VS 2010 Adding Row To A Dataset?

May 26, 2011

I am having a problem adding a row to a dataset.HTML

Private Sub BtnAddNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNew.Click
nrow = ds.Tables("addressbook").NewRow()
nrow.Item(1) = txtFirstName.Text
nrow.Item(2) = txtSurName.Text


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VS 2008 Adding Row To Dataset

Jun 4, 2010

im addin a new row into a dataset Ipsauto from the MDB IPS

heres the code im using

Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader


ignore the "addthis.Rows(0).Cells(16).Value" theyre values im using to insert to the tablle...i dont wanna use texboxes so im using a datagrid...and no i cant use the database bound to the one i want in a grid to add rows (got my reasons)...thats why i want to do it separetly...

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Adding Line Number To A Dataset?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a dataset that is being populated from a text file.

123,john doe,product1,20.99
123,john doe,product2,10.75

There can be multiple of the same order number. In the dataset, I want to have a column "line number" and I want to put in it the value of the linenumber (in this case 1 and 2) per order. In sql , I was able to accomplish this by inserting rownumber() and grouping by order number. Can this be done in .net?

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Adding Multiple Rows To Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a piece of code that works for adding multiple rows to a dataset but I think that it is a lot of code and thought maybe someone may know a better way of doing it. I need to add rows to the dataset based on the selection of a combo box. ie if the user selects 15 the the program adds 15 rows to the dataset.

Case cboQty.SelectedItem = 3
Dim dr As DataRow


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Adding New Row To Master/detail Dataset?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm trying to add a new record in the DataSet in the master table. I'm not including a value in the unique ID field because it is added automatically by the server. At the moment I add second new row it throw me an error �Column 'ContactID' is constrained to be unique. Value '' is already present.� Do I need to set value of id column manually? How?

da.Fill(ds, "tblContactsProfil")
daAddress.Fill(ds, "tblContactsProfilAddress")
Dim relation As New DataRelation("ContactsDetail", _
ds.Tables("tblContactsProfil").Columns("ContactID"), _


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Adding Records To An Existing Dataset?

Mar 12, 2009

having trouble adding records to an existing dataset, I tried the following code but it made a new connection which I don't want:

Dim inc As Integer
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim sql As String


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Adding Table Adapters For A Different Dataset

Feb 19, 2009

How do I do this for a different dataset? I'm trying to rule out database problems so I made another one and added it, but now I need a table adapter for this one instead of the old database because it keeps giving me an error. I don't see any place to add them and I'm getting extremely angry at these databases.

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Dataset.xmlwrite Not Adding Table?

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to add an xml file from a resx file to a dataset. I have had succes with this so far,

but for some reason i have a form where it doesn't work and i have no idea why.

The code looks like this:

ds.Tables.Add("list") 'ds = dataset global public variable


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Error When Adding Dataset To Mdi Child

Dec 11, 2009

I am using VB.NET 2008 Express. I had a project with a mdi parent and several child forms. On the child forms, I created a datagridview by dragging the necessary table from the dataset(s) from the data sources window.

Main form - PastorBase
Child form - IllustrationList

When I try to debug it, I run into several errors from the code of the IllustrationList.Designer.vb file in this section [Code] However, the moment I make any change to the control by modifying properties or simply resizing it on the form, my change in this code is lost. So I am repeatedly having to change these lines (there are about five per child form). I am uncertain of what I am doing wrong. Should the dataset, etc. be added to the parent form and then called from the child form? Is there some setting I need to change somewhere?

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DataGridView Unchanged After Adding Row To Bound DataSet

Jun 11, 2010

I add a row to the DataSet using the following code:
Dim NewRow as DataRow
NewRow = gds.Tables("TitleDataSet").NewRow
NewRow("Title") = txtTitle.Text
NewRow("Local_number") = nubLocalnumber.Value
NewRow("Number_suffix") = txtNumberSuffix.Text

This code executes without errors but the bound DataGridView remains unchanged (without including the new row). Obviously I am doing something wrong or I am omitting a vital command. What do I need to do in order to make the new row appear in the DataGridView? I did not choose to bind the DataGridView directly to the database table because the database is selected by the user at execution time. Instead I bound the DataGridView to the DataSet. I included the command:L
dgvTitle.AllowUserToAddrows = True
but that did not have any effect.

Solved. Was missing the final command:L

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Dropdown - Adding A Dataset Inside A Datareader?

Mar 3, 2010

i am making a table through vb.net code (htmltablecell, htmltablerow..) no this table populates with an sql query and works perfectly. but inside this table in one tablecell, i need to add a dropdownlist which shall require a completely differernt query and shall run on its own on each row. so the code is as follows

Sql = "..."
rd = ExecuteReader(SqlCnn, Sql)
Dim newcounter As Integer = 0
While rd.Read()


the ??? in the code is where the dropdownlist shall get populated each time with its own datareader and while loop and query.

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When Adding Or Modifying Table Adapters In A Dataset.

Apr 17, 2008

In a project, I have a dataset with two table adapters. Without warning while I was modifying one of them in design mode, I received this error. I have typed the contents of the dialog box exactly as they appear - so no additional information was given, and the error code was "-1".

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WriteXML / Dataset - Adding Nodes To Parent

Apr 16, 2012

I have a question about using writeXml. When I use this method, it writes to the specified xml file like this:

But, I would like to add these nodes to a parent node, i.e.:
I am creating the xml by first creating a dataset (connects to an SQL db and runs a query, filling the dataset) and using ds.WriteXML(myPath)

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Use Dataset For Sql Server For Adding/modifying/deleting Data?

May 11, 2009

I want to use dataset for sql server for adding/modifying/deleting data from sql server.

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VS 2010 Adding Unique Tag After Adding Component

May 4, 2012

I'm adding labels at runtime to my form with a tag. Let's say I have 3 labels with the tags, "1", "2" and "3". I'm adding the tags by counting the labels + 1. When I remove a label with tag "2" from the form there are only 2 left. When I add a new label it will add a new tag "3", but that one already exist. So my "solution" isn't a very good one Although tag "2" is free, I want to give it "4". Any thoughts on how to code this properly?

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.Net 2010 To Access 2010 DataSet Primary Key?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Access 2010 and VB in VS2010.I have created a DB and have several tables. 1 table in particular called Employers, has the normal AutoNumber Primary key. Everything in Access runs fine. I used Access to develop a basic model application of the full version I am developing in VS.My VB front end contains a dataset linked to the employers table. I have dragged onto my form the "detail" view of this DataSet, not the DataGridView. The usual controls are in place such as the EmployerBindingSource, EmployerTableAdapter, TableAdapterManager and a EmployerBindingSourceBindingNavigator.On my VB form Scrolling through the record set is fine and all works well.My problem is after I click the "Add" record button on the EmployerBindingSourceBindingNavigator. The form fields go blank as expected awaiting user input. However, the field that is bound to the employer_id field (the Employer table's primary key) shows a value of -1.The insert command works no problem, and having looked at the database the table contains the new record with a correctly incremented PK


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VS 2010 : Get Xml Into A Dataset?

Apr 20, 2010

get data from xml and onto datatables within a dataset or if there is a simpler way i have completely overlooked.

1/ setup a dataset and add tables with columns ready for data
2/ setup various classes so i can construct a list (or array) of a specific type
3/ get the xml into an XElement type.


Now i am wondering if i can say for the type in step 2/ use DataRow as the type thus missing out step 5/ ? is this possible? what other ways are there to get xml into a DataSet? One other method that occurs to me is to load the xml directly into the datatable (this is possible?) but i am not sure what the xml needs to look like for that to work. My xml is simple it contains only values and no parameters if that helps...

I require my final dgv to be sortable by column clicks etc so needs to comply to various interfaces, any pointers on this (perhaps i can avoid using a dataset and populate direct from my DataObjects so i only need steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7?)

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VS 2010 CSV To Dataset

Jun 10, 2010

i am trying to read csv to dataset and display the results in grid which it working fine. But i want to use the values. I know its a dumb question but gotta start somewhere


I can see these in dataset just fine but in just one column. So i know i have to use split with "," but i cant seems to find the right syntax... here's the code below..

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VS 2010 Way To Get Xml Into A Dataset?

Nov 22, 2009

just wondering if what i've been doing for the last few months is the best method to get data from xml and onto datatables within a dataset or if there is a simpler way i have completely overlooked. Rather than go into the code i will explain the process step by step.1/ setup a dataset and add tables with columns ready for data2/ setup various classes so i can construct a list (or array) of a specific type3/ get the xml into an XElement type.4/ use LINQ to obtain a query from the xml5/ use this query to create lines of the t

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Updating A Dataset In .net 2010?

Jun 27, 2011

I am working on a program that uses an SQL database which in terms has a dataset .xsd which im using. I need to be able to update my dataset so it can reflect any changes made during run time. I am using the internal data binding that vb uses so I am not doing anything manually.

I fill a table adapter with information from the dataset and table with this snippet of code:

Me.biweeklyTableAdapter.Fill(Me.DDSPayRollDataSet.biweekly, biwk.valpay)

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VS 2010 Add To The Tables In A Dataset?

Apr 13, 2012

I am working on a database application. I had used Dataset to link my VB programme to a database and selected specific tables. However, I created more tables in the database and I wanted to add the new tables to the dataset. I could not find a simple way to do this, so I deleted the existing dataset and created a new one. This move has broken my VB codes. I can no longer run them as errors are shooting up. In fact, I connot view the forms in my programme anymore. I have a backup of the codes to rerun, but then I need to add new tables to the dataset.

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VS 2010 BindingSource And Dataset

Dec 21, 2011

i have a strongly typed DataSet that haves these two tables:



Somewhere my system haves a function that returns a DataSet with the books of a certain subject and all the Authors that wrote such books.I need to show the book's attributes in some textboxes inside a Form. I use a BindingSource to display the ISBN, Name and Subject of the books in a textbox, yet I don't know how to display the author name of the book I am currently viewing in a TextBox, taking into account I already fetched the Author into the DataSet.

Its pretty much the Child/Parent display problem somewhere discussed in the codebank, but kinda backwards, the thing is that I;m navigating through the CHILD records here, not the parent, yet i have all the data needed in my Dataset.

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VS 2010 Mapping A Dataset?

Aug 11, 2010

I have to change an application I was made, but I have a big trouble.In this application, I use a SqlServerCE file, as database.But now, I need access the database from another PC.

I will made this:

- Create a XML file, with the location of my .SDF file
- The connection string, form making SQL commands is easy adjustable.
- The problem is: And how can I change the dataset automatically created form the VB? use it many times, in many forms, and in the application load, I have to read the XML file, and update this dataset.

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VS 2010 Saving Dataset

Oct 12, 2011

VS 2010 Saving Dataset

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VS 2010 XML Or DataSet As A Database?

Dec 13, 2011

I am in a bit of a sticky situation. I am currently writing a program where users are going to have to search for a specific skill in order for a calculation to take place.I have to hard-code around 500 skills but they also have to be able to search for the skill via a text box.I am stuck on whether or not to use an XML file to hold all this data or use a DataSet.I have no experience with either, but the XML file seems more appealing because I wouldn't then have to re-release the program for an update on skills, only the XML file would need to be replaced.

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.net - Visual Basic 2010 DataSet?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I'm working on a windows application form. I'm struggling with our database. I can connect and retrieve Data in the Grid View. But I dont want to display the records I want to put a specific on ina specific row column in a variable,in short I want to work with it.My DataSet is called ProductionDataSet. The Table is called Employee and has four column called Employee, First_Name, Last_Name and Status.How to I now store lets say the entry in colum 4 and row 5 in the variable x?

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VS 2010 Can't Display Data From Dataset?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble showing the data from my access DB within my application. I am using a DataGridView to display the data. Whenever I click the button I have made to display the data.the table remains blank. I am trying to avoid using the designers in VS2010 as this is for A-level coursework and i wont get any marks.


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VS 2010 Combine Several Rows In Dataset Into One Row?

Oct 2, 2010

I am filling my dataset like this.

Public Function FetchData() As DataSet
Dim oConn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim oComm As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand


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VS 2010 Concurrency Violation In Dataset

Oct 26, 2010

When my project starts, it first checks for the existence of certain rows in the database. During testing, I often delete these rows, as they get kind of messed up over time due to all the odd tests I am running. For that reason, if when the project starts, if the records are not there, the program first creates them.The records are pretty static over the lifetime of the project, so they are held in a dataset for ready access from various parts of the program. Therefore, if the records are not in the database, the records are added to the dataset, and the dataset is updated back to the database. This works without any issues.However, one of the easiest actions to take will cause one of these records to change two fields, and a new record will be added. Those are all the changes that are caused by this action. Those changes are then updated to the database...or so I hoped, but when I try that I get an exception stating:[code]I have looked at the datatable that is being updated, and there are, as I expect, two records being changed. One of the records is the new one that is being added, while the second record is the record that was changed. I have noted that the change is, in fact, different from what is in the database, so this really IS an update.

However, I also noted that if I then stop the program and start it again, all is well. This indicated to me that it was actually the routine that created the records that was causing the trouble. Therefore, to test this out, I tried a totally horrible solution. I altered the method that writes to the new records to the database so that after it wrote each record, it would clear the whole dataset and fill it all again. That's obviously a terrible thing to do, but it works. If I write each record, throw out the dataset and re-create it, then I don't get any exceptions when I later try to modify it.This makes no sense to me. What am I doing in that first method that could be putting the Dataset into a state where it fails on any further modifications? I should add that the code that actually pushes the changes to the dataset down to the DB is the same for both methods. In fact, the database is updated in an UpdateDB method that is called from that first method (which creates the initial records if they are missing), as well as being called by the other methods that alter the dataset. I have also confirmed that ANY alterations I want, whether they add, remove, or just alter records, works fine. It is only that one method that creates the initial records that is causing me trouble. Moreover, it is not the actual update of the DB that is doing it, since that same method works fine ever after. Further testing has showed that the issue is row by row. As each initial row is added, it can't be modified by any other code until the dataset has been re-read from the DB. url...

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VS 2010 DataGridView To DataSet Won't Work

Aug 7, 2011

I' newbie and i dont understand why this won't work TableName is String "Tab"DataGridMain is name of DataGridView.[code]

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