Using A File After It Has Been Dragged And Dropped Onto A Form?

Mar 18, 2010

I am trying to drag drop an xml file onto a form and then read the file and extract valuesI have got a routine that accepts dropped files onto the form, but i only want files with the extension ".xml" to be accepted, is there a way to only accept certain types of file like a filter?And what is the function for manipulating a file once it has been dropped onto the form? I would like to read the is the code i have that accepts a file onto the form and then i have a routine that i want to read the file from but i don't know where to start with this:

Private Sub picXML_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles picXML.DragDrop
'picXML.Image = the created FCOM table from


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Component. Event When Dropped On A Form?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm developing a Component. I'd like to do something when the component is dragged from the toolbox and dropped onto a form. For example display an about box.I don't want to annoy the developer by popping up an about box every time he refreshes his display or reloads the form.

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Dropped A MSWINSCK Control Of The Form?

Jan 27, 2012

i created a applicaion dropped a MSWINSCK control of the form.set target CPU to x86 dot net 2.0 build project copy exe and axinterop and interop files for mxwinsock to a client and try and run the applicaiton the application crashes when opened i have been using mswinsock for a couple of years with .net so i know it works... why today it started giving me trouble i cannot understand

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Form Not Brought To Front When Dragged

Apr 11, 2012

I have created a list form that gets attached to a main form in VB.NET. This all works fine except that when the main form gets activated, I need the list to be brought to the front as well. I have put in a simple IF function to do this but when I added these lines of code, the main form, as well as the list form now do not get brought to the front until you let go of the mouse button. Obviously this means that if you drag the form, it stays at the back until you let go of the mouse button.

The code that I added is below:
If CRL.Visible = True Then
End If
CRL is the list form.

If I comment out this code again, the main form get brought to the front while dragging but obviously the list form does not. The main form as well as the list form are MDI children.

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Get The List Of Filenames Dragged Into The MDI Form?

Dec 12, 2009

I am creating a text editor in Visual Basic .Net 2005. I want to get the list of filenames dragged into the MDI form. I can't figure out the proper code to do that.

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Get File Address From File Dropped In Rich Text Box?

May 12, 2011

That title is really confusing I know. But I will try and make sense of this.If you drag a file onto a rich text box, it will add this little watermark-ish thing with the file extensions icon, and the file name.

Is there a way that I can get that files address, upon a certain event?

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Clicked And Dragged A Picture Into Form - Get It To Be Displayed In A Picturebox?

Feb 16, 2009

i clicked and dragged a picture into my form. How can I get it to be displayed in a picturebox?

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Handle Text Dragged Onto A Button To Open A New Form?

Jul 1, 2010

I want to achieve the following:

The user drags text from any open window not related to my application ( like firefox or word, for example) onto button1 on form1 in my application. when he/she does that, a new form (called form2 that contains a richtextbox) will open and the dragged text is directly copied (or inserted) into the richtextbox of the new form. button1 has allowdrop set to true. Beyond that I don't know how to proceed.

I tried:

e.effects = DragDropEffects.Copy

But it seems it is not enough.

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VS 2010 File Dragged Onto Listbox?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm working on a music player (I'm a beginner), I've gotten the basics down but I've been stuck on something for the last few days.

I'm wanting to have a listbox that (only) music files can be dragged onto, once they are dragged onto it I want the listbox to add it as an item on that listbox. So basically, I'm wondering how to drag items onto listboxes, restrict that to only music files (specifically .wav & .mp3) and have that dragged item be added to the listbox.

PS. I'm making this media player myself, without WMP or DirectSound (I believe it's called).

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Limit File Types Dragged Into Web Browser

Jan 6, 2012

I have a web browser I'm using in my form to which I drag *.CTB files. At present I can drag any file type into the browser can I limit this to CTB file extensions only and if the user ties to drag in any other extension that a message box appears quoting that the file must be ctb extension?

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DragEnter And Running As Admin - Get The File Location From The Item Being Dragged?

Sep 2, 2011

I need to run my program as admin because it accesses the registry on load. Well I wanted to implement a drag and drop feature but have come to find there is a access issue with running as admin and the dragenter event. Is there any known workarounds for this? I have searched all over the place.Just a side note I only need to get the file location from the item being dragged in...

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Visual Studio 2010 - .net Application Works With Files Dragged Onto The Exe But Crashes If There's A Space In The File's Path?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm developing an application in You drag any type of file onto the exe, and a window pops up with some options for the file, then it saves the file to a different location, works some SQL magic, etc. It works great for the most part. The only issue I've found is that if the path of the file contains any spaces, the application will crash immediately with the error window:[URl]..I'm using: Private filename as String = Command$ This is located right inside my form's class declaration, not within a sub/function.Without this line, my program runs fine (although useless, without accessing the file).I've also tried (I think this was it, I don't have the code with me at the moment): Private filename as String = Environment.CommandLine So, in, is there a way to drag a file onto an exe and use that path name, even if there are spaces in the path name?

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Save The Last Dragged Button On The Form And Also Detect The Name Of The Last Clicked Button?

Sep 5, 2009

I have already done the creation of button and the dragging of button at runtime already.But now i need to know how do i save the last dragged button on the form and also detect the name of the last clicked lets say i now drag a button to coordinates 25,254. so when i exit the form and the next time i launch it, the button will still be at 25,254. and this one will go on for the number of button i created like 100. so when i launch the form the 100 button will be at the exact position where i last saved them.the second part is lets say i created button1 and button2 on the form in runtime. so when i clicked the first button, it should display button1. and if i clicked on button 2, it should say button2. same goes for like 100buttons.


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Get The File Name Of The File Being Dropped?

Oct 2, 2009

How do I get the file name of the file being dropped?

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Datetime Milliseconds Dropped Off Goingbetween SQL?

May 7, 2012

When the Point of Sale program we use makes a change to a row in the SQL database, it automatically updates the ModificationDateTime for that row, and the precision is in milliseconds. I have another column called "LastSyncDateTime, and when theModificationDateTime is greater than the LastSyncDateTime, it downloads the row, finds the column that got changed, does its thing in my program, then updates the LastSyncDateTime with the same value as the ModificationDateTime so it doesn't repeat itself on the same row.The problem is that when it goes back to update the LastSyncDateTime, it loses the milliseconds precision, so the SQL Stored procedure to download new changes doesn't work ("Give me all the rows where ModificationDateTime <> LastSyncDateTime").

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Need To Force A Redraw When A Key Is Pressed When It Is Dropped Down

Jul 22, 2010

I am using a DrawItem and MeasureItem events to paint a combobox with a DrawMode of OwnerDrawVariable.Basically, I'm trying to have the user highlight a selection with the mouse, and then press the space bar to toggle the Save status of a song list. Then I call the Me.Refresh() event for the form in an attempt to redraw the form and the ComboBox.The problem that I am running into is that only the Combobox itself (not the drop-down area) that is a control on the main form is redrawing, and the text that is behind the mouse-highlighted selection of the drop-down list is not changing from Red to Black as I believe it should. If I move the mouse to another selection, then the color does in fact update.[code]

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Close Locked Files That Are Dropped On A Drop Box?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a PictureBox control (in Form3) that is used is used as a drop box where the user can drag and drop one or more image files at a time. When the user imports files, the form (Form3) will close itself.Meanwhile,the application stores file data in Form1.ListView1.The following is the code that I use for PictureBox's DragDrop event.

Dim s As Array = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
For i = 0 To s.Length - 1[code]....

Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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Dropped Combo Prevents 1st User Click Elsewhere?

Jun 11, 2009

Context=VS.NET 2005, windows forms

I have created a custom combo that automatically drops when the combo receives focus. When the user uses the mouse to click on another control or the Windows Form the combo list is undropped but the click on the other control is never fired. Is there a way to avoid what appears to the user as a need to double click?

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Get The Dragged Data From A Variable?

Jul 23, 2011

i am creating a text editor, I have a drag and drop feature. the dragged data come from the labels text. I want to get the dat from other source , in a variable. Because the content of my labels text are sentences, I want to show that in only one word.

Here is the code for my drag and drop

Dim rtb As RichTextBox
Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Label1.Text = "hello"
rtb = New RichTextBox With {.AllowDrop = True}


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Way To Synchronize Dragged Controls

Jan 26, 2010

How can i synchronize dragged controls (in my application), so they maintain their relative position to each other? is there some API function or .net method that can do this?

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Text Editor - Opening Files When Dropped Onto Program?

Oct 12, 2010

So essentially, I have this text editor. How can I make it so when I drop a text file over it, it opens it in textbox2? Or when I doubleclick on the file, it automatically opens it in my program (in textbox2).

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Wcf - Connection Dropped When Sending Large Response From Web Service

Feb 28, 2012

I have a web service that returns JSON that works fine. Once the response gets to a certain size though, the client browser says that the server has closed the connection and sent no data. This is true using IE, Chrome, or Firefox. The magic size seems to be about 16383 records, or about 1.13MB of data. I know this is slightly large for a web service.


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Retrieving What Image Has Been Dragged To A Picturerbox?

May 26, 2010

I�m having trouble with the picturbox control, my problem in its basic form is:I have a picture Box array consisting of 9 picture boxes each with a different image in loaded at run time these are names 0.jpg to 8.jpg I then have 2 more picture Boxes named ansOne and ansTwo. I have made it so you can drag the images of these numbers to either of these picture Boxes It this next part I�m having trouble with:

I then want to have thoughs images represent a sum so when a button is clicked it adds or multiplies thoughs images together but as numbers ("badly put I know ")I am very unshore of where to start. After the image has been dragged how would I know what image has been dragged and turn that in to its integer equilivent?I had thought of using split string or something similar to just get the number before the .jpg so tried picAnsOne.imageLocation but that throghs a null reference And that�s as far as I have got.

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Conditional Code To Open Different Forms Based On Dropped Text?

Apr 12, 2011

I am new to VB and I have two detail listviews with one full of items that can be droppedinto the other. I have three groups in Listview1 and I would like different forms to open up based on the group each dropped item belongs to. I was able to open Form2 on drop by adding Form2.Show() at the end of the ListView_DragDrop handler sub, but this opens forevery item and I want different forms to open depending on the ListViewGroup the item belongs to.I set the items and groups in the property windows and not in code; I do not know if this makes a difference. So here is the code I have on Form 1 where the listviews are:Public Class Form1

Private Sub ListView_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag, _


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Drag And Drop In VB 2008 - Mouse Button The Text Box Is Not Dropped

Sep 5, 2009

I insert a text box into form1. I move the mouse pointer on top of the text box. I press down on the left mouse button and begin to drag the text box. The problem is when I let go of the mouse button the text box is not dropped. it remain floating around. My only way out of this is to press the escape key which places the text bnox bak to its original location. Thinking that it might be my mouse I tested it in Power point and everything works correctly.

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Windows Service To Import Data From CSV Files Dropped Into A Directory?

Jul 26, 2011

I am writing a Windows service to import data from CSV files dropped into a directory. One of the steps is to load an XML file with validation rules which I load into a List(Of T). It will pull the data, and then I have it pass the list to a class that monitors the folder and processes the files. After that I clear the list and read in the next file configuration. Now I have noticed that the validation rules aren't matching up and it seems that the list is being passed as a reference type even though the signature is of a value type.Is there anything I can do to get around this?


So here when I pass it, at first it will have 3 validation rules in the new ImportService class I created, but when I call fields.Clear(), it wipes out the class member of the ImportService class.

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Accept Dragged Text To A Notification Control?

Jun 8, 2006

How do you accept dragged text to a notifyicon control? I am aware that the notifyicon control supplied with .net does not have an AllowDrop property nor does it have dragenter or dragdrop events. I'm looking for a way to somehow do this without reinventing the control.

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Create A Panel In WPF That Can Be Dragged Outside The Main Window?

Apr 7, 2010

Trying to replicate the docking controls in Visual Studio 2008. My application replays the RADAR environment for the FAA and I want the ability for dual monitor users to drag the control panels to the other monotor to leave the main canvas clear. This functionality is similar to the way the different panels in VS can be dragged outside of the main window.

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Forms :: Creating Labels That Can Be Dragged Around Dynamically?

May 9, 2010

I'm currently making an application that involves time tables / scheduling. I'm required to generate a timetable for school teaching activities. in this application, I want to display the time slots using labels and I want to enable users to drag them around to place the subject cards in the available slots. I'm even confused with the control to use for the time slots. Right now I'm thinking of using datagridview for the time slot. So I'm trying to drag the labels around and placing them in the datagridview cells.

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Listview Drag & Drop - Items Go To End Instead Of Where Dragged

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to set up a listview where I can reorder the items, but no matter what I do the item i drag and drop goes to the end of the listview. I searched and tried to fix this issue but I just can't seem to find a fix.


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