Datagridview Default Error Dialog?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a d.g.v. with two columns. One is set as date and the other is set as decimal. If there is a row and a number is typed in the decimal column, you can delete it and leave the cell empty. However, the program will not let me delete the contents of a date cell and leave it empty. It just gives me the default error dialog saying that I need to put the contents in proper date form and it doesn't let me leave it blank.

How can I make it so that it allows me to leave the cell blank?

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Default Error Dialog Message?

Jul 5, 2011

I am working on an application developed in .Net with Sql server 2005.On the form there is a datagridview called 'ManualRequestDataGridView' . Within the datagridview - Edit Columns - there is a combobox called 'media expected'. On the items section - Collections I have the following list...

Electronic - Email


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VS 2008 With Error Dialog In Datagridview

May 20, 2010

i got this error in my code when the program runs i dont know what am i doing wrong Datagridview Default Error Dialog The Following exception ocurred in the datagridview System.InvalidOperationException: Binding Source cannot be its own data source.


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VS 2010 Datagridview Default Values Needed Error

Aug 5, 2011

If I delete the top row of my datagrid, or load a page without any data in the datagrid, I get a NullRefrenceException error. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."suggest a way for it to only run the default values needed sub if a row exists in my datagrid, else ignore it?

View 6 Replies

Default Directory For Open Dialog Box?

Jan 27, 2010

I am retrieving some pictures from the images in my Picture Box on the form I added my "images" folder to the bin/debug folder , and used the code for retrieving images from this directory.

Dim myDir As String = Application.StartupPath & "images" '-- my folder for images

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Suppress Right Click Default MS Dialog?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a windows app. I have a textbox that I capture the right click and do some processing. After I execute my code then I get the cut/paste windows default. How can I just do my code and suppress the MS stuff?

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VS 2008 Change Dialog Default?

Feb 18, 2011

A similar request made the other day was for the color dialog to change at run time using the method below.can you show me where the difference is and of course how to resolve the problem as I want the user to be able to change the fonts.


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Add A Checkbox To Windows Default Print Dialog?

Mar 31, 2009

Is there any way to add a checkbox to the windows default print dialog or do I have to create my own print dialog?

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VS 2008 Have A Windows 7 Common Dialog Open To A Library By Default

Jan 20, 2010

I'm sure most people on here have opened an OpenFileDialog or SaveFileDialog and set the SelectedPath property to point to some directory...

Has anyone done this on a Windows 7 machine and been able to point the thing to a Library? If so, what do you set it to?

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VS 2008 Save The Default Color That The User Changes Via The Dialog Box On A Form?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to save the default color that the user changes via the dialog box on a form.

I have started the code as I thought below.

Private Sub btnColour_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnColour.Click
If ColorDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then


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Datagridview Adding Record With A Dialog?

Jan 2, 2011

i made on my parent window a datagridview that connect to a databasei have also a menu i have added a button

in the dialog i have 7 label's and 7 textbox's
-Name + textbox
-Sur name + textbox


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Datagridview Export To Excel With Dialog?

Sep 9, 2010

I use this code to export my datagridview to excel. bu this does not give the user the posibility to choose the location or the name of the file. How can I do this?



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Datagridview In Dialog Reporting Old Values?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a dialog that is displayed concurrently with the main form and it has a datagridview showing a list of x,y values. The user can actively change the DGV in the dialog, but if I reference the DGV from the main form, it will not capture the user changes, but report the original values that were in the cells. I'm sure there is some sort of refresh or update event I am missing, but I have tried all the VS suggested options for the DGV and the dialog that seem relevant with no luck.

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.net - Refresh DataGridView After Data Inserted In DB By Another Dialog

Jun 17, 2012

On my Winforms app, I have a primary form with a DataGridView bound to a database Entity datasource.

The grid is set up not to allow inserts. Instead I have a button on my form that kicks of a second dialog where the insert takes place (ie. with friendlier ui than is possible with the DataGridView).

The insert is working fine.. query of the underlying table in db shows that the record has been inserted. However, I can't seem to get the DataGridView on the primary form to see the new data just created by the second dialog.

I have read many Stack Overflow q & a's and tried various solutions to get the DataGridView to refresh to show new data.. but nothing works.

This must be a common situation ?? Can someone suggest some VB.NET code that will work ?


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DataGridView - Using Dialog To Input Contact Details

Jan 3, 2011

I tried to make a phone book but I having some problems inserting it to the databank and then updating the Datagridview. I use a Dialog to input the contact details. I have 7 dialog's and 7 Label's.
Name + Textbox for giving contact details , ...

Then I click the button and I thought to use this code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'I have set it to false so they have to use the dialog to make the contacts but I don't think its the best way'
Form2.DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = True
'Simple Check For checking phone number and Name has values(user must give the value)'
[Code] .....

View 14 Replies

Dialog Box Appears With Error

May 23, 2009

I can't seem to get my 'Save' feature to work properly. It lets me choose save and lets me choose my desired save name but when i click on 'Save', a dialog box appears saying

"problemIllegal characters in path."

I'm not sure if it's code that i'm missing or code that shouldn't be there.

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VS 2008 Export Datagridview Value To Excel With Save Dialog?

Jul 29, 2011

here is my code i got an error when i try to save the file

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim saveLocation As String = String.Empty


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Close Dialog On Error Message

May 4, 2011

How would i go about closing my openfiledialog in the event that there is an error[code]...

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Error While Loading Dialog Window

Jan 31, 2009

Error While Loading Dialog Window [code]...

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Open File Dialog Error

Aug 9, 2011

I type in openfiledialog1.showdialog() and it says theres in error when i have a openfiledialog on my form Please Respond Quick

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VS 2008 Dialog Window Error?

May 11, 2010

With opeOuvrirFichier
.Title = "Ouvrir un fichier..."
.InitialDirectory = "C:FilmEtJeu"


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DataGridView Does Not Save Changes To MDB File By Default?

Jun 1, 2009

While user edits the datagridview, it does not save changes to Access MDB file? This is not working..

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VS 2005 Set DataGridView 'default Row' Height

Jan 20, 2010

I have placed an dgv on the form. Then in the rowtemplate property i have set the height as 26. Then i added some columns. When i Click Close button of the "add column" window, along with the columns one default row with an height of 26 is added at design time.

But when i run the application the height of the defaut row is shown as 22, but when i add a new row its height is 26.

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VS 2008 Default Selection In DatagridView?

Jan 23, 2010

I had created 3 datagridviews dynamically. In each dtatgridview a single cell is selected by default. I want to avoid this default selection how can I do this?In a single form 3 cursors.....Not active but looks very boring.

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Error While Showing A Modal Dialog Box Or Form

Jun 23, 2009

I am checking emailId exists in DB, If ExistsI am looking to create a Ok/Cancel confirmation dialog.if user say "Ok" I am redirecting to some other form.[code]...

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How To Ignore AXWebBrowser Script Error Dialog

Sep 22, 2010

Control "Webbrowser" have param. - ScriptErrorSuppressed
There is no something like "ScriptErrorSuppressed param" for AxWebbrowser.
How to find the way for ignoring error-dialogs?

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Programming A Dialog That Pops Up When Error Occurs?

Jul 31, 2009

As part of a review of my program on Softpedia, the Reviewer stated the following: If you call on a piece of software and it is not installed on your computer the application will pop up a nasty error message that may discourage beginners. Popping a dialog saying the reason of the error or that the software is not installed on the system would be a great fix.

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VS 2008 File Dialog Error Handler

Jul 30, 2009


I've tried several variations of this. If the Cancel button is clicked on the dialog, an exception occurs, and a crash in an executable. I thought the "Exit" statement would take care of it. Not true. What I need is an error handler. In VB6, I used "On Error". I would prefer to not do that here.

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Changing Default Value Of A Property Of A Control (DataGridView)

Jan 12, 2012

I am inheriting my own datagridview (say MyDataGridView) from the standard datagridview control. What I want is that certain properties of MyDataGridView should have a different default value than what its base have. For example, AllowUserToAddRows,


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DataGridView Default Header Font Setting?

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to set the "ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle" property to the "GoudyHvyface BT" font and it will not change from the default. I am using Visual Basic 2008.

I have set the property properly with no success.

I have tried to set the property in code, using the suggestions in the MSDN and it kept throwing errors.

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