I have the following code that attempts to create a picturebox at a set of coordinates, then move to another set of coordinates and create another one. I have two questions, first, how do you programmatically create each picturebox with a different name than the last one. I've attempted to address this in my code but not sure if it's right. Second, I'm getting an error when running the code: "controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control on another thread" - how do i get around this?
im doing a project in which im basically trying to make an etch-a-sketch style program.
I am using a 5x5 pixel picture box as the 'cursor' and have made the program so that i can move the picture box with the arrow keys. I am currently trying to work out how to make a trail of identical picture boxes (from an array of picture boxes) appear wherever the cursor has been using this code
Case Keys.Left CurrentLoc = New Point(PictureBox1.Location.X, PictureBox1.Location.Y) If Not PictureBox1.Location.X - 5 < 0 Then
Basically, im trying to make a trail by moving the original picturebox and the inserting an identical picturebox in the original's previous position. However, the new identical ones do not display
Recently I have been wanting to learn a bit more about Visual Basic and I've decided that I want to test my abilities by Making a Card game. The card game uses a customized deck of around 140 card. The Cards are all buildings which you need to place down by discarding a specific amount of cards in yoiur hand. The Objective of the game is to get 12 buildings built and get the most points. Many cards will be layed down at some point in the game.The way I think I will be creating the game is by Creating a Class for the Deck which will use a class for the Card. I would like the Card Class to somehow create a picture box of the cards image on the form which will hold all the other cards being displayed.
I am using MEF to compose a number of components at run time but when I use a metadata attribute it double the number of parts in the collection.
When checking the container.ComposeParts I can see that the dll containing the 11 implementation of IStages is loaded once and only the 11 part required appear but when it resolves the Private Property Stages As IEnumerable(Of Lazy(Of IStages, IStagesMetadata)) the number of instances is doubled to 22. Looping through the collections I can see that they are duplicated by the ID in the metadata.[code]...
i'm currently working on building a program that will take a MS Access database system produced by my company and create a VB.Net project with all the forms in it (obviously the code should be manually done, but to save time the forms and controls can be produced automatically).I have tried Googling and seem not to be able to find anything about this (which probably means I wasn't searching with the right keywords), I was wondering whether anyone knows any good resources on how to create the VB.Net project programmatically as I already know how to do all the access stuff.
i have the following code that can create a DSN to SQL server programatically from vb.net
Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.Text Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function SQLConfigDatasource Lib "ODBCCP32.DLL" (ByVal hwndParent As Integer, ByVal fRequest As Integer, ByVal lpszDriver As String, ByVal lpszAttributes As String) As Integer Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
I have a project working on at work, it involves creating an invoice for each client and attaching that invoice to an email and sending it out. I chose to use XML for the data manipulations. I could have easily gone with a access file or a sqlCe db, but that would cause my data to be in a proprietary format; this is what i am running from. Furthermore, I have no experience with XML data and i thought here would be a good place to start.
I am reading the data for the invoices from a text file that will always be in a specific format each time it is produce. Information from this text file is stored in a generic list of a Class name Invoice.
The area where i am having the problem is where after collecting the data i now need to save it in an XML format. here is what i have so for
'Filename: cInvoice 'Written by: Curtis Jackson 'Written on: May 20, 2009
you see where i have function "writeNewInvoiceData" this is where i am stucked. I just don't know how to create this XML file.
I have an unbound DataGridView control where I have defined the columns at design time.Currently to add a new row I use a like this:
gridname.row.add(value1, value2, value3, value4)
This offends my sense of good programming because if I add a column to the grid or change the order of the columns then I need to alter the line above. What I want to do is to create a new datagridviewrow complete with columns and then populate the values like so:
Just like I do when editing an existing row in the grid.I thought I could do the following:
Dim dr as New DataGridViewRow dr = MyGrid.RowTemplate
I thought this would give me a new row complete with cells but no values. Appartently this is the wrong property. Is there a property that will give me a blank row, but with the cell names/types that have already been defined in the grid defined in the row?Yes, I know I can take an existing row and just clear the values but when this program load, there are not always existing rows.don't tell me I am going to have to add the columns myself. dr.cell.add(cell definition)
In visual basic how do you create a DataGridView Programmatically,for example i want to display 5 columns from my items table in sql server to a datagridview i just created ..
I am generating tables and writing them to word on the fly. I do not know how many tables there will be each time i write the data to word and the problem I am having is the second table is written inside the first cell of my first table. If there was a third table it is put inside the first cell of my second table.Is there a way to move the cursor out of the table? I have tried creating a new range with each table also but the same thing happens.I have also tried things like tbl.Range.InsertParagraphAfter()The closest I came was using the Relocate method, but this only worked for two tables.
I have a panel that is a set size and has its Autoscroll property set to True.I am parsing text files and then adding them to the panel. I'm extracting specific lines and then adding them to labels and text boxes that are in the panel.When my app runs, it can parse anywhere from 0-10 files at a time.If there are no files to parse, I don't want any controls in the panel. I'll be creating the controls based on how many text files I have. For each text file, I'll have 3 controls.
I'll count the text files before I parse them, and insert the controls into the panel.The problem is that I don't know how to place the controls based on the location of the panel/form. I know the panel will always have a permanent spot, but I won't know if the location parameters of the panel have changed because I won't know how many controls there will be before the app parses the files.
However, I will know the size of the controls that I'm inserting.So, with all of that, is there a way to insert the controls inside of the panel, and then based on that information, insert the others?
I'm trying to write an application that will allow a non-administrator user to create virtual directories in IIS6. I've tried numerous different ways of impersonating a administrative account but nothing seems to work to create the virtual directory.
Here's some of what I've tried: dim sDirPath as string = "IIS://remotehost/W3svc/1/root" Dim de As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry() de.Path = sDirPath de.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure de.Username = tbxUsername.Text [Code] .....
what is the correct way to impersonate another user in winforms application that will allow me to create the virtual directory without the user that's running the application being an administrator on the web server? I know this can be done, IIS manager allows you to use "connect as" checkbox to do it.
im making an application in vb.net (duh!) anyway i have created and coded the whole project and it performs exactly as i want it to (i dont need code help). my problem lies with the fact that my project is 2-3 parts
1.a setup form that gathers inital data about the enviroment stores this data encrypted in a config file. after inital setup this form is not displayed again. but needs to be run on both computers
2. the second form is the real application form im in the process of turning this part in to a background service anyway this form is the one that establishes the connection between two nodes it works correctly
3. the config files
anyway here is my problem i want to make this application distributional with just one file the (.exe) and have this .exe make everything else happen. it runs the setup form and creates the first config file which it does then it needs to produce a copy of just the second form and the config file to transfer to workstation #2 that will run independtly without the whole application which i cant make happen then it needs to turn both workstations application on by only starting one on either computer and invoke the other computer to start its corrosponding app also no idea how to make this happen any ideas or suggestions as to where to look to try to find my answers.im thinking i might need to make two seperate applications (a setup app, and the running app) and include them both in a project and use the setup.exe to to package them together this is a little side project that im making for my self to use to make programming a little easier so i plan on giving it out to some fellow students to test and tell me what they think so im not really worried about ease of use or complicated procedures yet but if it turns out to work and actually be of use to anyone else i would be willing to rewrite it to distribute to the masses but for now i just want it to work for me.
I am creating a photo hunt game for grades 6-9 in summer camp. I want them to alter an image in paint then create two picture boxes. I want to put in ovals with no fill color to mark the differences in the picture but VB.net won't let me send the images behind the ovals.
my requirement is that i have to count occurrence of a certain date and between two months suppose i have 10-jan-2012 now i have a date range 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 my requirement is that if i find 10-jan between 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 irrespective of year i know that 10-jan will come twice between 1-jan-2012 between 1-feb-2013 i am not understanding how to do this.i meanto say that i have to compare only day and month part of the date which will solve my problem
what i'm trying to do is make sort of a picturebox game. I have a picturebox name p1 that i got to move with the arrow keys on the keyboard. What I was tryna do next was to have it so that whenever I pressed the spacebar on that a new picturebox would be created, originate from p1's location and then go up 5 pixels at a time. so here's my code that i tried;
Dim Loc As Point Dim shot2 As New PictureBox If e.KeyCode = Windows.Forms.Keys.Space Then shot2.Visible = True
I have that under the keydown event by the way. So even thou vb didnt have conflicts with my code. But when I press the spacebar nothing happens.
I want to create a chess table, and I've made one with a FlowLayoutPanel and 64 PictureBoxes but I have a little problem. After i add the PictureBoxes I hava a gap beetwen them and I don't want to have it, i've tried 2 posibilities but nothing, I will put an exemple from my code
Private Sub init_table() Dim color As Integer = 0 Dim boundX = 0
For counter As Integer = 0 To gamecontrol.unitlist.Count - 1 If gamecontrol.unitlist(counter).isAlive = True Then 'create picturebox if not already existing
i'm making a program and a need to put some pictureboxes in an array, when i try debugging it gives me an error, i can't figure out what its having trouble with :S
Public Class Form1 Dim itemArrayXO() As Color = {picXO1.BackColor, picXO2.BackColor} Public Sub XO_Check(ByVal x As Integer)
(you may notice there are only 2 pictures in there, thats because im trying to get it to work before i go typing it all out)
I am developing a Blackjack game in VB.Net using Visual Studio 2008. I have Picture boxes to display the players cards. The issue I have is that when the player chooses to hit , the third card stacks properly over the first two, but on the forth hit,the picturebox(which contains the forth card) appears under the third card. The same happens for the fourth , fifth, and sixth card . I have looked at the properties for the picturebox hoping there was some kind of index (similiar to zindex in css) to order the cards so they would would "stack" on top of one another but leaving the numbers of the cards visible, to no avail as I am here posting I have a screenie of the situation to better illuminate my struggle.
If you look at the picturebox with the 8 of diamonds card in it , everything is fine, but you will notice that the 10, 4, and 8 of clubs is underneath. I would like these cards to stack as the 4 of clubs, the 9 of diamonds and the 8 of diamond did.
I am haveing a big problem with object orientated programming I just can not seem to understand it fully I can use it for simple tasks but I am trying to use it to create enemys in my game that move automatically.I want to be able to put the moving logic in to a class and then apply it to as many pictureboxes that want in my game i also want the class to add enemys automatically. The enemys are cars and I have the moving logic but as I said am unable to figure out how to put it in a class and call it sucsesflly. If anyone could help me with this it would be very appriciated as this has been stressing me out for weeks.
One number is represented with four hex values.First two hex parts are my "whole number" part, third and fouth hex numbers are my "decimal" part. I just wanted to store my complete number (whole and decimal) in an excel table.My problem is following when I am storing whole part and decimal part of my number separately, then it works fine am getting f.e. 3017 and 0,9445123 in my excel table, but when I am concatenate them, then I am getting following expression in my excel table f.e. 30,179,445,123 but I want 3017,9445123.
i'm creating a game like text twist. that when i press letter a, i need to determine which picturebox contains letter a and display it to different location. that also goes to the proceeding letter a's. for example, i have a jumbled letters "aamba". in my code, it only gets the first letter a and removes it form the screen, it's nowhere to be found. and it won't recognize that i still have other letter a's i'm pretty sure about the location that i set it to be placed.here is my
(it's kind of brute force i think) ElseIf e.KeyChar = Chr(97) Then counter1 = 0[code].....
A while back I made a brickbreaker game with out the bricks. Its a picturebox bouncing on the sides of the form and the whole goal is to keep it from hitting the bottom of the form. Now I'm fed up with that, I want to further myself by adding bricks that I can break and keep score. I have something I came up with, but it will only add 1 picturebox.
Dim pb As New PictureBox Dim locX As Integer = 75 Dim locY As Integer = 100
I did wrap a try/catch inside the do until. My plan is to add one row, then reset my locX, finally move to a different row(locY) and do the same thing.