Create Multiple Prices For Each Products Whenever I'm Using Ms Access And Control?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm currently trying to create an Information System of customers who does have different prices for one generic set of products. For example, there's a list of customers, then once you choose one, the system will show a generic product list but a set of price list specifically encoded for that specific customer. I'm sorry but i'm not that good with databases, and I'm using ms access as the database and VB.Net as the programming language.

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WebBrowser Control - How To Open Office 2007 Products

Jul 15, 2009

I am having trouble opening 2007 office products with in a webbrowser control. 2003 office products did open, but for some reason 2007 won't. I have read about rolling my own activex document container, but I don't know where to start. [URL]

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Access Create Multiple Records Based On A Date Range?

Oct 19, 2011

I have an MSAccess 2007 DB to record our employees Personal Days Off (PDO). Until now I have only had a form to record each single day taken. This results in time consuming repetitive entry when an employee takes multiple consecutive days or weeks off.

My database consists of two tables:tbl_PDO (to hold the Worker, DateTakenOff and TimeTaken) tbl_Employees (containing the Employees contact info, Name, Address, etc.) A form for Single date data entry with tbl_PDO as the record source and the following fields: (This is the original entry method one day at a time and works as it should)cboWorker(with Record Source tbl_Employee[Worker] DateTakenOff(ShortDate) TimeTaken (in hours) A form for Date Range entry with tbl_PDO as the recored source and the following fields: cboWorker(with Record Source tbl_Employee[Worker] StartDate EndDate TimeTaken (in hours) I have been trying to work with bits and pieces of code Ive found online to create multiple rows in a table based on a date range.[code]...

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Loop To Create Multiple Series In Chart Control

May 12, 2012

I am trying to build a function that returns a chart. I want to have a parameter to account for times where i may need more than one series. How does one loop through to create multiple series? I would think you would need a variable for each series. The function is below. I would think that if there were 5 series that each of the "Dataseries" variables should have their own name. Do I then refer to them by index only?


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Loop To Create Multiple Series In Chart Control?

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to build a function that returns a chart. I want to have a parameter toaccount for times where i may need more than one series. How does one loop through to createmultiple series? I would think you would need a variable for each series. The function is below. I would think that if there were 5 series that each of the "Dataseries" variables should have their own name. Do I then refer to them by index only? Public Shared Function MakeChart(ByVal form As Form, Optional ByVal numseries As Integer = 0) As Chart

' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Dim SampleChart As Chart = New Chart()
Dim MainChartArea As ChartArea = New ChartArea()


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Sum Prices From Different Forms?

Dec 25, 2010

I want to do a project in 2008 using database from MS Access 2007. I have to go from the main menu to the other forms, in each form I have to select one or more items, each item has a price (should be taken from the database *.accdb), then I have to return to the main menu, click the cost button to find the total cost of these items.

1. Where I have to write the code to access my database, in the main menu or in each form individually? and how to write it? I used the code found at:


but after DEBUGging told me that it cannot see "Table1"?

2. When I am in one of the forms, do I have to "save" my selections, and how?

3. How do I exit from any of the forms to give me the total price to the step, form, I have reached?

4. The total cost should appear in a separate form (screen) at the same time should be saved?

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Using IF Statements To Add Together Prices Using VB

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to use if statements to add the prices of a cruises special packages together. I am using check boxes for the packages, so any, from none to all 3 are able to be checked. The packages available are VIP, excursion and restaurant. The price will also depend on the cruise length (7 or 10 day). I am wondering on which format to use, and if I even need to use if statements, how to make this statement true,

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Add Prices And Display Result?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a school project, and for some reason in the book it doesn't show how to keep a variable cross sub functions. Can anyone give me a clue of what i'm doing wrong ?

Here is my code
Private Sub processButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles processButton.Click


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ASP.NET VB Changes In Stocks Prices Prompt

Aug 12, 2011

I'd like to ask about the way in ASP.NET VB to detect the changes in stocks prices, if the price inceased, the containing cell inside the grid blinks in green, decreased will blinks in red? ex: if the price now 10.00$ and increased to 10.01$ the containing cell will blink with 1 second in green..

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Round The Prices In This Manner: If It's 12.48 Should Be 12.99?

Aug 12, 2009

I want to round the prices in the following manner: if it's 12.48 should be 12.99, if it's 12.98 it should be 12.99, if it's 12.10 should be 11.99 and so on.

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Add The Checkbox Prices Up To Display In The Label?

Dec 30, 2010

i have a form and it has checkboxes that are different prices for options on a car. my problem is I don't know how to write the code to add the checkbox prices up to display in the lable.

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How To Assign Prices To Each Model From The Combo Box

Mar 3, 2009

Anyway for my vb class we need to write an auto inquiry system. Im a total n00b and am struggling altogether. My interface is below Basically what my problem is (among others) is that I don't know how to assign prices to each model from the combo box. This is what I used to populate the two boxes:


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Calculate Prices Of An Item From An Existing Textfile?

Jun 3, 2011

In calculating an item from a texfile that exists from menu_cmbselectedIndex,i want to display total number of items when i click a combobox and should also display total amount for those items.

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Copy Datatable To Dbo.Products?

May 20, 2010

I want to copy datatable to dbo.Products

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Getting The Critical Level Of The Products?

Feb 2, 2012

[URL]...From this link, it explains the formula of how getting the critical level of the products, but I can't imagine how to automatic-compute it because every month and every year there's a computation to be done

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MySql And Order Products?

Mar 15, 2012

I have build a program until now with an MySql database. The programs add records for the customers and the products of the company(Its works perfect).. I am trying to build now the Orders the last part of my project but I have a little problem.. First of all I need 4 different type of database:

Credit Card
Price Offer

This is the the type of the payment. The user must add the order by the payment of customer so we need to seperate each one.. Unitl here I am fine::

Now, my serious problem is with the order table:: If i used the code that I use for my other adding records (like product and customers ), for each order it's add only one product!! BasicallyI need to be able to add multi products and the user have the ability to change the price of one product:: for example "to make an offer for some special customers" without change data into the database of products..Thats has a lot of typing code but I need a base to start since I have a little bit of confused. At the end am trying to load data from database customers into text boxes:: for example the user select one name that loaded into a combobox and then appears the city and the mobile into a text boxes I build a code below but it's works only One type, actually fill the text boxes but after I clear all the boxes and try for a new customer or the same isn't fill anything.

Dim ServerString As String = "Server=localhost;User Id=root;Password=root;Database=test" ''Sting Server
Dim SQLConnection As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection ''SQL Connection
Dim Sql3 As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM customers", SQLConnection)


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Display The Data (prices) From Some Hard Drives From Some Site's?

Jan 14, 2012

I have a small app and i want to display the data (prices) from some hard drives from some site's. I use this code

Dim PageElements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("img")
For Each CurElement As HtmlElement In PageElements
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & CurElement.GetAttribute("src") & Environment.NewLine

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Add Values(Prices) To CheckBoxes, Radiobuttons And Perform Calculations?

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to put together a simple form with prices assigned to Radio buttons and check boxes.

I started by creating a simple form with four Windows Form control, two check boxes and two radio buttons, there is also a NumberUpDown Control for quantity but I have not added that yet.

Basically the user make selections, the price is calculated with total and subtotal and displayed on a label.

I am trying to start as basic as possible then work my way up to more complex calculations as I progress.

Here is my Screw up version: :)

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Adding Prices Together In A Data Grid Cell To Show Up?

Jun 8, 2011

I want to add prices together which is in cells in a grid view and show the total in a text box.

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VS 2008 : Loading Numbers And Prices From The ItemInfo.txt File?

May 25, 2010

im having trouble coding a project Im supposed to Define a structure named Product. It should contain two member variables one a string variable called item number and another a double called Prices. In the form's load event procedure I should be able to the item numbers and prices from the ItemInfo.txt file, and store them in the module-level array. Furthermore, Im supposed to be able to add teh item numbers into the list box. There are no buttons just the Exit button. When user select the item the user should be able to see it in the lblPrice control.

Name: Glovers Project
' Purpose: Displays the price of an item
' Programmer: <your name> on <current date>


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VS 2008 Code To Work Out Cost With Different Prices Per Mile?

Mar 2, 2011

For our programming assignment to end the module (which im really struggling with) we have to write some code for use in a fictional taxi firm that charges �2 for the first mile, one price for miles 2-10, and another for all miles thereafter.

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Building An EShop 'Latest Products'?

Apr 2, 2012

I was trying to do a 'Latest Products' page for an eShop project I'm working on. asically, I want to show a number of products, say 10, from a table in my db that where added in my database in the last 30 days or less.irst I tried to use the GridView function in VB.NET, where it auto-populates the table but can't be limited and then I tried this SQL statement, which isn't working, giving me an error.

FROM Product
WHERE DateAdded > (SELECT DATEADD(d,-30,(SELCT MAX(DateAdded) FROM Product)) AS "Last 30


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DB/Reporting :: Get Database With Products Of Restaurant?

Oct 4, 2008

I got database with products of restaurant. What i want: I Want to create cocktails with multiple products (products are registered in database). When i put cocktail in the sales list, i want when sales complete, automatically to change stock of included products in the cocktail. I attached a screenshot to be more clarity. If u help me, i apreciate this.

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Select Most Ordered Products In SQL Server?

Feb 20, 2012

I want to grab Top 10 most Ordered product by customer... Im counting how many lines that this product have been ordered .

Sample data:



Ive done this in other database using LIMIT 10.. but here in SQL server the result of that query is the bottom record's

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Calulcate The Percentage Growth Of Four Catagrogies Of Products?

Feb 19, 2010

i have to write a program that will calulcate the percentage growth of four catagrogies of products a company sells that sells fruit.

Grape $565.000 $600.000
banana $600.000 $520.000
strawberry $150.000 $325.000
pineapple $75.000 $82.000

the result has the be a percentage.heres is my code so far.[code].......

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Select The Products That Match A Given Category And Group?

Nov 6, 2010

I can't seem to figure out how to write this query properly. I've tried various combinations but nothing's worked yet.Below is the relevant portion of my database model:

I need to select the products that match a given Category and Group, and that match a given Year, Make, Model, submodel. This I've done below: ItemList = From P In gDataContext.Products.Include("Groups").Include("Groups.Category1").Include("LookupYearMakeModels") From G In P.Groups Where G.Category = Cat And G.Grp = Group From Y In P.LookupYearMakeModels Where Y.Year = YMM.Year And Y.Make = YMM.Make And Y.Model = YMM.Model And Y.Submodel = YMM.Submodel Select P


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Use The Products Will Show In DGV And Double Click Works?

Sep 23, 2010

IN one application, I need do the following: When user press one button, show a combo box with ptoducts kinds, and the application create a new record in the database. Next, and automatically, I wanna another form to be opened, with all the complementary values of this products, for the operator complete the values.My problem is: The form cant be the same, cause each kind of product show one different form Open the detail form, how can I know what record ID was created??

In later use, the products will show in DGV and double click works. But at the product open, I wanna this form apeear automatically.

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Vb - Store The Names Of A Couple Of Products - Calculate ?

Apr 18, 2010

I'm trying to make the following snippet work in VB6 but it's one error after the other. can anyone make heads or tails of this?

Basically i'm after a little proggy which will store the names of a couple of products, calculate product code (first three and last three characters of product name) produce a list of products stcked with their initial stock levels, allow info on products be search for, allow the products to be purchased.


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Develop A Calculator That Will Determine Prices For Candy In VISUAL BASIC 2010?

Sep 29, 2010

Sweet candy store currently has a special offering of heart shaped candy. It comes in two sizes: small and large. The company sells the large one for $29.50 and the small for $16.25.Design an application to calculate how much a costumer owes. When the user clicks the "Calculate" button, the program gets the number of large and small chocolate hearts ordered from the textboxes, calculates and displays the extended price for each type of the chocolate in a label. The program also calculates the weight of the chocolate to determine the shipping cost, displays the total weight, the shipping cost and the final total due. The large chocolate weighs 4 pounds 10 ounces, and the small one weighs 2 pounds 14 ounces. Shipping cost is 35 cents per pound and 3 cents for each additional ounce. Display all dollar amounts except the final total due with 2 decimal places. Display the FINAL TOTAL DUE with a leading dollar sign and 2 decimal places. Be sure to also include a CLEAR button that will remove all inputs/outputs from the form, and an EXIT button. Define the CALCULATE button as the accept button and the EXIT button as the cancel button.

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Inout Box: Input A Percentage To Increase Prices In An Array And Display In The List Box

Apr 23, 2011

This is what I have so far, I know it should be simple as hell, but I'm having a huge brainfart at the moment. Im going to continue messing with it though. Im trying to make it so I can input a number for a percentage, multiply that with my current array prices, and display the total in the listbox. I have a few theories on why it isnt working but cant pinpoint which one to use, I'm at a basic level to this and still learning the process. Im also pretty sure I dont have everything I need on here yet.


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