C# To Vb: The **default** Keyword?

May 7, 2011

Possible Duplicate:Default value for generics k so while translating some code from c# to vb, i came across the default keyword, and I'm simply replacing it to nothing.

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User To Select Just Straight To Default Printer With Its Default Settings

Dec 3, 2011

I need to print the contents of 3 textboxs to default printer. what examples I have found dont seem to work. I was trying the documentprint1 component as i thought it would be easy but cant figure out how to tell it what to print the second part is to print a variable (string) to the printer as well.no need for user to select just straight to default printer with its default settings

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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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Own Browser Becoming Default/Editing Internet Default Options?

Jun 9, 2012

I am creating my own browser. I want to make an option...to set as the browser to default.To do that I have to:Write a code which opens html(generally internet) file through my browser(form load event) DoneChange the "open with..." of the .html,.xml.... files Problem I want to change the open with event from my web browser. Actually i want an options form which will ask the user "Do you want to set /Browser name/ to be your default browser?" If yes then it will change the default options of the internet files.

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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.net - Does C# Have A Handles Keyword

May 25, 2011

Protected Sub Menu1_MenuItemClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.MenuEventArgs) Handles Menu1.MenuItemClick
End Sub

In VB.net, we have the Handles keyword, I'm wondering if C# has anything comparable. Or do you have to manually wire all the methods to each control's event (in ASP.NET especially)?

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C# - .Net's With Keyword In Java?

Jun 6, 2011

Possible Duplicate: WITH statement in Java? does anyone know if there is the With Keyword in Java?

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C# - Namespace And Use Keyword

Jul 13, 2010

why use of namespace and use keyword and declaration of namespace

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Extended With-keyword In .NET?

Oct 29, 2010

In my current project everyone names variables and methods after what they are and what they do. This is good for quickly understanding the code, but with a lot of long varible names comes some headaches, such as when copying a dataset to an entity/object. So, while you understand the code, the readability still takes a blow.

veryLongVariableName.Id = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Id
veryLongVariablename.Something = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Something

Using VB.NET's With keyword can help.

With veryLongVariableName
.Id = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Id
.Something = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Something
End With

Now, my question, is there any way of using With, or something similar, but for several variables at the same time? Something like:

With veryLongVariableName As a, datasetVeryLongVariableName as b
a.Id = b.Id
a.Something = b.Something
End With

I'm all for descriptive naming conventions, but they do tend to clutter things. Especially in VB!

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How To Search A Keyword

Oct 26, 2009

I m trying to create a software in vb.net for some genealogists to trace their ancestors History, the users will search for the document in 3 ways

1. reference number from a combo box.
2. By the title of the document.
3. by inserting a keyword from the documents abstract..

i have already loaded the picture. i hav put all in one note pad my reference no., on next line i put my abstract and on the third line i put my path where the document is located.in coding i put all in different array.... making the program read all one by one line wise.i want to make search thru the keyword... means wen user inserts a key word in the textbox the program read all my abstract and then in a drop down it should display the documents that match the keyword.

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New Keyword But Still Gives Error

May 17, 2012

Its work well in windows 7 but when i run project in windows xp its says i must use New keyword but when i use New its gives error at regkey.GetValueNames and RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine and regBaseKey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMyApp", FalseImports Microsoft.Win32[code]...

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Reserved Keyword In .net?

Mar 13, 2012

in C# you'd put a @ in front of a reserved keyword. Is there any equivalent in vb .net?

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Use A Keyword As A Propertyname?

May 3, 2011

I have to serialize/deserialize a class into a JSON string/and return. The JSON Strinig must contain the "error" string (like: {error:"something strange occoured", id:23, result:"xxxxx"}), which specifies the occoured error.

How can i implement a class like:


If i do this, the word 'error' is invalid.

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Use Call Keyword In VB / VBA?

Apr 4, 2010

I use the Call keyword when calling subs in VB/VBA. I know it's optional, but is it better to use it or leave it off? I've always thought it was more explicit, but maybe it's just noise. Also, I read this on another forum: Using the Call keyword is faster because it knows that it is not going to return any values, so it doesn't need to set up any stackspace to make room for the return value.

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VS 2010 Use Of NEW Keyword?

Dec 1, 2011

First off let me say that I am essentially new to VB.NET, i.e; still learning. Also, I hope that this is the right place to post this question. In a Project I have a Class module defined as:

Public Class Def
Public Id As String
Public Meaning As String


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.net - Global Keyword In VB 2005?

Jul 1, 2009

I have to inherit some legacy code in company, which is written in Visual Basic.NET 7.0 (Visual Studio.NET 2002). I don't have much experiences in VB.NET, and this line of code gets me in trouble:

Public Class Global : Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication

Visual Studio gave this error: Error 31Keyword is not valid as an identifier.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopPOManWebApplication1Global.asax.vb414C:...POMan

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Asp.net - What Is Keyword If Page.IsPostBack How Can Use It

May 11, 2011

What is this keyword how can use it?If Page.IsPostBack = False Then

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C# - Region Keyword In Functions

Nov 1, 2011

I generally use to organize codes below lines;

#Region "Comments.."
#End Region

But when I want to use it in the Function, it gives error ("..are not valid within..."). Are there any keyword to make this in the Function or there aren't? [Code]

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C# - Region Keyword In Functions?

Feb 17, 2010

I generally use to organize codes below lines;#Region "Comments.."#End RegionBut when I want to use it in the Function, it gives error ("..are not valid within...").

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Capture The Keyword From The Log File?

Aug 26, 2011

I'm still new in VB.net development environment, i've few of the question may need the advice from you guys to see whether i'm in the right track for the development as below condition:Basically my program wrote from this logics:


2 log files available in C drive that is C:/BSKYB/Prod.txt

and C:/BSKYB_CWE/many of log files in .txt format

Program Flow:

Step 1: The program will read the last sentence Hexa number from the file "Prod.txt"

Step 2: Once the program detecting the keyword like example "abcde" it will go to another folder which is descript in C:/BSKYB_CWE to look at which text files contains the keyword "abcde"

Step 3: this step will capture the whole line the text info like example 1111 abcde

if in this case, once the abcde detected what is the command i should apply to capture the key word 1111 ?

This is the problem i have encounter right now, i doesn't know how is actually can apply the right method to read the whole text line once the key word is detected

Public Class Form1
' Const ConstBSKYB = "C:BSKYB_CWE.txt "
'Const ConstBSKYBP = "C:BSKYBProd.txt"[code].....

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Equivalent Keyword For App.path

Apr 11, 2010

We have a keyword 'app.path' in VB6 What is the equivalent key word in VB.NET

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Equivalent Of The C# Readonly Keyword?

Mar 3, 2009

In C# you can do this to make your member variable immutable: public readonly int y = 5; What is the equivalent "readonly" keyword in VB.NET?

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Getting The 'topmost' Keyword To Work

Feb 4, 2012

I am aware of the 'topmost' keyword in VB.NET for specifying a window to be brought to the front or top of the display windows showing. However, specifying 'xlApp.topmost' is resulting in a compile error in my VB 2010 Express project; most likely because my project doesn't include a reference that it needs for 'xlApp.topmost' to start working. What reference do I need to add?

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How To Achieve The C# 'as' Keyword For Value Types

Apr 14, 2009

Most of our development is done in vb.net (not my choice) and one frequently used code pattern uses an 'On Error GoTo' followed by a 'Resume Next' so that all database fields can be read with a DirectCast() and any DBNull values are just ignored.

The current code would be
On Error GoTo error_code
oObject.Name = DirectCast(oReader.Item("Name"), String)


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How To Convert C# Keyword Yield

Nov 9, 2011

Possible Duplicates: Translation of yield into VB.NETYield In VB.NETI try to convert the C# yield to VB.NET but i found there is no yield in VB.NET

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How To Use Names As Enum That Are Already Used As Keyword

May 12, 2011

I am implementing the show-message extension found on this blog: url...the programmer makes clever reuse of his enum to build css attribuuts but in vb.net.[code]but visual studio keeps giving an error on the Error enum. Is there a prefix i can use to tell visual studio its ok to use error as enum ?

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Incorrect Syntax Near Keyword 'on'

Jun 15, 2011

I am new to VB.NET. I'm trying to add a table to an ASPX page. But I get the above error with the following code. Can you tell what I am doing wrong? I want many table rows returned; one for each product, where first cell = product name, cell 2 = NumOpen, and cell 3 = 95%.[code]

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Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword 'INNER'

Dec 8, 2010

Currently using Microsoft SQL server 2008 in Visual Studio 2010

spot the mistake near the keyword 'INNER'

Dim selectSQL As String _
& "FROM M " _


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Incorrect Sytnax Near The Keyword 'where'

Jun 13, 2012

I receive teh following error message;

Incorrect sytnax near the keyword 'where'

query = "INSERT INTO dbo.TblPracExclude (prac_no, prac_name, prac_status, prac_enabled) VALUES (" & _
DgvPracExcl.Rows(RowID).Cells(0).Value & ", '" & _


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Is 'Overloads' Keyword Ever Required

Oct 27, 2010

From what I can see online the Overloads keyword is optional but is there ever a time when it is necessary? It even seems to be an error when used in a Module.

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