Data Are On A Oracle 10g XE DB?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm making an app where people need to log in, these data are on a Oracle 10g XE DB, I know how to access the data, but I don't know how to validate is the query returns something or doesn't (to validate the username and password, of course). I'm using an ODBC with to connect the DB.

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Bulk Insert From Datatable In To Oracle Using Oracle.DataAccess

Mar 4, 2010

I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.

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Visual Basic With Oracle Provider Oledb For Oracle?

Dec 29, 2009

can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.

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Fetch Data From SAP R3 To Oracle With .net?

Aug 4, 2009

How to fetch data from SAP r3 to Oracle with .net?

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Get Data From Oracle And Sql In One Sql Statement?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an Oracle database (external app) that contains a number of tables that I need to get data from, however I also have an SQL database that contains a number of tables that my app is using.

e.g. Oracle Table name PD_112

ID DISP_ID1 52 83 5
e.g. SQL Table name DispTbl


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Access Data From Ms-Acess And Oracle?

Jun 10, 2009

How to access data from Ms-Acess and oracle?

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Binding Data From Oracle Database

Apr 25, 2009

I developed an application with old VB form and binding the data from Oracle database into VB form. Actually, I tried to bind the data more than 35000 records in to grid. But, it takes more than half an hour and also form was hanged and there is no output. Can you please let me know the solution to fix it and bind the data without any hang in my application. What are the steps to be followed to fix it?

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Bulk Transfer Of Data To Oracle

Jun 29, 2010

Is there a way to transfer huge amount of data in a single shot from to Oracle database? I have a couple of thousands of records in my code which I want to update to Oracle database. What I do currently is, call a stored procedure in database once for each of those records. This would end up calling the stored proc couple of thousand times, which is highly inefficient.

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DB/Reporting :: Get Data From Oracle And Sql In One Sql Statement

Nov 6, 2009

I will try and explain my problem as simply as I can

I have an Oracle database (external app) that contains a number of tables that I need to get data from, however I also have an SQL database that contains a number of tables that my app is using.

e.g. Oracle Table name PD_112



What I want to do is get all the data from the Oracle table to display in a list control however I want the values in the DISP_ID column of the Oracle table to be change to the corrosponding DESC values from the DispTbl e.g. 5 from the Oracle table would display Piping instead of 5.

I know how to do this if both the tables where in one database system e.g. Oracle or SQL, however I am not sure the best why to do this when the tables are in 2 different data sources.

Below is the code for doing this in the same datasource:


I am using VB.Net 2005, just for info

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DB/Reporting :: Get Data From Oracle And Sql In One Sql Statement?

Feb 18, 2011

I have an Oracle database (external app) that contains a number of tables that I need to get data from, however I also have an SQL database that contains a number of tables that my app is using.

e.g. Oracle Table name PD_112

1 5
2 8
3 5


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Use An Oracle Data Source In Program?

Apr 12, 2011

So I have an application that queries a database for something like a social security number. Originally, the connection was established programmatically using ODBC. Now, I want to use the data source option built into Visual Studio.

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C# - Map Oracle Blob Data To Dataset Direct?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a table with a blob field that stores photos in jpg format. Is there any way to direct fill the Dataset with the OracleDataAdapter?

Like:My code in

Dim oAdp As OracleDataAdapter Dim v_oDs As DsSubRegistro <- My Dataset
oAdp = New OracleDataAdapter(myConnection.sqlCmd("SELECT * FROM ..."))
With oAdp.TableMappings.Add(Common.DbDataAdapter.DefaultSourceTableName, v_oDs.Foto.TableName).ColumnMappings


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Copy Data From Oracle To Access Table?

Mar 1, 2012

I need to code the following:

1.Connect to an Oracle database.

2.Execute a query.

3.Insert the query result into an Access database table.

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Import Excel Data Into Oracle Database Using .net?

Jun 22, 2010

how can i import a Excel sheet Data into my oracle10g Database using coading..

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Manipulating Data From An Oracle Temporary Table

Sep 7, 2010

I have a VB.Net application that populates an Oracle 11g global temporary table. I can see data in the temporary table by loading it into a grid and everything looks correct.However, when I call an Oracle stored procedure from VB.Net that would manipulate the data in this temporary table, the stored procedure reports that my temporary table is empty.I understood that data in an Oracle global temporary table should be visible to all sessions.

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Save Data From Datagridview Into Oracle Database?

Oct 17, 2011

I had a datagridview with databound. I want to write a coding is when user click at any cell of the datagridview, then it will get the whole data of the row and save it into oracle database.

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WPF Bind A ListView To Oracle Data Source?

Aug 3, 2010

Here's a part of XAML of the application I'm working on:

<ListView Name="lsvCustomerDetails" ItemsSource="{Binding myDataTable}">


Is this code correct to fill this table? If not, why? Honestly, I've found several perspectives on how to do this sort of thing, some of which are linked below:

From switchonthecode
From csharpcorner
From Allen Mack's blog

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Check Data For Login Form With Oracle Xe Database?

Jun 4, 2011

Checking data for login form with oracle xe database

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Database - Exporting Excel Data Into Oracle Table?

Jun 11, 2009

I am trying to export an excel file directory into an Oracle table as opposed to looping through the range and executing a lot of insert statements. I would think that there are better ways to accomplish this in .NET but I can't seem to find any other answer besides convert excel to csv & load it using Sql Loader or External Table. Does anyone know a cleaner & more efficient way that looping through the ranges creating & executing insert statements?

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Get An Oracle Long Data Type To Populate In A Gridview?

Jun 17, 2011

I have a table in Oracle that has a column with the Long data type. I create a simple recordset and bind it to a gridview.

Me.grdFollowup.DataSource = rsDataSet

All of the columns populate correctly except for the Long column. It returns a null for all rows. I have tested the SQL statement in Toad and it works perfectly. how to get an Oracle Long data type to populate in a gridview? This is driving me nuts

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Get The Data From Datgridview To Textbox And Save It In Oracle Database

Apr 13, 2010

Firstly I've the data in csv(delimeted file) that file in exponential number and need to convert to integer( for example [3.9888e+003, 1.0093e+002] ..need to convert to 3989,1009). how to convert it in vb2008.

then send it to datagridview

I've the data in Datagridview (2 column - wavelength, absorbance) and i need to display in text box based on some reference. let say my first reference (soot it has wavelength value plus minus 2000 (range 1998 until 2002), 2nd ref NO2 plus minus 1630 (range 1628 until 1632) and others ref.

Firstly the system will find the specified wavelength in column1 (datagridview). if wavelength(column1) found in that range it will display the value in the textbox (column2- absorbance). then the information in the textbox, need to be save in oracle.

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Memory Leak OracleConnection With Oracle Data Access?

Nov 9, 2011

Why does the code below cause a memory leak when executed? The error only happens when I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 in language. If I use C # is, there is no problem.

Dim strCon As String = "data source=SRV-10G;user id=Test;password=1234"
dim factory as DbProviderFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Oracle.DataAccess.Client");
Dim conexao As IDbConnection = factory.CreateConnection
conexao.ConnectionString = strCon


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Oracle Query To View List Of Data Type

Dec 27, 2011

I try to show my table data type in datagridview[code]I try login using username "system". When I run this code, I got error message "ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement".

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Sql :: Oracle Query To View List Of Data Type?

Aug 1, 2011

I try to show my table data type in datagridview Here is the sample code :

oradb = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" _
+ "(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" & txtServer1.Text & ")(PORT=" & port1.Value & ")))" _


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.net - Insert Large Blobs Into Oracle 10G Using System.Data.OracleClient?

Mar 26, 2010

Trying to insert 315K Gif files into an Oracle 10g database. Everytime I get this error "ora-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested" whe I run the stored procedure. It appears that there is a 32K limit if I use a stored procedure. I read online that this does not apply if you are doing a direct insert, but I do not know how to create the insert string for a Byte Array. This is a thick client running on the server so not worried about SQL Injection attacks.

View 1 Replies - .NET Framework Data Provider For Oracle Multiple Open Connection

Jan 17, 2012

I have the below mentioned code in a seperate class file for establishing connection and carry out DB transactions. I have an issue where multiple connections being opened which sometime exceed the connection pool. When I stepped through the code I found that there are codes which call ConnectDB() in a loop without calling DisconnectDB(). But I expected that the condition OraConn.State = ConnectionState.Closed should handle the situation. Somehow the condition is always satisfied hence openning another set of connection. Can you suggest where am I going wrong and also what best practice can be adopted here?


The connection is again opened in function updData(). While I understand that it has to be closed correctly but keeping tab on every developer is not possible. Hence I want to control it directly from the connection class by using the same connection but the condition If OraConn.State = ConnectionState.

UPDATE I have put the code in UpdateDB under a Using block and removed call to ConnectDB and DisconnectDB from function like InsertData(...). It seems that the issue has been resolved. But I would like to know in case of exception will the connection remain open? and also OraConn is a public variable defined outside Using block so will it be disposed of by the GC?


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Saving An Image In Oracle Data Base Using Oledb Provider?

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to save an image at oracle data base with OLEDB provider and i used the function which written below there is no error appeared but in the same time the image field still null that means the image value was not saved in the db

dim DBConnection as oledbConnection
dim DBTransaction as oledbTransaction


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Write A Dynamic Sql Query That Fetches Data From Oracle 10g Database?

Jan 27, 2009

trying to write a dynamic sql query that fetches data from oracle 10g database. My Where criteria is giving me real problems but i guess it has to do with the oracle data format. The data column is a TIMESTAMP data type storing values like 25-JAN-09 AM. Am trying to get rows having the columns matching a specific date( ignoring the time values), my where looks like this

WHERE to_date(COMPLY_RUN_DASHBOARD_DATE,'DD-MON-RR')='" & Now.Date & "'"i get the following error :CheckError ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string

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Fill From Oracle.dataacess.client.oracledataadapter?

Apr 3, 2012

Greetings, I have installed Oracle 10g Express Edition database on a server and install the client on my PC. Now, I`m developing a application using visual studio 2005 and I need to use the oracle 10g express edition database. SO I initialize the connection using the following connection string:


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Retrieve BLOB Data From Oracle Client Using Oledb Driver In Program?

Apr 18, 2012

I`m using oleDbConnection in order to Select a BLOB data from Oracle column, and I have to stick with this type of connection since all my application is using it.

After I used the following code, I got the error: unspecified [code]....

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