Change Calendar Default Value To Null?

Jun 24, 2011

how to change calender default value to null?

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Calendar And NULL Date

Jun 23, 2012

I am working with calendar inside GridView using VB. I have some NULL date on the DDBB. I can fix the problem using EVAL, but when I try to save the date from the calendar, I got an error telling me that their is no @variable declared.[code]Everything is fine but I got: Must declare the scalar variable "@tDate" trying to save.This is beacuse I'm not using Bind, but with BIND I cannot run checkDate.

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AJAX Calendar Extender / Textbox Values Always Null After Postback?

Nov 9, 2011

Im sure this is a very simple and easy to answer question but I've been looking at this too long and being new to ASP I cant seem to find a solution that works.

I have an ASP calendar extender, I click it and the calendar displays as expected, the selected date appears in the textbox, but when the page then posts back I cant get the selected date value from either the textbox.text or the calendarextender.selecteddate properties, I tested this by trying to assign these values to a string variable in the page_load event.


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Office Automation :: Add Outlook Calendar Appointment To Non Default?

Jan 11, 2011

I a using the following code to insert a calender appointment into the default calender in outlook 2007. My problem i am having is that my customer know has a mobileme calender in outlook as well so I need to be able to insert an oppointment in to this calender which is not the default one.


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Passing Null To An Optional Parameter With Default Value?

Sep 22, 2010

I think this is a pretty basic question, but I just want to clarify. If I have a variable with a null value, and pass it as a parameter that is optional, will the parameter get the null value, or the default value?

dim str As String = "foo"
dim obj As Object
//call 1


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Set A Default Value Of Functions Optional Argument To Null?

Aug 4, 2011

How can you set a function optional argument to null? For example, I want to set the optional argument intCode equal to Null. These arguments are used to send to a stored procedure as parameters.

Public Function pubfnc_SetCommentCode(ByVal strFieldName As String, ByVal lngResultID As Int32, Optional ByVal intCode As Int32 = DBNull.Value) As String

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VS 2008 - Default Date Versus Null Field

Aug 26, 2011

I have the following
If Trim(txtConfirmationDate.Text) <> "" Then
sqlinsert2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CONFIRMDATE", CDate(txtConfirmationDate.Text))
sqlinsert2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CONFIRMDATE", VB.vbNull)
End If
Unfortunately, it writes "01/01/1900" to the database. How do I get it to just leave the field as NULL?

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Calendar Cell Color Change?

Oct 22, 2010

So I'm using VB.NET 2005 to create an ASP page. I have a calendar object and I need to find a way to change the BackColor of the cell from a database table. I've tried every way I can think of with no luck so far.This is what I have for code so far which works for some situations but not for all the ones I would like and to hard code it would be very tedious.


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Forms :: Change Calendar Day Color?

Jul 1, 2011

I didn't like to make another thread so i decided to ask here, maybe somebody knows how to change calendar day color?

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Adding A Default Time To A "SelectedDate" From Calendar Control?

Jan 24, 2009

I have an application where I want users to select a date with a calendar control, but I want the time to automatically be set for 5:00pm. How do I accomplish this before storing the value in a database? I am using VBScript.

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VS 2008 TextBox DataBindings - Default Null Value Doesn't Show Up

Jun 29, 2010

I have a form that has several controls, most of them are textboxs. All controls are binded to a bindingsource. The controls that always have values, they are displayed correctly, but the others ones that have null values in the data source, the default null value doesn't show up. This problem it's driving me crazy... There must be something that i'm missing. Some of the code that i had used with no luck:


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Change Calendar's Months Names Language?

Feb 21, 2010

How to change Calendar's months names language?

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VS 2008 - How To Change BackColor Of Month Calendar

Feb 11, 2010

I'm changing the backcolor of the monthcalendar to 208; 211; 217, but the backcolor of the monthcalendar doesn't turn "grey" according the given RGB. Instead it stays white.

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Datetime - Change The Format Of The Date Calendar Control Vs2010?

Feb 16, 2012

I am trying to store DoteOfBirth from a Calender control in visual studio 2010.

Dim dob As Date = Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date.ToShortDateString()

I wanna save like dd/MM/yyyy without anything else but when i save it it shows like


I don't know where to change the format and I don't know how to remove the thing attached to the date. I am writing it in and saving to xml file.

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Make The Value Of The Datetimepicker Change To What Have Clicked Inside The Dropdown Calendar?

Apr 15, 2011

I've got a datetimepicker control on a vb .net 2008 form. I have set it to show a custom format of "dd/MM/yyyy". The problem is this: - when i click on the arrow button, a small calendar is shown in which i should be able to select a date. The only way i can do that is by using the arrow keys and pressing Enter. Clicking on any date value inside this calendar doesn't do anything.How can i make the value of the datetimepicker change to what i have clicked inside the dropdown calendar?

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Sql 2005 - - Didn't Place Any Date In The Textbox ,system Is Capturing 1/1/1900 By Default Insted Of Null

Jul 29, 2009

If i didn't place any date in the textbox ,system is capturing 1/1/1900 by default insted of Null.How can i get rid of this.


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Calendar Control - Add Text To A Specific Day Of The Calendar?

Dec 30, 2011

using the calendar from the webfor tools, NOT CALENDAR EXTENDER, and my question is, is there a way to add text to a specific day of the calendar, for example, that i want to click on the number where its shows 29 of the month december, then it shows me a texbox or anything that takes data from my, and i type anything in there, like an event or something, then i click on a button to save my entry, and next time i visit my page i see that day that i clicked on changed its color and shows my text when i hoover the mouse on top of it,

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Change Date From Dd/mm/yy To Null?

Sep 15, 2011

i have a datetimepicker with showcheckbox properties set to true..

when there is date in database, the checkbox is checked..

but when the database is null, the checkbox is unchecked..

here's the code:

Sub checkeddate() 'to set DateTimePicker.check (compare from database)
'if db is not null, then CheckBox is checked
If IsDBNull(DataSet.Tables("AssetMaster").Rows.Item(curPosition).Item(19)) = False Then


View 9 Replies - Change Default For MaskedEditExtender Am/pm?

Oct 18, 2011

The MaskedEditExtender control that I am using is set up for a MaskType="DateTime" and the AcceptAMPM="true" but I need to know how a user can change the am/pm without having to type in A for AM and P for PM? Is there a way I can add arrows or something to this control so that it is more user-friendly when changing from AM to PM? My users aren't going to know that they need to type out the value for it to change.


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Change Default Printer In .net?

Jun 4, 2004

I have a app that uses PrintPreviewDialog to print a document. Now I want the user to be able to print to any printer on the network. So, I created a listbox of available printers which works fine. Now, I need to either change the windows default printer to the one selected, or make the PrintPreviewDialog use that printer name.

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Change The Default Font To Something Else?

Mar 31, 2012

I am using VB 2010. The default font for forms is Sans with a size of 7.8. Is there a way I can change the default font to something else. I do not see this choice in the options section of the tools menu.

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IDE :: Change The Default Value(s) Of Controls?

Jan 31, 2012

Is there any way to change the default value(s) of controls? How about setting the default value of Textbox.Multiline to True which would make it easier to arrange on the form.

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Object Scope - Lose The Object In Selected Date Change Event In Calendar

Oct 18, 2010

If I declare my object at the beggining of my page class, and instantiate it in a dropdownlist selected_index change event. Shouldn't this object be available thru out the entire page and also persist thru a postback? I lose the object in my selected date change event in my calendar.


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Change Date In Calendar Column To Reflect Date In Combo Box?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a calendar column which is generated on from load. Its value is assigned to todays date - for instance 04/04/2012

I also have a comboBox with a list of months.

Is there a way I can change the value of my calendar column to reflect the chosen month?

For example, if I select January from my comboBox then have the date as 01/01/2012.[code]...

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Change Default .net Form Skins?

Jul 12, 2010

Can we change default form skins . I mean to make it better?I am not saying to change background colour or image . I am saying to change style,design etc?

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Change Default Debugging Form?

Mar 17, 2009

I don't know what this is called or I'd search for it since I'm sure it's been discussed. How do you pick a form as the default form that opens when you start debugging? As in, I have a form I want to debug but when I click debug, a different one opens with no means of getting to the other forms.

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Change Default Encoding To ASCII?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm using this to write to a text file[code]..

but i need to change the encoding from the default. how do i change the default encoding to ASCII?


everything in outputText is written as a string and then concatenated into outputText.

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Change Default Excel Program?

Jun 21, 2009

I have Excel 2003 and 2007 loaded on my computer. When I open an Excel file, it is defaulting to 2003. How do I check to see what the default program is for opening xls files and change this to 2007 in my code? I have already done the following manually:

1-Open My Computer
2-Go to Tools --Folder options
3-Click the File Types tab
4-Scroll down to the XLS file type and highlight it


However I am not convince that its defaulting to Excel 2007 when I run projects in VB as I am seeing the "File Conversion" prompt when file are open.

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Change Default Mailto Client?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm developing an application and when the application is open, I need to handle the mailto protocol. I'm thinking the best way is have the app change the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmailtoshellopencommand registry key when it opens and change it back when it closes.

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Change Default Taskbar Icon?

Feb 13, 2012

How do I change the default taskbar Icon? I can change the application Icon but how do I change the "boxes" icon that appears in the taskbar? I found this but how do I change it to use a icon from file?[url]...

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