Directly Set The Bits Of A Single Variable?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm a newbie in VB.NET, I am trying to directly set the bits of a single variable. For example - dim afloat as single afloat = &h0000000c afloat will then be set to to '12'. However, I wish to actually set the bits of afloat to &h0000000c, which will give a different value.

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Develop 32 Bits Applications If Have Win 7 64 Bits And Visual Studio 64 Bits?

Mar 14, 2011

I am a visual basic developer, I have windows 7 64 bits and Visual Studio 64 bits installed.CAN I DESIGN APPLICATIONS WITH THESE SETTINGS THAT CAN BE COMPATIBLE with 32 bits operating system(example in windows Xp 32 bits)?

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Getting And Setting Single Bits In A Byte-array Using .net?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a byte array with 512 Elements and need to get and set a single bit of a byte in this array.The operation must not change any other bits, only the specified one.So if I have a byte like &B00110011 and would like to change the third bit to 1 it should be &B00110111.

Like this:Dim myarray(511) as byte myarray(3).2 = 1 ---> This would change the third bit (start counting at 0) of the third byte to 1 I know it should be easily possible using bit-masking but I don't have the time to try for days to get it working.

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Big Is The Variable In Bits?

Mar 16, 2010

TimeGetTime gives the runtime of the program (I think) in millisec. How big is the variable in bits? I meen it must overflow at somepoint. How often does this happen?

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Calculate The Lower 7 Bits And 7-13 Bits Of Two Hex Numbers?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the lower 7 bits and 7-13 bits of two hex numbers.

Here is some example c code, just need this in

serialBytes[2] = 0x64 & 0x7F; // Second byte holds the lower 7 bits of target.
serialBytes[3] = (0x64 >> 7) & 0x7F; // Third data byte holds the bits 7-13 of target

The 0x7F is a constant so the only number that changes based off input is the 0x64.

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Use SQLConfigDataSource To Add DSN To The 32 Bits ODBC On Windows 7 64 Bits?

Mar 28, 2012

how can I use SQLConfigDataSource to add DSN to the 32 bits ODBC on Windows 7 64 bits? I know it use C:WindowsSysWow64odbcad32.exe and on registry, HKLMSoftwareWow6432Node but the API do not allow me to configure it?how can I do ?

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VS 2008 Applications In Windows 64 Bits And 32 Bits?

May 9, 2010

An application created with Visual Basic in Win7 64 bits will it still work fine in both WinXP 32 bits and Win7 32 bits ?

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Call A Variable Without Addressing It Directly?

Jul 10, 2011

So I am having an issue where I want to call a variable without addressing it directly and I get an error for it:

Conversion from string "player1BuzzLock" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.

This is technically correct but why would it fail?

Dim player1BuzzLock As Boolean = False
Dim PlayerNum as Integer = 1
Dim playerBuzzLock As Boolean = CType("player" & PlayerNum.ToString & "BuzzLock", Boolean)

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Replace The Word Variable With A Backspace Directly?

Jul 2, 2009

IS there a better way to do the following, I mean is there any way to replace the Word variable with a backspace directly instead of trimming the space after the word has been repalced?

For Each Word As String In remove_words
If user_input3.Contains(Word) Then
user_input3 = Regex.Replace(user_input3, Word, "")


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C - What Is The Value Of Second Byte Of A Single Variable

Nov 7, 2010

I have a variable as a single. what is the value of second byte of my variable.or what is the value of third byte of my variable value in memory.?in c language we use at like this *(char(&x)+1)which method do the same thing in

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Storing In A Single Variable In Linq?

Jan 24, 2011

how to store multiple variables in a single one to be stored in string?I have some 5 linq variables which am trying to store in a single string...Can you tell me how should i do so?

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Way To Reveal The 4 Bytes Behind A Single Variable?

Feb 18, 2010

Since I like to use the ReadAllBytes and WriteAllBytes methods to save my variables to disk, I have had no troubles thus far with Integers.It has been easy to convert a short integer into a string of two bytes to save them using WriteAllBytes as following example:-

ReDimxji(0 To 601)
For I% = 0 To 300
J% = hbs(I%)


But now I want to store some Single variables using WriteAllBytes, so I need to convert my single variables to a string of four bytes for each.

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Assign A Number To A Single Variable It Does Not Equal The Same Value?

Nov 2, 2010

I have been searching the internet trying to understand in its simplist form why this behavior happens.

Dim mysingle As Single = 456.11 Dim mybool As Boolean = mysingle = 456.11

In the lines above mybool becomes false. I found this behavior when putting the single into a double I found extra digits showing. The .net documentations states a single is an approimate value I gatehr a single is a 32bit floating point number? But why are extra digits appearing when I have explicitly said what the number is.. surely the memory should store that numbers either side of my number are 0 to fill up the memory location?

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Access Single Bytes That Form A Double Variable?

Sep 20, 2009

How can I get access in a fast way to the single bytes that form a double variable?

In pseudo-code I want to do something like this:

Dim myDouble as Double
Dim myArray(7) as Byte
myArray = myDouble

'continue doing things with the single bytes

The code is meant for use in a I/O-handler. The double-variables have to be sent / received via TCP. For this purpose they shall be put into / assembled from I/O-buffers.

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Change The Variable StrLettersGuessed Into A Single-element Array?

Jul 12, 2009

How do I Change the variable strLettersGuessed into a single-element array

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Object / Array Reading (Row Or Column) Into Single Variable?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a variable defined as Object(,) that was read in from excel. Without getting into a for/next, is there a simple way to read the c-th column or r-th rown from that array into a single variable?

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Represent More Than One Value In Either A Variable Or Single Index Position Of An Array?

May 13, 2010

I have a very large number of tables with data in the following format:

1 0-2 0-13 0-1
2 3-5 14 2-4
3 6-9 15-16 5-10

In other words, there is a variable (call it A) with a single value that corresponds to a range of values in the other variables (call them X, Y, and Z).My program needs to accept user text input of values of X, Y, Z, etc. and then match each to the corresponding value of A.Example: User enters 4 in the X text box; program determines that if X=4, A=2.Again, we're talking about tables and tables of data in this format. Unaware of a better method, I have been using arrays.


Dim a() as double = {1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3...}
Dim x() as double = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...}

Note how I had to artificially deal with variable A so that the index of each score corresponds to the index of the matching X variable.It is this modification of the variables that is taking forever. There has to be a better way! Hypothetically, what I need is the ability to do something like this:

Dim a() as double = {1,2,3,4...}
dim x() as double = {0 to 2, 3 to 5, 6 to 9...}

Is there a way to represent a range of values at a single index of an array, such as my hypothetical example above? This would save me hours of re-shaping the data to make the arrays work.

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Select Multiple Lines Then Push That Out To A Single Variable

Nov 20, 2011

I have a listview box. I load the listview up from a text file and everything is divided into three groups. I need to be able to select multiple lines then push that out to a single variable, separated by commas. Two things are happening that are problematic:

1) If I just have it set to smallicons and no checkboxes, anything I select is highlighted right up until the control loses focus at which point everything un-selects.

2) If I turn on checkboxes, I can click boxes and they stay selected when I lose focus BUT the checkboxes are cut off on the left side of the control. (The checkbox appears to go off the edge of the control.) There's plenty of space in the control for the checkbox and the listed items.

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Single Global Variable Which Can Be Manipulated By Multiple Forms

Jun 14, 2010

can we have a single global variable which can be manipulated by multiple forms

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Using Timer In Do Until Loop - Putting Single Variable Into Label

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to use the timer (not a Timer object) in a Do... Until loop. I want the loop to put a single variable into a label. When I do this it works and puts the value into the label (lblOxygenReading):

If btnGetOxygen.Text = "Get Oxygen Reading" Then
Select Case True
Case rdoColorWhite.Checked
strCurrentColor = "White"
Case rdoColorRed.Checked
[Code] .....

It goes through the Do loop and the For.. next loop but doesn't change the label. Visual Studio doesn't show any errors when I'm writing the code, but when I run it, it hangs somewhere.

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Declare A Variable Globally So That It Is Visible To All Projects Of A Single Solution?

May 26, 2009

In 2.0 is it possible to declare a variable globally so that it is visible to all projects of a single solution?

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BITS Transfer Via WMI?

Mar 7, 2010

I get an "invalid parameter" error back from wmi. just trying to download a file via BITS.

Dim classInstance As New ManagementObject("rootMicrosoftBITS", "BitsClientJob", Nothing)
' Obtain [in] parameters for the method


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Compiling In 64 Bits With A 32 Bit Dll?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a 3rd party dll, and I can't have it referenced while compiling for 64 bit. Is there a way around this? I'm guessing it is because the dll is a 32 bit one, but I'm not sure about that.

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Get The First 16 Bits Of A 32 Bit Hex Number?

Apr 8, 2009

how i can get the first 16 bits of a 32 bit hex number.

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Is Running Multiple Threads Faster Then A Single Thread On A Single Core Cpu

Dec 23, 2009

Say I have a code with 3 methods that do some pretty intensive work. Would executing these methods on 3 seperate threads be faster then executing them one after the other on a single core cpu? And what if it's a dual core or HT?

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Querying A Single Column And Displaying All Results In A Single Textbox?

Sep 5, 2010

I am trying to make a list, separated by a comma, of entries from a single column in a SQL database. I have been spending the last several days searching for a way to do this, but every thing I found either didn't work, or wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

The query will pull all the email address that are not null. What I need to know is how to take the result of that query and make it look like this:,,, etc, etc, ...

I feel like I should know this, but for the life of me, I can't remember nor can I find it in any of the textbooks I have.

I am using Visual Basic 2010 and SQL Server 2005. I also have access to Visual Basic 2005 if needed.

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SqlCommand Parameter / Replace A Single Quote With Two Single Quotes

Oct 23, 2009

I use SqlParameters when executing database statements. I know that I can replace a single quote with two single quotes... but in the past SqlParameters took care of this for me. I have two projects.. in one, the SqlParameter does this and it handles single quotes fine, in another, it does not and I'm at a loss why (I even copied and pasted the code):


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VS 2008 Bind A Single DGV Cell To A Single Class Property?

May 7, 2010

I am trying to use the DGV to view various properties from a variety of different class instances. Is it possible to bind each cell individually?

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.net :: Storing 4 Bits From A Byte?

Aug 19, 2010

What is the best way to store 4 bits from a byte in VB.Net? Where best means:Most straightforward method of storage from a Byte type.The easiest to work with while performing bitwise operations.Straightforward conversion of the bits to other types.Storing them in a BitArray via it's constructor reverses the order of the bits. This means that attempting to get the value of the first bit will require looking for that value in the last entry in the BitArray.

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Conversion To 64 Bits - PowerPacks?

Jul 10, 2010

I am moving Visual Basic 2010 Express from a 32 bits Windosw 7 machine to a 64 bits Windows 7 machine. My project contains a PowerPacks line. I have installed the PowerPacks (VisualBasicPowerPacks3Setup.exe) on the 64 bits system, and see them in the toolbox. When I try to open the project on the 64 bits machine. however, I get error messages:The designer cannor process the code at line 56:

Me. ShapeContainer1 = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer

The referenced component 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs' could not be found

I then thought I would just remove the (purely cosmetic) line on the 32 bits machine, but cannot discover how to do this (I would have though: rihgt click, and then delete, but this doesn't exist)

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