Can Insert A File Into A Shared Drive

Nov 15, 2010

We have a shared drive which has a folder in which we programatically store the reports we create in MS Access. Sometimes the user will lose the rights to insert the files in (write access) to that folder. But we are not shown any system generated error messages for this while adiing the reports. At a lter point of time we will come to know that those reports were not saved.I am looking for a code to check whether we have the write access to the particular folder and if not, throw a suitable error message.

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.net - Unable To List File Or Directory Contents On ASP.NET Page Using Shared Drive?

Oct 27, 2011

In this question I'm using Visual Studio 2008. My code is quite simple, as it was used from a reference I grabbed off the web. I'm using ASP/VB.Net, IIS6.0 on a Windows Server 2003 box.I've looked at various sources online, and have not been able to piece together a proper result. The purpose of this is to list a slew of directories and their respective files, and allow the user to eventually manage that directory (such as open and delete files).

Here is my ASPX page:

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="DirectoryList.aspx.vb" Inherits="VCMReports.DirectoryList" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >


When launching the page, the following error appears: 'V:Users' is not a valid virtual path. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: 'V:Users' is not a valid virtual path.

Things I have tried:

On the server, I have mapped out the drive and the directory.Permissions seem to be properly set, impersonate is correct.If I were to list a directory in the actual directory "C:InetpubDirectory", there is no failure.I do understand this is incomplete for the Directory listing portion, this will only list files (so this will need to be modified.I have attempted to create a Virtual Directory, and the application presented the same error. On my local development machine, I have the same path created - same error. How am I able to view the contents of a shared directory and it's files?

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Deployment :: User Error When Writing To Shared Drive?

Feb 24, 2009

I have create a app that creates an excel spreadsheet. When I deployed the app, to the shared drive, I have no problems but the user gets the below error. The user can create the spreadsheet but gets the error when writing. When the user logs onto my PC, the user does not get the error. When I log onto the users PC, I got the error. Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy To grant the application the required permission, cintact your local system adminsitrator, or use the Microsoft .net framework

request for the permission type ' mscorlib
version culture =neutral

I have tried to use caspol but it doesn't help?

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DB/Reporting :: Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated?

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it?

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VS 2005 Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.

Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

I have two questions:

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it

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USB Flash Drive Insert & Removal Notification

Mar 18, 2004

I am trying to write an application which will have different functions depending on someone's security level, but my bosses have ruled out holding a users name and password information in a database due to risk of the database being hacked.So I have decided to use USB flash drives, which will have encrypted datafiles on them, and each staff member will be given one with their details pre-programmed onto them.However I am now stuck with detecting whether the device is present or not, I have thought I can continually scan the available drives and have each flash drive with a set volume label and when it arrives act upon it, but I don't want to keep continually scanning the drives, there has to be a better way than this, .

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Create A VB Application That Auto-loads When Insert A Flash Drive?

Nov 27, 2010

I want to be able to create a VB application that is on a flash drive and will run as soon as I insert the flash drive into a computer.

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.net - Why Can't Call Private Shared Methods From A Public Shared Method

Aug 25, 2011

I have a class like this:


It works, when I make getBar methods public, but I don't want to expose these unneccessarily. Why I can't call private shared methods from a public one in the same class is over my head. I'm using .net framework 4.0 in a web application.

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Get File Size Of File On Mapped Network Drive?

Aug 11, 2011

I was using the following code to check the file size of a data file on my local machine. Now the data files have been moved to a mapped network drive and this code no longer works. What do I need to change or how do I access file size on a mapped drive?

Dim MyFile As New FileInfo(MyFilePath)
Dim FileSize As Long = MyFile.Length

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WMI To Get Drive Letter Association With Physical Drive Path Misses CDROMs?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm running the following WMI script to get the associations between drive letters and physical drives on the system, but for some reason it omits CDROMs/DVD-ROMs. Can someone tell me how to get those as well?

ComputerName = "."
Set wmiServices = GetObject _
("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!//" & ComputerName)
Set wmiDiskDrives = wmiServices.ExecQuery _
("SELECT DeviceID FROM Win32_DiskDrive")


View 12 Replies - Public Shared Variable Shared Between Users?

Mar 30, 2012

I've taken over the maintenance of the website (ASP.NET VB) and on one particular page I noticed the below code

Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public Shared UserNumber As String
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init


My question is whether the variable UserNumber can be accessed or changed by any other user than the current one?

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Shared Method Not Calling Shared Constructor

Aug 12, 2009

Given in the following language specification, for me at least, calling Db.Foobar() [In the following code] does not indeed call off to the Shared Constructors of the base classes. I am curious as to a) is this my own fault for doing something wrong or b) is this an error in the language specification[code]...

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Finding Physical Drive Number Using Drive Letter?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a program that allows the user to enter a drive letter into a text box. The program then takes the letter and find the physical drive number (i.e. deviceharddisk3..). It then stripes out everything and leaves me with the number 3.

In VB6 I used mDrive.bas from and it worked perfectly. I have been all over the internet and back and cannot find a solution written in VB.NET.

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Make A Tool That Will Assign USB Pen Drive A Drive Letter?

Oct 13, 2009

I want to make a tool that will assign a USB pen drive a drive letter, I am using WMI to acknowledge the device being plugged in, I can pull the deviceID, name, etc now I just need to work out how to assign the device to a drive and I just cant figure it out

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Reading And Writing Files On External Hard Drive, Code To Ensure SQL Or Data Read/write Execution In Case Of Periodic Drive Reconnect?

Dec 18, 2010

The drive is connected via USB and the problem I'm having is that, periodically, while my code is executing, the usb drive seems to disconnect and reconnect. (Nothing to do with the program, but the drive itself).I want to find a way to prevent these temporary drive reconnects from interrupting my code. IE, i want to insure that whatever read or write that is requested is actually executed even in the case of a temporary drive interruption.

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Copy Shared Network File?

Feb 18, 2009

I am working in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003.I want to copy a file from one folder to another folder in php.

I written the code in and created exe. I called that exe in php.Exe is executed successfully in php and file is successfully copied for local path. But network path file is not copied. How can i able to copy the shared network file?

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Network Shared File Access And WCF?

Oct 1, 2009

I wrote WCF method that check whether file is available or not. File is on the network drive. "\orl-avqaAVIPHist_Images2009h010109000379.fim"When I am checking file is available or not. Web service is returning me "file not found"let me know what should I do to fix it.

Function getFileExists(ByVal fileName


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Read A File In A Shared Folder?

Dec 2, 2009

I need to open a file on a shared folder which is in another computer that is conected to my computer through a network switch.

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Determine If A Drive Is Local Or A Network Drive?

Dec 10, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a way to determine if a drive is local or a network drive?

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Getting Physical Drive Number From Drive Letter?

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to get the physical drive (device) number from the drive letter. If the user inputs the drive letter C the program will find the associated physical device number. For example if I input C then the result needs to be \Device\HardDrive1\... Some call it NT Device Name; I think. I have the code for VB6 from vbAccelerator, which works perfectly, but it does not work in VB.NET. My question is there a simple way of pulling the drive info that contains the drive letter and the physical device number. I have searched the internet and found nothing for VB.NET. I would post code but I have nothing for .NET.

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How Can Read Data From USB Flash Drive Or Pen Drive

Sep 29, 2011

USB flash drive or pen drive in

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Physical Drive Number From Drive Letter

Jun 16, 2009

I have a program I am converting from VB6 to VB.NET and I am stuck at the very last piece of code. I need to determine what physical device number is associated with the drive letter.

The program takes the drive letter from a text box and goes and finds the device number (i.e. deviceharddrive3...) and strips out everything leaving me with the devicer number; in this case the number 3. I have searched the internet to and fro and found nothing in VB.NET.

My program in VB6 uses a .bas module from called mDrive.bas and works great. I can't figure out how to convert it over to VB.NET.

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Get URL Of File On A Different Drive From The ASP.NET Application?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a server with a C: drive and a D: drive. My ASP.NET application is on D: drive as follows:

I want my application to read and download files located on C:sessionVideos My problem is how do I create an URL pointing to the "C:sessionVideos" folder?

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Run A File From A CD If You Don't Know What The CD Drive Letter Is?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm creating a small program using Visual Basic 2010 Express. I'm planning to place the program on a CD, along with the files I want to run. The program will have command buttons, and each button will open a different file.For example, if there is a file on the CD named ReadMe.txt, the user will be able to open it using the program, which is on the same disc as "ReadMe", by clicking the corresponding button (or link) ("ReadMe".)The problem is, that I don't know what the CD drive letter will be. Is there a code to make the program run a file which is in the same location as the program?

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Searching For A File On A Drive?

Oct 29, 2011

I have been searching all over the forum and internet, but seems to have a hard time finding some help on how to search for a file at unknown location.

The reason is that, I made an easy form that helps some friends of mine find around a website more quickly.

Now this is what I want.

They have a game installed on the computer, and I want my program to search for this file and execute it afterwords.


I have 4 HD's and WOW is on the 3rd. I want this software to search all the HD's to search for Wow.exe.

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File Copies From Shared Directory But Not Subfolders?

May 14, 2010

I got a file to copy using 2.0 from another server to a local folder:

dim source as string = "\servernameshared directoryindex.htm"
dim destination as string = "D:/local folder/index.htm", destination, true)


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File I/O And Registry :: Shared Folder Monitor In .NET?

Jun 26, 2011

give me a function or class which have properties ?For example:I shared a folder (C:shared)

Dim clsObj as new clsSharedMonitor("C:shared")
'so that I can get its properties like:
clsObj.FullPath() 'Full Path of folder that client are accessing
clsObj.ClientIP() 'IP of computer which access to server


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Opening File Stored On Shared Area?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm working on a web application that stores some Office document (and any other kind of doc) on a remote shared area. I need to allow user to view the files available on shared area using my web application, how can I do that? Some years ago I solved this issue with Java / JSP opening into an output streaming the file, how can I do the same with ASP.NET and VB.NET?

This is how I organized my application:
C:Webapp -> Webapplication
emoteserversharedfolder -> shared area

The owner of IIS process is the only user that can write / read the shared area.

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Deleting A File From The Hard Drive ?

May 19, 2011

I have a VB.Net 2010 app and need to delete a file from the hard drive when the app opens up (cache file). What command will perform this action? I know the name in advance, so I can format the command right in the app.

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Deploy .msi File From Network Drive?

Jun 30, 2009

I have developed a visual basic app in Visual studio 2008. I have created a windows installer file. Can I deploy this on a network drive and does .NET framework have to be installed on server? The application has a MS access database associated with it, so I would like to have it backed up via the network.

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