Combo Box Drop Down Value Relation Between Two Tabs?

Feb 8, 2011

i have a login form that contains a combo box and a text box and a button. the items of the como box are from the databse while the person selected can only log into the system if the password he enters on the textbox matches the password details in the database.(of the name selected)

my problem is, the second tab contains a couple of textboxes and combo boxes that need to be filled in. but i want the first combo box in the second tab to have drop down value of the name of the person that has logged in to fill in the form.

the person login in the first tab, his name should appera on the combo box in the second tab

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Information With Relation To A Combo Box?

May 5, 2010

I want to have a combo box with a list of names. When one of the names is selected, I want the phone number and email to be displayed below it in a text box (or something similar).

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Relation Between Two Combo Boxes In VB 2005

Apr 11, 2009

i am new to vb2005 and i am developing a project of a restaurant in vb2005. i have two combo boxes of PRICE and SOFTDRINKS. there are 5 different soft drinks and there are five different prices of the softdrinks in the combo box of PRICE. my requirement is that when i select the soft drink in the combo box of SOFTDRINKS then automatically the price relevant to that soft drink should be selected in the combo box of PRICE.


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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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How To Drag/drop Or Rearrange Tabs

May 5, 2009

How do I allow users to drag/drop or rearrange tabs, like in mozilla and IE?I've managed to extend the tabcontrol properties a little but i cant get the dodragdrop method to work....

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Invisible Text In Combo Drop Down?

Nov 29, 2005

I have a problem with Combo Boxes. When one uses the mouse to open the drop down menu, the text appears to be missing, but when you click on a entry, the text appears in the box at the top of the combo box (the thumb?). Likewise, when the cursor keys are used to scroll through the options, the text appears in the thumb.

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Populating Combo Box / Drop-down From A Dictionary?

Jul 20, 2011

Recently started working with VB.NET, and I'm just playing around with the controls and everything. What I want to do, is populate a drop-down list or a combobox (on program load) with data from a dictionary. I'm used to php, so I tried a for each dictionary.items as newitem combobox.items.add(newitem) but I can't get it working. Can someone give me an example of this? And what if i wanted only the key to show in the drop-down, and the corresponding value shown on a label besides it when I make a selection?


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Turn Combo Box / Drop Down Box Uneditable?

Jun 12, 2011

How to turn the combo box/drop down box uneditable.

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Windows Message Combo Box Drop Up?

Jan 29, 2010

I have in my code the CBN_DROPDOWN command that is sent using a Windows Message, but I want to be able to make the Combo Box List Drop Up as well. Does anyone know if this is possible or how I can do it?

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.net - Combo Box Drop-down Closes Unexpectedly When On Tab Control?

May 22, 2009

I have a modal form with a single instance of the built-in .NET 2.0 tab control. The tab control has several pages, and on one of them is a combo box that isn't populated until the user activates it for the first time. When that happens, I handle the DropDown event and run a process that takes several seconds, then I add the items returned by that process to the combo box.It works fine, except right after the list portion of the combo box is dropped down, it immediately closes as if some other control took the focus. I've narrowed it down to the fact that there is a tab control on the form, and the process that retrieves items for the combo box takes more than 4 seconds. If I create a completely blank form with just the combo box, I don't see this behavior.

Needless to say, this is strange beyond belief. Any idea why the tab control would interfere with the control that currently has focus?


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Forms :: Event Procedure From Combo Box Drop-Down?

Jul 24, 2011

I've created a form to handle "frequently asked questions". In the form I have five Drop-Down Combo Boxes and I want the user to be able to select one of the questions listed in the drop down boxes and have it return a "message box" with the answer to the question. Naturally I'll have different "answers" for each question, but my initial efforts have me getting my message box as soon as I click on the drop-down arrow itself, and I don't want that triggered until I click on the specific question.

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VB2008 Drop Combo Box And Database Tables?

Oct 5, 2011

I want a to create a combo box that gets the selectable items from a table and when I save the form I want the selected item saved to a different table. I'm sure this is simple I'm not a database wiz and still very much a newbie.

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Combo Box Drop Downlist And Prevent Text From User

Feb 23, 2011

I have read through some of the other posts and I think what I want to do is slightly different. I have a combo box in VB ExpEd2010 that I want to allow the user to only select from the drop down list. However, I want to be able to set the value in the combo box to something that is not in the list. So the drop down list will have values 1, 2, 3 but I want to be able to write to the same combo box a value of 2.4, 1.2, etc.

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ComboBox Problem - Combo Box Won't Drop Down After Cancelling Validation?

Feb 24, 2012

I've found some unexpected behaviour in my ComboBox, which I'm hoping someone can help me with. If focus is lost by pressing the Return key on a form which has AcceptButton set, then after handling the Validating event and cancelling the validation,the ComboBox will not drop down any more. When you click on the drop-down arrow, the list drops down momentarilly then goes away again To reproduce this, create a new VB.NET Windows Forms application. Drop a Combo Box and a Button onto the default form, then add the following code:[code]....

Run this application, click on the Combo Box, enter some random text (e.g. "asdf"), then press Return. After this, click on the drop-down arrow on the Combo Box.I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express on Windows 7 Home Premium.

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VS 2005 Adding A Refresh Button To Update Combo Box Drop Down List?

Jul 16, 2009

See the below

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


the last value inserted into the access database will be add to the drop down list of their corressponding combo box.

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Replacing The Tab Control's Tabs With Custom Tabs Made In Photoshop

Mar 16, 2009

I was wondering if there was a solution to replacing the tab control's tabs with custom tabs made in Photoshop. I know there are plenty of super expensive programs that can do it, but I was wondering if there was a way to do it programmatically. I was thinking that maybe it could linked in some way with a .DLL?

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Making The GUI A Scrollable Window - Tabs Get Built, Displayed And Disposed As The User Scrolls Left And Right Through The Member Tabs?

Mar 6, 2009

My code is basically a file parser/editor and it handles most files fine as they hold a handful of records concerning family members. However there are a few files that crash when trying to deal with them. Here is the problem.Each family member record creates 3 tabs that hold an average of 3 group boxes each. Each group box holds an average of 3 text boxes.So each member record creates 3x3x3 = 27 text boxes and some files get up to 289 family members which = 7803 text boxes.

The problem is the rare file with 400+ member records = 10,800 text boxes which causes a crash due to using up all the window handles. Each member has a separate tab page (with 3 subpages) but really only a dozen or so member pages are visible in the GUI with scroll arrows to move through them so I was thinking of somehow making the GUI a scrollable window so the tabs get built, displayed and disposed as the user scrolls left and right through the member tabs.

The files are parsed into a 3d list DataList(x,y,z) where x is the page number, y is the group box number and z is the text box number. So all the data is available. The code then traverses MyList and builds GuiList(x,y) where x is the page number and y is the groupbox number with all the textbox.text linked to MyList(x,y,z) locations so all text changes are reflected in the MyList.

I already have a memberCount variable and I am thinking of building, say, the first 30 member tabs with the middle 10 being visible in the GUI. If the selected tab > 20, then dispose of the first 10 tabs and create tabs 30-40.I am thinking I will keep all the member tab pages so I don't have to deal with inserts and indexing problems but just dispose all the group boxes and text boxes for tab pages out of view. I already have a deep clone sub that clones members when the user wants to add a new family member and I am thinking I will have to add something similar when a tabpage is passed in for disposal, it traverses and disposes each text box, then disposes the group box for each group box on the tab page.Additionally, another routine will rebuild the group boxes from the data held in MyList(x,y,z) when a tabpage(x) is passed in.

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The Combo Box Style 1 Has Both The Drop Down Option But Also A Manual Entry Option

Jan 26, 2010

the combo box style 1 has both the drop down option but also a manual entry option. I need to know how to code it so that when you manually enter data, it takes that data and places it in a text message "The shipping charges for "data" is $15" displaying in a text box. Shouldn't be hard but have developed a mind block.

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Get Relation Between 2 Databases?

Jun 7, 2011

I have two dataset , each with with table . each datasets is connected to a separate dataadapter to get data from sql server database file (two different tables SQLtableOrders & SQLtableCustomerA))

datasetOrders.Tables("Orders") >>> the first column "orderID" is a primary unique key. Its structure is details below :


note that I had already made this by getting the data by SQL Statement "Select SQLtableOrders.* , SQLtableCustomerA.orderID FROM SQLtableOrders, SQLtableCustomerA WHERE SQLtableOrders.orderID = SQLtableCustomerA.orderID" It is really working fine , but the problem that it takes time to get data from the SQL server each time I disply orders. I already have the datasetOrders.Tables("Orders") data on the client PC , I need only to make the client PC extract which orders are assinged to a ceratin customers. I can do it by For... Next , but I guess it will take time , specially if "orders" data contains many data .

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.net - EF - Only Removes Relation When Hit By Breakpoint?

Jun 7, 2012

Function Edit(<Bind(Prefix:="Article")> ByVal Article As FormCollection, Optional ByVal DepartementID As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal LeverancierID As Integer = 0) As ActionResult ', ByVal ReferenceSupplierID As Integer
' Dim Art As Article = ArticleService.GetArticleById(Article.ArticleID)
Dim _toUpdateArt As Article = ArticleService.GetArticleById(Article(0))
UpdateModel(_toUpdateArt, Article)


toUpdateArt.Departement = Nothing and _toUpdateArt.Supplier = Nothing is to remove the optional relationship.But it only works when i debug it and sometimes after several loops of the command, before the relation is actually removed and it's stored in the database.When there isn't a breakpoint on the "function", the Relationship will never be nulled.Does anyone has an explanation for this and how to fix this?

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Add A Many-To-Many Relation In Entity Framework?

Apr 17, 2009

I am a newbie. I have been able to Add new entities where there is a One-To-Many Relation. I am having a problem (don't Know how to do it) adding a new Entity when the relation is using Many-To-Many. In my EDM I have:


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DB/Reporting :: Relation DB Design?

Apr 21, 2010

I am designing a system for our sales team to enter their sales expenses. I have designed an input form and need some advise on what exactly I should store in the expenses table VS lookup from the employee table.

First, the form has a text box where the user must enter their EmployeeID. Management asked for a text box VS a combo box because they do not want users looking at each others expenses. The form has a search feature where by after you enter your employee number, it will look for an existing expense ticket first before allowing you to create a new one. Anyway, here are some of the decisions I have to make.

When the user enters their employee number, I would like to display their employee name. The EmployeeID is saved in the Expense table but should I also store the name in the expsense table? If I do save it, it's duplication of data, if I do not, I have to look it up each time the record is loaded. But is there a point storing the name long term? Does this qualify as related data? If I was to perform some reporting, could this cause a problem if an employee changes their name etc.

The expense data is spread over 2 tables, the first for the header details including employeeID, expense date and Expense ID etc. The second table contains the expense lines information. Amount, customer, category etc. My next question is when the employee chooses an expense category, there is an associated general Ledger code with that category. Again, the expense category data is stored in a table. When the user chooses the expense category, should I store the categoryID or store the values associated with the ID (GLAcct, CategoryDescription etc.) Does this qualify as related data or should lookup values always be duplicated in the master table? It is possible that over time, the GL accounts associated with the Expense categories could change. So for accuracy purposes, should they be stored in the expense lines table?

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VS 2008 Relation Between Two Tables?

Apr 14, 2009

i have two tables ( employees and departments )i want to insert data in employees table via employees form .so how can i put the departments names in a combobox and when the user choose a specific one it will return a department number so i can pass it to the INSERT statement? i mean what is the exact SELECT statement to load the the information to the datatable do i need two SELECT statements or innerjoin or something else?

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VS 2010 Data Relation In ADO.Net?

Aug 12, 2011

I have two tables populated in a dataset using sql data adapter.. i created relation by specifying two columns in each table.. added it in dataset and made datagridview to show related records.. but it shows only first record...


Dim cons As New String("Data Source=xxxxSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=emp;Integrated Security=True")
Dim sql1 As New String("Select * from tab1")
Dim sql2 As New String("Select * from tab2")

use uniscribe in visual basic?

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What's The Relation Between Classes And Objects

Oct 14, 2009

relation between Classes and Objects with an example.Md. Marufuzzaman

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Get The Angle Of A Line In Relation To The X Axis?

Apr 18, 2011

i am trying to get the angle of a line in relation to the x axis. The line is being drawn in a picturebox. So its the Upper right quadrant of the cartesian plane ... but its flipped over the x using this code



The issue is that the line im drawing is almost parallel to the x axis but its returning a value of roughly 90 degrees .It seems like it is giving me the angle in relation to the y axis, but not being super good at the math myself im not exactly sure what to change here.

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Get A ContextMenuStrip In Relation To The Parent Control It's Under?

Dec 30, 2009

I've made a ContextMenuStrip to use in my program to change the image in a picture box. However, it's used with multiple picture boxes which each need to have their own changed. What I want to do is make my command change only that picture box leaving the others as they were before. An example, if this were a plausible code.

Private Sub TestToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestToolStripMenuItem.Click
Self(aka the control that currently has the menu open).Image = My.Resources.Picture
End Sub

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Get The Form Position In Relation To The Screen?

Apr 16, 2011

I have this code working fine , it takes pictures of the correct size and correct file name , however , all the pictures it takes are in the top left corner of the screen , rather than where i have the form to. FYI the picture box in the middle has no picture in it , and is transparent , i want to save a bitmap of the contents of the picturebox ( a user defined size of the screen). The picture box and button are docked so that the form scales properly when being resized.


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Mouse Position In Relation To Picturebox

Oct 3, 2009

If I do the mousedown event in my picturebox, is there a way to calculate the mouse position in relation to the picturebox itself, or will I have to calculate it from the X/Y of the mouse and the X/Y of the picturebox? I can do the latter, just wondering if there's a command for the former.

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Relation For Multiple Columns Between Two Tables?

Jan 8, 2010

< 2008>

How do I add relations for two colums between two tables? I tried below way but it does not work.
Is there any other way?

Dim relCompanyEmp1 As DataRelation = ds.Relations.Add("relSectionEmp", ds.Tables("MST_COMPANY").Columns("COMPANY_ID"), ds.Tables("EMP_MASTER").Columns("COMPANY_ID"))
Dim relCompanyEmp2 As DataRelation = ds.Relations.Add("relSectionEmp", ds.Tables("MST_COMPANY").Columns("LOCATION_ID"), ds.Tables("EMP_MASTER").Columns("LOCATION_ID"))


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