Control A Combobox Which Is Into The Webpage?

Dec 15, 2009

ok, so what i need to know is how to control a combobox which is into the web page I want to know how to control the combobox into the webpage, change the selected option and so.

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Change Selecteditem In From Webpage Combobox In A Webbrowser Control?

Feb 27, 2010

How can i get or change the selecteditem in from a webpage combobox in a webbrowser control?

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VS 2010 Fill Combobox In A Webpage?

Jan 19, 2012

this is the code in the webpage:

<select id="topic_id1" class="createSelect" tabindex="3" title="Choose a topic (the best that fits)" name="topics[]">
<option value="">Choose a topic (the best that fits)</option>
<option selected="selected" value="5887581">Arts & Design</option>
<option value="5887601">Books, Poetry & Writing</option>
<option value="5887571">Business & Work</option>


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How To Make Items In A ComboBox Navigate To A WebPage?

Apr 10, 2010

on my web-browser i created a ComboBox with this text:


How do i Make Them Navigate to the corresponding webpage?

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VS 2010 Web Browser Display Current Webpage Url In Text Box Or Combobox?

May 17, 2011

The actual problem is when I go to a web page and click an internal link or use the back or forward button it only shows whatever the last webpage I keyed in and not the actual page I'm on.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)


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Combobox Bug - Text Typed In Combobox Appears In Another Control (textbox) On The Form?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a tab control application, each tab loads a particular user control and each of those user controls will then add other user controls that are used amongst other the user controls. For example, I have an "ucQuotes" page and an "ucInventory" page, when the specific tab is selected, the "uc****" user control is loaded on that page, and in the case of "ucQuotes" and "ucInventory" they both use a control called "ucPartNumber"; a user control consisting of a combobox, textbox, and button. I have no issues reusing the shared user controls, in this case. My problem arises with my "ucQuickPrice" control, as it is always present at the bottom of the tab control form (separate from the tabcontrol, but on the same form), and it too uses ucPartnumber.

Here's my issue, as I type into the ucPartnumber combobox, the text I type does not appear in the combobox, it appears in the textbox of the ucPartnumber control that is being used on the tabcontrol page. There are no shared instances of ucPartNumber, nor do I have this issue between typing on one tab page and the text showing on the user control of another tab page.I tried just creating the ucPartNumber controls on the ucQuickPrice control, not adding a new instance of ucPartnumber on the .Load event, and the issue persists.

The combobox(s) in question are bound programmatically with about 40,000 items, ".datasource = dataset.tablename" not to a bindingsource. Autocomplete is set to none, I added code to utilize tool tips and the basic combobox filtering functionality. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm neglecting? I'm about 95% complete with this application, and this just happened today. I made the decision, to just reuse the ucPartNumber control on the ucQuickPrice control (originallly it's size and orientation would not fit, but I added some coding to detect what parent is adding ucPartNumber and to change its appearance accordingly). Before, I made this change, I did not have this problem. And, in trying to go back to how I had things set up before the change, the problem will not go away. if the whole control within a control verbage I used is a bit confusing, let me know and I'll try to better explain what is happening. At this point, I'm going to close and reopen vbexpress, as when I started this ordeal, vb started acting weird and wanted me to save all my work, it usually does this before locking up.

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How To Make Combobox Control Like Combobox Column

Jan 21, 2010

i make this code to achive what i need[code]but in datagridview what i make when i want to convert to use in dgv

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Can't Find A Control In Webpage

Jan 19, 2010

I have a control into a html div in this way: <div id="FilesUploadedAttachment" runat="server"></div> that's part of a page called Donations.aspx)that allows you save info, (this page have a master page) After fill all needed fields, the user can attach a document pressing a image button and the document (link) appears in the control "FilesUploadedAttachment". When the user press save button I validate all required fills git a routine called ValidateFields in ohter module. The problem is that i need validate if exists something into this div, but until this momment i can't find this control, only can find the controls of the master page but no the rest so first, is possible do this and if is possible, how i can do. I let you the routine that i have been used for do that. I'm using IE6 and framework 2.5

<td colspan="4" style="border-bottom:None; width: 239px;" >
<asp:Label id="LblAttachment" runat="server" cssClass="LabelFormat" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="8pt" Enabled="False"></asp:Label>


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Using VBA To Control Peoplesoft Webpage?

Oct 21, 2009

Just to check if I can use VBA (Excel) to navigate thru the controls (checkbox, text box, command button etc) in a webpage from peoplesoft application. Also, I am not good at HTML hence finding it difficult to get the controls name in a java based webpage.

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Creating User Control To Use In Webpage?

Mar 16, 2009

How dow I create a user control for use in a webpage using VB.NET (not ASP.NET)?

How do I use that control in a webpage?

Can my control cause an event in the webpage and how? Ie. my user control has a button, and I want a Javsascript script to run when i click the button

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Load A Webpage Into A Web Browser Control?

Sep 11, 2009

I am trying to load a webpage into a web browser control that has a login form on it. What I am wondering is how I would go about changing the username/password input values on that page thru program code. The html element ids are "username" and "password" respectively. I am using vb 2008. I have tried searching but am getting mixed results with which is not what I want.

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Rendering A Webpage Without Using The Webbrowser Control In .net?

Feb 19, 2012

I've pulled down a webpage using a WebRequest object, and need to parse it, but first I need to render it since there is scripting on the page. I don't want to use the WebBrowser control because that forces me to jump out of my current function to the DocumentCompleted event, and "lose my place" (so to speak). Is there any way for me to pull down a URL using a WebRequest object and have the page rendered but still stay in my function?

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Select Box On A Webpage Via The Webbrowser Control?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm wanting to randomize the selection of a select box on a webpage via the webbrowser control.

What I can do.

Dim testRandom As String = curElement.InnerText
Dim RandomSplit() As String = Split(testRandom, " ")
Dim intRandom As Integer = RandomSplit.Length
Dim curRandom As String = curElement.GetAttribute("Value")
Dim rnd As Integer, randomNum As New Random


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Using WebBrowser Control To Get The Results From A Php Webpage?

Dec 17, 2010

Using WebBrowser control to get the results from a php webpage

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VS 2010 Got To Webpage Without Using Webbrowser Control?

Nov 29, 2010

Got To Webpage without using webbrowser control?If so, how would i read / get the html of this page? I can do this now with a webbrowser control, but just looking for a quicker way.I've seen this online below.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net


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Get The HREF Value Of The Anchor Tag In A Webpage Using The Web Browser Control?

Feb 9, 2007

i have a webserver control in my application.i load the web browser control on a button click using the below code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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How To Make That Web Browser Control To Navigate To A Given Webpage

Sep 28, 2010

I can create them using Ctrl+T(webbrowser controls and all) but after that I don't have any idea on how to control them(let's say I select the 5 tab and I don't know how to make that web browser control to navigate to a given webpage). I was thinking of creating an array of webbrowsers but I don;t know how that works.

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Scrolling Webpage Automatically Using WebBrowser Control

Jun 18, 2010

I am navigating to a website using a webbrowers control and I wish to automatically scroll the page after it is loaded. I have used scrolltop , scrollleft commands as set out below but nothing seems to happen.
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollTop = 100
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.ScrollLeft = 200

I have placed the above commands in a command button and wait until the page has loaded before I press it and also in the
WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted sub

Other commands such as
Seem to work ok.

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Use WebBrowser Control To Click A Button On A Webpage?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a VB program that uses a web browser control to navigate some websites for me but I need to click a button.

The button is in a frame and in a form with 4 buttons. I have already figured out how to navigate the individual frames and forms but I can't figure out how to click the button I need.[code]...

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User-control In C#.NET Webpage, Permission Error

Mar 16, 2011

I need video chat application in my project.I had created VB.NET user control in class library project for Video Chat and its working.

But when i am trying to load user control in c# web page. While Executing i am getting security error as....

Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy.<br/>
To grant this application the required permission,<br/>
contact your system administrator, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.<br/>
If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.<br/>


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Windows - How To Tell If A Webpage Has Loaded Within A WebBrowser Control

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will tell my grandmother whether the internet is live or not. I know, I know, She just doesn't get it. So I want to create a program to load or something and all I want the program to do is tell her whether the site was found or not. Is there a way to do this with the WebBrowser control?

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Add User Control Multiple Times In Runtime On A Webpage In ASP.NET?

Jun 28, 2011

i'm having one user control in ,i just want to add the user control multiple times in a single web page in runtime in a separate table. How to do this?

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Auto Filling Webpage In WebBrowser Control That Contains Frames

Feb 9, 2010

I have been working on this one for a couple of days now. The company I work for wants me to automate a login (coupled with a phone dialer) to a national Satellite retailer. When the call center individual gets a call the ACD system forwards them to a URL and is supposed to log them in. Unfortunately one of the sites heavily uses frames and I cannot programmatically autofill the userid and password and programmatically press the "OK" button on thee website. The website is: [URL]. I have been able to drill down and fill in the userid and password fields, but this has stopped working but I have never been able to Invoke the OK button event.

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Forms :: Populating An <input> On A Webpage In A Webbrowser Control?

May 17, 2010

I know the code to find the input boxes in question.. basically the html is like so HTML <input type="text" name="username" class="inputbox"> i know enough to use WebBrowser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("username") to find the text box...but I need to know how to send the contents of say TextBox1.text to the form on the web page...i can't figure it out for crap...I just assume give up and use sendkeys to tab to the textbox even thought its 80% unreliable....

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Unable To Find Controls Of A Jsp Webpage In Webbrowser Control?

Nov 18, 2010

This time I am stucked with a JSP page which is loaded in my webbrowser control. I have checked that it has been loaded. But I am unable to locate any of the controls of that page. Even in the count of any html controls it displays me 0. The page contains two frames and there is no "iFrames". Has Javascript got do anything with this?

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Update The Text In Tab Control So That It Displays The Title Of A Webpage?

May 28, 2011

How can I update the text in tab control so that it displays the title of a webpage?

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VS 2005 Pushing Data Onto A Webpage (WebBrowser Control)

Feb 4, 2010

I'm attempting to populate fields in a processing webpage [URL] and having a small problem.

I can add the email and antenna heights easily but how do I manipulate a file browser (file upload) and option input boxes (Antenna Type) from within my vb app?

It might be the long way around but i'm doing it via searching each of the html elements to find the named fields I'm looking for:

Dim intWork As Integer
For intWork = 0 To WebBrowser1.Document.All.Count - 1
strWork = WebBrowser1.Document.All.Item(intWork).Name


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VS 2008 Msgbox On Webpage Load In Webbrowser Control

Sep 7, 2009

How would I make it so that a messagebox loads after a page loads in a webbrowser control? Let's just make it WebBrowser1.

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Control Webpage (html , Php ) Submit And Get In Background And Display Results?

Jul 21, 2010

need to know how to control web page (html , php ) submit and get in background and display resuts ?like if page has input text that results in data

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VS 2008 Possible To Shrink Text Size On A Webpage Through Browser Control

Dec 7, 2010

1.Firstly i am using a web browser control and i wish to get the URL of the current page and write it to a text box and to a text file.

2.I would also like to read the text file back and make some sort of bookmarking menu but dont really know where to start.

3.Is it possible to shrink the text size on a webpage through the browser control some sites the text looks huge.

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