Connect To External Device Using A Serial Port

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to connect to an external device using a serial port. I found a couple of tutorials with demo code and tried these. Unfortunately they all return the same gibberish unreadible result.[code]I'm sure my port settings are correct (I have the communication protocol of the device.)

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Get FullName From Available Serial Port (Com Port) From Device Manager In Windows Form With .net?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Windows windows form have a combo box that give me a list of available port serial with it code (Dim ports As String() =SerialPort.GetPortNames())for example( Com1,Com8,Com15,...).but I want to give me fullname of serial port in device manager for example in dvice manager is these (Comunication Port(COM1) - Printer Port(LPT1) And USB Serial Port(COM8)).how to Get it?

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Serial Port Example Code - Connect To A Modem Thru The Serial Port

Oct 26, 2011

The link below has code to connect to a modem thru the serial port but it is for an earlier version of VB. when I convert the code, it does not fully convert and has 4 errors that prevent building the project. can someone tell me what needs to be changed or added?


Note: the error: not CLS-Compliant

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Communicating To A Device Using A USB To Serial Port (VCP)?

Feb 19, 2010

I am communicating to a device using a USB to serial port (VCP). I am having a problem with the usb failing. When the usb fails my app will lock up and the com port is lost. I have seen a post about this but cannot find it.

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Read XML From A Device Through A Serial Port?

May 13, 2011

My current program can read in a continuous stream of data when initialized and I can send a command to retrieve the devices stored data, I also have within the same program code that will read an XML file and populate from controls.

I have two separate idea's right now that I'm trying to merge into one

I want to read in XML and populate my controls. I'm aware of delegate and Invoke but I'm having a hard time working them into my XML portion or the opposite "working my XML into my serial port class".

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App To View Which COM Port A USB-Serial Device Is Connected To?

Jul 14, 2011

I am currently having an issue finding information on how to develop a simple application that a user can run to find out which COM port ie. COM1, COM2, ect is assined to the Belkin USB to Serial Adapters we use in the company.

To anyones knowledge is this possible and how would I implement it in a Windows Form Application.

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How To Show All Available Serial Port In Device Manager

Jul 24, 2011

I have a windows form in in my form have a combobox. I want in combo box show only all com ports that exist and available in device manager. How to do it?

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Connect To A Device Through A USB Port

Nov 5, 2009

How do I connect to a device through a USB port. Saying I know what the device ID is. I want to open up serialized communication between me and the device.

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Communications :: Close Serial Port After USB Device Unplugged?

Oct 1, 2009

There seems to be a lot of discussion around about handling exeptions when a USB serial port device gets unplugged. What I want to know is how can one re-attach to it once it is plugged back in. The problem is that if you unplug a USB serial port device the app doesn't know it has gone and remains convinced it is still open. I have to close the app completely before I can re-attach to the device. I need a way to force it to close/go away.

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ASP.NET Webpage To Device Connect To Server's USB (COM) Port

May 19, 2009

I am working on a way to send commands to an Arduino board from a web site. The Arduino board is connected to the computer via a USB port (a COM port).

I have managed to connect and control the board using a VB.NET program. I also wrote a VB.NET class that can instantiate a COM connection and send and receive messages.

My next step is to basically create a program that will act as a proxy between my web server (IIS 7 running on Windows Vista) and the Arduino board. When a user gets to my ASP.NET page, the page will then send a command to the proxy to open the COM connection. When the connection is open and ready then I can send commands to the proxy. In turn, the proxy will send these commands to the board and listen for the responses it receives from the board. The proxy will then pass these messages back to the ASP.NET page.

The main issue I see occurring is that if a second user opens the web page and tries to open the COM port, there will be an error. Will this cause the first connection to fail? I guess I can first check if the port is already in use and give the second user a message. Are there any other potential challenges I am missing or not seeing?

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Connect To Serial Port And Get The Data From That Using VB

Jan 12, 2012

I want to connect to serial port and get the data from that using how to do this.........

i have found one sample and i tried that but in that datareceived event is not firing

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VS 2008 Connect A Photocell To Serial Port?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying design an aplication, who receive inputs from a Photocell omron.

I will connect this photocell at serial port, and it, when detect movement, close the circuit.

How can I verifi in the serial port, if the circuit is closed ou opened?

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VB 2003 - Handling Data - Transmitting Data From A Comm Device Via Serial Port

Nov 10, 2009

I'm currently working on a project where I am transmitting data from a comm device via the serial port and resorting the raw data (in binary) to its respective ascii values. The problem I'm facing is determining the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Essentially, I have 68 bytes coming in, the first and second bytes represent the page and packet number and the data itself ranges from 3 to 64, the remaining for my checksum.

What I am needing to do is, grab 50 consecutive bytes per variable in my array, and that is where I'm confused. I have easily pulled my 3-64 bytes and stored that data to a string. I just don't know the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Should I write directly to file all my data, as there are like 8 pages, of 128 packet data. [Code] I can capture the the first 50 by using a for-loop easily, but what would be the preferred method to track what data chunk I've taken? The more I think about it, I think I may just want to write to file, all my data, and then just take them back to back in 50 byte chunks. Is that the most efficient method?

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Reading Serial Port Read Data From Serial Port?

Aug 16, 2011

i am a absolute beginner and i want to use vb to receive data from micro controller through serial port using rs232 standards, i found this code to receive the data serially, can any one tell me where should i paste this code, so that the data received will be displayed in message box.Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) HandlesSerialPort1.DataReceived


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Unable To Close Serial Port After USB / Serial Converter Disconnected

Mar 28, 2006

I have a stand alone VB.Net 2005 application that uses a serial port that generally stays open while the application runs on a Windows XP system. In trying to bullet-proof the UI, I ran into a problem when the USB to Serial Converter normally used to provide the serial port is disconnected while the serial port is open. In trying to handle the resulting error when accessing the port, I find I cannot close the port.

When trying to do so, the error message says something like "unable to close the port. You may not have sufficient permissions." Reconnecting the USB/Serial Converter does not reactivate the port.


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Read The Data From Barcode Weight Scales By Serial Port And TcpIp Port?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm mohammed from Oman ,I'm visual programmer How I can Read the Data From Barcode Weight scales By Serial port and TcpIp port

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The Given Port Name Does Not Start With COM/com Or Does Not Resolve To A Valid Serial Port?

Aug 2, 2011

If I uninstall the COM1 and reboot, it works. If I shut down (power off) and restart, I get the message below. If I uninstall then click on Scan for Hardware Changes,The given port name does not start with COM/com or does not resolve to a valid serial port. Parameter name:portName

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.net 4.0 - Read Data From An External Hardware Device?

Feb 1, 2012

I have developed a simple software using, now i want to receive some data from an external device,How to read a hardware transmitted data using, where hardware is attached to a USB port?"

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Communications :: Serial Port - Run Program, "Access To The Port 'COM1' Is Denied"?

Oct 15, 2008

Im having problem with the Serial Port. When i run my program, "Access to the port 'COM1' is denied". What does that mean? Im not sure whats happening because theres no error in my code. Someone suggest me to use 'COM2'. Which is also the same result. I have a microcontroller, programmed and run it. And i need to capture the data onto my vb, which is on a multiline textbox. How to i do that?Just to double check my code?


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How To Send Hex (00) To Serial Device

Sep 20, 2010

In VB6, I use CHR$(&H00) to create a Null Character. In VB.Net VS2008 CHR(&H00) creats a Null. I'm trying to send a Hex(00) to a serial device, but the VB.Net function only sends a null, not a null character. How can I accomplish this with VB.Net?

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Trying To Send A Hex(00) To A Serial Device

Sep 20, 2010

In VB6, I use CHR$(&H00) to create a Null Character. In VB.Net VS2008 CHR(&H00) creats a Null. I'm trying to send a Hex(00) to a serial device, but the VB.Net function only sends a null, not a null character. How can I accomplish this with VB.Net?

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Holding A Key Down - Translate Input From An External Device Into Keypresses

May 26, 2009

im trying to make translate input from an external device into keypresses. when bit = 1 i want the key down, when bit = 0 i want it up unfortunately with sendkeys it just sends the same keystroke over and over again. ive googled for days without finding a good answer.

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Read Data From An External Device Using MSComm Control ?

Nov 30, 2010

I am trying to read data from an external device using MSComm control but the problem is I am getting wrong data. I am recieving 1 byte data but the first three bits are wrong so anything greater than 31 sent from the external devices is recieved wrongly. eg. if I am sending 63(111111) from the device then the input from MSComm control gives me 159(10011111).Due to this reason I tried SerialPort from .Net framework and was surprised to see that it is working properly.

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C# - Find The Harddisk Device Serial Number Without Using The WMI In .NET?

Jul 24, 2009

I want to get the hardwired serial number from the hard disk but NOT using WMI. I tried using WMI code, and it doesn't work on my machine for sure. So is there any alternative in .NET for finding the Serial Number of a physical hard disk?

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[2005] Accessing Device On USB Port?

Nov 10, 2008

I have been doing some research into accessing devices on a USB port and it's kind of helped, but not really. From what I understand, I can use the IO.Port namespace to access a device on a USB port (usually). Let me know if this is incorrect.

First, I made a simple program that looped through the ports available. I get COM1 and COM3, but I have 4 USB ports. Where are the others?

Dim comm As New List(Of IO.Ports.SerialPort) 'list of comm ports
For Each PNstr As String In IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames() 'get a list of Com Port Names


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Create Simple App Within Program To Send Timed Controls To External Device?

Mar 15, 2010

How can I create a simple application to send timed controls to an external device?

What I need is to create a very simple application that sends control signals or voltages out to an external device connected via serial perhaps. The external device will in turn trigger some electromechanical devices. There needs to be 24 independent controls each with a simple command equivalent to on or off. What is important is being able to control the timings of the on and off on each control.[code]....

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Communicating With A Serial Device Kelba Electronic Balance?

Dec 3, 2011

I am attempting to communicate with set of scales with a vb application that i have written using the comm control. The scales are a Kelba KHX-30 I can read the data from the scales but i have to manually press a button on the scale.

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VS 2005 Read Information From A Device Through COM Port

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to read information from a device through COM Port.. Sometimes I receive information like:


how I can change that? or detect it so whenever the program receives that type of info it ignores it?

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Detecting Usb Device On Connect?

Aug 19, 2011

i'm kind of new to this. I'm using VB2008 and i need to write a code for recognizing a usb's details. like port number and letter and serial number if they have one. if i need to be more specific, then i have to say its for a machine that records data and i need to transfer that data over to my laptop through a gpib to usb cable. the cable has a specific "id" and i need to find that out and type it into the program interface that i'll make when i know how to detect that "id" so it can connect.i've read a few forum posts by others and they are really informative but not what i could use or i could not make it work.(yet)[URL]..and the other links posted there.for reading and helping. thats the clearest way i can explain. if anyone needs a more specific detail, just ask because i dont know if i left out anything else.

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Reading Output From A Serial Device In Visual Studio 2010?

Aug 31, 2011

Using visual studio 2010 on a PC running Windows XP SP3 (32bit) I am trying to read the output from a serial device but only get timed out error?If I open hyper terminal I can see the output, so the hardware and connections are good and the command to send data is working as well?When debugging I have no errors, when the program is run (in debugging mode) I get a timed out error from after the do loop (test=2) All I want to do is have my device output printed to TextBoxLockOut.Text? Note "comstring" grabs my com port the serial device is using - on this computer it is com4, it is a public string

Dim inputline As
String = ""
Dim command As
String = ""


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