Copy Folder Content To Other Location

Aug 21, 2009

I saw a post from 3 years ago (copy folder content to other location) that looked like the "state of the art" way to copy a folder was to just copy all the files recursively. Has 2008 introduced a function to do this? I still dont see a System.IO.Directory.Copy...

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How To Copy A Folder And It's Content

Jun 25, 2010

I need to copy a folder named "DB" (which is at application path, but i think this fact is not important at this time) with it's content (a accdb file) to "C:" so it would became like this:

I've tried in a lot of different ways but i still haven't figured out how to do it.

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Copy Folder From Location To Another Location?

Dec 18, 2011

How to copy folder with its content from location to another location defined by FolderBrowserDialog

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Copy Folder Along With Content To Another New Folder??

Oct 28, 2009

i want to copy folder along with content to another new folder,i use this code


Dim source As String = ""
Dim destination As String = ""
source = "C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktopweapon"
destination = "C:weapon"


this code make me copy source to destination but also delete source,this code delete folder source and move to destination.All i want is not delete folder source.

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Copy Directory / Folder To Same Location?

Jul 25, 2011

I've been working on some code to rename files and have being doing so by copying them to the same location under a different name and then removing the original. When I do this for files I use the code ...

Dim file As New System.IO.FileInfo(lstFiles.SelectedItem.ToString)
Dim strNewFile As String
Dim strRename As String
Dim strMask As String = ""


This will obviously not work as it will try to copy the folder into itself which is not allowed.

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Copy An Entire Folder To User Selected Location?

Aug 11, 2011

I am trying to copy an entire folder and all of its contents that is in the same location as my program that is running to a user selected location. I started off by using a SaveFileDialog, but now I am working with a FolderBrowserDialog. Here is some code:

Private Sub BackupButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackupButton.Click
Dim sourcePath As String


But when I run the program, it works, but it does not copy the entire folder in the application startup location.. how I can copy that folder that is in the same location as my program to a user selected location?

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Copy Folder With Its Content From Place To Another Place?

Dec 18, 2011

How copy folder with its content from place to another place. example from C: to D:

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Copy A Picture From One Location And Paste It Into Another Location?

May 3, 2012

I'm trying to copy a picture from one location and paste it into another location however VB throws out the following error

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)

both locations are on my local computer. So not sure what is causing the problem.

Here's the code

Sub Main()
Console.Title = "MOARW Programs"


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How To Swap Textbox Content Or Location

Dec 22, 2010

I have 100 textbox exist on a form (10,10). I had used the following property of each textbox(.Text, .Tag, Tooltip, AccessibleName). I need to drag from any textbox to another textbox and they replace each other by the 4 content mentioned above. Instead, I managed to change the location of the source and target textbox by drag and drop which seems to be easier. I have 100 textboxes, I will not do a programming for each one putting a code at design time. there should be a way to do it by programming

The code I found to replace location between 2 textboxes is this
Private Sub tbfromMouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles tbFrom.MouseDown
tbFrom.DoDragDrop(tbFrom, DragDropEffects.Move)
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Get A Complete File/folder Listing And Then Copy These Files To Another Folder?

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to get a complete file/folder listing and then copy these files to another folder.

Here is my


This happens on many folders. How can I get a listing of these folders and also copy these files?

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Copy Each File From Your Resource Folder To An Application Folder?

Nov 27, 2010

I want the user to have the option to choose between a lot of pictures in a project folder. So I made a new project folder called: Images.

And when the user presses a certain button this folder should be opened.I want to achieve this like this:


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Copy From Content To Another Form?

Feb 7, 2009

I have a very busy form with 120 textboxes on it. They are all named box1, box2, to box120. this form is a template for 10 other forms. I dont want to create 10 new forms and put all these textboxes on it, so is it possilbe to create a new form; form2, form3, form4 etc...and somehow copy all the content from one form to the other and retain the textbox names. I tried to cut and paste and got some strange errors, then i tried in the solution explorer to copy and past there. I got some odd error about Private components...which i did not understand. As you can imagine with all these forms and 120 textboxes on each to create them is a real effort. Is there not a simpler way?

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Copy The Content Od Text File ?

May 7, 2009

The system must read the text file serch for the word 'top' and coby the specic content below 'top'. 'top' is the title of the specific section. Now i can read and serch for the word then i dont know how to copy the the below portion of 'top'.This is my code .Dim File As String = "c:wires.txt" ' file name that suppose to read

Private Sub CheckFile(ByVal theFile As String)
Dim myFileChecker As FileStream = New FileStream(File, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)

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Copy The Content Of XmlReader To A File?

Feb 21, 2012

I have used the FileStream class with the XmlTextWriter in the past without issue but here I'm using the XmlReader from a WebResponse. I need to the complete contente of the XmlReader dumped into a file. I have the file setup as a streamWriter but I just can't seem to get the content of the XmlReader to the file. I just keep getting a 0KB file.

If FirstDataHttpRequest.HaveResponse = True Then
'Put the response into a stream so that we can create a reader
Dim ResponseStream As Stream = FirstDataResponse.GetResponseStream()


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Copy Every Textbox Content To Clipboard With Loop?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a VB.Net 2005 project, that has 136 textboxes. I have a button, that when pressed, should copy all of their content to clipboard. In order. Each Textbox has one letter in it.

Is there a way I can implement a loop into it, so for every TextBoxCount or something, it copys it into clipboard?

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VS 2008 Copy XML Content To A Database Table?

Aug 29, 2011

I am trying to create an application which reads an xml file and copy the data in an sql database TEMP table, which has the same format.

XML file format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-7"?>


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Copy A Dll From One Location To Another?

Jan 22, 2011

i am trying to copy a dll from one location to another. i have a combobox from which i select a option then i want the program to copy my dll to another location acoording to the option i have selected. But Vb doesn't seem to copy stays the same. for experiment i tried to copy a image. it worked perfectly.

does that mean i can't copy it.

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Copy And Paste Or Export Content Of Listview And Label?

Feb 17, 2011

We could possibly export the contents of the listview control that we can select in the visual basic 2008 application. I tried to set its properties to 'true' on FullRowSelect, HoverSelection and the MultiSelect. I want to copy and paste the content of the listvew control when being highlighted. It highlights all the items inside the listview control and when you use the command ctrl+c for copy and paste it in another application like MS Excel, it only paste one item which is the first item in the row and the rest were not. However, in the datagridview, it ables to paste all the contents inside of the control but the listview control can't. Why is it so? do i need to add codes on it or it is just the Windows OS is not capable of doing it? How do I copy the selected items from the listview control and paste it into another application? Same as the label control which I want to highlight or select the text of the label in order for me to paste into the other application but unable to do so. These are the two controls that I'm trying to find out on how to export their contents to another windows application.

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Make Content Of My Tabitem Copy Of Another Class In My Solution?

May 28, 2010

How can I make the content of my tabitem a copy of another class in my solution?

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VS 2010 Upload Content Of Folder Via FTP?

Jul 11, 2010

I have a folder named test. In this folder there are 3 folders(u_test1, u_test2, u_test3). And in this 3 folders are some files.

Now I need to transfer the folders u_test1, u_test2, u_test3 and the content of the folders to a ftp server.

I have tried the following code, but with this I can only upload a single file.

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(sourcepath, "ftp://" & global_destination, global_username, global_password, True, 500, FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)

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Copy The Files From Release Folder To A Folder On The Server Erro "IO Exception The Device Is Not Ready"

Jan 18, 2011

I have developed a application which creates a csv file from database. When I run it from my system it works perfectly but when I copy the files from release folder to a folder on the server and runs the .exe file it give me IO Exception error. "The device is not readyť


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Copy Folder From %appdata% To A New Folder

Jun 20, 2011

I'm trying to write a small script that will copy a folder (named .minecraft) to a new folder (doesn't exist, but I want to create a new folder called .minecraft_backups). The current code I have is:

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory("%appdata%/.minecraft", "%appdata%/.minecraft_backups", True)

I get an error saying: Could not find directory '%appdata%/.minecraft'. I'm guessing it's because of the %appdata% shortcut. Is there any workaround to do this? The reason for this is because obviously if I don't enter %appdata% and enter the full route to the directory I need to enter the users username for the computer.

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Copy Image From A Folder To Other Folder?

May 19, 2009

Description Problem : For example I have one image in default folder at this path C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Image\Smile.jpeg

I want to copy this picture ("Smile.jpeg") to this path C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\NewFolder\Image\.....

..... must name the image which I want to copy ("Smile.jpeg")

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Copy Image From A Folder To Other Folder?

Nov 16, 2010

Copy Image from a Folder to other Folder

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Search For A Folder And Copy The Folder In VB?

Dec 13, 2011

I can't find how to search for a folder (directory) that contains a string and copy all the folders (directory) that contain that string to another directory. So you search for the name of the directory, not the files in the directory.For example: 'KTNPRK' in E: gives:E:KTNPRK1, E:AZNKTNPR76, etc...

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Copy A File From One Location To Another?

Jan 19, 2012

i am try ing to copy a file from one location to another useing an openfile dialog but it dosn't seem to work. The code i am using is below

FileCopy(OpenFileDialog1.FileName, "C: emp rial.tar")

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Copy Folders From One Location To Another

Dec 15, 2011

I have a button I use to copy a folder from one location to another.

The code looks like this:
Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
Const FOLDER_FROM As String = "C:Testcopy1" ' Folder to copy from
Const FOLDER_TO As String = "C:Mappestruktur" 'Folder to create above folder in
Dim newDir As DirectoryInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(FOLDER_TO & "" & New DirectoryInfo(FOLDER_FROM).Name)
[Code] .....

Now I have a folder in my project I would like to copy to an optional location. How do I set the "Folder from" const to a location inside my project and how can I set an optional location to copy the folder to at runtime?

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VS 2008 - COPY Without Location ?

Oct 5, 2009

Try to understand:

1. User Downloads Application
2. User copies files to either desktop or my documents (lets say desktop)
3. User Opens application
4. User clicks the copy button (which is then supported by the COPY code)

The problem is that the copy code supports a Location such as; FileCopy C:UsersAdminFile.txt, E:File.txt

When the user copies the Files to desktop (lets say DIM), they have a different username so if they click Copy the copy code was set for C:UsersAdmin not DIM. I would like the code to be general so whoever copies the files wherever (Desktop, C:, Documents) and they click the copy button, the file is then copied to the Disignated Location.

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VS 2008 Copy XML File Content To SQL Server 2005 Database?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to create an application, which in first phase will read the content of an XML file, count the products, and copy the content of the XML to a sql server database TEMP table, which i have already created. I have already created the code to read the content of the XML file and view it in a datagrid view. But i dont know how i should copy the content to the database i have created....

The code i wrote till now:

Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Public Class FrmXMLRead


I need to copy each product (code, category, subcategory, part_no, titlos, timi, availability, anakykl, lianiki) to the TEMP table of ABC databaseHow should i proceed to copy the data to a database ABC and table TEMP?

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Populating A Menu Based Off Of The Content Of A Folder

Jun 10, 2011

I've been trying to figure out the easiest way to populate a menu to allow for easy updating in the future. I would like to add anything to a specific folder and when the program runs it would be populated by the contents of the specific folder. Is this possible? What should I look into to do this? Not sure of the process to use to do this, that is if it is even possible.

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