C# - Login Button Style Properties?

Aug 9, 2011

I am using this login control:

<asp:Login runat="server"
id="BlogLogin" UserNameLabelText="Username" TitleText=""
MembershipProvider="EktronMembershipProvider" LoginButtonText="Login" RememberMeText="Remember Me" Font-Bold="true"

and i am trying to set the loginbuttonstyle properties to align to left, since this is aligned to right, by default. I dont see much option here to set the alignment to left.

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Change The Button Style And Button Text Style On Mouse Rollover?

Mar 7, 2009

I am creating an application and am very new to VB. I have 4 buttons on my form which is like my applications main menu. I would like that each of the buttons behaves in the following way when there is a mouse rollover: The Button back color is changed from the default to Red The Button text is changed to Blue, Bold, and increases in font size I would also like all the buttons to go back to their initial state when the mouse leaves.

Another thing, instead of me writing code for each of the buttons event handlers (Mouse Hovers, and Mouse Leaves) is there a way I can write this code once, maybe as a function and then always call it for any button that I create from here on so that any new buttons take on this behaviour.

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FontFamily Name, Style And Size Properties?

May 17, 2009

for example,once the FontFamily name was selected by the end-user how would I be able to show the end-user which FontStyles and FontSizes were available for the selected FontFamilyNamein seperate comboboxes.Again,f you populate a combobox1 that shows the FontFamilyNames available on the system using a For Loop, then I would assume that the sammethod would apply for populating the combobox2and combobox3 with the avaibable FontStyle and FontSize properties respectively.This question is related to a previous question:

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VS 2008 - Adding Style Properties To Excel Column

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to add some style properties to a column but the code I am currently using doesnt seem to work at all?
Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook = oApp.Workbooks.Add()
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet = CType(oWB.Worksheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)
Dim style As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Style
style = oWB.Styles.Add("Style1")
[Code] .....
It's still the same as "default" would look when just opening up excel for the first time.

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Asp.net - Validate User Role During Login Button Click Event In Login Control?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a login control in my asp.net webform i uses the roles manager...i have two roles admin and vendors i want when user enter username and password in login control then on login button click event it validates either the user is admin or vendors if vendor is admin then it will redirect to default.aspx other wise stay on login page with error. ...how to do this using vb.net ?

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C# - Change The Properties Of Login Control Individually

Jul 19, 2011

In asp.net 3.5, I am using a login control which has an id. When i set the id's font to bold, it sets all the fields to bold. for eg., the login control has "Username", "Password" & "Remember Me" and i want to set only the username & password fields bold and leave the remember field to normal.

My code is here -

<asp:Login runat="server"
id="BlogLogin" UserNameLabelText="Username" TitleText=""
MembershipProvider="EktronMembershipProvider" LoginButtonText="Login"


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Button Style Changes Upon Interaction?

Apr 3, 2010

I have a static picture, one for hover, and one for press.is there a way to make the picture change depending on my actions with the button?

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Use Existing Button Style?

Jul 6, 2009

I have created a new Button Template in Blend2 to use the Style in Blend for Others Buttons is no problem, for this i just assign the Button Style with my own Style, and it works perfect. But I would like to use or better say assign the button style via VB Code. For example, I have new Button, and want to assign it with my Button Style called "MyStyle" , I have tried it with using URI and Source, but was not successful.

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Tabcontrol, .net, Tab Button Mouse Over Style?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a vb.net windows forms project with a tabcontrol. Anyone know how to change the style of the tabpage title or "button" when you hover over it with the pointer ?

I guess you can change the colours with: TabControl1.SelectedTab.BackColor = Color.Black

But not sure how to hook up the mouseover to the hovered over tab title/button.

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VS 2005 Button Style Question?

Dec 8, 2009

For some reason I thought you could change the look of a button. such as have it angled to the right or left of something like that.

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C# - Change Button Style In Fileupload Control?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a Fileupload control on my Page. I want to change browse button's style.

<asp:FileUpload runat="server" ID="fuAttachment" CssClass="mediumResolution required"
size="50" Width="100%" />

how can I do that?

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Draw An Aero Style Button In Caption Bar?

Feb 15, 2011

1. I see some programs like babylon 9 that they create a Caption button with custom image.How to do that?

2. How to draw on caption bar on Vista and Xp ? It' not important for me the language,I know both VB and C#.

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Change Button Styles/form Style To Classic Theme?

Apr 11, 2010

Ok i am making a game in visual basic where its 1998 and you have windows 95 and you find time travel software and travel to different time periods with different operating systems...so far i have coded windows 95 and partly windows 98 into the game and have a good time travel sequence... (this will be a completely free game in the future)

Theres just one major problem i have. Whatever operating system you are using for your current computer (windows 7 in my case) the buttons and tabs and everything else (apart from the windows border... or whatever you all it which i made myself) everything has the modern buttons on it.Hes an in game screen shot :As you can see it looks totally horrible... even the start menu has the windows 7 blue glow effect...I recently found another application (universe Sandbox) and it has the classic buttons even though i am using windows 7.how can i actually make my buttons classic? (without making picture boxes of each button)

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Change The Native Scrollbar Style In Application To Custom Style?

Mar 23, 2011

how i can change the native scrollbar style in my application to my custom style. I can adopt a custom scrollbar to attain this purpose but this will not serve my purpose because i want this attribute in entire application. Like it the text in textbox gets longer than its bounds than the scrollbar appers are my custom bar not the formal ones

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Datagridview.cell.style (back To Original Style)?

Apr 12, 2010

I set the cell style progromatically on a condition.. but when that condition is no longer met I want to go back to the grids.cell original (default) style property

if x=y then


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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'Database1' / Login Fails / Login Failed For User 'sa'

Mar 1, 2011

I got the above error when i deploy my web application into windows server 2003. How do i resolve it? [code]

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Forms :: Enter Login Details Login Page Just Refreshes Itself And Login Wasn't Proceed?

Dec 13, 2010

I had a problem with WebBrowser component. Basically, it works improperly when try to log in on one web-site (Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site). I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. I created a simple WebBrowser trying to access the indicated web-site. The problem begins. Well, the website loads, but when you go to the login page (Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site) and try to log in, it doesn't work. I mean, when I enter the login details the login page just refreshes itself and the login wasn't proceed. The same login page appear with every login attempt. The is the current problem!I check with Google, it works. But, it doesn't work with Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site! Why?

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How To Make Login Button

Mar 16, 2011

I am quite new to vb.net. So i might as some idiot question and make some idiotic mistake.Well, this is my problem. I have write the login code for vb. and i was able to make a connection to database everything is fine. but when it come to my if else there i just cant sign in with any account. and anyone pls point out what my mistake is? and let me know how can i solve it. T.Below are my login button coding.It may included some unnecessary coding as well. If possible. Pls point out too.

Private Sub BtmLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtmLogIn.Click
im Username As String = usernametxt.Text


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Change A Button's Properties In A UserControl?

Jul 25, 2011

I must have done something really, really dumb somewhere, but I don't know if I did a really, really dumb VB.Net thing or a really, really dumb Framework thing.I have a dirt simple UserControl - it consists of one Button. Nothing more.


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Class For Round Button With The Same Properties?

Jun 15, 2010

I need a class for round button with the same properties as the regular button.

View 11 Replies

IDE :: Bring Properties Button Back?

Jun 3, 2009

I got used to having Solution explorer toolbar button "Properties" as a very convenient way to access propject properties. This button disappeared in Beta1. I (and likely some other users)

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Click Forum Login Button

Oct 30, 2010

I'm trying to make a program that will automatically log me into a forum. I have the webbrowser control and a button. the site is automatically loaded on form load. I want it to log me in using my username and password when i click the button. I tried it on [URL] to test and worked fine. But for some reason when I try it with my forum it doesn't work. My forum is SMF. It seems that the problem lies with the Login button itself.

I can easily send the username and password to the corresponding boxes but when it comes to clicking the Login button it fails. What makes that Login button different from the Login button of Yahoo other than having a different name? Below is an example of the code I was using. How can I get it to successfully click the SMF Login button?


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Click Login Button In Webbrowser?

Jun 5, 2010

I am trying to log in to [url]... the MSN specifically, and i am able to fill in the username and password box but i can't seem to get vb to click the login button.[code]...

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Clicking Login Button On A Webpage

Mar 5, 2010

I'm having no luck at all clicking the login button of a websiteI frequently spend time on. The login button has no "name or "ID" and I just cannot get it to login. I have my username & password entered in into the sites textboxes and I can see them there but , thats where it sits. my program will not click the button.


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Clicking Login Button On A Webpage?

Feb 28, 2010

I am having trouble getting my form to click the login button on a website. I can get my username and password to load into the sites text boxes but I auto click the button . I have been trying different code for weeks and I have let that button whoop-me. Please Help. This is my main form and my code as of now.

>Private Sub lblPass_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub btnGet_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGet.Click


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VS 2008 Click Login Button?

Jan 15, 2011

I want to login to a website [URL]..I am able to fill the fields of username and password but i am unable to click automatically the login button.It uses flash and javascript so i don't know how to click on it but this is the code i am using as of now..

<div class="log_butt_bl">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="postlogin();" class="log_but1">Login</a>
</div> WebBrowser1.Document.InvokeScript("postlogin()")

Is there something wrong in what i am doing?

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VS 2010 Login When Click On The Button

May 18, 2012

I have VB form1 on the form is 2 textboxes

1) txtusername

2) txtpsw

I also have databaza of access I connected the db with datasource on the form is 1 button too I want to log in when click on the button I wrote this code in button1_click


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C# - A Style That Activates Depending On Another Style?

Dec 24, 2010

I am trying to make a style that only gets applied if the parent element of the element that the style refers to, has another specific style. Kind of like in CSS where you can do ".class1 .class2" to specify that the "class2" theme only applies if it is within an element with the class "class1". I do not wish to use any form of external DLLs or libraries for this task. I want to know if it's possible to implement on my own.

I've tried using MultiTriggers with no luck. I have a style that applies to all TextBlocks. I want the textblock to do the following: If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "PinnedSuggestion", set the foreground color to "#FF505050". If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "Suggestion", set the foreground color to "#FFCCCCCC". The conditions that I have tried to write to make this work, are as follows (the font-size condition is true, but the other one is not). The conditions are inside a style that applies to all textblocks in general.


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Access Each Button's Properties After They Are Dynamically Generated?

Jun 10, 2012

I have dynamically generated some number of buttons. Now i need to manipulate them in such a way that clicking on one button should do something on another button. How to do it? I would prefer the code to be as simple as possible as i am tutoring amateurs.

Private Sub NewButton(ByVal ButtonNumber As Integer)
' set the button properties
btn.Name = "Button" & ButtonNumber


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VS 2010 Default Properties And Design For Button 1

Feb 5, 2011

i've designed mac buttons in vb.net but each project i change the design,propeties and events is there a way to make this design,properties and events the default for any new project.

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