Ensure A Form Shows In Front Of All Windows?

Sep 24, 2009

I've written a small program that monitors the customer field in Quickbooks and query's a database to determine if there are any important notes for the selected customer. This works fine however, I either need the messagebox or a form to come to the front of all open windows on the system to inform the user that the selected customer needs to be reviewed.

How can I ensure that a form (or messages box) that opens in my program comes to the front of any and all application windows that are open?

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C# - Ensure A Windows Form Is "fully" Closed?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a form in a Windows form application that I want to display on top of a main form, close it, and then immediately show a dialog box using MessageBox.Show(). But the first form is still showing when the message box is shown, and it does not disappear until I click OK on the message box. I tried waiting to show the message box in an event handler for the form's VisibleChanged event and even calling Refresh() on both the form and the main form. Is there a way I can determine when the first form has fully disappeared before displaying the message box?

Edit:Here is some code that demonstrates how the forms are being shown.

static class Program
// The main form is shown like this:
static void Main()


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VS 2010 Module With Multiple Classes Shows As A Windows Form In Solution Explorer

Mar 29, 2012

I am having this strange thing happen where I have a Module that contains multiple classes in my project. In the Solution Explorer, the module shows up as a Windows Form and if I double click on it to open it, it tries to open the Form Designer. What could be causing VS to think that it is a Windows Form instead of a module?


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Create A Program That Connects To A Database And Shows Table Fields In Listview In Windows Form?

Mar 12, 2010

i am trying to create a program that connects to a database and shows table fields in listview in windows form i manage to do that but i want now to have a button to take the total of a column in a list box ,lets say from the column "money"?

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Ensure A Windows Service Is Started

Feb 10, 2010

I have a WCF service being hosted in a Windows Service (using techniques discussed here) and it works great. I'm now writing a (VB.Net) frontend app that needs to call that service, but I don't want my users having to fiddle around with the services snap-in and starting the service manually. Can I write some code to ensure the Windows Service is started, or start it if it isn't?

Edit: OF course, I can ensure the Service startup is set to automatic, but it doesn't need to be running all the time, and even then the frontend app still needs to be sure the service is running and start it if it isn't.

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[2008] MDI Parent In Front Of Windows Task Bar?

Mar 12, 2009

My MDI parent form sizes itself so that the activity field (with the start button etc) doesnt show. This happens every now and then and I cant figure out why.

Of course I want to see the activity field,

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Forms :: Ensure That A Form Stays Completely On-screen?

Sep 10, 2010

how to ensure that a form stays on-screen completely and cannot be dragged outside the bounds of the window.

This is because the user needs to be able to completely see the form without any of it being cut off.

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Implement Send To Back And Brig To Front In Windows Application?

May 11, 2009

I am Developing one designing tool..in this i have to implement Bring to front and sent to back properties.

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Ensure That The Currently Selected Row ID In Parent Table Automatically Appears In Child Form?

Feb 26, 2009

How can I ensure that the currently selected row ID in Parent Table automatically appears in my child form when I create a new row in the Child Form.I am using VB 2008 Express I have a Stored Procedure for the chiled table called "Files" can I do it from there:-

@FileName varchar(50),
@DateCreated varchar(50),


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Open A Form And Bring The Form To The Front AS Default?

Jun 1, 2011

I've been looking all over the internet, and I couldn't find any decent answers. Obviously, two things to know:1) I'm using VB.2) The Forms are all FULL SCREEN, with the code

Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
Me.TopMost = True


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Bring A Form To The Front As Active Form

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to have any only one form type eg Countries, Projects, or Vendors etc. open at the same time. So, if a user has the Country form open and goes to open it again from the menu I would like the applaication to bring the form to the Front of the MDI container. I have tried a number of things like BringToFront, ActivateMdiChild, etc.


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How To Bring Form In Front Of Another

Apr 10, 2010

This is the
Private Sub OptionsToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
What I am trying to do is when you click on "options" In toolstripMenu. Then the "Options" form comes up in front of the Form1. Where Form1 is the Webbrowser Window Itself. This code doesn't work...

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Bring MDI Child Form To Front?

Jun 13, 2009

I've tried to make an options form for my application using a MDI form with a treeview and child forms. I already know how to show child forms, maximize them, etc.However, when I want to bring a selected child form to the front of the others, it doesn't work.

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Form Not Brought To Front When Dragged

Apr 11, 2012

I have created a list form that gets attached to a main form in VB.NET. This all works fine except that when the main form gets activated, I need the list to be brought to the front as well. I have put in a simple IF function to do this but when I added these lines of code, the main form, as well as the list form now do not get brought to the front until you let go of the mouse button. Obviously this means that if you drag the form, it stays at the back until you let go of the mouse button.

The code that I added is below:
If CRL.Visible = True Then
End If
CRL is the list form.

If I comment out this code again, the main form get brought to the front while dragging but obviously the list form does not. The main form as well as the list form are MDI children.

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Opening Form Causes Another Desktop App To Come To The Front?

Jul 25, 2011

I had started a similar thread http:[url].... in May but got side tracked, tried to resurrect it by posting back to it but not getting any response so I am starting anew.I have a .net 2.0, VS2010 application. I have users that occasionaly have the following occur:

Open my application, do some work, leave it open go to another application, excel, IE, Firefox, outlook come back to my application, open a new form My application form opens but instead of it being on top with the focus some other application that was previously opened (the excel, IE, etc.) pops up the user can minimize the offending application and there is my form or go to the taskbar and select my application and there is the form

This post echos my problem: http:[url]....Although my app is a windows form app.The issue arises if I had been checking my email for example in outlook or I may have had IE open for example, so the other aplications on on the desktop not minimized. Both my app and the Outlook(the other application is not important it happens with any open application) are open on the desktop. I finish checking email, I click on my app to bring it to the foreground. I then click on a button that results in opening another form. My "I am working" form pops up. The main app now ready to display the new form closes the"I am working" form, outlook comes to the foreground and I can then see the new form in my app get displayed behind outlook.

The code flow is my app is opened, a midi child is created in the main app window.a double click on a contol causes a background worker to be started. That background worker opens a form that just shows a spinning ajax control with the words "working" in it. Meanwhile the app is busy prepping a form for display.When the form is ready to be displayed the background worker is cancelled which removes the popup form and then the newly constructed form is displayed.

At first I thought this had something to do with the background worker and a different thread being created but that is not the case.I can replace the background worker with a simple popup of a modeless dialog. Of course any work done in the background worker is not done but the modeless dialog will not block the main app. And when the main app closes the modeless dialog I get the same behavior with the last opened desktop app coming to the foreground and I can see my newly created form popup behind it.

I can of course just as soon as return from the call to close the working form give my app focus but that still results in the other desktop app coming to the foreground briefly and then my app coming to the foreground, not really a solution. With that bit of info it seems that my application is for some reason giving up focus between the time the working form is closed and the main app new form pops up.My code is way to big to post and it involves DB reads so it is just not feasible to post it.I tried recreating the scenario in a much smaller project that really did not represent much of the complexity of my application and could not get the issue reproduced.

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Attach To Windows Service But Shows As Disabled In Available Processes

Aug 20, 2009

I'm trying to attach to a windows service I am running to debug it however the "Available Processes" list under "Attach to Process" it shows as disabled and won't allow me to attach.

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Errorprovider Shows Error On Using Windows Close Button(X)

Mar 20, 2010

Is there any way to turn the damned error provider off when i try to close the form using the windows close button(X). It fires the validation and the user has to fill all the fields before he can close the form..this will be a usability issue because many tend to close the form using the (X) button. i have placed a button for cancel with causes validation to false and it also fires a validation.


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VS 2008 - Drag And Drop - My Form Now Goes In Front

May 16, 2009

How do I make it so that when a user brings an explorer folder on top of my app - so that they can drag and drop a file into a grid control

[edit] - it's actually a listview that they drag into - but that shouldn't matter [/edit]

That when they drop the file my app fires off a AddFile.ShowDialog pop-up form

I want that AddFile form to be in front of the explorer window


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VS 2008 : Show Up A Form In Front Of All Other Opened Apps?

Aug 21, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to show up a form in front of all other opened apps . Exemple : myapp.exe (is under of all those application) internet explorer , photoshop , windows live messenger. On event (for exemple on new message recived) myapp.exe will show up all over other forms.

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VS 2008 Bring The Open Excel Sheet To The Front After Form Finishes?

Mar 18, 2009

I am working on an excel add-in. Currently I have a couple of forms that grabs info from excel, processes and pastes data back into excel.My problem occurs after my form closes (this leaves excel and one other MDI form still open). I need my excel sheet to come to the front for users to view and edit. My MDI form just stays on top even though I just edited the excel doc. I have tried everything I can think of using:

.activesheet etc.
Here is my latest:


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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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Menu Still Shows When Printing Form

Jun 22, 2010

I'm printing a VB.NET form using BitBlt API my code as follows[code]...

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Splash Form Shows But No Controls Appear

Feb 5, 2009

I have a splash form that opens in the following Sub of the main form of the app[code]...

The Splash Form opens and closes fine, but no controls (a text box and a graphic, on a panel) appear on the form. I knew I was probably missing something (this was far easier than anything I found searching), but at least the form opens and closes. The app actually starts with a SubMain, which is only used to control how it opens with it's registered file type.

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Tooltip Only Shows After Click Form?

May 5, 2010

I have a small non mdi form with only 3 controls. The user can select a name of an animal on a listbox and a thumbnail picture of it is shown on the picturebox. There is also a tton.The tooltip on the thumbnail is quite important as left/right click do different actions but for some reason the tooltip will not display unless the user clicks the form.

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VS 2008 SetFocus - Form Never Shows Up

Aug 13, 2010

I am making an app (sorta like a computer lock) that won't let you do anything on your computer until you type in the password. I am using

Public Sub w_setfocus()
Dim f As Boolean
While (1)
f = Me.ContainsFocus()
If f = True Then
f = Me.ContainsFocus()
End If
End While
End Sub
End Class
And w_setfocus is run on form1_load. The problem is, the form then never shows up.

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.NET Form Shows As Code In Design View?

Jul 16, 2009

I was working on a project in vs 2005 and decided to see my project's form in microsoft blend, the form did not show and i closed blend and saved no changes. The next time i open my project in visual studio, my form1 design mode shows me some code for the windows form designer. How can i get my form back as i need to add more controls and change the orientation of some others?

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Designer Window Only Shows Code And No Form

Dec 15, 2010

When I try to open up a form designer, all I see is code and no form! How can I open up the designer, since the code says to modify using the designer and not the code editor?[code]....

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Form Shows Code Not Design Area?

Jul 31, 2009

Something happened to my project and it got all messed up. I am not sure what happened, but the form I was working on only shows the code and not the project itself(where you design it). I am working in VB2008 Express Edition and do not wish to start over. What happened to my form?

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Place A Time/counter On The Form That Shows?

Jul 2, 2011

I've got a project that generates a sql query and returns the results. I want to place a time/counter on the form that shows how long it takes to return the query from the server. Basically to count up in seconds from 0 while that sub is executing. Would threading be the best way to do this or is there another way that I'm missing?

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VS 2008 Visible = False Before The Form Shows Up?

Feb 21, 2011

I got a couple of issues with my windows application VB.Net. I seem to cannot set the form to be invisible before it shows up for a second, there is no option in the properties of a form and also if I set the form to visible = false before the form is loaded it doesn't work.

So this does not work:

Browser.Visible = False

and this does work but the form shows up for a second which I am still not very happy with

Browser.Visible = False

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