Overload DataGridView CellStyle And Give Default Value

Feb 10, 2010

I'm writing a custom DataGridView object for a large project to hand out to a bunch of developers to make our app sections look consistent. I want to set defaults for many of the properties of the DataGridView, and I can set many of them like this:

<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(True), System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill)>_
Public Overloads Property AutoSizeColumnsMode() As DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode
Return MyBase.AutoSizeColumnsMode
End Get
Set(ByVal value As DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode)
MyBase.AutoSizeColumnsMode = value
End Set
End Property

These properties overload with their defaults just fine. Its when I started trying to make default Cell styles that I ran into the issue. Since the DataGridViewCellStyle is a class, I cannot make a constant out of it. I've tried changing all of the settings to what I want them to be in the class constructor, and that works great, except that changes made in the designer properties just get set back as soon as the app runs. So putting the changes in the constructor won't do. Is there anywhere else I can put code that only runs when the control is first dropped on the designer? or any other way of setting a default?

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Check Cellstyle.backcolor Value In Datagridview?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a datagridview setup called TS_Input, where I setup a cellformatting handle event, like so:

Private Sub TS_Input_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) _
Handles TS_Input.CellFormatting


The if statement above always evaluates to false. When I debug looking at the output, inheritedstyle.backcolor always returns the default empty color. I can't seem to figure this out! cell.style, cell.inheritedstyle, none of them seem to hold the correct backcolor.

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Datagridview Apply Cellstyle To Cells

Feb 3, 2010

I used this example to create a DateTime column for a DataGridView in my winforms app. [URL]I can see the new column in the Windows Forms Designer and add it to an existing DataGridView. However, I want to be able to change the display format when I change the "DefaultCellStyle" within the designer. The designer generated code looks like this:


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Overload Default Functionality When User Clicks The X (Close Program)?

Oct 13, 2009

How do I go about overriding the default functionality when a user clicks the X in a VB.NET form-based application? I am currently handling the MyBase.Closing event... but since it's a DirectX app, I need to do some cleanup before allowing the form the close.

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Deployment :: Give Admin Or Write Access To App When Its Installed To Default Program Files Directory

Feb 5, 2010

I am deploying my application on a 64 bit windows 7 system (setting the platform property to x86) , after the installation process the app needs to set its connection string in the config file; and this is where I am having issues, the app is not able to write to the config file if/when its located under the program files directory (no admin privileges??), the app works fine when installed on a public folder.Please let me know how to give admin or write access to my app when its installed to the default program files directory

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How To Give Filters To DataGridView

May 2, 2012

I have a DataGridView to display the content of my database. I Queried the required fields to a Dataset and Used this as DataSource for the Datagridview. Now i want to add dropdown filters to each column as we see in Excel Sheets. Is it possible and how.

Any how i require dropdown for the columns i also tried from below link to set the BindingSource.Filter = value but i did not find this property for Datagridview[URL]..

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VS 2008 Change The Datagrid Cellstyle Alignment Of A Column?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to change the datagrid cellstyle alignment of a column in the designer. I set it to middle right but then I run it and it still aligned to the left. I have a lot of datagrids in my application but there are few that doesn't accept any alignment settings which I don't understand at all, can't see any reason, I been looking through the options if there is anything but can't find anything. I just need one column of cells to be aligned to the right whatever I do all of the columns are aligned left and there is an option in the defaultcellstyle that is sat to middle left, but when I try to change it to Not Set it doesn't change.

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Datagridview Default Error Dialog?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a d.g.v. with two columns. One is set as date and the other is set as decimal. If there is a row and a number is typed in the decimal column, you can delete it and leave the cell empty. However, the program will not let me delete the contents of a date cell and leave it empty. It just gives me the default error dialog saying that I need to put the contents in proper date form and it doesn't let me leave it blank.

How can I make it so that it allows me to leave the cell blank?

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DataGridView Does Not Save Changes To MDB File By Default?

Jun 1, 2009

While user edits the datagridview, it does not save changes to Access MDB file? This is not working..

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VS 2005 Set DataGridView 'default Row' Height

Jan 20, 2010

I have placed an dgv on the form. Then in the rowtemplate property i have set the height as 26. Then i added some columns. When i Click Close button of the "add column" window, along with the columns one default row with an height of 26 is added at design time.

But when i run the application the height of the defaut row is shown as 22, but when i add a new row its height is 26.

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VS 2008 Default Selection In DatagridView?

Jan 23, 2010

I had created 3 datagridviews dynamically. In each dtatgridview a single cell is selected by default. I want to avoid this default selection how can I do this?In a single form 3 cursors.....Not active but looks very boring.

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Changing Default Value Of A Property Of A Control (DataGridView)

Jan 12, 2012

I am inheriting my own datagridview (say MyDataGridView) from the standard datagridview control. What I want is that certain properties of MyDataGridView should have a different default value than what its base have. For example, AllowUserToAddRows,


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DataGridView Default Header Font Setting?

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to set the "ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle" property to the "GoudyHvyface BT" font and it will not change from the default. I am using Visual Basic 2008.

I have set the property properly with no success.

I have tried to set the property in code, using the suggestions in the MSDN and it kept throwing errors.

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Display Datagridview With Default Six Blank Rows?

Dec 14, 2011

How to display datagridview with default six blank rows and two columns.v

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Print Contents Of My Datagridview Via Default Printer?

Aug 27, 2009

I need to print the contents of my datagridview via the default printer. I found tutorials on this but they all seem to be in C# and I'm working in VB.Net 2008.

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Set A Default Value Of Checked For A Datagridview Checkbox Column?

Aug 9, 2009

I have datagrid view i added a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn here i want to set by default check after data loaded in datagridview

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.net - Disable The Default Enter/Return Key Behavior In A Datagridview?

Dec 11, 2009

In vb.net datagridview the default Enter/Return key behavior is to move to the next row is there a quick and easy way to avoid that.

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DateTimePicker In Bound DataGridView - Today's Date By Default

Apr 6, 2009

I am using the sample datetimepicker code from the Microsoft web site in a databound datagridview. This works fine if I use the combobox dropdown button and select a date. Is there a way to use today's date by default and not specifically selecting it?


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VS 2005 Display Datagridview With Default Blank Rows?

Dec 14, 2011

How to display datagridview with default six blank rows and two columns.

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Vs 2008 Vb - Set A Default Value For A Column At Runtime For A Bound Datagridview?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a data bound datagridview. I want to be able to have column 3 default value is = 0, column 4 default value is = 1 and column 5 default value is = 0. How can I do This. I just dragged the table onto the form visual basics data source panel. I have 20 different colums some have 0's, some have 1's adn some ave 2's. While entering the data, well it takes


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VS 2010 Datagridview Default Values Needed Error

Aug 5, 2011

If I delete the top row of my datagrid, or load a page without any data in the datagrid, I get a NullRefrenceException error. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."suggest a way for it to only run the default values needed sub if a row exists in my datagrid, else ignore it?

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Changing The Forecolor Of A Link Cell In A Datagridview Instead Of The Default Blue?

Dec 30, 2011

Is There any way of changing the forecolor of a link cell in a datagridview instead of the default blue?

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VS 2010 : Reduce The Default Padding/text Offset Of A DataGridView Cell?

Apr 28, 2010

By default, the DataGridView padding (.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Padding and .DefaultCellStyle.Padding) is set to 0 (zero). However, when you run the application and look at what's in the DataGridView control, there is default padding of 3 pixels (Left) in the data cells and a default padding of 7 pixels (also Left) in the header cells. I don't seem to have any control over these 3 and 7 pixel offsets. For Top, Bottom, and Right, there are similar or greater pixel offsets that I also don't seem to have access to. I want to be able to specify exactly the pixel offset I want, assuming a default pixel offset of 0 (not 3 and 7).

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User To Select Just Straight To Default Printer With Its Default Settings

Dec 3, 2011

I need to print the contents of 3 textboxs to default printer. what examples I have found dont seem to work. I was trying the documentprint1 component as i thought it would be easy but cant figure out how to tell it what to print the second part is to print a variable (string) to the printer as well.no need for user to select just straight to default printer with its default settings

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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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Can't Overload A Function

Mar 4, 2012

What I am doing is generic and has been done a thousand times, but I can't figure out how other programmers do this.

I am working with the Law of Sines to return an angle of A. There are two combinations, for instance:

Return Angle A given (side b, side a, angle B)
Return Angle A given (side c, side a, angle C)

----Note: All together there would be six, two for each angle)----

I can't overload the functions because the signatures are not unique. The parameters and return type are primitive type Double.

The use of Aliases works for reading the code but does nothing to resolve my issue.

One approach I thought of was to create a structure for each side and angle; however, I don't want to create any more complexity than needed.

Another solution could be using a strategy design pattern?

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Way To Overload A Property In .NET?

Feb 10, 2010

I've done plenty of Method Overloading, but now I have an instance where I would like to Overload a Property. The IDE in Visual Studio seems to allow it, since I can actually set up the two overloads, but I get an error saying it is not valid because they only differ in type. I think I'm missing something in my syntax?I want to be able to use two (or more) different custom classes as the Type for my property.

Public Overloads Property myFlexibleProperty() As myCustomClass1
Return _myFlexibleProperty1


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Own Browser Becoming Default/Editing Internet Default Options?

Jun 9, 2012

I am creating my own browser. I want to make an option...to set as the browser to default.To do that I have to:Write a code which opens html(generally internet) file through my browser(form load event) DoneChange the "open with..." of the .html,.xml.... files Problem I want to change the open with event from my web browser. Actually i want an options form which will ask the user "Do you want to set /Browser name/ to be your default browser?" If yes then it will change the default options of the internet files.

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Overload Constructors In A Class?

Apr 19, 2009

1)When we use Overload constructors in a class

2)and which one is get execut first.

Public Class remoteobj


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Overload Functions 2008 EE?

Mar 1, 2009

I am trying to pass multiple signature calls to an overloaded function. My understanding is that VB can recognize the different signatures and use the appropriate function.[code]...

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