Detect That A Button Is Still Blinking?

Oct 14, 2009

is there any way to determine if a button is still blinking? because i have programmed it like when the condition is true, the button will light up. This button will stop blinking only when the user clicks on it. Because in my program, each button represents the number of blocks. So if the alarm comes in from the block one and block one button blinks, the user should press on the button to acknowledge the alarm. but while the block one button is blinking,if a new alarm comes in from block 2 before the user click on the button1 to stop it from blinking, button 2 will blink together with button1 because the user has not acknowledged the alarm from button1. Currently, i have written the below code to blink the button. but this one will go with the alarm, that is if the alarm comes in at block 1, the button will lightt up at block one. but when a new alarm comes in at block 2 before the user acknowledge the button1, the button1 will stop blinking and buttton 2 will blink. But i want both buttons to light up. the code is below:

Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
For Each ctl As Control In PictureBox1.Controls


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How To Detect If Button Is Blinking

Nov 18, 2009

May I know if is there any way to check if the button is still blinking from the button class that I have? Cuz I used this method to check 'which is if the button is still blinking execute this this this...

ElseIf (receivedData.IndexOf("Fire clear") <> -1) And BTN_IsBlinking = True Then
[Code] .....

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Detect When Modal Title Bar Is Done Blinking With WndProc?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a MDI app that contains a modal window (normal window shown as modal). I have a custom title bar button that disappears if the user clicks outside the modal area.Normally, clicking off a modal will cause the system to beep and then flash the title bar of the modal window.

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Make The Button.Text Blinking?

May 5, 2011

How to make the Button.Text Blinking?

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Save The Last Dragged Button On The Form And Also Detect The Name Of The Last Clicked Button?

Sep 5, 2009

I have already done the creation of button and the dragging of button at runtime already.But now i need to know how do i save the last dragged button on the form and also detect the name of the last clicked lets say i now drag a button to coordinates 25,254. so when i exit the form and the next time i launch it, the button will still be at 25,254. and this one will go on for the number of button i created like 100. so when i launch the form the 100 button will be at the exact position where i last saved them.the second part is lets say i created button1 and button2 on the form in runtime. so when i clicked the first button, it should display button1. and if i clicked on button 2, it should say button2. same goes for like 100buttons.


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Can't Detect Keypresses When A Button Is Present

Mar 31, 2009

I've started building a small game where you move around a PictureBox control with keystrokes using the arrow keys. Everything was working fine....until I added a button.

Now the button steals the focus so that every time I hit an arrow key hoping to move my image, it just selects the button.

Is there any way to make the button selectable only by mouse click?

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How To Detect That Some One Has Clicked On Close Button Of Title-bar

Apr 11, 2009

I am developing an application in 2008.In it I wish to add a conformation message box when ever someone attempts to close the application window.So I want to detect that some one has clicked on close button which is present on title-bar of my window.

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Detect Button Click Before Lost Focus Event?

Jan 30, 2010

My application has a form which contains several Textboxes where user is required to fill up data. Once data is filled up user can click on "Save" button to save the data. I have added lost focus events to all textboxes so as to validate user input. When I click on cancel button, i want to detect cancel button click, but textbox lost focus is fired first so I get error message for textbox before my code moves to cancel button click handler. Is there any way to detect button click before lost focus event?

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How To Detect If Left Mouse Button Has Been Clicked In RichTextBox1

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to move texts in a richtextbox from 1 place to another and I want to use a Move button.[code]

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VS 2010 Is Setting A Boolean The Only Way To Detect If A Button Has Been Clicked

Nov 15, 2010

I have written a calculator program, and when the mouse clicks on the equals button, the button sets a boolean varaible to true, and then that variable can be used later.But I am wondering if the button control has it's own property that can indicate if it has been pressed?

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Blinking Colored Text For 3 Seconds?

Jan 24, 2012

I am trying to wrap my head around getting some blinking colored text and lasting for 3 seconds on the screen. I'm creating a game where you hit submit and if the answer is correct a label with popup and blink 3 different colors for about 3 seconds also a groupbox background color change. I have found many different ways on here how to do the blinking text. I just can't figure out how to do it for 3 seconds and then disappear. Here's a general idea of the code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Blinking Label Based On Backcolor?

Mar 15, 2012

i want to blink any of the for labels if the back color is LimeGreen.Timer5 is enabled already and starts at form closing event of another on the timer tick i have below code.

Dim time2 As Integer
Private Sub Timer5_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer5.Tick
If (time2 = 1) And Label17.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen Then


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Hide The Blinking Cursor In Textbox?

Jun 15, 2009

how to hide the blinking cursor in textbox? after i do this: txtbox.text="X" i want the cursor to be hide

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Show A Blinking Arrow In A Picturebox?

Aug 5, 2010

In my form, there are many controls and the people who will use the final program are not very computer literate people. For this reason, I would like to use arrows which blink beside the control in order to show the order of controls to use (just like a visual guide). I also make the controls active-inactive in a proper order but a visual guide will also be musch of use...I guess I can do this by either using picture boxes beside each control or draw method (which I do not yet know how to use). But if I use a picturebox, how will I give the blinking (or fade in & out effect)? For blinking effect, should I use a timer or anything else?

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Blinking Button1 Conditional To Database Result?

Jun 7, 2012

I have a windows form application that uses datasets and mySQL. I am wondering how I would get started in making one of the buttons blink dependant upon database status.In short each record has a column where the user marks a received checkbox. I would like for a button to blink if there are any request that are not marked as received.

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Make Blinking Shape In Different Colors Using For Loop?

Jul 22, 2011

make blinking shape in different colors using for loop?

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Open Form With Cursor Blinking On First Textbox?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I get a form to open with the cursor positioned on the lowest-tabbed index textbox (assuming there is no other type of control that is lowest in the tab sequence) and with the cursor blinking (assuming the textbox is emply)? I have tried this

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VS 2010 - Cursor Not Blinking When Form Opened?

Jun 29, 2011

On my 2010 form the textbox which has tab stop 0 does get the focus when the form is opened but the cursor is not blinking. I know textbox 0 has the focus because if you start typing right after the form opens the characters show there. The cursor property of textbox 0 is set to Ibeam. This is my first-ever VB 2010 form. My 2008 forms work fine and my workaround is to do the project in 2008.

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DataGridView Cell And Text Blinking When Condition Meet?

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to do a blinking cell with red and yellow text in my data grid view. The cell may blink when certain condition meet.May I know how should I write the VB script in VB2008?

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Blinking Cursor Inside A Specific Cell On Form Load

Aug 16, 2011

how can I put the blinking cursor inside a specific cell on form load? I want the effect to be kind of like when you have a form with text boxes and when you set the tab order correctly, the first textbox will automatically have the focus and you can start typing right away. On a related question: how can I make the enter key activate the form's accept button when you're inside a cell?

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RichTextbox Blinking Text Cursor (claret) Size Too Small?

Sep 20, 2009

Anyone know how to make the text cursor (claret) wider in a RichTextBox control? It seems to ignore the setting in Vista settings and does its own thing instead. I wouldn't describe my vision as being seriously impaired - just middle aged!

On a high resolution screen it is a real chore trying to find the text cursor position. I've ended up doing a heavy kludge of putting a little image of an arrow on the screen attached to a timer control to track and point to the cursor position!!! This is a very silly work around. It must be possible to make the text cursor wider somehow? It is only one pixel wide and I can barely see it. I can't be the only one who struggles with these narrow cursors?

View 14 Replies

VS 2005 Stop MonthCalendar From Blinking When Selecting Start Date

Jan 27, 2011

I have a month calendar on a form. It is showing 2 months, when I select the start date for a range of dates, the month calendar blinks for about 1 second. Here is the code that gets the start date, sets the end date (28 days later), then assigns a date to the text of 28 checkboxes by looping through the control collection.[code]

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VS 2008 - Blinking Taskbar - Make Program Blink When It Is Minimized

Sep 2, 2009

how can i make my Program blink when it is minimized this is what i want to do here is a pic

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Serial Port Data Read Event - Blinking Function Not Working

Jun 19, 2011

im using vb 2008 to read serial port data. my requirement is as follows, when the data is received from the serial port a timer is enabling in order to blink a button saying "tank empty". so i have written the code with the aid of this forums. but now my problem is the blinking button function is not working. first i thought its cuz timer is not enabling inside the serial_dataReceived event. so i invoked a dummy label. so the timer works. but its blinking function is not working.


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VS 2005 - Detect The Calc.exe Running And Then Disable My Button Event To Call Calc.exe?

May 2, 2009

I have a button on vb form and its click event will call Windows to run "system32calc.exe" which is work great. My problem is I do NOT want to have multiple calculators running even if i click the button more than once. Is there any way to detect the calc.exe runing and then disable my button event to call calc.exe?


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Control - Detect When A User Has Pressed The "next" Button On The Media Player Console

May 22, 2012

I am using the media player control in my VB2010 project and hit a problem. I want to detect when a user has pressed the "next " button on the media player console.I can use the following code to detect the pause, play, fast forward, etc but I do not see anything that will detect when the "next" button is pressed.


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Make Several PictureBox Images Randomly Visible = False And Then Back To Visible = True Giving The Appearance Of Flashing Or Blinking Images?

Jun 28, 2010

I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:

Dim picLight(2) As
For intX


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Label Text - When Run The Code Form1 Load Together With Form2, Label.Text Flicker Or Blinking?

May 5, 2011

I have question about Label.Text.

When run the code Form1 load together with Form2.On Form2 I have Label1.I need that Label.Text flicker or blinking.

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Press A Button - If I Clicked The Button In Form2 It Would Automaticlly, Click The Button In Form1?

Oct 30, 2010

Using 2 forms how would I click one button, from another form? ie In VB 4,5,6, I would used to do it as:-

Form 1:

private sub Command1_Click()

msgbox "Say Hello"

End Sub[code].....

If I clicked the button in form2, it would automaticlly, click the button in form1. Do I, do it the same way in VB Express or has it changed?

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Detect Changes In CSS?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to write an application that can detect whether a value in CSS file has changed or not

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