can I access the checked results of the combos once the dialog form is closed?

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Form.Show() Wont Work After Closed?

Nov 15, 2011

Using VB Express 2010 in windows XP Pro 64.

A ListBox shows the project forms names.
On ListBox_DoubleClick
For Each F As Form In xFormCollection


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