Can't Seem To Make The Lamda Expression Work?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to convert a function in C# to VB.Net 2008 and can't seem to make the Lamda expression work. The code is taken from a neat little C# SMTP server that saves emails to Azure blob storage


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Lamda Expressions Are Not Showing Up In Intellesence?

Nov 12, 2010

I am having an strange problem in visual studio 2010, visual basic, and using linq. My lamda expressions are not showing up in intellesence. The project I am working on was created in visual studio 2008 and I have converted it to a visual studio 2010 project.

Here is the expression I am trying to run:

ClockItemsColl.Filter = ClockItemsColl.AsQueryable().OrderBy(d >= d.Second)

However the error I am getting is:

'd' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Friend'.

I have also tried

ClockItemsColl.Filter = ClockItemsColl.AsQueryable().OrderBy(Function(d As ClockItems) d >= d.Second)

But is still generates an error and I can't make heads or tails of it.

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'OrderBy' can be called with these arguments:
Extension method 'Public Function OrderBy(Of TKey)(keySelector As System.Func(Of BusinessObjects.ClockItems, TKey)) As System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable(Of BusinessObjects.ClockItems)' defined in 'System.Linq.Enumerable': Operator '>=' is not defined for types 'BusinessObjects.ClockItems' and 'Integer?'.


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Check Whether Lamda Expressioin Parameters Are Nullable?

Aug 31, 2011

public static bool IsNullableType(Type t)
return t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);

I was using this to check whether Lamda Expressioin parameters are nullable.

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Lambda - Type Inferencing In Lamda Expressions?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a type lets call it "MyType". I have a List(Of MyType). Here is what i'm doing: MyList.Sum(Function(x) x.MyFieldToTotal) "MyFieldToTotal" is a decimal. For the life of me i can't figure out why x above is an object rather than a type of "MyType". Shouldn't Type Inferencing be working in this case? Even in intellisense i get "selector as System.Func(Of MyType) as Decimal"


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PerformClick() Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have an application that requires data be entered, and after entering, a button is clicked to process that data. Clicking the button works just as it should--the data is processed properly. In constructing a test module, I provide a set of data values, followed by:


Nothing happens. I have used this syntax for years, and it has always worked flawlessly. I have triple checked everything else and isolated the problem to the failure of the PerformClick(). The PerformClick() is in a test subroutine that does nothing but fill textboxes and labels with default data, then calls the PerformClick() on the button to begin processing. Again, the button works fine, the data is entered as it should be, but the PerformClick() does not fire the click event.

View 21 Replies

Make Datacolumns.expression?

Oct 28, 2009

Dim col As DataColumn = dt.Columns(index)
' Remove (and automatically empty) the column object from the table


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Make Lambda Expression Dynamically?

Jul 13, 2011

In Entity Framework I usually do something like:

modelBuilder.Entity(Of Model).HasKey(Function(item As Model) New With {item.PropertyA, item.PropertyB })

to map a composite primary key

I need to write a generic function like[code]....

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Make The Regular Expression For Validations?

Jan 10, 2012

i'm trying to make the regular expression for validations, but I can't manage to get a control of the result I want.

I wanna input in a textbox the following :


Or what is the same, the ( ), 3 numbers inside, a "-", 3 numbers, another "-" and 7 numbers.

How can I manage it??

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Make A Regular Expression To Find A Substring Within A String?

Nov 20, 2009

How do I make a regular expression to find a substring within a string that looks like: |sdrt446-7fdfs23| ? The number of characters and types change. So I need whatever in within the | |.

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Make A Regular Expression Format To Validate Phone Number?

Apr 15, 2012

i try to make a regular expression format to validate phone number at this format: (555) 555-5555 Dim IsPhoneValid As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^/([0-9]{3}/)*[0-9]{3}*[0-9]{4}$")

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How To Get Lamda In LINQ To Actually Filter For Dynamic Linq

Sep 10, 2009

Example-I have a person class

Public Class Person
Private _fname As String
Public Property Fname() As String


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How To Make Counter Work

Jun 8, 2011

How to make my counter work. I keep feeling like I'm putting it, or maybe just part of it, in the wrong place so I've been moving it all over the place but haven't found anything that works yet. I'll paste my code below and it will be the code that seems to not stop when it reaches the end of my counter. Other ways I've tried it make it stop after one or two, depending on what I did to the code at them time.

Here's what I have at the moment:
Public Class mainForm
Dim guessCounter As Integer
Dim correctAccumulator As Integer
Dim totalAccumulator As Integer
Dim answer As Integer
[Code] ......

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How To Make It Work Without The While Loop

Jan 1, 2011

VB.NET While 1 = 1
Dim localRecv As New StreamReader(localClient.GetStream)
Dim aString As String = localRecv.ReadLine
End While

Basically "aString" will keep updating if new data arrives to the server. This way does work, and keeps MsgBoxing every time I get new data, but I don't wanna use While, I need something else, because It won't run any other code, just keeps looping that. :/

View 9 Replies

How To Make The Enter Key Work As Tab Key

Jan 24, 2012

I am using datagridw view control for input purpose but when the datagridviewcell in edit mode the it is no problem to move current column to next column but when it is not in edit mode then and pressing enter key then it is moving to next row and the same column. but how to take over this problem please give me dn idea.

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Make 32 Bit Com Add-in Work With 64 Bit Office

Apr 18, 2011

How to make a 32 bit VB.Net com add-in work with 64 bit Office 2010?

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Make App Work With Different Resolutions?

Aug 9, 2009

I'm looking for some advice on how to make my app work with different resolutions as I have posted a demo game on the forum but the game was designed on my laptop which is set to 1280x800 but a few people who have tried the demo are having problems as they are using 1024x768.

Is this a case of getting the computers resolution when the app starts and alter the size and position of controls?

View 11 Replies

Make Paypal IPN Work?

Mar 14, 2011

I am using the code below for paypal notifications. I checked the notification history and it comes back as payment_status is Complete BUT the VB code performs the code for the "INVALID" case...

'Post back to either sandbox or live
Dim strSandbox As String = ""
Dim strLive As String = ""
Dim req As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(strSandbox), HttpWebRequest)


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Way To Make SENDKEYS Work?

Mar 30, 2011

Below is a test program I am trying to get working with using SENDKEYS to send strings to a window.The appactivate never makes the notepad window become the current window in focus and the sendkeys doesn't work.

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Delegate 'System.Threading.ThreadStart' Requires An 'AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression As The Only Argument To Its Constructor?

Jan 23, 2010

I got this Error. below is my code.

GenerateTheList is function.Need help
Private Sub buttGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttGenerate.Click
Dim thread1 As New Thread(New ThreadStart(GenerateTheList))
End Sub

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Code To Put In An Expression To Add Database Columns In A Row And Display It In The Expression Column

Mar 21, 2010

While looking in the dataset designer for a database table I am doing in visual basic 2008 I found a line for expressions under the property menu for a specific column. I need to know the code that I would put in this expression line so that this column adds up the numbers I input into three other columns and displays that number in the column. I need it to automatically calculate this for each row in the database table.

View 13 Replies

.net - Make Custom Button Work?

Aug 18, 2010

I made a custom button to input keypresses:

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class KeyInputButton
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button


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How To Declare Variables To Make It Work

Feb 13, 2012

I am making a game that involves moving picture boxes automaticly i can get the boxes moving but I need them to be object orientated but when I try to make it a class i am not to sure how to declare the veriables to make it work. [code]

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How To Make A Timer To Work On Another Thread?

Aug 19, 2009

i have a timer and i want its calculation will be done on another thread, since the timer tick event start whenever its enable property is set to true i don't see how to force it to work in another thread.

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Make 'try' Thing Work In My Program?

Feb 3, 2011

I need to write a program that uses 'try' in it

the program can only accept a number if its bigger than 3 otherwise it would give a error message and return to the start of the [code]...

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Make A Counter/timer But Can't Get It To Work

Nov 16, 2009

Im trying to make a counter/timer but cant get it to work,

i have a timer and a label

ive been trying to get it set to "00:00:00" Hours,Minutes,Seconds

It justs needs to keep counting up each time.

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Make Backgroundworker Work Automatically?

Jul 21, 2011

Do you know how to work backgroundworker with this code? The request would be as I pulled out of google with a background worker and if so it is possible to collect links from google pagination.


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Make MS Chart Control Work?

Jan 28, 2010

I'd like to use it to do some graphing. I'm trying to make MS Chart Control work, but all tutorials/code snippets that I've seen require ChartName.ChartData to populate the chart. When I enter this, I get the blue squiggly line of death:

Private Sub Form1_Load()
Dim array(1, 1) As Object
array(0, 0) =


why this is happening? When I hold the mouse over Chart1.ChartData, I get the message "ChartData is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart".

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Make Program Work In Windows 7?

Jul 11, 2011

I completed my VB project a while back and it worked great in XP.Now the same program is needed on computers that have Win7 installed.The program installs without any problems, but when I open it, it gives me an error saying the database is not accessible.

I used Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Compact to design the project.The database was included in the project and in the installation file. I also checked the Programs folder and the database was installed correctly into the correct path.What is the problem with my programs compatibility with Windows 7?

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VS 2008 How To Make SQL Connections Work

Sep 29, 2009

I just can't run any of Data sample codes that come embedded with VS2008. I'm trying running CreateDB example but I can't make it work.How can I configure Data Connections? [code]

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DataColumn.Expression: How To Use A User Defined Function In Expression

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to write following expression on a datacolumn. But it results in error:Replicate('*', nLevel) + NameWhere: Replicate() is a user defined function (in a module). nLevel and Name are two other columns in same data table.

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