Get An Oracle Long Data Type To Populate In A Gridview?

Jun 17, 2011

I have a table in Oracle that has a column with the Long data type. I create a simple recordset and bind it to a gridview.

Me.grdFollowup.DataSource = rsDataSet

All of the columns populate correctly except for the Long column. It returns a null for all rows. I have tested the SQL statement in Toad and it works perfectly. how to get an Oracle Long data type to populate in a gridview? This is driving me nuts

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What Is The Largest Value A Long Data Type Can Hold

Sep 26, 2011

I keep getting an over flow.I have two longs. The first is set to 16552800. I can add 32760 to it no problem. However I get an overflow error when I add 32820 to is.

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VB 2008 - Access Data Type For Very Long Texts?

Jun 12, 2011

What data type could I use in my access database that can hold very long texts. By default, each cell in Access tables can only contain up to 255 characters. Is there any way to extend this to any length I want?

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Oracle Query To View List Of Data Type

Dec 27, 2011

I try to show my table data type in datagridview[code]I try login using username "system". When I run this code, I got error message "ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement".

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Sql :: Oracle Query To View List Of Data Type?

Aug 1, 2011

I try to show my table data type in datagridview Here is the sample code :

oradb = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" _
+ "(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" & txtServer1.Text & ")(PORT=" & port1.Value & ")))" _


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Creating A Gridview And Gather The Data From Various Functions That Return A Type Of IEnumerable?

Feb 28, 2012

I am creating a gridview and need to gather the data from various functions that return a type of IEnumerable. I've created gridviews using a dataset as a datasource, but how does one use multiple data sources(of IEnumerable) to populate one gridview? Like how do you combine all that into one dataset?

View 1 Replies - Populate A GridView With A DropDownList Value?

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a connection string, and i am populating a dropdownlist with an ID from a sql database.I want to be able to click on a ID from the dropdownlist and run a query to populate a gridview with data. I have made the dropdownlist autopostback = Enabled. I am not getting an error.

Here is my code:

Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlContracts.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim ds As New DataSet


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How To Get String From Address Specified By Long Type

Oct 13, 2010

In vba, There is an address held by a long type which points to a null-terminated string, but I can't find a way to get the string from this address:
long str_address = ...
string str = ?

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VS 2010 Anybody Know What 'Long' Type Means?

Apr 11, 2011

I saw something really strange today, that I have not seen before.I saw a variable declared as:Dim a as Long? I am obviously familiar with the Long datatype but what is Long?

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Populate A Checkbox Field In A Gridview?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to populate a checkbox field in a gridview.

I am using the Checked='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("Inactive")) %>' statement but the issue that I am facing is that in the database some records contain NULL for Inactive. If it encounters a 0 or 1 value it works fine but if NULL it throws an exception.

Kindly guide me how to populate the checkbox so that it should be unchecked even if the field is null.

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Populate A Gridview Using A StoredProc CalledspListRetailLocations?

Mar 1, 2009

need to populate a gridview using a StoredProc calledspListRetailLocations

My code is as follows:
dr = SQLDataReaderdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader(strConn, CommandType.StoreProcedure. "spListRetailLocations")


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VS 2010 : Backgroundworker To Populate Gridview?

Feb 16, 2010

I'd like to have a backgroundworker process data that will eventually populate a gridview in my windows form. I need to use a backgroundworker because the process takes a little while, normally causing the program to slow/freeze until it's opening and streaming connections.. So, I'm using a background worker to perform these methods.How can I take the data from the background worker (on a separate thread than the UI) and use it to populate controls in the UI?

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GridView With ImageButton > Populate Text Box With Comments?

Aug 31, 2010

It has been so long since I have coded a page in VB. For the life of me I just cannot remember how to do this. I have a GridView on an ASP page. Each row has a comment ImageButton. I already have the gridview and text box wrapped in a UpdatePanel. The gridview shows all of the correct information. I just need to add some code to populate the text box with the comment when a user clicks on that row's ImageButton.

The comments are stored in SQL 2005 DB if that makes a difference. Should I shove the comments inside a hidden field of the gridview or is there a function that will allow me to query the db for that specific comment. End goal would be to not refresh the page if possible.

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Populate GridView Control From A Linq To SQL DataSource?

Jul 22, 2009

If I used a generic list Class to hold data objects that I am pulling from SQL Server using Linq to sql to populate a datagridview would I need to make any modifications to the datagridview control to accomodate multiple columns or would I need to make any modifications to the generic list class to accomodate the multiple columns in a row that is typical of a record in SQL Server? And one more thing which I believe is the easy part. To bind the list to a datagrid view would I just use the datasource property of the datagridview control.

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Populate The Textboxes Inside A Gridview From A Datagrid?

Jul 22, 2009

I am using a gridview in my form.aspx page. The textboxes in each row of the gridview are to be populated from a datagrid upon clicking a particular field of the datagrid

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VS 2008 Populate A Form By Selecting A GridView Row

Mar 10, 2010

I have a typical data entry form to show one Customer. All textboxes, controls, etc. are bound to a BindingSource.

Clicking a button, I pop up another form with a DataGrid to show all Customers in a table, this way:

Sub btn_Click
Dim frmPopUp As New frmSearch
frmPopUp.BindingSource1.DataSource = Me.BindingSource1


How can I populate the fields in Form1 selecting a row of the grid in frmSearch?
What I need, is to synchronize the databindings (I think).

View 6 Replies

Change The Type Of A Controls' Height From Integer To Long?

Nov 14, 2009

Is it possible to change the type of a controls' height from integer to long? I tried:

Panel2.Height = New Long

View 8 Replies

Convert To A Long Type And Maintain The Decimal Places?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a variable containing a double type eg, 56.3433253. I want to convert it to a long type and maintain the decimal places.

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Way To Trick Compiler For Base Type Like Integer, Long?

May 10, 2010

I'm trying to find a way to trick the compiler into exposing lines of code where the default "ToString" method of Integers, Longs, Doubles, DateTimes, etc. is being used. These are lines of code that must be reviewd for culture specifics. FxCop does not expose these areas when .ToString is not used explicity in the code.Putting a class in with something like the following freaks it out

Namespace system
Public Class Int32
Public Overrides Function ToSt


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Erroring When Passing Oracle Parameter Type PLSQLAssociativeArray

Jan 3, 2012

I have a oracle stored procedure that looks like:


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How To Populate GridView.DataKeyNames Constructing Array From Within Loop

Mar 10, 2010

I have to set GridView.DataKeyNames(This is really a question about the syntax for a string array, in VB.Net.)I am discovering the PrimaryKey columns names from within a loop, ie:For Each fld As IEntityField In Me.llbDataSource.EntityCollection(0).PrimaryKeyFields'fld.Name ' this is where the column name is stored, so I have to get this into an array Next..[code]So, basically, how does one declare a string array (as required by GridView.DataKeyNames), and then populate the elements of the array from within a loop?

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Populate A GridView With Query Based On TextBox.text?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a form which populates a TextBox I want to use the textBox.text to then load a gridView with the results


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Unhandled Exception Of Type 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleExc?

Apr 11, 2011

I am working on some window application and facing the following error while running my code An unhandled exception of type 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException' occurred in oracle.dataaccess.dll

Additional information: System error. I don't know what type of error this is. I have successfully added the reference dll file

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Parameters Data Type - Add Parameter With Same Data Type As Column Data Type

Feb 26, 2012

For each column in data table i want to add parameter with same data type as column data type. But looks it's not that simple.

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim dType As New System.Data.SqlDbType

For Each cl As DataColumn In DataTable1.Columns


How can I do this?

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ASP.NET Populate Gridview Textfields With Values From Session Shopping Cart

Aug 5, 2011

I have a gridview as follows

<asp:GridView ID="productListTable" runat="server" DataSourceID="srcProductListPerCustomer" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="tr_dark" HeaderStyle-CssClass="header_req"


And it actually seems to work on first instance (altho im not sure the above is a good way to do it, but the problem is when use the pagination on the gridview I get the error

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

On the line
Dim productId As String = productListTable.DataKeys(i).Value

why I am getting this error and also is there a better way to do it ?

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VS 2005 - Code - Error - Value Of Type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, Long)' Cannot Be Converted

Feb 12, 2011

This code:

vb Dim s As String = strContents '<a global variable) Dim currentPos As Int64 = 0 Dim endPos As Int64 = strContents.Length - 1 '// A dictionary, used to count the frequencies Dim characterCounter As New Dictionary(Of [String], Int64)() While currentPos <> endPos '//


Gives this error: Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, Long)' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.DictionaryEntry'.

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Create A Function Which Have Either 1 Parameter With A String As Data Type Or 2 Parameters With Double As Data Type?

Jun 11, 2012

I need to create a function which have either 1 parameter with a string as data type or 2 parameters with double as data type.Something like the substring method.

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Data Type Mismatch Between Vb Date Datatype And Ms Access Datetime Data Type?

Dec 27, 2010

I'v designed a ms access database table with one field having Datetime datatype. I can Insert data into it from front end by trns_dt DateTime.Now.DateBut when I fetch records from the tableand assign the dataset datasource as da, it shows datatype mismatch error.

daleDbDataAdapter("SelectDaily_Transactiondtp_from_dt.value dtp_To.value con)


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Code To Populate An Xml Table - What Type To Use

Jul 8, 2009

I have code to populate an xml table however i do not know what types to use, here is my code, what should i define differently and is there any other way to do it? [Code]

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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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