Convert VBA App To Stand Alone Application
Jun 23, 2011
I have the following code that i need to convert from a MS Office- Visual Basic App into a stand-alone application. I have debugged most of it to run in visual studio 2008, however it has a problem with the message box stuff. If i cant have a message box with the information in it then I want to put the output in a label but im not sure how to convert it to display in a label. [Code]
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Jun 3, 2011
I have a stand alone application "test.exe" on a Windows 7 operating system.I have an application "test.exe" made in Visual basic 8.0.I have an "Auto Update" function . Call this function from "test.exe". In the first line in "test.exe".This function does the following:
1. This checks whether the current version is older than the version on specific site, if so:
1a. Removed all *. old
1b. Rename test.exe to test.old
1c. dowload new test.exe
I'm afraid I get an error when I rename "test.exe" to "test.old" because "test.exe" is now active.How can I prevent this or what else should I do?
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Oct 29, 2011
I'm tired of how to make my application stand-alone exe. I have created a small application console using C# in visual studio 2010, and I want to make it run on other computers with out having to install .net on that machines. and also make it just like notepad.exe with just click and it will run. I've read a lot of articles talking about netz or ILmerge.exe or mono which is so difficult to me to understand. and another question is how to know how many .net files or dll s that my application needs?
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Dec 22, 2008
I am new convert from VB6 and needs some help developing a stand alone application in VB 2008 that needs access to stored data values.All applications I have developed so far have been for computers that have either SQL Express or Access installed locally on the computer. This has made development really easy since I could use ADO to access and query the data.
The application I am now developing will be installed on a computer that does not have any of the MS office applications and I do not want to install SQL Express on the computer. But I still would like to use an 'ADO type' functionality to access, query and modify the data stored in the system.I started looking into using XML, but I was unable to find much information on querying and modifying individual elements.
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Apr 17, 2009
I wanted to know how I can make a stand alone exe without making the user install the application. So that the program can be ran from a disk or flash drive. Currently I can run it just fine on the PCs, I'm developing it on. But when I take it to another, that has the targeted framework, it crashes.
View 24 Replies
May 13, 2011
I have a windows application. I want to convert some part of it to an application that can be run on all mobile platforms like iphone,windows mobile, ipad etc. It should be platform independent
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Feb 7, 2010
I have a fully functional multi-threaded VB2008 console application that I need to convert to a windows forms application. I am doing this to add additional functionality at a later time. How would I go about doing this?
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Mar 24, 2010
how to convert an existing Standalone Java Application to a Dynamic WEB Application which can be deployed on Apache-Tomcat Server container ?
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May 19, 2009
While bored I started extracting all the methods and functions in my program and moving them to a module...just trying to practice the encapsulation I've been hearing so much about. While trying to move my print functions it raised a couple questions. The issue was the 'e' in e.marginbounds and e.Graphics not being recognized. I caught 'e not declared' errors as if the system was just interpreting it as some kind of new variable. I tried moving the 'e' to several places just to experiment and the only place it seems that the intellisense would pop up with anything worth displaying was in the printDocument_printPage event itself.
what the 'e' stands for in these functions anyhow? Is it similar to the 'Me' in a Me.Close() being that it's just meant to address what's immediately at hand? Is there a way around this localization of the printing code, maybe an import of something that would make the 'e' accessible again. Such as the 'Imports System.IO' for the streamreader and writer functions.
View 7 Replies
Apr 13, 2012
I have a console application code below. I am trying to convert this to a windows based form application but I don't know where to start. This code asks you to input a website and then it gives you the IP address for that particular website the user enters. All the code works fine but I want this in a windows form application.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
class GTest
View 11 Replies
Mar 9, 2011
I have an application that is written in VB.NET, using the System.Windows.Forms.Form as the front-end GUI. It runs perfectly on my Windows machine however recently there is a business requirement to convert this application to run as a web application so that people could view them in their blackberries when they go to the URL. Is there any quick way to perform such a conversion or I will have to translate the code line-by-line for such cases?
View 1 Replies
Feb 20, 2012
Currently use word automation to mail merge some documents and print etc. A stand alone PC manage this, which means that when the document gets sent to the print queue it always has an 'owner' of the name of the stand alone PC.
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Mar 11, 2011
I have a 'project' that I'm currently using in excel. I would like to change it over into a stand alone app. I however am not a coder and have taken very limited coding classes. I know HTML, CSS, VB and some My question is will it be easier to convert it to a web app or simply a desktop app? Why would one work better than another?
Here's some constraints.Not every intended user will have excel (thus my want/need to convert to stand alone). The data involved will come from 3 seperate databases/locations and will require archiving once a year. The data would be 'wrote' to the app upon opening - SQL queries.
The app would simply manipulate this data and provide reports. Nothing fancy except access to certain reports would be limited based on username. The 'interface' needs to look pretty. <Not my constraint but the PTB>.
They do not want/need a report generator <already tried to get them to go for crystal reports>, no funds available and users do not want to have to learn how to write good queries. <Yes, I have tried to get them to understand but they like what I currently have in excel>
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Jan 18, 2010
how to stand by and wake up computer, i found this code but it does not work for me
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May 4, 2009
I have been working/coding with e.Cancel, e.EventArgs, etc without knowing what the "e" stands for. Can I have a simple explanation of what e means and possibly similar concepts in VB.Only performance counts!
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Dec 4, 2010
I am looking for a tut or code to make a stand alone app for a color palette for vb10
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May 5, 2009
i have wrote small program in VS 2005 , i used the back end Access 2003 now i have been trying to convert as Stand alone file. when i install created installation file it indicate the error which is
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
View 1 Replies
Dec 2, 2009
As i understand. mac pc dun support exe files. If i have complied my system as exe how to allow it to run in MAC?? or is there any other format that i could convert to so that i can run my program in MAC?
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Feb 11, 2012
I'm currently using Visual Studio 2010 to make a Visual Basic project. I'm trying to make a standard .EXE file for distribution but everytime I go to publish, I keep seeing it make a Click Once application.Is there a way to complete and build a project in VStudio 2010 without making it as a Click-Once application?
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Nov 17, 2009
Two separate but related questions about deploying a Visual Basic 2008 .net application:1. Click One installs in a cache under local data. The EXE launches from the cache even if not on-line. I don't want my users to have a runnable EXE left over in their cache after exiting the program. Is there a way to delete or disable the cache contents on close of app or equivalent?
2. My EXE uses an interop DLL. I want my EXE to be a single stand-alone file so that I don't have to copy both the EXE and the DLL to the user. Is there a compile setting to incorporate everything, includng the DLL, into the EXE.First question relates to Click Once Web deployment. Second question refers ONLY to ordinary COMPILE, not click-once.
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Aug 16, 2011
I have been tasked with setting up an internal web application to become public facing. The web site was written in ASP.Net and I am just looking for some advice about how I should go about this procedure. Apart from hosting the site on a public facing server I don't know what else I would need to take into consideration.
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Sep 12, 2011
Is it possible to create a stand alone program with VB2010?
I mean, without any presence of an OS, the program will still work...
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Feb 2, 2010
I did Build a program and copied only the EXE file to USB drive. Tried to run it on different computers. XP computers had no problem running it. The ME and Win98 could not run the program since the MSCOREE.DLL was missing. I need to install something on those computers to enable them but there are security issues and patches. Is there anyway to make my program standalone?
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Aug 26, 2009
Apply a security template to stand alone XP workstation using VBS?
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Nov 1, 2009
I am newbie programmer and I have one query for inventory control system. Initially I was planning to develop a stand-alone application, but then client added one more requirement. He wants his application should run on server, so that he can access it from anywhere in the world. Thus, I am unable to decide whether to go for stand-alone application or web application. How should I do it? How others do it?
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Jul 8, 2009
When I have two MDI Child forms opened, it is difficult to visually see the active form versus the non-active form.I would like to have the Active Form stand out more, say a yellow border.
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm developing a very simple program in VB2010 Express that will create folders based on entries in a remote database. I am fully aware that the minimum requirement to run the exe is the latest .net framework, however I have a few added resources to the file, and when I try to run the executable on another computer, it fails to run stating that the resources are missing.
How do i compile my VB code AND the resources together into a stand-alone executable that only requires the .net framework to be installed?I have already tried to google this issue, however every answer I find has nothing to do with my initial question..
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Oct 1, 2009
I need to have a physical button that when pressed will be noticed by my program.There are many types of usb-buttons that are preprogrammed to open a website, shutdown the computer and so on. And I have seen some projects using buttons and serial port.But none of them "have it all", an easy description of how to put togheter the hardware, and an easy description of the code.
I really only need a button connected to the serial port that send some signal that the button has been pressed.I know this question is a crossover between software and hardware, but when I googled this I have seen plenty more people asking this question, all of them left without answers.Maybe this question fits stackoverflow?
EDIT: My solution
My application in this case was a que system and I wanted a button for people to print a que ticket.I just took apart an old ps2-mouse and bought me a button (4$) and solded two wires from the circuit board to the button. Each mouse button has to dots on the back of the circuit board that we can connect an external button to.Then in my program I just hooked the mousebutton-event systemwide to get when the button is pressed, in my case this computer is dedicated to this program so its not a problem.
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Dec 10, 2008
How can I deploy and reference a stand-alone SQL Server 2008 Express database with my 2008 Express app ?
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Jul 30, 2011
Is it possible to download a stand alone file for installing VS 2010 Expres Edition ?
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