Create An Array Of Tcpclient 1 To 5?

Jun 7, 2012

I want to create an array of tcpclient 1 to 5. i know it can be done by arralist but how i will add array of socket in arraylist and send/receive data.

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.net - Difference Between New TcpClient(MachineName, Port) And New TcpClient(new IPEndpoint?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a .Net program that has to run on a cluster of server 2008. To find out the right IP I resolve the dns by GetHostEntry(VarDefinedInfConfig).AddressList(0)

but when I am converting my old code (this code picks the wrong IP) dns.GetHostName().AddressList(0) => this returns a virtual IP and not the right one.So I changed my TcpListener to (dns is parameter from config)Dim listener As TcpListener = New TcpListener(New IPEndPoint(Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(dns).AddressList(0), 8001))


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VS 2008 Create A Client / Server Chatroom Using TCPClient In Visual Basic

Jan 6, 2010

However I have hit a massive brick wall with my program. My program that I'm trying (can't emphasis this word the importance of that word) to create a Client/Server chatroom using TCPClient in Visual Basic. So far I can get my client to speak to my server. However, i'm trying to get the returned data to display in a listbox which never happened, i then tried a label, which again never happened then a text box which I'm sure you can figure out how that went! I'm not great at networking programmers nor am I not bad I'm terrible but duty calls when it comes to projects.

The code I currently have was mostly taken from the net but when I have the program fully work and I understand how the software works I intend to heavily modify for it to suit the needs of what I need to achieve. where I can get my client to display the data from the server that I have already sent to the server (which displays successfully within the server).


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Create A Fake Array Using Generics Instead Of Using An Array

Jun 23, 2012

This was an experiment to see if I could create a fake array using generics instead of using an array. I decided to try it, because I may use it if I find any advantages to using it over an array. it works, I am just asking for a second or third opinion, have I screwed anything up, or is there an easier way to accomplish this? If I use it, it will be for a 2D game I am creating, and is used to draw the 2D screen graphics, placing an image based on what image identifier is located at what coordinates. The value stored in the fake array is an integer that disignates the graphic to draw and whether it is passible or not, i.e. 0 = a floor image, 501 = a wall image that is impassible (any image number > 500 is impassable) The Class definition:


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Enabling SSL With TcpClient?

Mar 2, 2009

So how does one turn SSL on in System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient with VB.NET code?

Turning it on in System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient is easy, you set the .EnableSsl property. I cannot find a corresponding property in TcpClient. It's probably buried somewhere.

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How To Specify An IP Address For TcpClient To Use

May 16, 2011

During development, we usually use localhost as the hostname, like the following

Dim serverListener As New TcpClient("localhost", 8585)

I want the user to be able to enter their IP address via a TextBox instead, like

Dim serverListener As New TcpClient(textbox1.text, 8585)

However, this is not working for me.

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Tcplistener / Tcpclient Over LAN

Apr 22, 2012

I am creating an application that will be talking over the LAN (and eventually, WAN) which uses the Tcplistener and Tcpclient objects.Now, I have this working absolutely fine locally using the loopack address although when I change the IP of the listener to (listening for all IPs) and the IP in the client application, to the IP of the server, it throws an exception when connecting. The client says something along the lines of the the server has rejected the incoming connection. So i disabled all firewalls temporarily but I still have the problem.I have ran netstat on the server which clearly shows that it is listening for an incoming connection on [code]

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.net - Working Of Tcpclient Sockets In .net?

Jun 2, 2011

I have an application in which will connect with an hardware device and test its functionality. The hardware device basically spits out data continuosly through Ethernet. That is it recieves some data via com ports and spits out the processed data via ethernet.So my application does both. Thats pretty much the entire app.My problem is i am using tcpclient sockets. Now when i connect a tcpclient to the device using,port);

Immediately the device sends some data which comes and get stored in the clientsocket. Then i send a command to it ,only then i read the data from the clientsocket using


at this time the entire data that is the one which flowed immediately when connected to the device and the one that i actually need after passing command is both acquired. This is undesirable. I need the data which i read only after sending the command. So i was wondering if there is any way to clear the tcpclient socket before we do a read. The manual doesnt show any such method.

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Communications :: TcpClient/Listener ?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm having a hard time getting the fundamentals down about these TCP Socket classes.

When you use TcpClient, you can set the IP Address or domain name to connect to the server end of the socket. I see examples that use "localhost" as the first parameter for TcpClient. Is this just a broadcast over the network to find the server that has a TcpListener listening on the dictated port of the second parameter of the TcpClient declaration? With any IP address for TcpClient (I realize that's an option, though), how does "localhost" find the TcpListener server?

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Make A Tcp Ip Connection Using Tcpclient

Aug 15, 2009

i know how to make a tcp ip connection using tcpclient and so on. But what i want to know, how to transfer file in a specific computer?

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Pass A Class Using TCPClient?

Mar 6, 2009

I have been reading the following thread by perito which was resolved with a great deal of assistance from Athiest.[url]...

Using the sample code in this thread I have now created a Client and Server app which is successfully sending messages over a network between two machines.

Now that I am able to send simple text messages I would like to progress to my intended pratice of sending more complex information between the machines. I have already written a program which generates and stores data with a class which I use as a data type. I would like to be able to pass this class from one machine to another.

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Send Dataset With TcpClient?

May 6, 2010

i've a simple question: is possible to send dataset through TcpClient

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Sending A String Using TcpClient?

Sep 13, 2009

My tcp client has made a connection to the server script! Now that it has connected, how can it send a simple string? I do not know what any of the overloads for the .Client.Send method even mean, or how to use them. I already have a system set up on the server side to parse the string when it is received on the server side, but I have no idea how to send a simple string to it.

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Specify An IP Address For TcpClient To Use Through Lans

May 17, 2011

During development, we usually use localhost as the hostname, like the following

Dim serverListener As New TcpClient("localhost", 8585)

I want the user to be able to enter their IP address via a TextBox instead, like

Dim serverListener As New TcpClient(textbox1.text, 8585)

However, this is not working for me and how can i verfiy that the user enter correct ip address .

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Use Tcpclient And Listener To Use A No-ip Host?

Apr 27, 2009

is there a way to use my tcpclient and listener to use a no-ip host because i am on a laptop

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VS 2008 TcpClient Eating Up CPU?

Oct 2, 2009

I've been working on a program where clients will send short messages to a server.[URL]

On the server side, this code is running to check for incomming messages:

Private mClient As System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
bytesRead = mClient.GetStream.Read(readBuffer, 0, BYTES_TO_READ)


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VS 2008 Tcpclient Run Command

Apr 21, 2009

is there a way to send a command to start a prog on the tcpclient side.

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VS 2010 Socket And TCPClient ?

Jun 8, 2012

I am making a contact management program that works like a chat conversation. First, the client connects with his/her name and says: GIVE_INFO. Then, the server sends the client's info that it gets from a csv. Finally, when the user makes all desired changes, the client "tells" the server the info separated by commas and the server replaces the information in the old csv with the new info.So, the program worked for 2-3 times then all of a sudden when I made some changes it stopped working[code].......

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VS 2010 Tcpclient + Proxy

Jan 20, 2012

I've been searching for a way to route requests from a tcpclient through a proxy server, but I cannot figure out a way to do so. Can somebody tell me a solution?

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.net - Append Text To A String From A Tcpclient?

Feb 26, 2011

For some reason I can't append text to data I get from a tcpclient stream I have.

Dim Client As New TcpClient("server", port)
Dim stream As NetworkStream = Client.GetStream()
Dim receiveBytes As [Byte]() = New [Byte](Client.ReceiveBufferSize) {}


The message box will only contain the returnData string without the hello.

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Communications :: How To Get Full Response With TCPClient

Jun 27, 2011

I'm having problems retrieving the full source code of a website (it only returns partial source) with TCPClient. My code is below if you could either correct it or lead me on the right path, it would make my day. [code]

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File Transfer Tcpclient / Server

Nov 27, 2009

How would i send different types (.png/.bmg/.mp3) of file over a tcpconnection (server / client)

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Get Accurate Amount Uploaded With TCPClient

Jan 3, 2011

I'm using the code below to send large strings (500kB) to a server. I'd like to show the upload speed and in order to do that, I need to calculate the amount uploaded every second.

In a Timer that fires every second I get the BytesUploaded, divide it by 1024 in order to get KiloBytes (kB/s) and show it to the user. Then I set BytesUploaded to 0 and one second later do the same process.

The uploading is done asynchronously and the size of the data is added to BytesUploaded at once. This means that BytesUploaded is not being updated in a constant flow and has a totally different value almost every second.



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Improve TcpClient Connection Speed?

Jan 31, 2012

I am writing a VB.NET app that connects to a legacy application using TCP.

The communication is working fine and is very quick once connected, but there is always a delay (of around 2.5-3.5 seconds) when I create the new connection even though I am connecting to my local machine[code]...

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Networking - Sending Messages With TCPClient

Oct 29, 2011

I'm realizing a .NET chat application but i still have that error: I can send only a message per connection. For example. With the code below, i can send only one message that can be received correctly by the other peer, but if i send another message message, on the same connection,it won't be received by the remote PC. Here is the code:


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Receiving E-mail Without Attachments With TcpClient?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm writing programm that will retrieve e-mails code is looking like ( I have make it a lot easy ):

Dim Client2 As New TcpClient()
Client2.Connect(Server, popPort)


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See Live Webcam Using Tcpclient And Tcpserver?

Apr 21, 2009

Is there a way to see live webcam using tcpclient and tcpserver

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Tcpclient Getstream - Zero Bytes Read?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a tcpclient connection setup capturing a continuous http stream. For some reason after the first few bytes are read, the stream does not get any data for a long time. Is there a problem with my code?

Dim tclient As TcpClient = New TcpClient(url, "80")
nstream = tclient.GetStream()
If nstream.CanRead Then[code].....

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TCPClient Stream Read And Write?

Jan 10, 2010

After opening a TCP stream and writing to it via Stream.write, how can a reply be received (on the same port) and processed?

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Tcpclient Versus Httpwebrequest - Getting Error 301?

Nov 23, 2010

I used a tcpclient to make a connection to a streaming API and for some reason it doesn't work with a 301 error, (something wrong with my credentials). However when I use a httpwebrequest to the same API and use the same credentials and that works.

TCPclient connection:

Dim bufferread(defaultSize) As Byte
url = ""
Dim tclient As TcpClient = New TcpClient(url, "80")


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