Can't Add Excel Data To Combobox

Jan 11, 2011

The code below produced the error:
Dim i As Integer
Dim strText As String
Dim oExcel As Application = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


error: value can not be Null at Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add(strText) line.

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Bind ComboBox To Data From Excel?

Apr 27, 2011

I have bound data from Excel to my project, but now I am trying to pull a specific column from the table and put the information in a combobox. I am trying to pull dates from column O of my excel file, and I want the dates to go into the combobox with no repeats.[code]...

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Copy Data From Excel Into Combobox In VB2008EE

May 5, 2009

I have a form with a button and combobox. I want to make a program that when I click the button, I get a OpenDialogBox so I can chose an Excel file.
Then when I chose the file and click OK, the first column of the excel file shows in the combobox. I have coded the button that opens the file, but I have no idea how to get the data from excel into combobox.

p.s. is there a way to keep the excel file from actualy showing(i've figured out that I should do something with VISIBILITY=FALSE but I keep getting errors at that point)

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VS 2010 Populate Textbox With Excel Data Based On Combobox Selection?

Nov 29, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Express: I have a form with a combobox that is populated with the names of locations from a datagrid which in turn was imported at run-time (Form_Load) from an Excel database. The Excel database (and the datagrid) also stores the information for addresses and phone numbers for their respective locations.

What I would like to do is have the phone number and address text boxes automatically be updated with the proper corresponding data when the user selects a location from the combobox. Whether the text boxes are updated from the datagrid or Excel database is not a concern; I'm mainly looking for whichever way is simpler.

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Combobox Data Load Is Duplicating In The Combobox

Jun 5, 2011

Private Sub AddIngoing_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 VBNET2008 EXCEL 2003 - OLEDB To Retrieve EXCEL Data To DataReader?

Jan 22, 2011

I am trying to retrieve the data from EXCEL 2003 spreadsheet from row 8 onwards because from Row 1 to Row 7 the row is merged columns from A1 to K1, A2 to K2, A3 to K3, A4 to K4, A5 to K5, A6 to K6, A7 to K7.

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Read Excel Data (Excel 2007 SP1, On Windows XP SP3) With .net 2008?

Oct 7, 2009

I am trying to read excel data (Excel 2007 SP1, on Windows XP SP3) with visual basic .net 2008 (VB 9.0 SP1). I have tried several attempts and whatever I do I am getting the following error message: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled ErrorCode=-2147319784 Message="Altes Format oder ungültige Typbibliothek. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))" Source="Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" Message="Altes Format oder ungültige Typbibliothek." Translated: Old format or unknown type libraryI have added the reference "Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library" to my project. I am assuming that I might have to add a different or an additional reference, but I do not have any clue which one to use. List of things I have already done:- Searched other forums- Altered the language settings- Tried it on an other Computer (Win XP SP3, Excel 2007, Visual Basic 2008 Express)- Ran the diagnostics tool in Excel - Updated all updates etc...- Reinstalled Visual BasicI really do not have any clue why it should not work?

Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim xlsApp As excel.Application


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ComboBox In VBA Excel?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a list of data in excel sheet,with the data in the cells as

A1: Name B1: Sex
A2: Alice B2: F
A3: Alan B3: M


I insert a combobox to the Userform, with 3 selection, 'All', 'F' and 'M'.If i select 'F', i want to get

A1: Name B1: Sex
A2: Alice B2: F
A3: Jane B3: F

If i select 'M', i want to get

A1: Name B1: Sex
A2: Alan B2: M
A3: Ben B3: M
A4: Tony B4: M

If i select 'All', all the data remains the same.How can i achieve that?

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Transferring VB Form Data To Excel Worksheet And Copying New Excel Data To A VB Form?

Aug 22, 2011

I created a VBA project in Excel. I would like to figure out how to transfer the data back in forth to make a more presentable and user-friendly program in VB Studio.Basically, I need my form in VB to input data to into an excel ��, where the calculations are preformed. Then I need to copy the finished excel data cells �workbook.results� and paste them into an end result form in VB. I have tried looking at threads and cannot come up with a solution. There is no data saved each time the program runs, so I don't have a database.

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Excel - Getting The Second Combobox To Work

Jan 20, 2009

I'm using comboboxes in my user form in Excel. I have two boxes, FromCombo and ToCombo, the first of which I have assigned values to using [Code] Now, my problem is getting the second combobox to work. I want it to drop down a range of values depending on what the user picks for the FromCombo. I have named the ranges List1, List2. Say the user chooses "KA 1&7" from the FromCombo, how do I populate the ToCombo with List 1? I thought it would be easy to use if statements and compare the value in the FromCombo so I use this Code: If FromCombo.Value = "KA 1&7" Then but its not comparing. So how do I compare the value in the FromCombo box?

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VS 2008 - Excel And Data Grid - Importing An Excel Into A Data Grid - Receive The Value "null"

Mar 10, 2010

I have a problem with importing an excel into a data grid.

Here is my code:

Dim _Obj As New ExcelConnection.ExcelConnection
_Obj.ImportAttendence("c:Info_pc.xls", DataGrid1)
Catch ex As Exception

End Try

In the excel i have numers and text and "Service Pack", "Processor Speed" and "Numar procesoare(Number of processors)" and the values for these are numers. in the data grid when i import the excel those values doesn't appear, i receive the value "null".

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Office Automation :: Add A Combobox To Excel

Jun 19, 2012

I am creating a new software with visual studio 2010 using the program language visual basic .NET, well in that software I create a new file in excel 2007, my question is because I do not know how I can create a combobox with data of my database inside, [code]

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Use Excel To Fill Combobox And Textboxes?

Oct 18, 2010

I need my application to open an excel document and fill in the combo boxes, with whats in Column A, and then fill in text boxes with whats in Column b etc, but I also neeed to edit those textboxes incase I need to do any edits to the excel document, then click a button, and save those edits to the excel document.

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ComboBox - How To Read Cell Values From Excel

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to populate a ComboBox with all column headers I have in my Excel -file...
Dim Polku = fdlg.FileName
Dim XL_App As New Excel.Application
Dim XL_WB As Excel.Workbook = XL_App.Workbooks.Open(Polku)
Dim XL_WS1 As Excel.Worksheet = XL_WB.Worksheets(1)
with ComboBox1
[Code] .....

All I get are 10 values that are:

Even though I should get in the dropdown list:

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Populate A Combobox Using Selection In Another From Excel Sheet?

Jan 30, 2012

I need to populate a combobox using the selected value in another combo. The coding that i use doesn't produce the required output. i have an excel sheet with columns called "BaseStation" & "SectorID". Combobox2 must display the related sector id with respect to the selected BaseStation[code]...

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UserForm Open Excel File Via ComboBox

Mar 17, 2009

How to use a vba userform to input a number to the excel file and get another number from that excel file back to the userform?!! (such as input value to A1 and collect C1 back to userform). Beside is that possible to open another excel file via ComboBox and input the number (C1) to that particular excel file...

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VS 2010 : Read Excel Column To Combobox?

Mar 8, 2012

program the code for reading excel column to a combobox in a from at the time of form load?

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Reading In Data From One Excel File Write That Data To A Different Excel File?

Sep 28, 2011

I am reading in data from an excel file that is only viewed inside the program. This excel file is being populated by data from multiple PLCs (7) through DDE links via RS Linx Gateway. I would like this data to be written to two different excel files and specific sheets within those so that it can be viewed later on.

My program has a form that will allow the user to view the data live, meaning they look at the first excel file from the program so that they are not able to edit the DDE links or change the file in any way. The other excel files (there will be two, one for good parts, one for bad parts) have specific sheets for each part and each tester station. For example, if the part is a ABC part, and it is a good part, and it was tester on tester station 1 then it needs to be saved to the good parts excel file, in the ABC sheet and in the good tester station 1 sheet.

If part XYZ comes along and is a bad part (fails testing) then it needs to be saved to the bad parts file, the XYZ sheet and the bad tester station 1 sheet.I might have added more detail than is needed to solve the problem but I thought I would add it anyways to help you all understand my problem a little better.

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VB - Simply Link A Data Grid View To Display Data That Was Selected From A ComboBox?

Oct 14, 2010

I just want to display data in a DataGridView (from SQL - already made the connection) based on what is selected in a ComboBox (data that is also coming from SQL). The 2 are separete on the form. I am using VB 2010.

This doesn't work for me:
objCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, Name, Color, Size, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductCategoryID = " & cbCategory.SelectedValue


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Combobox Displays System.Data.DataRowView When Trying To Select The Data From Sql Database

Jun 30, 2011

I got the System.Data.DataRowView when I tried to select the data from sql database. These are my code:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName +' '+ LastName FROM tblVisitor", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)


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Binding Data Or Load Data To Combobox Using SELECT Query?

Jun 3, 2011

i hve create combobox & text box and add database source to my project...i know how to binding data or load data to combobox using SELECT query..but can i change SELECT to INSERT query cz i wont when i type data into textbox,data will be in database...second..can i binding without add database to project..i mean mydatabase in debug folder..i hve problem binding data if database is not in myproject..

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VS 2008 Select From Excel Returning Null Data Instead Of Real Data?

Dec 22, 2010

I typed this question once already, hit preview, and somehow never got the preview and lost what I typed. It has been that kind of a day.So here is my quick overview then I am going shopping. I am using OLE DB to select from an excel spreadsheet. It has over 15000 rows and 33 columns. Sometimes even when a cell is not null, it is returning a null value. If I just do a "select * where [termination date] is not null", for example, it will return no rows even though I can see with my own eyes that sometimes termination date is not null.

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When Push Button Data From Excel(The Next Cell Data) Go To The Next Line In Textbox

Aug 8, 2010

I want when Push Button data from Excel(The next cell data) go to the next Line in Textbox.

Private Sub Button18_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button18.Click
Me.TextBox1.Text = wshTest.Range("B2").Value


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Display Excel Data With The .xlsx Exstension In Windows Application Using Data Grid View?

Sep 28, 2011

I have an excel file that I would like to load into my form and display there.

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Export Data From Access Table Data To Excel Using Program?

Sep 30, 2010

I've tried exporting data from an Access 2003 database to Excel in VB.NET using the following [code]...

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Binding Excel Data To A Datagrid Without No Header Just The Data?

Oct 31, 2010

i want to binding excel data to a datagrid without no header, just the data.for example :my excel files consist of 3x3 matriks data in 3x3 excel cell like this

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

and i want to show all this data on data grid i have tried with some code like this

Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _


but the first row of that data ( 1 2 3 ) is not shown up in the datagrid, just the 2nd and the 3rd row that shown up in datagrid?

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DB / Reporting :: Import Excel Data To Data Table

Feb 8, 2009

I am currently using vb 2008 and access 2003 as back end database. I am trying to import excel data to a data table. my excel and access table header & columns are same. I was trying to do this.........


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Export Data To Excel From Web Site Data Table?

May 9, 2012

I was using ContentType="application/" on my web site to display a datatable in an excel workbook on the client. It worked great. Now that I have upgraded to Office 2007 and 2010, I get a warning saying that the file is in a different format than specified by the file extension (.xls). I googled new ways of exporting data to excel, but have yet to find a good example. I usedMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Excel which worked great, except I read that you are not supposed to use this on a web server.

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Importing Data From Excel To Data Table Using Oledb .net?

Aug 23, 2009

I'm having problem when importing data from excel file to data table. the problem is when i debugged and see the items in each row in the data table some data in the column are trimmed, copied from the excel file when uploaded in the data table .

I'm using
Extended Properties=Excel 8.0


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Export Data From Data Grid To Excel?

Apr 15, 2012

dear friends following is the code for export data from data grid to excel .. problem which i m facing that .. i could not export the last coloum values..

Inline Code Example Here Private Sub btnExcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExcel.Click
Dim rowsTotal, colsTotal As Short


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