Creating A Radiobutton Control In .net?

Mar 15, 2010

this is my code in behind where i am creating the radiobutton -

TD = New HtmlTableCell
Dim rdb As New RadioButton()
rdb.ID = "rdb_ads_" & DR("ID")

It displays the radiobutton, but doesnt select single. i can select all at one time. how do i make it to select only 1 at a time.

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Runtime Control A RadioButton?

Apr 8, 2010

I wont to built a web player i broke down the project in pieces so i can be more efficient.Project info:The user has 4 default station (4 radiobutton).From menuStrip can add a station.This is a run time control that add a new radiobutton on FlowLayoutPanel.It has a text like the user wont it.The user can add as many station as he like.The problem:I can be able to insert in radiobutton the proper text .How i can make after user check the radiobutton and push button Listen to load the url value and play.(i know after that RadioPlayer.URL = xxxx ).I be aware for clik event addressOf and for a dynamical used array but nothing help me out to take the url value and connect to the radiobutton.Target:After user add a station ,he can check the station and after push the Listen! button can listen .Conclusion This is only the part of the project. Runtime control item and handles the value.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub AddToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Creating Control From 'control Array?

May 8, 2011

I have an array of picture boxes as so:

Dim pieces(500) As PictureBox
pieces(1) = New PictureBox
With pieces(1)


The program does not crash or anything, but the picturebox is no where to be seen on the form. How to I make this work correctly?

And is 'Control Array' the correct term for this? or something else?

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Control To Use For Creating Menus?

Nov 16, 2009

Which control should I use to create menus in 2008?

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Creating A Custom Control Box?

Dec 15, 2009

Is this possible? I am trying to create my own "X" and "minimize" buttons on my form -- the only way that I can currently think to do it is by making my form have no border, and creating a 'fake' menu bar using labels and buttons for minimizing and maximizing. The goal here is to be able to have custom icons for maximize, close, etc that may not match the Windows default scheme.

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Creating A Custom Control?

Apr 15, 2010

want to create a custom control of the button such as the button will be a bit enlarged and with a different colour.A custom control is a class that either inherits the Control class directly or some other control.So Iadded class named class1.vb and added this line:Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button

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Creating A Treeview Control

Oct 27, 2011

Basically, I have a view (can be converted into a store procedure) with two tables NODE and CONTACT. NODE is the parent table (NodeID) with the foreign key field in CONTACT (NodeID). The query works fine. I would like the treeview to look like this


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Creating A User Control?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm coding an application that will work with many arrays of data. To make the code easier I want to make a user control (called Multiselect) that will include a textbox and a treeview. The textbox will be alway visible and treeview will appear when needed.The user will put a string in the textbox and the MultiSelect will search all of the stored data in a array that match the searched string. When done, the TreeView will appear and show the found items. User will have an opportunity to choose the right items through checkboxes.

What I can't do is the TreeView. I want it to act like the autocomplete in Visual Studio editor - for example you are in a class and type "me." and Visual Studio offers you all methods possible in a window. This windows doesnt get focus, but if on the top of the main form so the found items are visible over the text.

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Creating Control Using Code?

May 16, 2012

I am trying to make a new label be created everytime the user clicks a button. But at the moment when the user presses the button It only creates one, if the users clicks the button again. Nothing happens.

This is my current code I use:


I know that the label is not being created on top of each other because the location values changes everytime the user clicks the button.

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Creating Non-visual Control?

Aug 7, 2009

I want to create a control that drops onto that tray area below the form designer. Such as how a FileSaveDialog or an ErrorProvider would do. A class that's available in the toolbox and the properties are available visually in the designer, instead of declaring it in the form's text code. What do I have to set to get that behavior?

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VS 2008 Creating New Tab Look For Tab Control?

Oct 23, 2009

how I would change the look of my tabs in my tab control. For instance the default is a rectangle.. while in the VS2008 IDE the tabs have the left corner slanted.

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Creating A Stock Control System Using .net?

Jan 15, 2007

my project is about creating stock control system to a bookstore which you can get details of books available,slow moving books..etc i just want to know about creating forms for my project what kind of forms you needed for ex: add,edit,delete btns.

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Creating A Tip Balloon Over A Control On Hover?

Apr 4, 2011

I simply want when someone hovers his mouse over a checkbox a "tip balloon" to appear describing what the control does?Using VB.NET with Visual Studio 2010.

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Creating Navigation User Control?

Feb 3, 2010

I am currently trying to create a generic navigation control with a similar style to the outlook navigation bar. I have figured out how I would be able to dynamically create the bottom part where you select the menu option, but I'm struggling to figure out how I would be able to create the top part, which can contain any user control that the developer would want.So basically what I'm trying to figure out is, is there a way to allow for a developer to add controls to a specific area of your user control?

If there is a way of achieving that then if anyone knows how to do this;In ASP.Net you have the login controls and with one of them, you are able to have different views depending on whether the user who is viewing the web page is logged in or not. Is there a way of achieving this in VB.Net for a user control that could be set up so that I could have the developer able to switch the view in the designer to show them the view for when a specific navigation option has been selected.

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Creating User Control To Use In Webpage?

Mar 16, 2009

How dow I create a user control for use in a webpage using VB.NET (not ASP.NET)?

How do I use that control in a webpage?

Can my control cause an event in the webpage and how? Ie. my user control has a button, and I want a Javsascript script to run when i click the button

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Creating Webbrowser Control At RunTime

Aug 29, 2009

I am creating a Webbrowser Control at RunTime:


For some reason the Webbrowser document complete sub will not work. I even tried Public wb as New webbrowser. I will be disposing on the WB many times while the app is running. I need to be able to recreate it so that it continues to work with the WB document complete sub to trigger events...


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Creating Windows Form Control?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to create a windows user control project that has a textbox placed on it.I want the textbox to fill the user control window.I've built the control and added it to another project, but it isn't behaving the way I want it too.When I drag and drop the control from the toolbox onto a windows form and try to resize it, because the textbox.multiline property has been set to True, the Textbox resizes horizontaly and not vertically (just like normal textboxes do) however the underlying user control window resizes which is undisireable. How can I get the user control window to stop doing this.

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Dynamically Creating WindowsMediaPlayer Control?

Jan 25, 2010

i know a way to play mp3 files, which is to go toolbox and add the msdx.ocx file. however is there anyway i could dynamically create an object that plays media files (other than .wavs)

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VS 2005 Creating New User Control?

May 13, 2009

I have followed the directions from this web site and the control works on a new form. But I have now written my own User Control. It compiles, I have changed Active Config within the Solution Properties to Release | Any CPU and built the Solution. But I can not find the .dll within the .NET framework Components after selecting Choose Toolbox Items from the Tools menu.

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Creating A Search Control Where Searches Can Be Compounded?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm creating a search control where searches can be compounded. So, for instance, I could create a search for Orders where OrderID = 1232 or OrderID = 2343 and OrderID <> 23435

So I have a button that users can click to compound. Obviously its a complicated problem to do well, but in any case, on my path to trying to find the best way to do it, I wanted to create a variable that could be either '=' or '<>' depending on the value of some other variable set elsewhere.Is there a way to do that? Or do I have to switch to Expressions?

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Creating A User Control At The Moment In 2010

Dec 26, 2011

I have a bit of a problem creating a user control at the moment. I'm creating it within my current project via the 'Project> Add User Control' menu item. The problem is that when I create the control, run a build and add it to my form the controls within the custom user control are about one and a half times the size they should be.


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Creating An Application To Control Affinity Of Processes

Jun 11, 2009

I am trying to create an application that will identify a process using over 50% of the CPU and set its affinity to run only on core 0. How should I go about creating this? P.S. I am trying to create this application because my PC has been creating this really anoying screaching sound when a process randomly uses over 50% of my CPU. (I have a dual-core, AMD sadly.)

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Creating Dynamic Control Array In VB 2010

Oct 31, 2011

I need to dynamically create some sort of 'table' on my form. It should look like:


On top of that it should look like a table and have gridlines between the 'cells' containing the picture/data, which makes it even more difficult for me. Before, control arrays were quite simple in VB6, but I've been searching for 1,5 hours now and I can't figure out how to do this in VB.NET 2010. Any idea how to tackle this the most efficiently?

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Creating User Control Object In Runtime?

Jan 5, 2012

creating a user control object in runtime using createobject function or whatever better function in

here is my code:

Dim b As New Security.Sec_Role
b.Name = "Sec_Role"
b.visible = true


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Creating User Control Using Datagridcell With Listbox

Nov 22, 2011

I want to show a Listbox below the cell of datagridview, for that i inherited a

DataGridViewColumn and added an object of listbox called LstBox .

Now i can get all property of listbox in property window for the control which i

added on form, but i cannot see the Listbox when i run the form. how to make visible Listbox.

I use this code

Public Class DataGridViewTLBoxColumn
Inherits DataGridViewColumn
Private WithEvents LstBox As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox


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VS 2008 Creating Itemlist Custom Control?

May 18, 2010

I did try to build a custom control but unfortunately i couldn't make it work due to lack of knowledge.I wanted to build an custom itemlist that allowed me to add 2 or 3 icons beneath it with labels associated.

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Creating A Custom Control...Cannot Create A 'text' Property?

Mar 23, 2010

I did some googling and found this forum post, and here is what I needed to do:

Imports System.ComponentModel
<EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(True), Bindable(True), _
DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> _


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Creating A Pop Up Control On Clicking The Button Field Of The Gridview?

Apr 3, 2012

i need to create a pop up window whn the user clicks the button link of the gridview

the gridview is a project details table and the button field should giv the abstract of each project.

on clicking the abstract of a particular project,that abstract should be displayed as a pop up.

is it possible to do it thru de popup control exteder of the ajax contrl toolkit?

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Creating A Webbrowser Control In A Background Thread In Backgroundworker?

Sep 23, 2009

Is it possible to create a WebBrowser control in a background thread in BackgroundWorker?

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Using web1 As New WebBrowser[code].....

Does anyone know a way to create a background WebBrowser? I would like to do it to extract info from websites then spit out the various HTML DOM arrays

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Creating Custom Template Button User Control With WPF

Jan 17, 2012

what i am trying to do is create a custom user control for my WPF forms that is a button with both text and an image. Everything that i have found is using C# and i am using

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