Datagridview On A Datarepeater Contol?

Jan 21, 2010

Is it possible to have a datagridview on a datarepeater contol and, if so, heave the datagridview bound or filtered on two fields in the datarepeator, one of them an integer (an id) and one of them a date?

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Datagridview On Datarepeater Showing Only Most Recent Fill

Jun 14, 2010

Is there any way to have a datagridview on a datarepeater with more than 1 row showing?

I have a datagridview on a datarepeater control. The datarepeater and the datagridview are joined on a common field in 1-to-many fashion. The form is designed so that there are 2 rows of the datarepeater visible at any one time. The datagridview is populated in the datarepeater's drawitem event The problem is that it behaves as if there is only one datagridview total rather than one datagridview per row. The drawitem event executes when you scroll to a row. Because 2 rows of the datarepeater are visible, the fill code is executed twice when the form is opened. But the second fill overrides the first one. So you've got this form with 2 different rows but the data in both datagridviews is the same but is right only for the bottom one.

Is there any way to correct this? If I made only 1 row visible, that would eliminate the wrong data. But I want to be able to show more that 1 row at a time.

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Loading A DataGridView (or DataRepeater) From A Text File As A Project Resource (not XML)?

Feb 15, 2012

So there's lots of examples of how to do this if your text file happens to be in XML format. However, my text file is not in XML format and as it contains over 172,000 rows I'm not that keen on adapting it (it's a dictionary)! The text file has been included in the project as a resource.
So far I've got a DataGridView (could use a DataRepeater if easier?), a BindingSource and a DataSet.

The DataSet has a DataTable already defined in the designer with one column.I've managed to load the text file into a String and then create a StringReader based on that String variable, however I cannot find anyway of loading those strings into the DataTable.

Dim listWords As String = My.Resources.WordList Dim strReader As New System.IO.StringReader(listWords)
'What now???There are some examples of using OleDb functionality but all assume you're loading from a text file residing somewhere in the filesystem, not a project resource.(I'm also assuming that on building the application the resources get embedded (somewhere) rather than being accessed from [AppDir]/Resources/[filename] ??)

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Use A Variable For A Contol's Name?

Mar 29, 2010

I want to vary a textbox's name using a variable. for example:

Dim IndexInteger as Integer
Dim TextBoxNameSrting as String
Do Until IndexInteger =12
IndexInteger +=1
TextBoxNameString = "TextBox" + IndexInteger
(TextBoxNameString).text = IndexInteger

obviously this code doesn't work with (TextBoxNameString).text but it gives you an idea of what I'm trying to do.

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Make Custom Contol?

May 7, 2009

I am working on a custom control and i have it working for the most part, but what i want to do now is, on the form that i put my custom control, i want to fire an event when my custom control gets focus. so what i did was just added an eventPrivate Sub CustCont1_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CustCont1.GotFocusthe problem is, is that when i put a breakpoint on this line i never hit the breakpoint. is there something special i need to code in my customcontrol to fire the gotfocus and lostfocus events?

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Version Contol For .net 2003 Or .net 2005?

Feb 26, 2010

Does any know a good version contol for 2003 or 2005?

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Textbox_Leave Event When Triggered By Selecting Different Tab In Containing Tab Contol?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a textbox in a tab control and iv'e coded the textbox_leave event to show a msgbox and reselect the textbox if the text doesn't meet certain conditions.

Private Sub TextBoxChaseTime_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxChaseTime.Leave
If IsDate(Me.TextBoxChaseTime.Text) Then
Me.TextBoxChaseTime.Text = Format(CDate(Me.TextBoxChaseTime.Text), "hh:mm")[code].....
(Reselecting the textbox is the only way i can find to efectively cancel the leave event - is there another)

I've also added a line to also reselect the tabpage incase the textbox_leave event was triggered by selecting a different tab in the tabcontol.However, when the textbox_leave event is triggered by the user selecting a different tab the textbox_leave event seems to be triggered several times displaying the msgbox four times.why this is, but it seems to be caused by the by the line that reselects the tabcontrolhow to stop the msgbox being shown more than once Interestingly, if i add a line to change the text in the text box to meet the conditions the msgbox is only shown once, but the tabpage is not reselcted

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ListBox Contol Keeps Adding Duplicate Entries?

Jun 22, 2010

My program is half a formulator, and half ordering system. Where I get stuck is the ordering system part. In one screen I have 5 check boxes that you can check for which products you want to order. The products you checked then get sent to another screen and put into a list box with a quantity variable that starts at 1 attached to it. Now, if you check the same product again, another time through the program, as of now, quantity accumulates to 2, which is good, that's what I want. My problem is I want quantity to keep accumulating, right now it accumulates to 2, then on a third pass through the program,it duplicates the entry, so now in the list box has the original product and quantity of 2, and another entry that has the product with quantity of 2. 't quite understand how they work. Here's the code:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class OrderRequest


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C# - Activate A (COM Interop Based) ActiveX Contol Using Registration Free Com?

May 17, 2010

I have a (COM Interop based) ActiveX contol that I am trying to use with registration free com. When the control loads the control is inactive (does not responds to events, control not fully rendered etc).After much search I discovered that COM objects using reg-free-com use the miscStatus attribute to set the initial state to get correctly activated. I know how to use it with a comClass which corresponds to a native COM Object.


2) The COM client I am using is Visual FoxPro. If the (1) is not possible what can I do in VFP to activate the inactive ActiveX control. (I dont mind VB or C# input too if I can use it to find the equivalent foxpro)Currently I tried the following

this.AddObject('OleControl1', 'oleControl', 'SomeCompany.SomeOleControl')
this.OleControl1.AutoActivate = 3
this.OleControl1.Visible = .T.

But I the OleControl1 gets focus before passing events like mouse click to its subelements. So I have to click twice on it to do the necessary action, any time it does not have focus. I would like the control to act as if the "nouiactivate" of the miscStatus value is set.

3) Is there any other way of accomplishing what I want to do?

Hans Passant, here is the listing of current Assembly.dll.manifest. The formatting in the comment made it unreadable.


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Getting Value Of A Control On Datarepeater

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to get value of a text box, say at row 4 of a datarepeater. I did it by moving control to it, but that does not work the way I want. I used code DataRepeater1.currentIndex=5, and then picked the value. Is there any possibility of getting the value without moving control to this row. I mean the way we get value from datagridview (vrName=datagridview1.item(1,1).value)

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Getting Value Of A Control On Datarepeater?

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to get value of a text box, say at row 4 of a datarepeater. I did it by moving control to it, but that does not work the way I want. I used code DataRepeater1.currentIndex=5, and then picked the value. Is there any possibility of getting the value without moving control to this row. I mean the way we get value from datagridview (vrName=datagridview1.item(1,1).value)

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Images In DataRepeater?

Sep 10, 2009

My database is an Access file. In my Data Sources Window, I selected the Attachment column for my file as a picturebox. I dragged it onto the DataRepeater, along with a Label. The label's properties are working correctly, but the image does not show. Is this not the correct way to have an image on the DataRepeater control? There is no code for this since it was just a drag-n-drop.

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PowerPack 3 DataRepeater Not ASP.NET?

Jun 11, 2010

I am looking for help with the DataRepeater in VB.Net PowerPack 3. This is Windows development were talking about not ASP.Net. I am able to set it up for a single dataset but I actually want to nest another DataRepeater inside of it. Anyone have experience with that? Is is possible? I've done it with ASP.Net but I realize were talking two different animals here.In my testing the top level repeater seems to populate fields but the nested repeater shows up empty. Nothing in it. My data tier is using LINQ to SQL.[URL]..

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Re-populate Datarepeater?

Jan 2, 2011

the information displays in the datarepeater correctly when loading the form, but i can not get new data to be displayed, (when saved to the database) no matter what i try. I think it is just beyond is the code for which i import the initial data into the datarepeater:

Function test()
Dim bsStaff As New BindingSource
Dim dtStaff As New DataTable()


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Added A Button In Datarepeater?

Jan 16, 2011

I have added a button in datarepeater. If clicked once, it executes code and Button.text should change to Yes. Clicked again, it executes the opposite code and button.text should change to No. Codes are being executed (I am using flag variable) but Button.text is not changing.

How to change this text. I am simply trying Button.text="Yes" but probably I need to give some reference of the row no. too. How to do it?

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Bind Dataset To DataRepeater?

Feb 9, 2010

I am looking for a example of how to bind a dataset/datatable to data repeater and have the data elements bound to the columns of the dataset/datatable?

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DataRepeater - Set Checkbox State?

Apr 13, 2010

im trying to figure out how on earth to set a checkbox on a DataRepeater row to true. Nothing ive tried seems to work. Ive searched all over, and all i seem to find is ways to check the state and in ASP.

Text boxes would be:DataRepeater1.CurrentItem.Controls(

"textbox1").Text = textbox2.Text.However, checkboxes wont work in this way. DataRepeater1.CurrentItem.Controls("Checkbox1").Checked = True"Checked is not a member of windows.forms.control" - ive tried various things in order to set it to true/false, but whatever i do doesent work. I expect its going to be something stupidly simple, but its those things that annoy the most IMO!

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DataRepeater Control In WPF Browser App's?

Mar 24, 2010

I like the datarepeater control (cool toy) but it doesn't show in my WPF toolbox.

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Delete A Row In A DataRepeater Using Button?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I delete a row In a Datarepeater1 using a Button (Button6). On my form Called DailyJobsForm I have a DataRepeater1 and in the DataRepeater1. [code]...

and At the Bottom of the DailyJobsform I have The Button6. and When I click this Button6 I want to delete/Remove the selected row in the DataRepeater1 and save the data to a form Called Deleted Jobs Form.

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How To Move Through DataRepeater Items

Jan 17, 2011

Is there any way to move through datarepeater's items through code, as we run loop and move through the items in a list / combobox?

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Passing A Textbox Value From A Datarepeater?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a datarepeater with a textbox that shows a row id in a sql server, for each instance of the datarepeater there's a button on the datarepeater that I'd like to have the user click, and that would send the text from the textbox on that row to another form, possibly just to a textbox on that other form. anyone know the code that would accomplish this? i've been looking all around but no luck, (i did have luck with the item_cloned solution for combobox's in datarepeaters tho..

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Updating Datarepeater Items?

Jan 15, 2011

I have added a datarepeater to my project. I have added several items from datasource.

Some of the items need to be updated constantly. I tried to put my filler of the datarepeater to a timer, but it caused several problems.

Is it possible that I could put only the labels that need to be updated, to the timer. If so, how to give reference that which datarepeater row this lable belong to?

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Using DataRepeater Control On A Web Page

Apr 12, 2011

Is the "DataRepeater" control derived from the "Visual Basic Power Packs" applicable on ASP.NET web forms? If not, is there a similar control for use on the ASP.NET web pages?

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VS 2008 DataRepeater / MaskTextbox?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a problem where I have maskedtextbox's for Time only that do not show correctly in the datarepeater. Outside the repeater they are fine. In the datarepeater it shows the date instead of the time but in the masked format.

For Example:

11/23/2010 07:00:00AM Shows as 11:23 instead of 07:00

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VS 2010 : How To Empty Datarepeater

Mar 10, 2011

im trying to empty a datarepeater control because when the user selects the button twice it throws an error about double binding to the same control.i tried setting the datasouce to nothing and stating databindings.clear() but still didnt work?

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Add Data To DataRepeater Control In Winform

Apr 29, 2010

Visual Studio 2008 service pack 1 comes with Visual Basic Powerpack and has DataRepeatr control. i want to know that how I can add data in this control. i have in memory data. the examples i found on net are about binding DataSet to DataRepeater by fetching data from database. i want to bind in memory data. how to do this.

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Changing Color Of A Field In A Datarepeater

Mar 22, 2009

If a field in a datarepeater is empty i would like to change the backcolor of that field to red. If there is data in the field the backcolor must be normal (white) I have been trying this for the last several days without any success.

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Forcing Validation Within DataRepeater In Winform?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a form with a datarepeater that contains various controls (i.e. datetimepickers, text boxes, combo box) that are populated via a binding source. I also have other controls on the form that are not part of the data repeater.

I would like to force validating all controls after the data is populated. I have successfully forced validating the non-datarepeater controls using Me.ValidateChildren() at the end of my load event. However, it does not fire the validating events for the controls within the data repeater.

I have unsuccessfully tried many different attempts to set and move focus within the datarepeater controls trying to get the validating events kicked off. I am not sure where would be the best place (e.g. in drawItem? in ItemCloned?) to place the code and what it should be exactly. Here was my latest attempt:

Private Sub DataRepeater1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.DataRepeaterItemEventArgs) _
Handles DataRepeater1.DrawItem


Note: I successfully handled the validating events in the data repeater caused by user input errors. However, I have the unusual situation that the data coming into my form is already bad for some of the controls. The purpose of the form is to validate the data coming in to it and from user-input.

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Inserting Data Via MySQL Into Datarepeater?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a table in my MySQL database and it contains these items:

User_ID(Primary key, auto-increment)

How can I insert everything into a Datarepeater? Username would be in a Label as would Location, and AvatarPicLink would be in a Picturebox.

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Unable To Retain Data In DataRepeater?

Nov 24, 2009

I am manully adding data to DataRepeater, but once scrolling up and down, the data is vanished. I have only a text box in the item template.


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