Declaring A Variable And Setting It Correctly?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm having a problem declaring a variable and setting it correctly.


private sub doSomething
Dim tokenHandle As New IntPtr(0)
Dim dupeTokenHandle As New IntPtr(0)


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Declaring Each And Every Variable

Apr 26, 2011

Trying to declare some arrays. I haven't worked with them that I remember. I always took the long road, of declaring each and every variable, but would like to learn this method. The problem is I'm having trouble with the methods I'm finding on the net..[code]for some reason there is a squiggly under each MonsterName except in the declaration that says "declaration expected"

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.net - Declaring A Byte Variable?

May 30, 2012

We can declare a byte variable like this, for hex '88'

Dim bytes = New Byte() { &H88 } My case, 88 is assigned to a variable, hexvalue

How to declare the byte with the variable hex value?

Dim bytes = New Byte() { &H & hexvalue }the above throws syntax error.

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.net - Declaring A Variable As Byte

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying out a program which I found on the net. Why is it necessary to put to curly braces at the end of the statement? It gives an error: "Byte has no constructors". Dim data As Byte() = New Byte(1023) {} I can't put the code like this either, it produces the error "byte cannot be a 1-dimensional array".


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Declaring A String Variable?

Mar 29, 2012

if this silly but I am trying to declare a string variable by the following line


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Declaring A Variable For Form And Using It?

Feb 8, 2010

I have declared this variable in a module : Public GenericForm As System.Windows.Forms.Form

and then through code I can asign to that variable a specific form .For example GenericForm = Form1. Then I can use that variable to handle that specific form , for example :


My problem begins when I want to handle a control on that form , for example :

GenericForm.TextBox1.Text = "aaa"

This code creates an error reading :TextBox1 is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.Form.I have been using code like this in VB6 and was quite useful ,but now in VB .NET I cannot .You see I have many forms on which there are some text boxes with the same name,so I declare a generic variable as Form and accordingly insert the code the desired text box conform the form I wish each time . Can I do this in VB .NET too ?

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Declaring Variable Dynamically In .net?

Dec 21, 2011

I have started using the builder class to create my connection strings for the sole purpose of making more generic connectivity code. However, I am stumped on this issue. The MS eConnect product apparently expects to receive integrated security=SSPI in its connection string if you want to use integrated security, (vs Integrated Secturity=True). I thought I would just pass "Trusted_Connection"="SSPI" to the builder class.

as it turns out, the item for Integrated Security is boolean and despite what the documentation says, will not give me SSPI in my connection string. Has anybody else found this issue and is there a simple fix for it? as for now, I'll simply strip out the item and replace it in my string.

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Declaring A Variable Length Array?

Apr 26, 2010

I am new to VB.NET but used to write a lot of code in VB 6.

How do i declare a variable length array in VB.NET?

In VB6, i would just put:

Dim sArrayList() As String

But when I do that in VB.NET, it highlights my array name and says "unused local variable". What do I need to do to get it to work without an error?

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Declaring A Variable TableAdapter On A Form

Aug 15, 2011

I am building a generic search form in my application. This will allow the user to search for various records throughout the application. The one thing I cannot seem to figure out is how to allow the declaration of the TableAdapter to change at run-time. Each part of the app will be passing a variable to the search form to specify which table should be loaded. In the form class I have the following:

FRIEND WITHEVENTS tbaSearchData AS database.databaseTableAdapters.TableOneTableAdapter This is great for TableOne. But, I have about a hundred tables that could be searched through. To load the data I'm using a DataGridView and populating it via a private method.

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Declaring Class Variable As A Reference?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a class that I would like to link at construction to a given control (say a textbox)

I know I can put a variable into a subroutine referentially but is there a way to store it in the same capacity?

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VS 2008 - XML Xdocument - Declaring The Variable

Apr 18, 2010

I've got

Option strict ON
Option explicit ON

How should I declare the variable:-

Dim bounds as? = (From item In xml...<bounds>


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.net - Getting An Advantage To USING Versus Declaring A Context Variable?

Nov 5, 2009

These two snippets do the same thing - is there one that's better than the other, or is it just a matter of preference?

Using context As MyDatabaseDataContext = New MyDatabaseDataContext()
Dim test = context.Employees.Count
End Using


Dim context As MyDatabaseDataContext = New MyDatabaseDataContext()
Dim test = context.Employees.Count

View 6 Replies - Declaring A Global Request.ServerVariable Variable

Jul 7, 2011

After many many years of using Classic ASP, I am attempting to delve into the world of ASP.Net using VB. I have gotten way to use to being able to declare variables on a page, inlclude that file and use it everywhere. I am struggling to declare a global variable. I just need


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Declaring A Variable Of Type Interface And Object

Oct 19, 2010

what is the difference between declaring a variable in this way

List As IEnumerable as
a parametre in a function


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Declaring Private Variable - Automate Properties?

Sep 28, 2009

I come from C# (use VS 2005, .NET 2) and I know that when I declare a private variable I can "extract" from it the corresponding "property". In VB.NET I've declared a lot of properties (in the diagram class designer). Now am I forced manually adding the corresponding private fields?

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Setting A DataTable Column To A Date Format To Sort Correctly

Dec 1, 2011

First off a great piece of code [URL] you saved me soooo much time. I am a somewhat newbee to VB2010 and was wondering how would i go about setting lets say setting column(4) to a date format so that i can get it to sort in the correct order.

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Declaring Fixed Length Variable Arrays In Structure?

May 25, 2012

How do I declare a fixed length variable arra

Structure MyInformation
<VBFixedString(4),System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst:=4)> Public ReturnStatus As String


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Declaring Object Variable - Inactive During Initialization Of Module?

Feb 16, 2012

Got a question regarding declaring a variable. Basically I have a module that writes to a text file using textwriter which is declared for the whole module to use at the top of the code. But what I want to do is clear the contents of the text file when the program is executed (using file.writealltext). The problem I have is that the file is obviously already in use as a result of the textwriter and the file cannot be modified because of this.

My question is: is there any way of declaring the textWriter object later on (not during the initial initialization of the module) without passing the object between functions? Setting the variable as inactive or something along those lines during initialization would be ideal.

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Gained By Using The Function Itself To Hold The Return Value Instead Of Declaring A Local Variable?

Oct 28, 2010

What's best practice (in VB.Net):

Function GetSomething() as String
GetSomething = "Here's your string"
End Function
Function GetSomething() as String
Dim returnString as String = "Here's your string"
Return returnString
End Function

Obviously, neither of these implementations make any sense, but they're just meant to illustrate my point. Is there anything to be gained by using GetSomething itself to store the return value instead of declaring returnString locally and then returning that (does it avoid having an extra string allocated/instantiated - and if so, are there any performance/memory benefits)?

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Late Binding - Declaring A String Variable And Assigning The Item Property?

Nov 27, 2011

I have a problem involving late binding, and I absolutely cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it. I have spent hours researching the problem to no avail, so I am turning to stackoverflow as a last resort.The problem is pretty much this: I am creating a grocery list application. I have a class named Item which stores the name, price, quantity, and description of an item on the grocery list. I have a module named ListCollection which defines a Collection of Item objects. I have created an Edit form which will automatically display the currently selected ListCollection item properties, but whenever I attempt to fill the text boxes, it tells me that Option Strict disallows late binding. I COULD take the easy route and disable Option Strict, but I'd prefer to figure out what the problem is so I know for future reference.I shall paste pertinent code here. (Late binding error is in EditItem.vb)


I have tried declaring a String variable and assigning the Item property to that, and I have also tried grabbing the value directly from the List item (not using the Get function), and neither of these made a difference.

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VS 2008 For / Next / Invokescript - Javascript - Can't Parse The Variable Correctly

Dec 28, 2010

I am trying to put the following command into a FOR / NEXT loop but I can't parse the variable correctly The first line looks like this:


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VS 2010 Variable Is Used Before It Is Assigned A Value And Total Not Figuring Correctly

Mar 6, 2012

I'm in a beginner programming logic and technique class that also teaches us VB, and I'm working on a program that is to simulate total theater revenue, that asks for the number of tickets sold in a particular section and then displays the amount of sales generated from that section. It needs to validate that the total number of tickets sold is not over the maximum seating in that section.[code]

1) I have a warning that "Variable 'section' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime" in line 18.

2) Regardless of the changes I've made, I always end up getting "0" as my end result. I'm actually supposed to use the toString currency format function when getting my end result, but that was mixing me up so I figured I'd at least make sure the output is correct before I fix that part. I thought I was on the cusp of having this working but I think I'm confusing myself more and more the more I mess with it.

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VS 2008 Dynamically Declaring A Constant - Public Const Blah As String = Variable & "something"

Aug 5, 2009

How would I go about dynamically declaring a constant? (It's value is dynamic, not the variable name)

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Setting Variable On .NET From A VB6?

Feb 23, 2011

i am developing this program in .NET (2010) and i connect on a form in VB6 using this code;

Dim P As New Process
P.StartInfo.FileName = "PathAndNameofVB6App"

now, how can i set a global variable that is accessible from my VB6 form to .NET(2010)?A little detail:VB.NET calls VB6 frmLogin then if Access Grant, x = 1, Exit() then VB.NET stores the value of x into database.

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How To Assign A Setting Value To A Variable

Jan 23, 2010

I get nothing but headaches when I try to update settings in the My.Settings class, or when I try to assign a newly assigned setting to a variable. Sometimes the settings update OK at run time; other times times they update only after the application closes; and other times still they appear to update at run-time, then when I close the program and reopen- they go back to the previous settings.This is how I assign a value to a my settings and how I assign a setting value to a variable.[code]

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Setting Label Value From Variable?

May 8, 2011

Is there a way to do something like: (where csinglechar is the number being read from the text file)

Dim Number_File As String = "numbers.txt"
Dim read_numbers As New System.IO.StreamReader(Number_File)
Dim intsinglechar As Integer


When a number is read in the text file, the label: labelNUMBER_FROM_TEXT_FILE increments by one.

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Setting A Global Variable Making?

Aug 3, 2010

How do I optimize my code making it DRY approach. I want to make my variable to be on public/general so i can re-use it

Public Class BasicForm
Dim Product1, Product2, Product3, As Integer
Dim firstName, lastName As String


I want to move the variables (product1,product2) to somewhere else that I can set it one time and easily access it with other control. What I did before is I alway set the variables to every control.

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Change Color Of An Object By Setting Variable

Aug 1, 2010

I need to change the color of an oval on the user interface form based on a variable being true or faulse.

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Binding A Textbox's Text Value Setting To A Variable In Configuration File?

Jul 22, 2009

I am binding a textbox's text value setting to my a variable in my configuration file. I only consider the input from this textbox to be valid if it's an integer number bigger than 1. Right now what I was doing is letting the user write whatever he wanted in the box, and I'd only let him save the settings after calling a validation function. The problem seems to be that my binding variable in the Settings class seems to be being updated as soon as the textbox is being edited, and that's a behaviour i'd like to skip. How can I do this?

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Calander Click Event, Auto Creating A My.setting Variable

May 24, 2011

Im trying to create a diary system that on click event of the built in calander in opens the current diary entry for that day. i am using the my.settings variables to store the entrys the problems i am having is how to create a my.settings variable automaticly if one dosnt exist for that date (will be using the date of the clicked day as the name e.g. 10/5/2011)

So basicly i want the user to be able to click through the dates on the calander and the entry be displayed in a text box next to it, blank if nothing is there and the user can edit/save them after just need the code to auto create and i guess how to search the my.settings im quite new to using this storage, i normally use text files. the pic shows the program so far, it has one diary entry but it has no relation to the date. the label is linked to the calander also , displaying the selected date.

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