Form Not Brought To Front When Dragged

Apr 11, 2012

I have created a list form that gets attached to a main form in VB.NET. This all works fine except that when the main form gets activated, I need the list to be brought to the front as well. I have put in a simple IF function to do this but when I added these lines of code, the main form, as well as the list form now do not get brought to the front until you let go of the mouse button. Obviously this means that if you drag the form, it stays at the back until you let go of the mouse button.

The code that I added is below:
If CRL.Visible = True Then
End If
CRL is the list form.

If I comment out this code again, the main form get brought to the front while dragging but obviously the list form does not. The main form as well as the list form are MDI children.

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Get The List Of Filenames Dragged Into The MDI Form?

Dec 12, 2009

I am creating a text editor in Visual Basic .Net 2005. I want to get the list of filenames dragged into the MDI form. I can't figure out the proper code to do that.

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Using A File After It Has Been Dragged And Dropped Onto A Form?

Mar 18, 2010

I am trying to drag drop an xml file onto a form and then read the file and extract valuesI have got a routine that accepts dropped files onto the form, but i only want files with the extension ".xml" to be accepted, is there a way to only accept certain types of file like a filter?And what is the function for manipulating a file once it has been dropped onto the form? I would like to read the is the code i have that accepts a file onto the form and then i have a routine that i want to read the file from but i don't know where to start with this:

Private Sub picXML_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles picXML.DragDrop
'picXML.Image = the created FCOM table from


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Clicked And Dragged A Picture Into Form - Get It To Be Displayed In A Picturebox?

Feb 16, 2009

i clicked and dragged a picture into my form. How can I get it to be displayed in a picturebox?

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Handle Text Dragged Onto A Button To Open A New Form?

Jul 1, 2010

I want to achieve the following:

The user drags text from any open window not related to my application ( like firefox or word, for example) onto button1 on form1 in my application. when he/she does that, a new form (called form2 that contains a richtextbox) will open and the dragged text is directly copied (or inserted) into the richtextbox of the new form. button1 has allowdrop set to true. Beyond that I don't know how to proceed.

I tried:

e.effects = DragDropEffects.Copy

But it seems it is not enough.

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Open A Form And Bring The Form To The Front AS Default?

Jun 1, 2011

I've been looking all over the internet, and I couldn't find any decent answers. Obviously, two things to know:1) I'm using VB.2) The Forms are all FULL SCREEN, with the code

Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
Me.TopMost = True


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How To Have CPU Statistics Brought Up

May 8, 2012

Just working on a project an wanted to know how to show cpu statics like mem usage, free space ect

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C# - When Does Web.config Get Brought Into The Application

Nov 25, 2009

Can values from web.config be read completely at runtime or does the application make a copy of the current web.config upon initialization.

Essentially, I'm wandering if I make a change to web.config if it will take effect on the users next postback or if they would need to initialize an entirely new page load. In particular, I'm interested in sections of the web.config like sesssionState and when a change to timeout would take effect.

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Save The Last Dragged Button On The Form And Also Detect The Name Of The Last Clicked Button?

Sep 5, 2009

I have already done the creation of button and the dragging of button at runtime already.But now i need to know how do i save the last dragged button on the form and also detect the name of the last clicked lets say i now drag a button to coordinates 25,254. so when i exit the form and the next time i launch it, the button will still be at 25,254. and this one will go on for the number of button i created like 100. so when i launch the form the 100 button will be at the exact position where i last saved them.the second part is lets say i created button1 and button2 on the form in runtime. so when i clicked the first button, it should display button1. and if i clicked on button 2, it should say button2. same goes for like 100buttons.


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Bring A Form To The Front As Active Form

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to have any only one form type eg Countries, Projects, or Vendors etc. open at the same time. So, if a user has the Country form open and goes to open it again from the menu I would like the applaication to bring the form to the Front of the MDI container. I have tried a number of things like BringToFront, ActivateMdiChild, etc.


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How To Bring Form In Front Of Another

Apr 10, 2010

This is the
Private Sub OptionsToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
What I am trying to do is when you click on "options" In toolstripMenu. Then the "Options" form comes up in front of the Form1. Where Form1 is the Webbrowser Window Itself. This code doesn't work...

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VS 2008 Alert When A Specific Application Is Brought To Top?

Sep 7, 2009

Is there any way in vb .net to trigger events when a specific application's window is brought to top?

As in, imagining that there's some program that at times pops his window up and I want to make a program of my own that will also produce a sound when that happens, is this viable?

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Bring MDI Child Form To Front?

Jun 13, 2009

I've tried to make an options form for my application using a MDI form with a treeview and child forms. I already know how to show child forms, maximize them, etc.However, when I want to bring a selected child form to the front of the others, it doesn't work.

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Opening Form Causes Another Desktop App To Come To The Front?

Jul 25, 2011

I had started a similar thread http:[url].... in May but got side tracked, tried to resurrect it by posting back to it but not getting any response so I am starting anew.I have a .net 2.0, VS2010 application. I have users that occasionaly have the following occur:

Open my application, do some work, leave it open go to another application, excel, IE, Firefox, outlook come back to my application, open a new form My application form opens but instead of it being on top with the focus some other application that was previously opened (the excel, IE, etc.) pops up the user can minimize the offending application and there is my form or go to the taskbar and select my application and there is the form

This post echos my problem: http:[url]....Although my app is a windows form app.The issue arises if I had been checking my email for example in outlook or I may have had IE open for example, so the other aplications on on the desktop not minimized. Both my app and the Outlook(the other application is not important it happens with any open application) are open on the desktop. I finish checking email, I click on my app to bring it to the foreground. I then click on a button that results in opening another form. My "I am working" form pops up. The main app now ready to display the new form closes the"I am working" form, outlook comes to the foreground and I can then see the new form in my app get displayed behind outlook.

The code flow is my app is opened, a midi child is created in the main app window.a double click on a contol causes a background worker to be started. That background worker opens a form that just shows a spinning ajax control with the words "working" in it. Meanwhile the app is busy prepping a form for display.When the form is ready to be displayed the background worker is cancelled which removes the popup form and then the newly constructed form is displayed.

At first I thought this had something to do with the background worker and a different thread being created but that is not the case.I can replace the background worker with a simple popup of a modeless dialog. Of course any work done in the background worker is not done but the modeless dialog will not block the main app. And when the main app closes the modeless dialog I get the same behavior with the last opened desktop app coming to the foreground and I can see my newly created form popup behind it.

I can of course just as soon as return from the call to close the working form give my app focus but that still results in the other desktop app coming to the foreground briefly and then my app coming to the foreground, not really a solution. With that bit of info it seems that my application is for some reason giving up focus between the time the working form is closed and the main app new form pops up.My code is way to big to post and it involves DB reads so it is just not feasible to post it.I tried recreating the scenario in a much smaller project that really did not represent much of the complexity of my application and could not get the issue reproduced.

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Ensure A Form Shows In Front Of All Windows?

Sep 24, 2009

I've written a small program that monitors the customer field in Quickbooks and query's a database to determine if there are any important notes for the selected customer. This works fine however, I either need the messagebox or a form to come to the front of all open windows on the system to inform the user that the selected customer needs to be reviewed.

How can I ensure that a form (or messages box) that opens in my program comes to the front of any and all application windows that are open?

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VS 2008 - Drag And Drop - My Form Now Goes In Front

May 16, 2009

How do I make it so that when a user brings an explorer folder on top of my app - so that they can drag and drop a file into a grid control

[edit] - it's actually a listview that they drag into - but that shouldn't matter [/edit]

That when they drop the file my app fires off a AddFile.ShowDialog pop-up form

I want that AddFile form to be in front of the explorer window


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VS 2008 : Show Up A Form In Front Of All Other Opened Apps?

Aug 21, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to show up a form in front of all other opened apps . Exemple : myapp.exe (is under of all those application) internet explorer , photoshop , windows live messenger. On event (for exemple on new message recived) myapp.exe will show up all over other forms.

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VS 2008 Bring The Open Excel Sheet To The Front After Form Finishes?

Mar 18, 2009

I am working on an excel add-in. Currently I have a couple of forms that grabs info from excel, processes and pastes data back into excel.My problem occurs after my form closes (this leaves excel and one other MDI form still open). I need my excel sheet to come to the front for users to view and edit. My MDI form just stays on top even though I just edited the excel doc. I have tried everything I can think of using:

.activesheet etc.
Here is my latest:


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Get The Dragged Data From A Variable?

Jul 23, 2011

i am creating a text editor, I have a drag and drop feature. the dragged data come from the labels text. I want to get the dat from other source , in a variable. Because the content of my labels text are sentences, I want to show that in only one word.

Here is the code for my drag and drop

Dim rtb As RichTextBox
Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Label1.Text = "hello"
rtb = New RichTextBox With {.AllowDrop = True}


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Way To Synchronize Dragged Controls

Jan 26, 2010

How can i synchronize dragged controls (in my application), so they maintain their relative position to each other? is there some API function or .net method that can do this?

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Retrieving What Image Has Been Dragged To A Picturerbox?

May 26, 2010

I�m having trouble with the picturbox control, my problem in its basic form is:I have a picture Box array consisting of 9 picture boxes each with a different image in loaded at run time these are names 0.jpg to 8.jpg I then have 2 more picture Boxes named ansOne and ansTwo. I have made it so you can drag the images of these numbers to either of these picture Boxes It this next part I�m having trouble with:

I then want to have thoughs images represent a sum so when a button is clicked it adds or multiplies thoughs images together but as numbers ("badly put I know ")I am very unshore of where to start. After the image has been dragged how would I know what image has been dragged and turn that in to its integer equilivent?I had thought of using split string or something similar to just get the number before the .jpg so tried picAnsOne.imageLocation but that throghs a null reference And that�s as far as I have got.

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VS 2010 File Dragged Onto Listbox?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm working on a music player (I'm a beginner), I've gotten the basics down but I've been stuck on something for the last few days.

I'm wanting to have a listbox that (only) music files can be dragged onto, once they are dragged onto it I want the listbox to add it as an item on that listbox. So basically, I'm wondering how to drag items onto listboxes, restrict that to only music files (specifically .wav & .mp3) and have that dragged item be added to the listbox.

PS. I'm making this media player myself, without WMP or DirectSound (I believe it's called).

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Accept Dragged Text To A Notification Control?

Jun 8, 2006

How do you accept dragged text to a notifyicon control? I am aware that the notifyicon control supplied with .net does not have an AllowDrop property nor does it have dragenter or dragdrop events. I'm looking for a way to somehow do this without reinventing the control.

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Create A Panel In WPF That Can Be Dragged Outside The Main Window?

Apr 7, 2010

Trying to replicate the docking controls in Visual Studio 2008. My application replays the RADAR environment for the FAA and I want the ability for dual monitor users to drag the control panels to the other monotor to leave the main canvas clear. This functionality is similar to the way the different panels in VS can be dragged outside of the main window.

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Forms :: Creating Labels That Can Be Dragged Around Dynamically?

May 9, 2010

I'm currently making an application that involves time tables / scheduling. I'm required to generate a timetable for school teaching activities. in this application, I want to display the time slots using labels and I want to enable users to drag them around to place the subject cards in the available slots. I'm even confused with the control to use for the time slots. Right now I'm thinking of using datagridview for the time slot. So I'm trying to drag the labels around and placing them in the datagridview cells.

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Limit File Types Dragged Into Web Browser

Jan 6, 2012

I have a web browser I'm using in my form to which I drag *.CTB files. At present I can drag any file type into the browser can I limit this to CTB file extensions only and if the user ties to drag in any other extension that a message box appears quoting that the file must be ctb extension?

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Listview Drag & Drop - Items Go To End Instead Of Where Dragged

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to set up a listview where I can reorder the items, but no matter what I do the item i drag and drop goes to the end of the listview. I searched and tried to fix this issue but I just can't seem to find a fix.


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Startup Path Of A External Program That Was Dragged Over App?

Jul 27, 2011

Is it possible to get this information from a drag&drop Startup path of a external program that was dragged over my app? The process name of the external program that was dragged over my app? This is what I already got. Private Sub Main_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragDrop


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DragEnter And Running As Admin - Get The File Location From The Item Being Dragged?

Sep 2, 2011

I need to run my program as admin because it accesses the registry on load. Well I wanted to implement a drag and drop feature but have come to find there is a access issue with running as admin and the dragenter event. Is there any known workarounds for this? I have searched all over the place.Just a side note I only need to get the file location from the item being dragged in...

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Created A Page In .Net And Brought That Page Into A FB App?

Dec 5, 2011

I currently have created a page in VB.Net and brought that page into a FB app and now showing that in one of my pages on there.Currently it shows everything to all users, but I would like to only show the intro to non-fans and everything else to fans. I did find an app but the items I am showing are dynamic from my own website.

So that's number 1, 2 is, when they are fans, collect data from them, such as name and email address and profile picture.I found the C# SDK, but way above my head right now.

I tend to work really well with full sample examples, so if you have come across any,

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