Make Controls Fully Fit On Form When Expand?

Jul 18, 2010

When i run my program and then click on the 2nd btn on the top-right corner to expand to fit my screen, i find that my control are not auto align to the expand. It also has the same problem when i run my program on other monitor of different size. Is there a way to make the controls auto align?

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Print A Fully Decorated Form having Radio Buttons,combo Box,checkbox And Other Controls In A A4 Sheet?

Oct 20, 2009

I want to print a fully decorated form having radio buttons,combo box,checkbox and so many other controls with vb 2008 in a A4 sheet, I dont want to use print form utility given in power pack since the print resolution are very low.

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VS 2008 Make The UI Expand When Changing Size Of Form?

May 4, 2011

Most applications will expand all components if the user change the size of the forms

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Make Semi-transparent Form, With Fully Visible Buttons On It?

Jun 24, 2009

How can I make semi-transparent form, with fully visible buttons on it? I'm trying with opacity, but I can't force it to work only with form.(And I need semi-transparent form, so I can't use TransparencyKey)

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Interface And Graphics :: Make The Contents Of A Form Expand Or Retract In Response To Moving Its Borders By Grabbing Them With The Mouse?

Jan 27, 2011

I have been trying to discover how to make the contents of a form expand or retract in response to moving its borders by grabbing them with the mouse, or by use of the 'Maximise' or 'Restore Down' controls.The explanation in �Help� concerning TableLayoutPanel, Panel, Anchor and Auto size doesn�t help much, especially as it I can�t get it to work.

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VS 2008 .net 2.0 Expand The Width Of A Controls Border?

Jul 15, 2009

how I can expand the border size of a listview control. I would probably need to change the color of it as well.

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PictureBox : Expand It But Not Expand Past Buttons At The Bottom Of The Screen?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a picturebox that I am importing an image to. I need it to expand but not expand past my buttons at the bottom of the screen. When I import the image it takes up the whole screen and covers up my buttons.

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Make A Progress Bar Reset After It's Been Fully Loaded?

May 14, 2010

I am literally BRAND new to VB, I have Vb 2010 express.I have been trying to use [code]The box literally spams, how do I make it only pop up once Also, how do I make a progress bar reset after it's been fully loaded?

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Make The GroupBox Expand Smoothly And Visibly?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a button that when the user clicks slides a GroupBox out. I intend to start with the groupbox hidden and with a width of one and when the button is clicked to make the GroupBox visible and increase the width with a for.. to.. next counter.

However when I run the code all that happens when the button is clicked is after a short time the groupbox appears full size. So the program doesn't "refresh" the view of the GroupBox while the statement is looping.

How can I make the GroupBox expand smoothly and visibly?

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VS 2008 : Make The Radiobutton ON When Webbrowser Is Fully Loaded?

Jul 10, 2011

I wonder how to make the Radiobutton ON when webbrowser is fully loaded, and the Radiobutton OFF when the page is loading. It's like boolen. Im using Webbrowser1.If you do not understand im mean this:

1. Click on a link on a site.

2. The Radiobutton gone OFF.

3. When the page is 100% loaded, the Radiobutton gone ON.

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Need To Set To Make Some Labels Expand Also When Click On Maximize Button?

May 28, 2010

I Have Made A Program That I normally Want To Be Small (520,680). But for someone that has trouble seeing it and wants to expand it, I cannot figure out how to make everything on it also expand when the Forms maximize Button is clicked. Everything stays the same size and moves to the right, top corner.

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Make Controls On Form Resize When Form Resizes?

Nov 21, 2009

How would i make so when the user resizes the form the controls on the form resizes to what ever(ex: form become full screen textbox is full screen.

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VS 2005 The Form Does Not Expand

Aug 7, 2009

I am developing my first application. Now i have 20 exployees records to display.....i am on the 7th record and the form does not allow any more space at the bottom. I checked the "locked" is "false"......i want to display all the records on the same page...

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Form Load Not Fully Executed?

Apr 25, 2010

i got this window is in an mdi form and the form_load event is not fully executed, im on window 7 x64 VB 2008. Here is the code of the form load event
Private Sub frmGestion_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

bd.connexion("TacoBD.mdb") bd.ChargerDataset("tblModelAutoLuxe", "SELECT * FROM tblModelAutoLuxe") For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 lstVehiculesLuxe.Items.Add(bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows(ctr).Item(0)) Next bd.ChargerMarques("tblModelAuto") bd.Deconnexion() For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsMarques.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1


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C# - Make All Controls On A Form Read-only At Once

Sep 1, 2010

Anyone have any have some code to make everything (or even all TextBoxes in a form) read-only all at once without having to set every control to read only individually?

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Make Form Transparent - But Not Controls?

Jul 10, 2010

How can I make a panel on my form not become transparent when the form is set to transparent? I have the form at 80% opacity, but I don't want the panel to be transparent.

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Make Private Controls In A Form?

Jun 23, 2010

make all the controls that i've added to my form (in design time) Private? or do i have to manually open up the .designer.vb and edit it?

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Make The Controls Go Left Or Above The Form?

Jun 16, 2012

if you 'slide' a control to the right or bottom of the form, it acts as it should, if you try it with the top or left, the position values change but their still appear to be stuck at the left or top of the screen. how do i make it so they can 'slide' off the form like you can with the bottom and right of the form

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Make Sure The Webpage Fully Loads Before Executing A Sendkeys Routine Or A Mouse Click Event?

Jul 8, 2009

First, I launch a website in Internet Explorer from and automatically login the user with ther username and password. As soon as the username and password fields are automated, I send "enter" to the website so it goes to the next website. This part works perfectly. However, my problem is that i want to send a mouse click event, which i have already written, to click a hyperlink on the next website page. I tried a few different things, none of which worked. My program is automatically logging in the user and doing the mouse click event at the same time. I have tried to use the "sleep" command, but the mouse click event is still not executing after the second webpage loads. I have tried using nesting "If, then" statements and that has not worked either. Does anyone know how to make sure the webpage fully loads before executing a sendkeys routine or a mouse click event? This is my code thus far:

If (Search.ComboBox1.Text = "IWR") Then
BlockInput(True)'this disables the mouse and keyboard
Dim IE As New Object


There are no errors, everything is just executing all at once instead of letting the second webpage load and then executing the mouse click event.

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Hide Form Until Contents Are Fully Loaded?

Aug 29, 2010

the project i am currently working on has a form in it that has quite a few objects that take a couple of seconds to load. Because of that, if i simply use the .show command, the form shows up, but there are a bunch of blank white boxes where the content is still loading, how can i have the form not become visible until ALL of the contents and images inside are fully loaded?

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Expand A Form At Runtime In .NET To Display More Information?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a form in VB.NET and I would like the user to be able to click a button which will display another form (with the original form still visible).

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Resize Form - Reduce And Expand Image

Nov 30, 2011

For the resize I have a form to reduce and expend image code:
Dim source As New Bitmap(Form1.PictureBox1.Image)
Dim target As New Bitmap(Size.Width, Size.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb)
Using graphics As Graphics = graphics.FromImage(target)
graphics.DrawImage(source, New Size(16, 16))
End Using
As far as I know it resizes but when I save I get the default icon image instead of whats in the picture box?

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Make All Of The Controls Arranged In Windows Form?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a windows form that contains a panel (Hosting panel for X number of panels). The hosting panel AutoScroll property is set to true.I need to create X number of a panels each will have (Lable and three Radio buttons) at run time. The panel controls must be aligned.So I created a loop in my form load event to add the X number of the panels on the form. I used the location X and Y to position the controls on the form. The loop work fine until it reach the point where the controls host panel needs to enable Auto Scrolling which cause the added panels to be shifted to right. The shifting happened once the host panel auto scroll becomes enabled.

Sub frmCapabilities_Load(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e


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Make Controls Visible, Form Invisible?

Jan 27, 2010

I want my form to be invisible but I want the buttons and list-box to still be visible. So basicaly I want a bunch of floating buttons and listboxes on my screen.

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Krypton Form V4.3.2.0 Plus Controls : How To Make App Fast In Speed

Jan 15, 2012

im using krypton free toolkit and we all know the speed is not good?i should try and code in diffrent ways using more apps to do small stuff taking more load of app but just an idea?

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Make Multiple Controls Visible Or Invisible On A Form?

Jun 2, 2011

Still using VS 2005. My concept is to use the same form space to display different "pages", like a "wizard" where you click the [Next] button, and the current UI disappears and a new UI appears. I want to "turn off" multiple controls and "turn on" multiple other controls. Example code: -

Private Sub


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Get A Panel With A Picturebox To Expand When The Maximize Button On The Form Is Clicked On?

May 27, 2010

I am currently working on a program in VB that is 480,600 and am using a panel with a picturebox inside of it so that I can use scroll bars to view a chart in the picturebox since my form will be so small. Since viewing a large chart is pretty irritating using scroll bars to some, what properties can I enable or disable to get the panel and picturbox to expand also when the Form Maximize button is clicked rather than staying the same size up in the top corner?

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How To Make Thread-safe Calls To Windows Form Controls

Sep 20, 2011


In my program, I created a list of a class that contains 5 picture boxes, a button, a label, an identifier, and some other stuff. I've got roughly 65 of these in this list. I'd be stupid to hard code all that in. The identifier is a 2nd way of identifying which specific location I'm working on.

Anways, all this is created at compile time. Works perfectly fine.

I then manually start a background worker that pings a collection of components. Based off the success of those pings, the picture boxes are enabled or disabled. Basically a proactive way to see if a collection of devices over multiple locations are actually working.

It's the background worker that fails because of thread-safe calls.

Private Sub bgwStatus_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bgwStatus.DoWork
Dim status As Integer


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Unit Testing - Moq + .NET - Will It Be Fully Supported In VS2010 Automatically In Its Current Form

Mar 11, 2010

We are looking to make a final decision on our Mocking framework. After trying several, I have fallen in love with Moq. I also love TypeMock - but because we are in the early stages of implementing TDD across the team, we do not want to make such a large investment quite yet. We are using VS 2008 now and are going to move to 2010 as soon as it is released.

So after doing much research I have decided on Moq because it's nearly as good as TypeMock and has super clean syntax, etc. Now here's the problem/question: we are mainly a VB.NET shop but are using C# for all of our CRM implementation code (plugsins, etc). It seems Moq only fully supports C# due to VB.NET lacking Lambda sub routines. Can anyone confirm that when VS2010 comes out Moq will work fully with VB.NET in its current version?

Is anyone here using Moq with VB.NET? w/ 2010? We need to make this decision asap, as we are under tight deadline and do not want to change frameworks again (went from NMock to TypeMock and now want to make final decision and move to Moq) or have 2 separate ones per language...

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Make Assembly FULLY Trusted - Use The Web Browser Control In User Control

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to use the Web Browser control in my vb .net user control. I am using VS 2008. Finally, I will be calling my assembly (.dll) from a web page. I wanted to display the usercontrol with the web browser control inside this web page. The problem is I cannot proceed since the Web browser control cannot be called from a partially trusted assembly. Using VS 2008 I have created a strong name for my class, also added the <Assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()> to the AssemblyInfo. But still the web browser control cannot be seen in my web page. Do you how I can make my assembly fully trusted so that it can access web browser control? If you have used web browser control, can you confirm if this step is really required?!

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