Create A WebBrowser Through Code In VB

Mar 22, 2010

I want to know if I can create a WebBrowser through code in Vb.NET, instead of dragging a webbrowser into the form.

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Create A Dll Containing A Webbrowser Control?

Jun 7, 2012

i am trying to create a dll containing a webbrowser control. What i want it to do is this: i have a form which calls a function from that dll. the dll naigates to a webpage, say "". after it navigates, it reads a string from the page body and executes some actions with it. The problem is, when the form calls the function inside the dll, the webpage is not loaded inside the dll, so there is no string to read. If i run the code of the dll as a windows application, the form loads, it navigates to the web site and reads the string... how should i modify the code inside the dll so when a form calls the funtion inside it, it first loads the webpage, and after that execute the called function? a sample of the code is here, this is the code which i compile as a dll:

Imports SpeechLib
'Imports System.Speech
'Imports System.Speech.Recognition


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Controlling A Webbrowser Via Code?

May 14, 2010

I thought this would be easy, and I'm sure it is... but I'm not getting the response I want.

Here's the code..


What I'm trying to do is load a URL and grab the text from it.The text on the file I'm using is simply a 1, that's all. However, when the messagebox shows, it's empty. I've tried using as the URL and got the same response, so that means it's somewhere in my code here.

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Getting Code Which Can Do Zoom In Webbrowser?

Jun 9, 2010

i program a new webbrowser and code which can do zoom in webbrowser?

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Source Code Of WebBrowser?

Mar 5, 2012

I have done a lot seaching about how to get the source code of a webbrowser site but I the source code I get is different from the source code I get when using the WebBrowser right-clicking and clicking view source which is actually opening in notepad.I need to get the source as it is in the notepad and not as it is when using WebBrowser1.DocumentText or InnerHtml and so on or a normally browser such as Google Chrome etc.

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Create VB Code To Email A VB Create Report?

Feb 11, 2010

I have created reports that print on my printer via Visual Studio 2008/VB 2008 Basic code. I want to be able to send these reports to other people via emai. I don't care how its done, but it seems that if I could get the report into Word 2007 the problem would be solved. What are your suggestions to accomplish my objective.Terry 01

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Create A Web Browser Using The Webbrowser And The Tabcontrol?

Jul 18, 2011

I was wondering whether or not I could create a web browser using the webbrowser and the tabcontrol to make it where I could add tabs like in the newer browsers. Or should I just create a bunch of buttons with images and a combo box as my webbrowser?

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Create And Manage 10 WebBrowser Controls?

Feb 18, 2009

I've created some messy code to look at the Readystate of each WebBrowser control and using boolean variable to track which WebBrowser control is done what. The time it takes to load 1000 URL's with one WebBrowser control is about 10 minutes. Multiple controls are needed for speed.

Here's the pseudocode of what I want to do:

Read a line from a file

Which WebBrowser is currently available to do work
Navigate to URL
Which WebBrowser is done loading a URL


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Create Tabs Enabled WebBrowser?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to enable tabs funtionality in the WebBrowser control. I have a TabControl hosting WebBrowser controls in each tab. And a multiline enables Textbox to enter the sites. It looks something like this[code]...

It adds the WebBrowser control to the TabControl at the SelectedTab position. Since the default selected tab is the first, it only adds it to the first tab therefore executing only that browser.

I want to know how I can select the next tab from the loop as the SelectedTab so that when the loop runs again and again, it would keep adding WeBrowser controls to each tab.

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Create Webbrowser Mouse Events?

Apr 1, 2010

How can I create webbrowser mouse events (mousedown, mouseup, mousemove)?

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Delete Only The Cookies Create By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only..

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Forms :: Create A Progress Bar For A Webbrowser?

Aug 6, 2009

I want to make a progress bar for the loading of a webpage? Anyone know the code for that? I know now...

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WebBrowser Create Window Event?

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to open _blank link to a new window,I have succeeded in doing so after a hard workBut How do i get window size from the java script , Like this

<A HREF="javascript:void(0)"onclick="'','linkname','height=380, width=300,scrollbars=no')">Link Name</a>


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How To Get Same Source Code As WebBrowser Using HttpWebRequest

Jan 1, 2011

I am trying to get the source code from a webpage. The WebBrowser control is giving me the information that I am looking for. However, I want to use HttpWebRequest, but its giving me different source code than the WebBrowser DocumentText. How can I get the same source code as WebBrowser using HttpWebRequest?

WebBrowser Code:
WebBrowser1.Navigate("[URL]" & txtUrl.Text)
textbox1.Text = WebBrowser1.DocumentText
WebBrowser Result: [URL]

HttpWebRequest Code:
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
request.KeepAlive = False
request.Timeout = 10000
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
Dim sourcecode As String = sr.ReadToEnd()

HttpWebRequest Result: [URL]

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How To Submit Using Webbrowser Control On This Code

Jun 8, 2011

I was wonder how to submit on this html code <input type="submit" class="button" value="Login">

i have tried using


but it doesnt work for me?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Emulate Code?

Mar 24, 2011

what I did was, I coded a HTTP web request "Browser". It's not a real browser but it's emulating a browser. It works fine, I'm using it to perform some searches without the clicking sound or audio from the pages (stupid ads).

Then thing is, it returns back the page's source code. There is a tag called "Block1". Now Since it's a string I can't just use str.document.getelementbyid("Block1").getattribute("value")but if the webbrowser can "emulate" then source code sent back from the HTTPBrowser then I can use it.

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WebBrowser And Get A Site Html Code

Sep 12, 2011

how can i get the html code via WebBrowser control?

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WebBrowser Loop Code Not Working As It Should

Nov 30, 2008

Basically, what I'm doing is navigating to a website with a backgroundworker.In the WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted event, I put code to fill in a form and I set the value of a boolean called "formFinished" to true once the form has been finished and submitted. The problem I'm having is that it only posts data to the second website, no matter the order of the websites. I'm wondering how this is possible since I have a boolean in state which only gets set to true once the first form has been submitted. So I have no clue as to why it only submits the second one, but not the first one.


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Create A Form With The Webbrowser Control And Two Buttons ?

Mar 20, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2005, net framework 2.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer ver 7.0.5730.13. Create a form with the webbrowser control and two buttons. Use the code that i provided at the end of this question to understand the scenario. As far as i know, this behaviour happens only on the web site. 1. Navigate to your inbox page, read a message and click on the reply button to reply to the message. The page will show correctly in the web browser.2. Then click on Button1, repeat the same process (read a message in the inbox, click on the reply button), and the textboxes where you have to enter your reply will be gone.3. Then click on Button2, repeat the same process, and the page will show correctly in the web browser.4. Then comment out or remove the oDoc_MouseDown event, click on Button1, repeat the same process, and the page will show correctly.Why does the page shows correctly when the oDoc_MouseDown event is removed? The same behaviour happens if you use any other event of the oDoc variable.I desperately need the page on myspace to be shown correctly with the oDoc_MouseDown event and other events of the oDoc variable. Please provide a solution to this

problem.RegardsPublic Class Form1 Private WithEvents oDoc As HtmlDocument Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load wb.Navigate(" ") End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(


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How To Create Image Of Website Displayed In WebBrowser

Dec 7, 2011

I have a form with a web browser inside it. When the form loads I want to be able to create a .jpg file of the whole website displayed in the browser. Alternatively, can you show me how to display the web browser site in a picture box?

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VS 2005 Delete Only The Cookies Create By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only..Is there any way to do it?

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Create WebBrowser Which Use HTTPS Automatically?

Oct 26, 2010

Is it possible to create a web browser which auto use the https:// instead of the http://. For example: I open a facebook and the web is auto using the http://,, is it possible that the browser forced every action in the browser auto add the https://

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Code For Menu Strip Controls In Webbrowser

Dec 22, 2009

tell the code for menu strip controls in webbrowser?

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Forms :: Alter Webbrowser Src Code Before It's Done Loading?

Dec 9, 2009

there's an img src=blah on a web page that I am loading with a webbrowser control, and I want to alter it to say img src=blahblah instead ... What I've been doing so far is waiting for the document to complete, doing a .replace, then saving the file to the hard drive, and finally navigating to that local altered version.I was wondering if it's possible to skip the step of replacing and reloading the local page, and instead, just dynamically alter the original source code of the page AS it's loading the first time. Can this be done?

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Get HTML Source Code From A Frame In WebBrowser?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm trying to get the HTML from a frame in a website which is loaded into a WebBrowser in my application.

I have this WebBrowser so that the user can login easily by putting the username and password on the login form of the page so that i can get the HTML code from the protected page.

However, i have to read the frame code while the WebBrowser being on the main page because if i enter the frame, it redirects me to the main page again so there is no way of reading the frame code by entering it.

So i don't know how to read the frame HTML code of a website[url]...

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View Webbrowser Source Code In Textbox1 .NET?

Mar 11, 2010

I switch from vb6 to and it's not that easy to familiarize .net syntax here's what i want..

1 webbrowser1
1 button1 ( multiline )
1 textbox1

how can i view the webbrowser1 source code in the textbox1 by click the button?this can be done in vb6 by saving the html file to text then opening the text..

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VS 2008 Click On A WebBrowser Button Using The Next Code?

Apr 13, 2009

I am trying to click on a WebBrowser button using the next code, but nothing happands. Why?

For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
Dim type As String = element.GetAttribute("type")
If type = "submit" Then


The first "submit" type has a "Free user" value in the HTML doc. That explains the Exit For.the HTML:


<input type="submit" value="Free user" />

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VS 2010 Parse & Injecting Code Into Webbrowser

Jun 15, 2010

I am having trouble injecting code directly into a webbrowser control.I am trying to search for:<param name="bgcolor" value="#869ca7" /> in a webpage and replace the value with my own to change the color of the page background..[code]Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Zoom Code Needed For Tabbed WebBrowser?

Feb 15, 2012

I have built a Tabbed WebBrowser using various pieces of code from the internet. I am trying to create a button that will allow me to enlarge the page too 120%. I used some code on a normal WebBrowser page and it works OK. But this same code will not work on a Tabbed WebBrowser because of the ActiveX. This is the code I used on both browsers, as I said, it works ok in normal webbrowser, but not tabbed webbrowser. I am using Visual Studio 2010

Private Enum ExecOpt
'A few options for what we want to do, using ActiveX
'This option will just carry out the default action


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Caching - Create A Simple App In VB 2008 That Uses A WebBrowser Control

Mar 10, 2009

Have experience with web scripting languages and SQL but am still getting used to VB.Currently using VS2008 to create a simple app in VB 2008 that uses a WebBrowser control. The user navigates to a web page, hits a button, and then every minute the web browser automatically refreshes, gets the page length, and alerts if the page length has changed by more than 100 chars.Unfortunately, I am noticing that VB uses the cached version of the page when it refreshes (I am using WebBrowser.Refresh, but have also tried using WebBrowser.Navigate(same page as before)). Is there any way that I can delete just that page in the cache without clearing the whole thing from my application before it reloads and calculates the new page length?

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