Determine What Datagridview Have Just Clicked?

Aug 2, 2009

Example i have a tabcontrol contains 4 tabpages.Each tabpage have a datagridview. I want when i click any datagridview in those tabpages then a msgbox ll show name of datagridview which has just clicked.I want to determine it. But i dont want to use method loop though controls of tabcontrol and check what datagridview visible.Shortly i want to determine what datagridview i clicked ?

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How To Determine Which Control Has Been Clicked

Apr 11, 2011

I have a program with 32 PictureBoxes (pb1 ... pb32). The user will select one of the picture boxes. All picture boxes will call the same subroutine, passing the variable of the name of the box clicked. Rather than writing a click event for all 32 boxes, and call the same subroutine from each event, is there a way that I can determine which picture box has been clicked?

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Determine If ANY Control On Screen Was Clicked?

Jun 6, 2011

Is there a way to determine is any control at all on a form has gotten focus? I know you can individually determine if a single control has focus or has been clicked, etc. but is there an event that can tell you that some/any control has been clicked?

Private Sub myFrm_Magic(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.SomethingClicked
End Sub

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Determine The Order Of Clicked Character?

Jul 29, 2009

I click to textbox which have a string.How can i determine what character i clickd to it ? Example : That string is " I am Ann".I click coordinate contains "m" character. How can i know i click that character.

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VS 2008 : Determine Which Component Had Been Clicked?

May 22, 2010

I'm used to coding in VB6, where arrays of components and their events were simple. I've got:

Event(args) Handles,,

How do I determine which component had been clicked?

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Determine Output Displayed When A Button Is Clicked

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to determine output displayed when a button is clicked in visual basic for the following code:Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click Dim a As Integer = 1, b as Integer = 3


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Determine The Output Displayed When The Button Is Clicked?

Apr 21, 2011

Dim names(3) As String

Private Sub frmNames_load(...) Handles MyBase.Load
names(0) = "Al"
names(1) = "Gore"


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How To Determine Which Child Node Of A Treeview Has Been Clicked

Sep 26, 2011

Right now I have a treeview with 2 parent nodes and each Parent Node has multiple child nodes.I would like to display the text of the Child Node in a textbox. Which I have been unsuccessful.The code I'm displaying below shows both parent and child node. But I only want the child node.


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C# - Determine Which Mouse Was Clicked (multiple Mice Devices) In .NET

Mar 20, 2010

I want to detect when my touchpad is clicked! I normally use a usb mouse, so I don't use the touchpad for anything. Instead I'd like to make it possible to perform an action in .NET, when the touchpad is clicked. This way I can use it as a shortcut: One tap and something cool happens.

Is this possible, and if yes, any clue how? I'd prefer if it could be working in VB.NET or C#. My theory is that I'd have to make a mousehook, which then somehow determines which device the click is coming from. If the click is determined to be from the touchpad, then cancel the click and doWhatever().


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Determine The Output Displayed When The Button Is Clicked In Visual Basic?

Dec 7, 2009

I am having problems with these questions... 4. Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click


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For Loops - Determine Which Students Have A Specific Major Based Upon The Button That Is Clicked?

Dec 15, 2011

I need to determine which students have a specific major based upon the button that is clicked , then code will pull all the CS student's name and put them in the results list box. The text box above the results list box should contain the specified major and the text box below the results list box should contain a message indicating the total number of students with specific major.

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DataGridView - How Many CheckBoxes Clicked

Jun 21, 2010

I'm using datagridview in my project. In that datagridview I use checkbox for null value check property if the user click that how I check if the box is check or not in a number of rows and know how many check boxes are clicked also want to count. i try with my coding but it leaves the first line how I check.

Dim tableid As Integer
mydisp = New SqlDataAdapter("select max(id) from tst_m_tables", Myconnection)
mydisp.Fill(mydst, "id")
tableid = mydst.Tables("id").Rows(0).Item(tableid)
For i = 0 To dgvtabledetails.Rows.Count - 1
[Code] .....

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DataGridView - Focus On Cell That Was Right Clicked

Mar 26, 2010

I have a datagridview that I have put a ContextMenuStrip1 on. I would like it to remove a row in the datagridview when the row is right clicked on and they click on "delete row". I have the delete working and the menu is showing up but this isn't firing when you right click on the datagridview.

This is where I am setting the row to edit:
Private Sub ModifyRowToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ModifyRowToolStripMenuItem.Click
If Not datagridview_TagAssignment.CurrentRow Is Nothing Then
[Code] .....

I am always ending up on row(0) and never the row I right clicked on.
Private Sub datagridview_TagAssignment_CellMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles datagridview_TagAssignment.CellMouseClick
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right AndAlso e.RowIndex >= 0 Then
datagridview_TagAssignment.Rows(e.RowIndex).Selected = True
End If
End Sub

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DataGridView Checkbox Not Getting Checked When Clicked?

Aug 12, 2010

This is my first time using the checkbox in a datagridview. I added the column at design time and it is false for readonly and frozen. But when I click on it at runtime nothing is happening. Do I have to check it through the event?

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Datagridview Detect When Checkbox Is Clicked?

May 30, 2009

i need to know exactly when a checkbox is checked either by clicking or by spacebar.

I have looked at cellbeginedit, cellclick, cellcontentclick,cellendedit,cellformatting,cellleave,cellpainting,cellvalidating,cellvalidated,cellvaluechanged, and cellvalueneeded.

None of these inform me of when the checkbox value is changed. cellclick is almost the one, but it fires before the value is changed. cellvaluechanged doesnt fire until you leave the cell. the cell value changes and the cell is painted even if you dont leave the cell.

I have spent all day trying to get it right. I want to detect exactly when the checkbox value is changed so i can do some calculations and depending on the calculations, i may cancel the check mark.

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Determine Datagridview Change Or Not?

Aug 10, 2009

How can i determine datagridview 's datatable change or not when i leave it.

If datagridview change then my value return true else it ll return false.

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PictureBox Related To DatagridView Row/column Value When Clicked?

May 19, 2009

I have a loaded DatagridView which contains a row/column with an employee number in it. Outside of the DatagridView at the the top of my form I have a small PictureBox. My goal is for the user to select the employees row (not cell),pull the employee number from that row/column, and then use a LINQ query against another table to display the image stored in that table.

Determine the event needed in the DatagridView?How do I pull the employee number from the selected row?What considerations, if any would the LINQ query need to pull the picture from the table?

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Determine DataTable Row Index From DataGridView

May 7, 2006

I have a datatable with 10 records linked to a datagridview. When I initially load the datagridview, row 0 in the datagridview = row 0 in the datatable - based purely on the order they load, and the datatable's default sort order. I then filter my datagridview and am left with 5 records. Is there a way of determining programatically, the actual datatable row number of a row displayed in a datagridview, considering that row 0 in the datagridview is now not necessarily row 0 in the datatable?

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DataGridView / ComboBoxCell - ComboBox Display Nothing Until It Is Clicked On And Selected?

Mar 9, 2011

I am using 2010 and winforms and DataGridView. The DataGridView has a DataGridViewComboBox column. When I show the form with the DGV it shows this and empty grid but the column that contains the ComboBox shows the first item on the dropdown list. How can I have the ComboBox display nothing until it is clicked on and selected?

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VS 2008 Get Datagridview Comboboxcolumn Value Moment A New Selection Is Clicked

Nov 27, 2009

I'm pretty new to VB.Net programming, but have already been able to figure out many things using this forum, but also via the many other forums on the internet.I'm currently stuck with a question though regarding getting the clicked value in a datagridview comboboxcolumn.When I use _Selected IndexChanged and then check the current cells value, what I get is the value before I clicked the new one in the comboboxcolumn.When I use _CellEditFinished, I can get the new value, but only after I selected another cell, or changed focus to another object.How do I get the new value from a DataGridViews ComboBoxColumn the moment I clicked it in the pulldown menu from the ComboBoxColumn?

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Determine Which Datagridview Visible On Button Click Event?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a tabcontrol which contain 4 tabpages. Each tabpage have a datagridview.

When i select any tabpage the datagridview of it will show.

I want to check what datagridview is showwing(visible) in button1 click event.

I dont want to loop through controls thenafter check visible propety of control.

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Button Does Nothing When Clicked

Mar 10, 2010

i have a form with 10 designated slots for letter to be entered (Like the free letter spaces on hangman), above these are 10 adjacent labels with a full stop "." as the text value, now i have created a button, Q to detect whether there is a. in the first box, and if there is enter the letter Q (Letter1.text = "Q"), elseif check the same for the second box. Now my problem is when i click the button, it still does nothing and letter 1 remains "." instead of "Q". also how would i end this string of else ifs? as in what if every text box is full then do what?

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Check Which One Has Been Clicked In

Apr 6, 2012

inside of while loop, i've used


to creating the button dynamically. Now, on click of particular button, it should show the information which are associated with the clicked button.


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Getting Clicked Picture Box?

Aug 8, 2009

This is really a beginner problem I guess. I know many things about and have been using it for over a year, but I am not sure how to do this. I am trying to make it so it finds the clicked picturebox and do an action.I used this code:

Private Sub PictureBox2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox2.Click


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Getting File Name Clicked On?

Jan 30, 2012

I need the file name from Windows Explorer... I have a service that runs when a specific extension is selected.It's along the same lines as selecting a Docx from WinExp and then Word opens and brings your file with it.

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Know Which Button Has To Be Clicked?

Jul 3, 2009

I am developing an application in which there are more than one buttons and i want to add some code on the click of every button, But I wished to know that which button has to be clicked by the user and after that some code will be executed and that code will be different for different buttons.

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Which Picturebox Was Clicked

Oct 12, 2009

I need to create up to 45 pictureboxes dynamically and then detect which one was clicked. I have code like this so far:

Private Sub Create_Thumbnails()
Dim sSource As String
Dim sDest As String


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Button Not Responding When Clicked?

May 8, 2012

I have partially coded a project seen below:

Public Class frmBroadwaytickets
'Defining the cost per ticket
Const _cdecticketprice As Decimal = 153.5D


My btndisplay cost works, but my btnexitprogram does not close the application when clicked. I've ensured the button is correctly named and enabled. But when I click it does not close out, I use this simple code in other programs and it works.

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Calculate Button Which Can Be Clicked Once

Dec 18, 2009

I have a calculate button that, if clicked more than once adds the total of what I previously had to the new total as I am using a loop. I was thinking that I could get around this by only allowing the button to be clicked once, and if the user attempts to do this more than once a messagebox will appear saying that you can only calculate the price once and the form resets but i can't seem to get any code working.

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Check If Button Is Clicked?

Apr 19, 2009

how can i check if a command button is clicked in 2003?

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