Delete Un-needed .xsd Files Project Without The Program Breaking?

Dec 21, 2011

I've reached the end of my project but I have several unused and not needed .xsd files from trial and error of linking my program to a database. I want to clean up a bit and get rid of them while keeping only the essential files attached to this program. I tried deleting the .xsd files but it seems too ingrained into the program to the point where the program has several errors and just breaks. I have to manually restore the files from the Recycle Bin to get the program to start working again.

What are other solutions to get these files out of the project? I thought about clicking "Exclude From Project" but am afraid of the consequences. I figured I'd check with someone here before taking action.

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Delete Number Of Files From Folder In Program?

Sep 2, 2011

I have a list of albums and photos in albums. Now i want when i delete a particular album then its photos also to be delete.The name for images of a particular album is like " if album's id is 1 so its images name should be 1_1,1_2,.. . So i have got the image name upto "1_" at the time of deletion of album. now i am confused how to delete the images which have prefix "1_". [code]...

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Program To Delete .tmp Files That Are Older Then 5 Days?

Jun 27, 2011

I'm working on this program to delete .tmp files that are older then 5 days. The only problem that im running into is if there are no files older than 5 days to display a messagebox "There are no .tmp files older than 5 days". Im using, this is that i have so far.


Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click


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Game Programming :: Openfiledialog Breaking Program ?

Apr 10, 2009

I have used the openfiledialog on numerous occasions, and it has never caused a problem. (This is also happening to savefiledialog as well...) Put simply, its breaking my application..


Private Sub LoadMapToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadMapToolStripMenuItem.Click


Even this bare minimum code, is causing most of my application to stop working. I have an onpaint method which should be drawing my map, it starts throwing exceptions(file not found), I checked my paths they are correct, I have a listbox linked to a picturebox, clicking a image' name in the listbox, loads the corresponding image to my picturebox, this stops working too..The program isn't hung, I can navigate my listbox, open menu's etc,.. It's breaking everything that has to do with images. I would post code, but, it's quite extensive, and the problem seems to be centered on the opensave dialogs.. (again, I have used this same code without trouble, so many times I have lost count, I'm at a loss as to why its acting up now...) Well, for now I created my own open file dialog, its a little crude compared to the real one, but, mine works..(ie, a standard dialog control, Ok, Cancel, with a ListBox loading the file names..)

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Sorting Needed After Reading Values From Several Files

Apr 28, 2009

I am still trying to accomplish a tiny flatfile based database. So far everything works fine except for the fact that 'data records' are not sorted alphabetically. My 'data records' are saved in files and their filenames are used as ID. Now all the data are stored iin the files, so, my application reads out the values and adds them to the 'database'. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to sort this added data alphabetically by name - everything else works perfectly and I am almost finished, except for the sorting.


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VS 2010 Copy / Move / Rename & Delete A File In Program Files Directory?

Aug 30, 2010

how can i either copy/move/rename & delete a file in program files directory? [c ode]i already have the form which grabs the updated file and it save it to temp directory ready for copying, just stuck here as of the access denied.

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Determine What Exes - Dll's - Config Files Are Needed To Be Combined Together

Aug 4, 2011

I am working on an existing 2008 windows form application that has a large number of project files in one solution. This solution can be executed many ways depending upon what the startup project is. However there is one project file that is generally the main 'startup project'. This application also has no setup and deployment currently.

What I am trying to do is to determine what exes, dll's, config files are needed to be combined together so I can deploy them? Is there certain directory paths I can use to determine what files I need? Is there some kind of a way I can test the combined files to determine what files work together so I can deploy them?

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Make Program That Not Needed To Install?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm wondered how to make program that not needed to install. Only click the icon and its working and resource folder too. When I'll do build program it makes program thats needed to install.

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VS 2010 - Way To Downgrade The Needed Version Of The Framework For My Program?

Apr 13, 2010

I am creating a program in VS 2010 which obviously uses Framework 4.1 However now that I am trying to test the program I am realizing usually only developers like us have this version.. Is there any way to downgrade the needed version of the framework for my program Currently I run it on my test computer and it asks me to download 4.1 version.

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VS 2010 Tell What The Size Of My Program Is And How Much Disk Space Is Needed To Install?

May 16, 2012

How can I tell what the size of my program is and how much disk space is needed to install. When I publish the program and install it on another machine it will show up in the control panel but does not show what size the program is?Also when I publish updates with it says something like installing 10mb. Is this an additional 10 mb everytime, I guess not, but can someone explain what it all means?

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Program Use Only Section That's Needed For Current Execution Instead Of Checking Every Argument Every Time?

Dec 6, 2009

FIRST = arguments checked against each other

SECOND = arguments checked against each other but are irregardless of the FIRST arguments.

If (FIRST and (FIRST or (FIRST and FIRST))) OR (SECOND or (SECOND or SECOND or (SECOND and (SECOND or SECOND)))) then As the program processes this line over a million times during the execution, only FIRST or SECOND section is needed during an execution, never both. How do I make the program use only the section that's needed for the current execution instead of checking every argument every time? Is there a way to turn a string into an argument list for an IF...THEN statement? [code]

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 - What Files From "Release" Folder Will Be Needed To Run App On Another Computer

Aug 2, 2011

I just want to know do i need other files than exe from my "Release" folder to run app on another computer?they are (its very basic app) config, pdb, xml.

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IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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VS2010 .NET And Windows 7 Access Denied On Writing To Or Creating Files In Project Files Folder?

May 22, 2012

Ok I know this question has been asked to death but I still have not seen a good answer. I have created an application in VS2010 using VB.NET. In my application I have an error log that is an XML file located in the Public gstLocalErrorLogLocation As String = Application.StartupPath & "ErrorLog"that gets written to in the event of an error so I can trouble shoot application easier. My application also downloads files from our FTP site and puts the files in Public gstLocalDownloadLocation As String = Application.StartupPath & "download"So I have files that get read and written to as well and created and deleted all in the Application.StartupPath which is either "c:Program Files(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File)" or "c:Program Files (x86)(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File)" depending on 32bit or 64bit Windows 7.

After creating the setup I install it on my test machine that have both Windows 7 32bit and 64bit.Everything in the application works great till I have to write to, delete or creat a file in those directories above. I know it is an access issue and the UAC. This will get installed on numerous systems so the options I have seen to change file or folder permission on the computers manually is not an option.What has to happen is after I install the application it just works like when you install it on XP. Some post have suggested that you us a user with administrator privilages or group which is all fine and dandy but the user I have used to test the application has all of that.

So what I am asking is how do you create an application with VS2010 in VB.NET that after creating a setup package and installing on Windows 7 will just work with out "Access to the path c:Program Files(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File) is denied." If I have to install this on 100 Windows 7 computers it has to be a concreate no manually doing anything just install and work like when we installed on XP.

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VB 2010 - Try And Load A Project (any Project) The Program Freezes

May 28, 2010

Has anyone else had issues with Visual Basic 2010?My visual basic program has been running fine for months but recently every time I try and load a project (any project) the program freezes, then I have to close it down and reload, every time I load Visual basic for the second time I get the following error:


An error was encountered while opening associated documents the last time this solution was loaded. Document load is being skipped during this solution load in order to avoid that error.Plus when trying to run a project in debug it takes ages to load (around 5 minutes) this has only started happening recently, projects were loading in seconds.

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How To Delete Data Source From Project

Jul 14, 2011

How do I delete a data source from a project. There is no delete/remove in the data sources window and if I delete the corresponding xsd file I end up with errors in the designer file. 'm having to do this because when I change a data

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VS 2005 Delete A Project Reference?

Jul 29, 2010

how to delete a project reference set. i have had mysql connector 6.xx.0 but due to bug i uninstalled it & reinstalled 5.x.x now i am unable reset the project reference

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VS 2008 Cannot Delete Project Folder?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm using VS2008 and cannot to delete old project from windows explorer on the server. After press delete button I got message:Cannot delete ProjectName: It is being used by another person or program.

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C# - DLL Administration - Copy The New Dll To The Project Folder Or Delete The Old Reference And Add The New One

May 18, 2010

I build some dlls to be used in a big application, and have a team working in the dlls heart of the application and another team working in the GUI, but I am having a problems in the deployment of the dll's when a change is done, because the GUI team needs or copy the new dll to the project folder, or delete the old reference and add the new one. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and developing in VB and C#

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Allow Use To See Files And Delete Them?

Feb 4, 2010

Can someone point me in the direction for displaying the contents of a folder on the form with a check box, then if someone wants to delete a file then check the box and hit delete. How can I do that?

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Delete Files Using VB?

Aug 27, 2009

i wanna be able to check if the file "thisfile.exe" exists, and if it does then delete all the other *.exe files it finds but not deleteing the "thisfile.exe", how would i be able to do that?

edit - im using vb 2008 express?

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.net :: How To Delete All Files With .mp3 Extension

Aug 23, 2011

I have an external hard disk drive for data backup purpose. Now I want to delete all mp3 files in that drive. How do I do it?NOTE: The mp3 files are contained within many nested folders. For example, K:(artist name)(album name)mp3 filesUpdate: I tried using, but my mp3 files are contained in many many folders. My current approach is not working

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Delete All Files In A Folder?

Oct 12, 2009

The MSDN Express Library 2008 suggests the following example to delete all of the files in a folderFor Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles( My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.*")

My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(foundFile, FileIO.UIOption.AllDialogs,FileIO.RecycleOption.DeletePermanently)NextI would like to adapt this code to delete all the files in a folder of my choosing; for example, all the files in c:msdnimages. But I'm not getting anywhere.Would someone be kind enough to explain how to substitute c:msdnimages for SpecialDirectories.

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Delete Files From All Subdirectories?

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to build a program to delete temporary files from my c drive.

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Delete Files Within Sub Folders?

Jun 26, 2012

I'm writing a little app that I can tell to delete files older than x amount of days.

You select a folder and click go and it does the job but it only does the files within that folder. What I want to do is also delete all the files in all the sub folders. [code]....

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Delete Multiple Files Using *

Dec 15, 2004

I was trying to do something like this (that worked with the Kill method of VB6) System.IO.File.Delete(OrderInfo.ParentFolderPath & "NJ0*.DTA") because there are several files that start with NJ0 and end with .DTA


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Delete Some Files But Only If They Aren't In Use?

Nov 23, 2009

i want to delete some files but only if they aren't in use. What i did was a try/catch:

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

but it seems that this method is very slow if i try to delete some files over network.

Is there an faster way to delete files? Is it faster to check first if an file is open? If yes, how can i check if an file is open?

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Delete Temporary Files Using

Feb 18, 2010

In my application,I have some reports which needs to be viewed frequently.After viewing the reports many times by different users, it shows load error.For different systems, many temporary files are created.i need to delete those files in my single i manually deleting all the temporary files in the temp directory and configure the IIS again.then the report loads properly.But we need to delete these temporary files frequently which makes our life dreadful.Only the report files needs to be deleted.How can i delete these temporary files automatically using code? I have used the following code for this.but some files cant be deleted as those files are in use.Do those temporary files in other system can cause load error in our system?

dim temp as string=Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP")
dim k as sting()=System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(temp)
dim i as integer[code].....

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Search All .mp3 Files And Delete Him?

Sep 8, 2011

I need a code to find all files. mp3 on your hard disk with certain tags (eg: Shakira, Pitbull, 50 Cent, etc.). and then delete it.

For Each f In Directory.GetFiles("D:", "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories)


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Search All .mp3 Files And Delete Them?

Aug 15, 2011

I need a code to find all files. mp3 on your hard disk with certain tags (eg: Shakira, Pitbull, 50 Cent, etc.). and then delete it.

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