Dataset.xmlwrite Not Adding Table?

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to add an xml file from a resx file to a dataset. I have had succes with this so far,

but for some reason i have a form where it doesn't work and i have no idea why.

The code looks like this:

ds.Tables.Add("list") 'ds = dataset global public variable


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Adding Table Adapters For A Different Dataset

Feb 19, 2009

How do I do this for a different dataset? I'm trying to rule out database problems so I made another one and added it, but now I need a table adapter for this one instead of the old database because it keeps giving me an error. I don't see any place to add them and I'm getting extremely angry at these databases.

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When Adding Or Modifying Table Adapters In A Dataset.

Apr 17, 2008

In a project, I have a dataset with two table adapters. Without warning while I was modifying one of them in design mode, I received this error. I have typed the contents of the dialog box exactly as they appear - so no additional information was given, and the error code was "-1".

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Sql Server - Updating SqlClient Dataset Table With OracleClient Dataset Table?

May 5, 2012

I use a dbDataAdapter to populate a DataTable from an unlinked oracle database.I have a dbDataAdapter that I want to insert rows into an SQL Server table using SQLCommandBuilder.I have been trying all day to update the DataTable that references the SQL Server table with the data from the Oracle DataTable so that I can insert the rows.

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Add A Master Table To A Dataset Where The Detail Table Is Already Linked To A Windows Form?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a large form that is set up from master-detail datasets in Visual Studio 2008.I havene master table with a large amount of detail tables. Several of the detail tables also have detail tables linked.Now I need to add a master table that sits on top of my existing master table making it a detail table.

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Update A Single Table Of A DataSet Using A TableAdapter Without Hard-coding The Table Name?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a project which contains a large number of lookup tables, and I have all of these lookup tables represented in a single typed DataSet, which contains TableAdapters for each lookup. I've designed an editor for these lookup tables, which should allow editing of one of these at a time. My front-end is written in VB and WinForms, the back-end is a SOAP web service; I can successfully pass the changes to the DataSet back to the web service, but can't find a way to use a TableAdapter to update the single table that has been changed.

What I'm trying to do is instantiate the appropriate TableAdapter for the updated DataTable by sending the name of the table back to the web service along with the DataSet, then referring to the TableAdapter with a dynamic name. The normal way to instantiate a TableAdapter is this:

Dim ta As New dsLookupsTableAdapters.tlkpMyTableTableAdapter

What I'd like to do is this, but of course it doesn't work:

strTableName = "tlkpMyTable"
Dim ta As New dsLookupsTableAdapters(strTableName & "TableAdapter")

Is there any way to achieve this, or am I taking the wrong approach altogether? My other alternative is to write separate code for each table, which I'd prefer to avoid!

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Update Dataset Table With Mysql Database Table?

May 22, 2011

How can I update local dataset with mysql database without making duplicates. Assuming I set some column in mysql as primary key, which has unique string.

adapter.fill will just add duplicates, but adapter.clear before that is not an option.

So I want to update if the key column is the same with mysql data and if there is option for ignore adding new row.

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C# - .NET Dataset Design - Have A Dataset For Each Table?

Jul 23, 2010

I have some concern about designing Datasets. I was told that it would be good to have a dataset for each table for maintenance purpose. Because frequent change in database tables is expected, having one dataset including every tables would be pain to make the corresponding change in the application.

Q. is it good approach to have a dataset for each table ( I would end up having 30~40 datasets for each db table using Stored procedure) ?

I have a separate project for commonly used datasets. each project include "dataset project" as a reference, and use it by including needed dataset into Forms, classes, etc.

Q. Does this approach makes the whole system to be slower? If I have a set of datasets as a separate project, it would be beneficial, since It will be easier to make a change (I only need to make modification in one place)

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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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Adding Items From A Different Table In A Combobox Which Is A Different Table

Jun 2, 2011

I have two table called

1.Register product table

2.Sell product table

Register product table consist of (Product Id (txtProdId.text) and Product Name(txtProdName.text)) NB. All are textboxes Sell product table consist of (Product Name(cboProdName.text) and ProdPrice (txtProdCost.text)). NB. ProductName over here is a combobox.

When someone saves record in the Register product table, items should be added into the combobox into Sell product table.

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VS 2008 Adding Row To Dataset

Jun 4, 2010

im addin a new row into a dataset Ipsauto from the MDB IPS

heres the code im using
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader


ignore the "addthis.Rows(0).Cells(16).Value" theyre values im using to insert to the tablle...i dont wanna use texboxes so im using a datagrid...and no i cant use the database bound to the one i want in a grid to add rows (got my reasons)...thats why i want to do it separetly...

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VS 2010 Adding Row To A Dataset?

May 26, 2011

I am having a problem adding a row to a dataset.HTML

Private Sub BtnAddNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNew.Click
nrow = ds.Tables("addressbook").NewRow()
nrow.Item(1) = txtFirstName.Text
nrow.Item(2) = txtSurName.Text


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Adding Line Number To A Dataset?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a dataset that is being populated from a text file.

123,john doe,product1,20.99
123,john doe,product2,10.75

There can be multiple of the same order number. In the dataset, I want to have a column "line number" and I want to put in it the value of the linenumber (in this case 1 and 2) per order. In sql , I was able to accomplish this by inserting rownumber() and grouping by order number. Can this be done in .net?

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Adding Multiple Rows To Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a piece of code that works for adding multiple rows to a dataset but I think that it is a lot of code and thought maybe someone may know a better way of doing it. I need to add rows to the dataset based on the selection of a combo box. ie if the user selects 15 the the program adds 15 rows to the dataset.

Case cboQty.SelectedItem = 3
Dim dr As DataRow


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Adding New Row To Master/detail Dataset?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm trying to add a new record in the DataSet in the master table. I'm not including a value in the unique ID field because it is added automatically by the server. At the moment I add second new row it throw me an error �Column 'ContactID' is constrained to be unique. Value '' is already present.� Do I need to set value of id column manually? How?

da.Fill(ds, "tblContactsProfil")
daAddress.Fill(ds, "tblContactsProfilAddress")
Dim relation As New DataRelation("ContactsDetail", _
ds.Tables("tblContactsProfil").Columns("ContactID"), _


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Adding Records To An Existing Dataset?

Mar 12, 2009

having trouble adding records to an existing dataset, I tried the following code but it made a new connection which I don't want:

Dim inc As Integer
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim sql As String


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Error When Adding Dataset To Mdi Child

Dec 11, 2009

I am using VB.NET 2008 Express. I had a project with a mdi parent and several child forms. On the child forms, I created a datagridview by dragging the necessary table from the dataset(s) from the data sources window.

Main form - PastorBase
Child form - IllustrationList

When I try to debug it, I run into several errors from the code of the IllustrationList.Designer.vb file in this section [Code] However, the moment I make any change to the control by modifying properties or simply resizing it on the form, my change in this code is lost. So I am repeatedly having to change these lines (there are about five per child form). I am uncertain of what I am doing wrong. Should the dataset, etc. be added to the parent form and then called from the child form? Is there some setting I need to change somewhere?

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DataGridView Unchanged After Adding Row To Bound DataSet

Jun 11, 2010

I add a row to the DataSet using the following code:
Dim NewRow as DataRow
NewRow = gds.Tables("TitleDataSet").NewRow
NewRow("Title") = txtTitle.Text
NewRow("Local_number") = nubLocalnumber.Value
NewRow("Number_suffix") = txtNumberSuffix.Text

This code executes without errors but the bound DataGridView remains unchanged (without including the new row). Obviously I am doing something wrong or I am omitting a vital command. What do I need to do in order to make the new row appear in the DataGridView? I did not choose to bind the DataGridView directly to the database table because the database is selected by the user at execution time. Instead I bound the DataGridView to the DataSet. I included the command:L
dgvTitle.AllowUserToAddrows = True
but that did not have any effect.

Solved. Was missing the final command:L

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Dropdown - Adding A Dataset Inside A Datareader?

Mar 3, 2010

i am making a table through code (htmltablecell, htmltablerow..) no this table populates with an sql query and works perfectly. but inside this table in one tablecell, i need to add a dropdownlist which shall require a completely differernt query and shall run on its own on each row. so the code is as follows

Sql = "..."
rd = ExecuteReader(SqlCnn, Sql)
Dim newcounter As Integer = 0
While rd.Read()


the ??? in the code is where the dropdownlist shall get populated each time with its own datareader and while loop and query.

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WriteXML / Dataset - Adding Nodes To Parent

Apr 16, 2012

I have a question about using writeXml. When I use this method, it writes to the specified xml file like this:

But, I would like to add these nodes to a parent node, i.e.:
I am creating the xml by first creating a dataset (connects to an SQL db and runs a query, filling the dataset) and using ds.WriteXML(myPath)

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Use Dataset For Sql Server For Adding/modifying/deleting Data?

May 11, 2009

I want to use dataset for sql server for adding/modifying/deleting data from sql server.

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How To Get 2D Table Out Of DataSet

Apr 10, 2011

I am trying to use a data set to replace some objects i have currently got but wich are getting rather complicated. I have created my self a Data Set, currently simplified but am just learning ATM, I have normalised it as per basic understanding of databases.

3 tables
A Parts Table with 2 columns, Serial Number as the primary key and Data Inspected
A Feature Table with 2 coloumns, Feature Name as the primary key and Nominal
Data Table with Part Serial Number, Feature Name, Actual and a KeyColumn which is self incrementing read only.

Ultimately the Parts Table and Feature Table will have a lot more meta data that I will want to sort/filter. I would like a Data Grid Veiw or equivalent in WPF to show a table of all the data for all the parts, so features along one axis and parts along the other. Ultimately I would like to be able to sort/filter on both axis using different bits of meta data. I am aware of LINQ and DataVeiws, have had a play though not good at either, so far have only managed to get one column of data, so either all the data for one part or all the data for one feature.

I'm also aware of the Entity Framework though have no idea how to use it. So my question is, do I need to extract the table one column at a time? seems a bit inelegant, or is there a query or View I can set up to do this? or am I using completely the wrong tool? I know this might work in a fully fledged database but cant install/assess one on the machines to be used I need to keep it contained to the .net executable. If I need to do it as a loop am I right in assuming LINQ would be a better choice to put in a for loop?

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Accept Changes From Table To Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

I am developing a s/w. I am trying to update data in table. While I save the data, it will update into table. I have a gridview which binds table data through dataset. While I update the changes it is not reflecting in the grid view.

What I will do inorder to update the changes into gridview.

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Dataset Table Not Updating

Mar 29, 2011


Dataset table not updating The reason why everything ends in 1, is because I have another instance running with similar names... so disregard that.

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Delete A Table From A Dataset?

Jan 1, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2008 and I want to delete an unused table from the dataset. When I do this I get error messages which seem to originate in the Table Adater Manager on the various forms. The only way I can figure out to correct this is to delete the table from the code after deleting it from the dataset designer. But it says that you shouldn't do this.

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Get The Changes On The Dataset Not On The Table In Database?

Mar 14, 2011

I just want to ask. Using getChanges method in only get the changes on the dataset not on the table in database?for example I fill a dataset from a table in database.So there is a table in my dataset. There has been a changed in my table in database for example an added row.So there is no way in my dataset to determine this change because it has filled the original data.How can I determine the changes in my database table?

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Multiple Table In A Dataset?

Nov 13, 2010

I am facing a problem. My dataset couldn't store two different tables. I have two separates class and forms. The first one is a class that do the necessary filling for a database

Imports System.Data.OleDb 'Import the OleDb libary
Public Class DBSetup
'Create two new strings to store Query and Connection String
Public strConnection, strAdapter As String


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Update Table Using DataSet?

Jul 8, 2010

I Need to Edit Invoice After Load this .I have Two Table : Invoice_Summary And Invoice_Details

After I Load Saved Invoice I want to edit but i have no Idea how can i do

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.net - Return Top 5 Records Of A Table In A Dataset?

Mar 30, 2010

I want to return the top 5 records of a table in a dataset for datagrid view. The following does not work.

DataGridView.DataSource = DS.Tables("TABLENAME").Select("SELECT TOP 5")

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Add Dataset Table Adapter To ApplicationEvents.vb?

Aug 28, 2011

I have some code in my ApplicationEvent.vb to handle The problem is that I need to execute a procedure that has a dataset table adapter in it.Obviously as I want it to run in batch mode I can't have a table adapter as they are GUI based (or at least I think they are) so I am getting this error:

'V_SyncStatusTableAdapter' is not a member of 'AppName.My.MyApplication'
For this code:
If Me.V_SyncStatusTableAdapter.GetData.Rows.Count > 0 Then


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