Check Cellstyle.backcolor Value In Datagridview?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a datagridview setup called TS_Input, where I setup a cellformatting handle event, like so:

Private Sub TS_Input_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) _
Handles TS_Input.CellFormatting


The if statement above always evaluates to false. When I debug looking at the output, inheritedstyle.backcolor always returns the default empty color. I can't seem to figure this out!, cell.inheritedstyle, none of them seem to hold the correct backcolor.

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Datagridview Apply Cellstyle To Cells

Feb 3, 2010

I used this example to create a DateTime column for a DataGridView in my winforms app. [URL]I can see the new column in the Windows Forms Designer and add it to an existing DataGridView. However, I want to be able to change the display format when I change the "DefaultCellStyle" within the designer. The designer generated code looks like this:


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Overload DataGridView CellStyle And Give Default Value

Feb 10, 2010

I'm writing a custom DataGridView object for a large project to hand out to a bunch of developers to make our app sections look consistent. I want to set defaults for many of the properties of the DataGridView, and I can set many of them like this:

<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(True), System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill)>_
Public Overloads Property AutoSizeColumnsMode() As DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode
Return MyBase.AutoSizeColumnsMode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode)
MyBase.AutoSizeColumnsMode = value
End Set
End Property

These properties overload with their defaults just fine. Its when I started trying to make default Cell styles that I ran into the issue. Since the DataGridViewCellStyle is a class, I cannot make a constant out of it. I've tried changing all of the settings to what I want them to be in the class constructor, and that works great, except that changes made in the designer properties just get set back as soon as the app runs. So putting the changes in the constructor won't do. Is there anywhere else I can put code that only runs when the control is first dropped on the designer? or any other way of setting a default?

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VS 02 / 03 - Check Backcolor Color Of Object

May 23, 2009

Simple it possible to check the backcolor of an object, like a label for instance? What I want to do is check if a label's backcolor is green (or some other color) then have something else happen based off the color. Here is what I tryed, but neither worked...


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Set Column Backcolor In Datagridview?

Dec 6, 2010

I have created a datagridview using . How to set the column backcolor? I try to do use the code as follow:

dtData.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Aqua

but, I got the following error when I run the application:

'DefaultCellStyle' is not a member of 'System.Data.DataColumn'. (BC30456)

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Change Backcolor Of Current Row In Datagridview?

Apr 7, 2009

I would like to change backcolor of current row in datagridview. Now this thing must work even if i change row trough keyboard, so click event doesn't do the trick for me.The thing is... i would like to accomplish something similar like the code below but on diferent event

Private Sub DataGridView_CellDoubleClick....
Me.DataGridView.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite

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Change Backcolor Of Datagridview ComboBoxColumn?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a databound combo box column. When a value in another field starts with an 8, I want to make the combo box read-only and turn the background gray so the user knows it is read-only.

Here is the code I'm using, where am I going wrong? It doesn't change the backcolor to gray.

Private Sub dgvTest_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles dgvTest.CellFormatting


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Change Cell Backcolor In A Datagridview

May 15, 2010

I would like to change the backcolor of the cell in a row based upon the value of a checkbox in another cell. The value of cell 2 would be a checkbox, so it is either true or false. If it is true, then color the backcolor of just cell 1?

If MyDataGridView.Rows.Count > 1 Then
For Each orow As DataGridViewRow In MyDataGridView.Rows
Console.WriteLine("DK {0}", orow.Index)[code]......

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VS 2008 : DataGridView Change BackColor Of Row?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm trying to make the BackColor of each row the same when a certain field is equal. When it reaches a row where this field is not equal to the previous one, it changes the BackColor property of the row.

Below is what I've come up with... but all the rows are remaining the same color. From what I can tell i'm changing the DefaultCellStyle.BackColor property and that applies to all cells, not just the current row in the loop. What property do I change to only affect the current row in the loop?

Private Sub CommonSiteDGVBackColor()
Dim switchBackColor As Boolean = False
Dim prevSite As String = Nothing


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Change Backcolor Of Selected Row In Datagridview On Mouseover?

Apr 3, 2012

I am attempting to setup a DataGridView on a form so that the row under the mouse is highlighted. I've got that working with the following, except the currently selected row will not highlight on MouseEnter.

The forms contains 4 separate DataGridView and the only row that is highlighted should be the one under the mouse cursor.[code]...

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Get Effect Of Backcolor And Display According Columns On DataGridView?

Mar 31, 2009

I tried to specify Backcolor in XAML and run program result of Backcolor is not effected but DataGridView display me columns what I want. When I change DataGridView to DataGrid in VB part I got error massege: "AutoGenerateColumns is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid". After AutoGenerateColumns line is commented I got result of Backcolor but of cause DataGrid display me all columns of a table. Is it possible to get effect of Backcolor and display according columns on DataGridView? That is XAML:

Code:<Grid> <wfi: WindowsFormsHost Name="windowsFormsHost1" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"> <wf: DataGridView x:Name="myDG" BackColor="Beige" RowHeadersVisible="False" /> </wfi: WindowsFormsHost></Grid>

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Retain Datagridview Cell Backcolor And Forecolor In Excel After Exporting From

Feb 20, 2009

i've a datagridview control populated with records from database. i've formatted certain cells of datagridview according to a condition. (i mean i've set the fore color and back color of cell). But when i export these datagridview contents to excel 2003, no cell colors will be appearing.

i'm developing desktop application with 2008 and excel 2003.

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Retain Datagridview Cell Backcolor And Forecolor In Excel After Exporting From?

Feb 20, 2009

i've a datagridview control populated with records from database.i've formatted certain cells of datagridview according to a condition.(i mean i've set the fore color and back color of cell).But when i export these datagridview contents to excel 2003, no cell colors will be

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VS 2008 Change The Datagrid Cellstyle Alignment Of A Column?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to change the datagrid cellstyle alignment of a column in the designer. I set it to middle right but then I run it and it still aligned to the left. I have a lot of datagrids in my application but there are few that doesn't accept any alignment settings which I don't understand at all, can't see any reason, I been looking through the options if there is anything but can't find anything. I just need one column of cells to be aligned to the right whatever I do all of the columns are aligned left and there is an option in the defaultcellstyle that is sat to middle left, but when I try to change it to Not Set it doesn't change.

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Add Check Box Row In Datagridview?

Jul 12, 2011

adding a checkbox row in datagridview.i have 16 columns and three rows in datagridview.first row indicated the names,second row is for age and third row is checkbox row.Thus,how to add a checkbox row in datagridview?

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Check For Changes In A DataGridView?

Jun 4, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to check for changes in a DataGridView. The gridview does not have a binding source because I am populating it based on some other information. Right now I get a NullReferenceException. It happens as the gridview is populated. I have marked the line where this happens.


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How To Check Value Nothing In Datagridview

Aug 23, 2009

i have a datagridview
Private Sub DGOut_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DGOutOrg.SelectionChanged


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DataGridView ITrying To Use A Check Box

May 22, 2009

I've bounded a datagridview to a dataset & one of the columns is a 0 or a 1. I want to use a checkbox for this column with no check for a 0 & a check mark for a 1.[code]

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How To Check A Checkbox In Datagridview

Sep 6, 2011

I have a form with a datagridview.This datagrid is getting populated from Database.Im able to fill the data in datagrid.I have added a column of checkbox type in the datagrid other than those columns which is getting populated from Database.I have added filters on the form,once the record is populated,my requirement is should be able to check and uncheck the record of corresponding checkbox column that i have added.For Example:In my datagridview RollNo,Name,Address,MobileNo are some fields that are populated from database.I have already added these columns in my Grid by click the smarttag available on Datagrid and then selecting Edit Columns option.Above mentioned fields are all textbox columns.Apart from these columns i have added one more column of type checkbox before my mobile number column.My requirement is after data is populated i should be able to check and uncheck my checkbox column in front of those mobile numbers to whom i want to send a message.

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.net - Check If Datagridview Cell Is Null?

Feb 9, 2011

I want to display a message if the value of cell of my datagridview is Null.

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Check A Datagridview Cell For A Null Value?

Oct 13, 2009

What im trying to do is check a row for null values in my datagridview before saving the data back to my access database, in particular the first columns cell of the new row being added. This is the code I have so far'

Private Sub LatheprogramsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LatheprogramsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
Dim test As String = Me.LatheprogramsDataGridView.Columns(1).ToString()


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Check Count Of All Checkboxes In Datagridview?

Jun 4, 2011

i am currently having problems with Datagridview, for example when i select the first checkbox, second checkbox onwards.

I would like to update the textbox on my form to display '2' records selected. But there is one problem i faced is that when i deselect the checkbox, it does not update. It still display '2' record selected. What event handler should i use to get it to work?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvAssignGridView.CellContentClick


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Check DataGridView For Overlapping Timespans

Feb 12, 2012

I have a bound datagridview that contains columns that have a start and an end time for each day of the week (column1 = M Start, column2 = M End etc) If the user enters 9pm - 5pm twice for Monday, I want a messagebox to pop up asking if they are sure they want to overlap timespans for Monday.

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Check Print Preview Of Datagridview?

Jun 18, 2012

How can i check or see the print preview of datagridview where my file is an access file

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DataGridView - How To Check Item If Null Or Not

Sep 17, 2008

If the item is blank and no data is entered it will throw a null exception, so the question is that how can I check if the item is null or not? Even using this:
If DataGridViewX.CurrentRow.Cells.Item(0).Value.ToString IsNot Nothing Then ...
Will throw the exception!

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DataGridView - Remove The Check Box For Only Some Rows?

May 10, 2012

How to remove the Check Box for only some rows? Anybody can share the code for that? See the pic. I need to remove the check boxes for alternate rows. I dont need for Row 1, Row 3, Row 5.

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Datagridview Checkbox Column Won't Check?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a datagridview that is bound to a binding source.I used the following code to add a checkbox column to the datagridview:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Dim newcolumn as DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

The checkbox column shows up successfully, but when I try to click any of the checkboxes,nothing happens.The cell remains unchecked.It blinks, so I know that it is acknowledging the click, but the checkbox state does not change.

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Print Only Selected Check Box Of Datagridview?

Jun 10, 2011

I have this datagridview of an inventory, and i added an extra column(unbound) to the dgv, so what i want to be able to do is print only the checked boxes of that dgv, i attached an image of form, i have code for printing all the dgv, but im having trouble with that.

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Check All Rows Of DataGridView On Click Of CheckBox

Mar 2, 2010

On a click of a checkbox, I want all the rows to get checked. Is that possible?

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DB/Reporting :: Unable To Check A Checkbox In A Datagridview

May 17, 2011

[code]I want users to be able to click on the checkbox in field4 and add all of the data plus the word Holiday to my database when they click on the box in that field, but right now it's not allowing me to click on the checkbox, can someone please assist? Also, I did have this working for that field but it would only allow me to add the first line of data, what in my code would not allow for the additional lines to not add their data as well?

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