Delete Query Is Not Working?

Jun 28, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Master.Text = "8888" Then


i dont know whats rong in this , it says syntax error at * if i delete star then query runs but database still contains the row. FYI its code for desktop application using vs2008

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ADVERTISEMENT - Update / Delete The Table Records In ASPNETDB.MDF In Single Update / Delete Query?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to know how to Update / delete the table records in ASPNETDB.MDF in single update / delete query ?

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Delete Record Are Not Working?

May 30, 2009

I have a datagridview and the record on the datagridview are extracted from MS SQL Database Table. On my VB form, I have created delete button to delete the record. But the current code is only performing deleting the record from the datagridview temporarily and when I start the form again the record are still there because the record are not deleted on the database.

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDelete.Click
'Query string
If (gridAdmin.RowCount > 0) Then


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Datagridview With Access - The Delete Is Not Working

Feb 1, 2010

Datagridview With Access - The Delete Is Not Working

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Delete And Edit Button Not Working

Dec 10, 2010

I have a gridview with an object data source. I have the edit and delete button on each row but cannot get either one of them to work. I do not receive an error, it just doesn't delete. Refreshing does not show deleted either.The method within the dataset is.[code]

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Delete Command Not Working With Access

Jan 30, 2010


I have a project with Access using datagridview on the vb 2008 express, I only have on table - sysdep(id,sysaccount,syspw), and insert, delete, update the record to the Access table. On this delete,

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VS 2008 Delete Record Are Not Working?

May 30, 2009

I have a datagridview and the record on the datagridview are extracted from MS SQL Database Table. On my VB form, I have created delete button to delete the record. But the current code is only performing deleting the record from the datagridview temporarily and when I start the form again the record are still there because the record are not deleted on the database.


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WMI Query Not Working

Jun 18, 2011

I am trying to query WMI to get the current IP address of the computer.I have the following code, which queries the MAC address, and this works fine.But if I change the query to "ipaddress" (a valid property), I get a run-time error, something about a type mismatch [code]

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VB 2010 Express Delete Query?

Oct 4, 2011

want to delete data from the database where the value of userID field is equal to the value inside txtUserID.Text. I have a problem about my query statement.

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VS 2008 Delete A Row & Update Table Not Working?

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to delete a row from a database table by selecting it in a bound DataGridView & then executing this

Dim myDataRow As DataRow = DirectCast(Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows(0).DataBoundItem, DataRowView).Row


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.net - Linq To AD Query Not Working?

Sep 20, 2011

user.fld_usr_name is a string with the value random name user is an object that is given as a parameter

ByVal user As GUser

this is the linq query that doesn't work

Dim result = (From usr In users Where usr.Name.Contains(user.fld_usr_name) Select usr).ToList()

this is the one that works

Dim result = (From usr In users Where usr.Name.Contains("random name") Select usr).ToList()

this is the error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I am using this in Linq to Active Directory library which probably means it's linq to entities I've tried everything?

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Can't Seem To Get Parameterised Query Working

Mar 11, 2009

i am creating a pda application using and sqlce and i can't seem to get parameterised query (or atleast i think mine is one) working.i dont know what i am missing because on the code below, i still get a END OF STATEMENT EXPECTED.[code]

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SQL - Parameterized Query Not Working

Apr 15, 2012

statement = "SELECT OrderID, (SELECT VendName FROM Vendors WHERE Vendors.VendorID = Orders.VendorID) " &
",OrderDt, RcvdDt, OrderTotal " &
"FROM Orders " &
"WHERE VendName=? " &
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(statement, connection)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("VendName", txtVendorFilter.Text)
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)

I was trying to do this before by simply concatenating the textbox value right into the SQL and I was getting a "No values given for required parameters", and read that that I should use parameterized queries instead. So I tried this and it doesn't give me any errors, but the reader never has anything in it. I've never used parameterized queries before, so I'm a bit lost as to why this isn't working. I've changed the above code to account for OLEDB from what I briefly read on how it should work, and it's giving me the "no values given for required parameters" again.

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SQL Query String Not Working

Sep 14, 2011

I have a SQL query string that gets the top 5 records from a database however 3 variables are passed with the sql query that gets specific data.[code]

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Express 2010 Update After Delete Query

Sep 3, 2011

I have been working on a simple delete and update thrugh the TableAdapter in Express 2010 and can't get it to update after a delete query. The same TableAdapter works fine when I do an 'Add', but not after the delete. What am I missing? I could use the SQL commands, but would like to use the software commands instead. Here is the delete code:


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DB/Reporting :: Simple Query Not Working?

May 6, 2012

I'm using express with access 2010.Everything is working fine except for a simple query:SQL: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like 'Ale*'Which returns all the names starting with Ale. Now in my .NET code I wrote this:cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like " & Chr(39) & Name.Text & Chr(39), connection)Now when I start the app and in my textbox "name" I write Ale* I have the following expression:SQL: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like 'Ale*'But when it executes from .NET (dr = cmd.ExecuteReader) it doesn't find ANYTHING.

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Insert Query Datatableadapter Not Working

May 28, 2010

[code]its show me that it have written the command but when i stop the program and see my db its is not there. i've searched the net and alot of books but i cant seem to make it work.

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Parametrized Insert Query Not Working?

Nov 3, 2011

I am trying to run what I thought was a rather simple parameterized insert query, but am running into all sorts of problems. SQL EXPRESS 08R2,

Here is the VB code that builds the parameters...
UPDATED Variable names:

itemDataSource1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionString").ToString()
itemDataSource1.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
itemDataSource1.InsertParameters.Add("@short_Text", short_Text)


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VS 2005 Query Under Form Under Working?

Dec 30, 2009

With DataAdapter i passed a query and this is working....

Dim strSQL1 As String = "SELECT tbl_Items.GroupName, tbl_Items.ItemName, tbl_quantity.Quantity, tbl_quantity.QtyDate FROM (tbl_Items INNER JOIN tbl_quantity ON tbl_Items.ItemID = tbl_quantity.ItemID)WHERE(tbl_quantity.QtyDate = #12/29/2009#)"
Dim da1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL1, DataConn)
Dim dt1 As New DataTable

But when i give the date as this, not working...

Dim tmpDate As DateTime
tmpDate = System.DateTime.Now.Date
Dim strSQL1 As String = "SELECT tbl_Items.GroupName, tbl_Items.ItemName, tbl_quantity.Quantity, tbl_quantity.QtyDate FROM (tbl_Items INNER JOIN tbl_quantity ON tbl_Items.ItemID = tbl_quantity.ItemID)WHERE(tbl_quantity.QtyDate = " & tmpDate & " )"

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VS 2008 OleDB Query Not Working From VB

Jun 29, 2009

I have the following code which will only return one column of 41.
Using Command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Products_TAU WHERE ItemID= @ItemID", Connection)
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ItemID", ItemID)


That table alone is filled with 76 records and has 41 columns of data to pull.. this is only returning the first column of the row indicated by the where clause.

Before I had the where clause call it by lineID which there is 4 records of that... and it was able to pull 4 columns from it...

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VS 02/03 Or VB2008 Using Access 2007 Via .net; Delete Table, Run Query?

Jun 16, 2010

Whilst writing a routine in Access I founf it rather fiddly for user...was thinking it would be much better for them to click a button in and that would do all the hard work.

So is it possible to do these task against a Acecss 2007 database

-Delete table
-Compact database (to clear out table)
-then run query to remake table

is this doable?

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Insert - Update - Delete - Select Statements - MS Access Not Working

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to do simple insert, update, delete, select statements within VB .NET to access a MS Access database. I have tried all kinds of solutions offered on the web and while the code seems to work, no rows are inserted. Also, I have tried, unsuccessfully, to use the Try/Catch to see if there's an error with no success. I have attached the versions of VB .Net and MS Access I am using: Here's the code:


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.net - AndAlso In VB Linq Query Doesn't Seem To Be Working?

Sep 14, 2010

The below query fails with Null Reference Exception when there are elements in BOMIDs where MatID property is nothing.I thought the 'x.MatID isnot Nothing AndAlso' would prevent the x.MatID.Process part of the where from being executed. There are a couple elements in the BOMIDs collection that where MatID is nothing.

From x In BOMIDs _
Group Join y As PurchasedProcess In SpecialProcesses _
On x.MatID.PurchasedProcess Equals y.Name _
Into G = Group _


View 2 Replies - Escaping Apostrophes With Parameter Query Not Working?

Nov 28, 2011

I am trying to prevent from having to escape apostrophes in my string variables by using a parameterized query with a OleDbConnection, but it is not working. I am trying to insert into an Access db and I keep getting those pesky html codes.

Dim pConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
pConn = New OleDbConnection(cb.ConnectionString)
Dim SqlString As String = "INSERT INTO Strings (Mlt_String_ID, Lng_ID, Strg_Name, Sht_Text, Lng_Text, Alt_Text) Values (@Mlt_String_ID,@Lng_ID,@Strg_Name,@Sht_Text,@Lng_Text,@Alt_Text)"


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Table Query On Partial Match Not Working

Sep 23, 2009

I have a SQL 2005 table called Customers and i would like to query the table for exact match and partial match. The exact match query is working OK but when i use the partial match, it doesnt return any result. Strange thing is, it works inside the query designer, it returns rows. On the dataset, if i right click and say 'Preview Data' and supply the search criteria, it doesnt bring in any rows. Same happens in the form also. Instead of partial string, if i supply the full customerid, it returns a row.Whereas I can return rows on another table, Suppliers. I dont know where the problem lies. Here is the sql:[code]In fact, I am trying to use the wizard generated code and details on the form. No changes done to the code or form.The customer id is nchar(10) column and is the primary key also. I ran the same steps on the Northwind database too, and the same problem exists.

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UPDATE Query In Visual Basic Not Working?

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to make a project for point of sale and i am having issues with updating inventory table. once cashier make sale items quantity should get subtracted from inventory table. i tried bellow code but it is not updating table, however in message box it does give me new quantity for that item.


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Update Query Not Working In 2008 Access?

Nov 13, 2009


MsgBox(cmd) End If End While '***** END ***** reader.Close() con.Close() MsgBox("The Connection to the Database is now Closed") End Sub End Class

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VS 2005 Update Query Not Working (ms Access)

Jan 22, 2011

I not able to update query in MSAccess having 3 images. Also, its not showing any error.
Awaiting ur reply.


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Preventing Escaping Apostrophes With Parameter Query Not Working?

Nov 22, 2011

I am trying to prevent from having to escape apostrophes in my string variables by using a parameterized query with a SqlConnection, but it is not workinUPDATED: this is current code...

'Populate Connection Object
Dim oCnn As New SqlConnection(strConnection)
'Define our sql query


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Update Query Not Working For Access And Not Showing Any Error

Jul 30, 2009

this is the code

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim com2 As New OleDbCommand
Dim constring As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("esourcecon").ConnectionString
con = New OleDbConnection(constring)
com2 = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE Customer SET CName = @CName, CAdd= @CAdd, CTel= @CTel, Cmob= @CMob WHERE CName='" & C1.Text & "' ", con)


id is an autonumber field and if i change the where string to another column then also i dont get any error and the values are still not entered

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