Code For Finding Factorials - Overflow Exception ?

Mar 30, 2011

I have the following code for finding factorials:

Private Shared Function Factorial(ByVal Number As Long) As Long
If Number = 0 Then
Return 1
Return Number * Factorial(Number - 1)
End If
End Function

It usually results in an overflow. It only works if I start with something small like 4. I have to work with starting numbers such as 30-60. I thought changing the value type to LONG would prevent this problem. This is just for reference.

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Can't Spot The 'Overflow Exception'

Aug 27, 2011

I get an 'overflow exception was unhandled' error in the following code.

It is a function to combine 2 bytes into a 16 bit integer.

Private Function MakeInt16(HiVal As Byte, LoVal As Byte) As Short
Dim h As UInt32 = HiVal * CUInt(256) + LoVal
Return CShort(h)
End Function

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Overflow Exception-very Large Numbers?

Jun 22, 2010

This piece of C# code does not produce any overflow exception.wordsize is a constant equal to 32.the x and y can be very big at the computation time. So big that long or decimal even cant hold. But C# handles the problem even the value of the variables exceeds its limits.The computation gives thr right result.(I dont know how it does it)


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Possible To Disable Overflow Exception Handling?

Mar 18, 2012

I'm writing a CPU emulator in VB .NET.It's important to keep the code tight for maximum performance.

The following test code shows an example of my issue[code]...

Now I know I can use a long, and mask the value with &HFFFF, and I know I can add exception handling to the code. but remember, this is an emulator and more code = less performance.

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Scheduled Task - Overflow Exception Manager

Jul 25, 2011

I have created a console application to run through the db (about 22K )records and update some values nightly. I've added an email to myself on any errors. When running the task I get about 500 emails saying:
"Overflow" (which is what's returned by : exception.Message)
What does it mean? Is it running through the db too fast?

Here is my code:
For Each dataRow As DataRow In dt.Rows
curries = 0
baseDate = Nothing
sourceID = 0
[Code] ......

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Class Calling Itself And Throwing Stock Overflow Exception?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a class as below in VB.NET. The issue is class calling itself. So vb.NET throwing Stock Overflow exception. But the same class is working fine in VB6 version of code in VB6.How to resolve this issue?


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Overflow Exception - Insert Rows Form A ListView Into An Access DB

Dec 21, 2010

I'm attempting to insert rows form a ListView into an access DB. Here is the code from the Finish button. From line 55 down is my trouble area.


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CODE - Get The Stack Overflow Error ?

Feb 12, 2012

could you tell me, why I get the stack overflow error on this code?

Dim ev As Double = datum.Year * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
Dim honap As Double = datum.Month * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
Dim nap As Double = datum.Day * 24 * 60 * 60
Dim masodpercek As Double = ev + honap + nap

The double datatype should be enough.

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Finding Name Of Exception Method?

Mar 23, 2010

Is it possible to collect name of method, line, file etc in which exception occurred for logging purposes? I have heard its possible using System.Diagnostics.StackTrace but not sure how.

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Quadratic Formula "Overflow Exception"

Oct 18, 2010

I have been trying to make a program to solve for the x intercepts of a quadratic formula and have gotten this far. Whenever i debug, it says "A first chance exception of type 'System.OverflowException'" It seems to be with the code shown in bold.


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Exception Being Thrown In Designer-created Code Instead Of User Code

Sep 10, 2010

In my project, I have a local dataset (XSD) that I am using as local-temporary tables. I am getting a System.InvalidCastException when trying to access the field in one the tables. I believe this is because I my code is (incorrectly) not setting a field's value in a row before trying to access it.My problem is that the exception is breaking in the designer file and not in my code. As a result, I'm having difficulting determining which line of my code reading the field value before it has been set. Is there any way to configure Visual Studio to break in my code instead of in the designer created file?

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Finding A Value Of Line Of Code?

Jun 22, 2010

Me.pass = Conversions.ToString(CDbl((((Conversions.ToDouble((4 & 3)) - Conversions.ToDouble(4)) + (Conversions.ToDouble(2) * Conversions.ToDouble(1))) / Conversions.ToDouble(2))))


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Finding Erlang B Code?

Dec 6, 2006

I've been looking for a code example that would run through the Erlang B formula, but the only thing I can find are commercial packages.

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Finding The Code Snippet?

Jun 23, 2010

I am working on a little small 10 question quiz. The quiz is just for fun for a work thing I'm doing. I'm using I'd like to put in one of the questions something like "what's your favorite baseball team?" Then list 3 radio buttons for 3 possible answers. But I'd like to make 2 of the radio buttons move away when a person tries to mouse over it to click on it. So only the answer I want them to use would be possible. I can creat it all but the code to make the raido buttons move when moused over. I've been searching but having trouble finding anything on how to do this.

I don't have my actual quiz code in front of me. But can post the form code for that question later tonight when I get home if needed. But the form is very basic. just has the question in a lable, Then the 3 answers below it as radio buttons. I have a next button that goes to the next form and closes the previous one, and an exit button that closes down the whole application.

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Finding A Control Within A FormView From Code-behind?

Jun 24, 2009

Here the code behind... I'm trying to retrieve this control so I can add items to the drop down list (I'm retrieving the Role Groups to add to the drop down list in the code-behind)

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim DDRoleGroups As DropDownList


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Finding The Char Code Of A Character?

Jul 13, 2011

I am trying to write a VB function to strip unwanted characters from a string. It is for generating a 'clean' url from data that has been inputted into a CMS. Someone has copied and pasted from a Word document and so there appears to be an mdash or ndash in the product title. This results in ─ appearing instead of -

I have tried a Replace(text, Chr(196), Chr(45)) but it isn't working so it can't be 196. Is there a tool or something where I can copy this character and paste it into the tool and it will tell me what char code it is?

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Finding The Webpage Manipulation Code?

Jan 21, 2012

I have a / application for distributors that queries a sql server db, converts the records to tab delimited text format file. After building the file, the user goes to the website of the manufacturer, logs in to a private area and uploads the txt file.

I would like to add a function to my code that would launch a browser in a form, load the manufacturer's login screen, load the user id, password and then let the user log in by clicking the login button. Then when the next page loads, I'd like to have the text file I just created pop into the web page text box for file name, choose a couple of radio button options properly and then let the user click the submit button.

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RegEx - Finding / Returning A Code

Jul 10, 2009

I must admit it's been a few years since my RegEx class and since then, I have done little with them. So I turn to the brain power of SO. . . I have an Excel spreadsheet (2007) with some data. I want to search one of the columns for a pattern (here's the RegEx part). When I find a match I want to copy a portion of the found match to another column in the same row.


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C# - Finding RTF Code Associated With Selected Text In RichTextBox

Mar 7, 2011

I am using winform RichTextBox and I wonder if we can find the corresponding rtf code (or at least whereabouts of it) when selecting text?

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Finding And Closing Modal Dialogs In Code

Aug 21, 2005

There may be times when it would be useful for your code to be able to find and close modal dialogs displayed by an application. Perhaps you do not want to have to wait indefinitely for your user's input, or are using the COM Web browser control to automatically navigate Web page and would like to interactively close alert messages that pop up.Digging into our Interop toolbox, we find that this is a relatively simple process using a few core Win32API calls. Starting with the handle of the main window associated with the dialog (this is the form from which the messagebox was shown, whether from your code or from a Web page hosted in a Web browser control on the form), the GetWindow function can be used to retrieve a handle to a dialog windows (called a popup by the Windows API) being displayed (if any). The same function can then be used to enumerate the child windows of the dialog to find a button on the dialog to click in order to close it, and the SendMessage API function can be used to simulate that click, effectlvely closing the dialog window.

NOTE: At the top of whatever code file you put this code, be sure to include the following line (thanks poiygon for pointing this out):Code:Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices this allows for the shortcuts to the DllImport attributes.[code]This sample can be easily modified to close a dialog in another application (by using the MainWindowHandle of that application in the LookForAndCloseIEPopup function, instead of "Me.Handle") or to close any other type of modal dialog message being displayed to your user.

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Finding URLS In A HTML Source Code?

Feb 20, 2009

I need to find .MP3 format URLS in a HTML source code.So how could i do that?Lets say i have:

Dim wcClient As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim data As System.IO.Stream = wcClient.OpenRead(inbox.ToString)
Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(data)
reader = reader.ReadToEnd()

so how could i find all the .MP3 urls which are in the source code?

I've found some examples using RegEx but im not really sure how to use the RegEx pattern to find MP3 urls in the source code.

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Finding A Sample Code For .net Dynamic Dashboard Applications?

Aug 15, 2011

I am looking for sample code for Dynamic Dashboard applications? i want the code in which will be my front end and sql will be my back end for database?

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VS 2008 Finding The Reason A Form Is Closing (By X Button , By Code Etc)?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there any way I can find the exact reason a form is closing ? To be more specific , I'd like to find when a form is closing :1) because the user pressed the X button on the upper right corner2) due to code (Me.Close , MyForm.Close etc)I know I can use the FormClosing event and use this code :If e.CloseReason = CloseReason.UserClosing Thenhowever it seems that the CloseReason.UserClosing catches both cases (closed by te X button or by code) . So , is there any way I can find exactly the reason a form is closing ?Back in VB6 , the correspondent UnloadMode variable of the Form_Unload event could be "vbFormCode" which indicated specifically that the form was closed by code

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Catch An Exception And Throw A New Exception Which Wraps The First Exception As An Inner Exception

May 8, 2009

It is possible to catch an exception and throw a new exception which wraps the first exception as an inner exception: [URL] Also, if I call a function and it throws a certain error, but I catch it, will the calling code's catch handler execute? If so, and it is of a higher exception type, is this not wrapping the exception? eg I can throw exception ex of type IndexOutOfRange, log it but rethrow, catch a higher up exception and do something, or I can throw a new exception and wrap an inner exception like:

View 1 Replies - Finding A .net Code To Add Existing Buttons/text Boxes/drop Down Lists, Etc To A Container Or Holder?

Jun 17, 2012

I'm using Basically, I have a drop down list, text box and a submit button. You choose a movie director from a drop down list, then type in a movie, click button and it adds the data to my database.There's another button which hides/shows drop down list, text box and submit button using Visible = True and Visible = False, but what I don't like about it is when it hides the things I said before, it leaves some white/empty space like if they are still there, but not visible.Is there anyway to put some kind of holder/container and place a button which when clicked could add my drop down list, text box and submit buttons to that place?

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Code Works VB But Gives Exception?

Aug 8, 2011

Aim to achieve :I want to change the SourceData of the Pivot table.I want to change it from 'C:[file.xlsx]SheetName'!RangeName to 'SheetName'!RangeName

I have the following implementation :


At the time of error str has value 'SheetName'!RangeName (This is fine.. )

I am also getting a message box before the exception :

Can not open the source file C:file.xlsx (Isn't that obvious because its in use)

this works in VB as a Macro.

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Continue Code After Exception?

Jul 29, 2010

i would like to know if there is a Way that when an exception is thrown to let the program continue aftare the exception was thronw for example

line 1
line 2


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Getting An Exception When Trying To Run The Code In .net 2005?

Dec 23, 2009

I am getting an exception when trying to run the below code in 2005

Public Class Form1
Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _


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Getting Index Out Of Range Exception Could Where In The Code Is?

Sep 1, 2010

dbReader = DAL.GetCaseSumCasesAssnCtrlMgmtCtrlChargeCodesLeftJoin(ClientKey, txtCaseNumber.Text)
If dbReader.Read Then


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Getting Index Out Of Range Exception Could Where The Code Is?

Feb 15, 2010

dbReader = DAL.GetCaseSumCasesAssnCtrlMgmtCtrlChargeCodesLeftJoin(ClientKey, txtCaseNumber.Text)
If dbReader.Read Then


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