Clear Lines Drawn On A Panel?

May 20, 2011

how to clear lines drawn on a panel.on some event i want to clear lines which r previosly drawn

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Forms :: Clear Lines Drawn On A Panel?

May 20, 2011

how to clear lines drawn on a panel.on some event i want to clear lines which r previosly drawn

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Clear Lines Which Previosly Drawn?

Jun 4, 2011

how to clear lines drawn on a panel.on some event i want to clear lines which r previosly drawn

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VS 2008 Clear A Rectangle Drawn?

Aug 25, 2009

So; I've drawn this rectangle vb Dim zr As New Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100)e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, zr)

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Adding Drawn Lines To ComboBox?

Mar 7, 2012

When I populate a combobox with items that have a line and text drawn in the DrawItem event, only the line image for the first item in the list appears in the drop down portion of the combobox. The other items (index>0) shown in the drop down portion of the combobox do not contain an image of the line, yet each item in the list does contain the designated text. The correct line image does appear when the user selects an item and the drop down portion of the combobox is not visible. How can I get the line image to appear in every item of the combobox when the drop down list is activated?

Public Class Form1
Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As ComboBox
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.ComboBox1 = New ComboBox
With Me.ComboBox1
[Code] .....

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Drawn Lines Do Not Remain On Form

Apr 15, 2010

I am drawing lines on a picturebox - not in the paint event. I realise that if I resize the PictureBox the lines won't be redrawn - but the PictureBox is fixed. If I display a MessageBox at the end of my draws the lines do not remain on the screen. This was OK with VB 6.0. Hoe can I stop them being erased?

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Prevent Graphics Drawn In Panel From Refreshing?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm making a plotting program. The panel (vs picturebox) is necessary because the data doesn't all fit into one screen so scrollbars are needed. I'm using graphics to draw the background layer and buttons for the data points.

When I scroll, the background is redrawn incorrectly since the top left corner of the panel is no longer the top left data point. Ideally, I'd like to prevent the background layer from redrawing entirely (after the initial draw). Alternatively, how do I take in consideration the new position of the scrolled panel in drawing the shapes & lines in the background layer?

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VS 2008 Saving Lines Drawn In Pictureboxes

Aug 21, 2010

On my form, I have a picture box that starts off blank, but draws lines according to mouse click events.

I am now trying to test whether there is colour in individual pixels, yet I am yet to find solid code.

My initial code was along the lines of

Dim bitm as bitmap
bitm = PictureBox1.Image

This would come up with nothing, as there wasn't any image assigned to the picture box.

I was wondering how I could save the lines drawn and use that as a bitmap to test pixel colour.

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Clear Contents Of A Panel?

Feb 21, 2010

I am doing a school project and have created a small program that allows the user to create a binary search tree and then visually displays it on the screen as a familiar tree structure, how the addition, deletion of nodes in the tree works along with many other things such as different tree traversals. I currently using a large panel on the main form and then adding user controls containing a textbox that displays imputed values,then using the panels paint event I draw a line between the user controls, this works fine however for deletion of a node I need to clear the main panel of the nodes that will change and add them to the panel again or just clear the hole panel and redraw the whole tree

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How To Clear Drawn Text Before Drawing A New Text

Dec 1, 2010

I'm looking to see if a little more control is possible though. cpustring = string and fontstring = font, both defined earlier in the program.I'm not sure how to clear the drawn text before drawing a new text. I tried with g.clear(color.transparent), but that creates an ugly flickering background for the picturebox (the picturebox is already set to transparent background).I'd also like to be able to fit the text in the picturebox area, max width/height as defined by picturebox, not by fontsize. Font can stretch either way as long as it fills in the picturebox.

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Clear A List Box On Panel.hide?

Aug 15, 2011

I am using this code to clear the contents of my panel

For Each c As Control In PanelEdit.Controls
If TypeOf c Is RadTextBox Then
DirectCast(c, TextBox).Text = String.Empty


the idea is if a user opens a different panel and then comes back to the panel they were in all the data is cleared.

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Panel Alignment - Center The Red Panel In The Middle Of The Dark Grey Panel ?

Jun 6, 2009

I need to center the red panel in the middle of the dark grey panel, when you resize the form the red panel should be in the middle, and the red panel can't be resize, anyone have a code or property to do this?

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Create A CLEAR BUTTON Loop To Clear All Textboxes?

Dec 13, 2011

this is currently my code to clear my 5 textboxes

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End Sub

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Clear Dataset But Get Error Sometimes If It Is Empty When Try To Clear It?

May 17, 2009

I have a timer that runs every time by itself, and for the code the runs in it I would like to have it clear the dataset before it does anything, the timer runs every 10 seconds, so I tried to do dataset.clear but it would crash if the dataset had no values

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Clear Hyperterminal - When Press "ctrl+L" Is To Clear Terminal Screen How To Write The Code?

Jun 23, 2011

in hyper teriminal when i press "ctrl+L" is to clear terminal screen how to write the code in Hyperterminal is connecting to serial comport.when i try this it work and return line on debug

serialport.writeline ("at+cmgl=1")

i try this but not work and it still show some lines on debug

serialport.writeline (vbcrtl +"L")
serialport.WriteLine("vbCrLf + l")

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.net - Clear() Or Txtbox.Text = "" Textbox Clear Methods

Sep 20, 2010

way to clear textboxes in VB.Net and what is the difference between the two methods? I have also seen people be critical of folk using clear objects on their forms and i can see why but in this case, i am only learning.



txtbox1.Text = ""

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Clear All The Data In Data Grid View Without Clear The Binding Source?

Jul 15, 2009

wan to ask about anyone know the code about how to clear all the data inside the data grid view without clear the binding source...

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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


View 1 Replies - Controls (buttons) Be Set In A ModalPopup Extender Panel That Do Not Close The Panel?

Apr 21, 2009

When a user is editing a given piece of data, they're allowed to add messages/comments. These are stored as child records in a SQL database. Clicking on the Add Message button brings up a panel (pnlMessage) courtesy of the AJAX ModalPopup Extender. This takes some input and, when the "Send Message" button in the panel is clicked (I learned the hard way to NOT make that the 'OkButton' property), the message is stored in the database and an email is sent to the intended recipients. No problem there.

However, I need to be able to allow the user to add new email addresses (so long as they are registered in our database). I have another ModalPopup / panel combo (pnlSearch) that's tied to a button on the previous panel (pnlMessage).

The user is supposed to be able to add an email or click on a search button to populate a list to choose from.

The pop-up panel (pnlSearch) comes up just fine, but clicking the "Lookup" button (which instigates the search and returns a collection of records that the user is supposed to pick from) closes the panel.

Previously, I ran into the problem of having the Button.Click event never firing when I put the Button into the "OkControlID" property (the CancelControlID works fine since I don't want to do anything). Removing the "OkControlID=Button" line allowed it to work perfectly with the Button.Click event firing as expected.

So now I have the Search panel with a button for "OK" and a button for "Search" - but the panel should stay up and visible after the Search.Click does it's thing. Am I missing some property that basically says "don't close the panel when this button is clicked"? Of course, if I bring up the panel again in the same session, the results from the previous effort are there (the search results).

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Interface And Graphics :: HScrollBar And A Panel Inside A SplitContainer Panel?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a TopBar, A LeftBar, A VScrollBar, A HScrollBar and a Panel inside a SplitContainer Panel.The issue I'm having is that when my SplitContainer Panel is small enough to enable one of the ScrollBars, I will slide the ScrollBar and then when I resize the Split Panel, my Panel1 is staying where I scrolled it too.I'm having troubles thinking of the correct code to fix this.


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Move Dynamic Contorls During Runtime Within The Panel Or Some Container Like Panel?

Mar 2, 2009

I was trying to move some dynamic control within the parent container like panel or a group box how do i do that?

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Panel Within A Panel, Overlapping Borders Show As Bold And Indented?

May 8, 2009

I'm working on a visual studio 2008 VB.Net project (.net framework 2.0), and am having some trouble with the Panel control using a fixedsingle border. As a small example of the problem, suppose I have one Panel2 contained inside of Panel1. If the Left position of panel2 is set to 0 (meaning it's border is up against the left edge of Panel1), the left border will show as bold, and slightly indented.

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form[code].....

What I'd like to see is just a single line, not bold or indented, where the two panels borders are equal.Is there a property or custom paint technique I could use to achieve this behavior?

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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Get A Bunch Of Lines From A Text File (they Will Be Filenames Eventually) Which Are Split By New Lines And Puts Each One Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..

Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then


The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.

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Autoscroll X.panel According To T.panel's Scroll Position

Mar 19, 2009

This is for a mapping/plotting program.

t.panel is the main panel and it has too much content to fit in one screen so there are scroll bars. x.panel contains the horizontal scale for the data points in t.panel. I drew the scale using a bitmap and set it as x.panel's background.

Setting x.panel's horizontalscroll.value = t.panel's horizontalscroll.maximum doesn't seem to work. I think this is because x.panel's doesn't have any content that causes it to need scroll bars.

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Why Did Clear() Clear Both DataTables

Feb 28, 2011

In my winform program (in I wrote:

Dim dt As New DataTable
'Get data from DB into dt


But when I run the program, Clear() cleared both dt and dttemp! Why? Aren't dt and dttemp supposed to be two distinct instances of DataTable?

(I finally found a solution - dttemp = dt.Copy() instead of dttemp = dt. But I still can't see why Copy() was necessary in this case.

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Getting Bound Of Drawn Graphics?

Jun 1, 2012

I draw some graphics on a picture box. However, I want to change the width and height of the picture box so that the drawn graphics fit exactly in the picture box (during run time, where graphics may change). How can I do this, or how can I get the region of the drawn graphics so that I can change the width and the height of the picture box manually.

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How Is A Graph Drawn In VB 2005

Jan 9, 2010

In a Windows Form, how are X,Y points of data drawn on the form to make a graph?
software developer

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VS 2010 - Drawn Paths Will Not Go Away

May 12, 2010

I have this code for drawing a path.
Dim map As New Bitmap(l1.Size.Width, l1.Size.Height, l1.CreateGraphics)
Dim nextPoint As Point
Using g As Drawing.Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(map)
Dim dPath As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
For i As Integer = 0 To path.Count - 1
[Code] .....

l1 is a Label. When I call this it draws the path fine, but when I call it again it draws another path but doesn't get rid of the first path. Basically, I only want one path on the Label at a time.

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StreamWriter Clear (clear The File "make The File Blank Again") And Move

Mar 26, 2010

I am using the StreamWriter to create a log file for my application. However I do not see a method on how to clear the file (make the file blank again). Also before I clear the file I want to rename it so that I can have multiple log files, a new one produced everytime the application runs.


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