Replace The Word Variable With A Backspace Directly?

Jul 2, 2009

IS there a better way to do the following, I mean is there any way to replace the Word variable with a backspace directly instead of trimming the space after the word has been repalced?

For Each Word As String In remove_words
If user_input3.Contains(Word) Then
user_input3 = Regex.Replace(user_input3, Word, "")


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Backspace For Ciphering - Tell The Length Of The Word

Dec 25, 2010

My Ciphering program, Ciphers words from one text box to another one. A letter is put in front of each word to tell the length of the that word. Every character that gets entered into the text box will change the outputs text box. I am going to use HELLO as an example. The Number one, will represent the Original text, the number Two will represent the Ciphered text. [Code]

As you see, the first letter is the length of the word, as I said before. The other letters or gotten by getting the position of the letter in the alphabet and adding it with the length of the word. H H is the 8 letter in the alphabet, and so far, the length of the word is one. So you do 8 + 1 which is 8. AI That is where I got the I in this right here. HE H is the 8 letter in the alphabet, and now the word length is 2, so 8 + 2 = 10. The 10 letter in the alphabet is J, so the I in AI turns to J.

E is the 5 letter in the alphabet. 5 + 2 = 7. The 7 letter in the alphabet is G. That is where the G comes from. BJG The B is the second letter in the alphabet, and there is 2 letters in the word.

In order for me to keep track of each word, I store each word in a dictionary. That is the only method that I could get to work while using the word length character (The character in front of each word)

My big problem is if I want to backspace and go back for it to edit that word that it took a letter of.

My program know that there is a new word because when it recognizes that the selected character = " ", it creates a new add in the dictionary. Here is an example of 2 words that are ciphered.


I split it at the T to show you the 2 different words, and that the first word is ciphered the exact same as it was in the example at the top of the page.

Now I am pretty sure that I could get it to edit the most frequent word, but I know I would not be able to edit the past words because it seems that when I add something to the dictionary, it stays local as the variables, and not as new for its self. [Code]

That is not even close to exactly what the code looks like, but it is close I guess. Redundant, I know.What it does is for that word, each Letter is getting added to the Dictionary and is called by the number 1. So when H is typed, H gets added to item 1. When E is typed, item 1 is now HE, and so on for that whole word.

When a character = " ", a new dictionary is added but adding one to DicNum, and then repeating the process. What I have found out is that it will not keep the first dictionary, and come to think of it I only think that it keeps the most recent letter that was added to the dictionary.

The day that I was working on this I was searching for a while on how to use join, but found nothing. My question is, is there a better way or more efficient way to cipher each word and then edit the word that is being edited by backspace? Lets leave out the part where Dictionary1 and Dictionary2 or not need. [Code]

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[2008] Keypress Backspace - Msgbox When User Press 'backspace' In The Textbox

Feb 28, 2009

I want to have a msgbox when user press 'backspace' in the textbox.

I wrote this:

Private Sub TextBox2_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 8 Then
End If

End Sub

Why it doesn't work?

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Regular Expression Directly - Way To Capture 2-word Groups?

Jul 15, 2011

Have a sentence:

I have a test.

Now, I want to know how many 2-word group in this sentence. I can do this using: New Regex("([a-zA-Z]+s+(?=[a-zA-Z]+))") to get this #.

Is there a way to capture these 2-word groups?

in this example it should be:
I have
have a
a test

can we do this in regular expression directly?

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Replace The Word After A Specific Word?

Aug 30, 2011

make a program to replace the word followed by the selected. But I got stuck at the start..An Example:"My name is Dunley Mike and my father, Dunley Robin are on a holiday at the mountain. There they will meet the uncle Dunley Harry." So what I want to do is to loop through the text for the word Dunley (Underlined) and replace the First name (Bolded) (Mike, Robin, & Harry) to 'family'.

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Call A Variable Without Addressing It Directly?

Jul 10, 2011

So I am having an issue where I want to call a variable without addressing it directly and I get an error for it:

Conversion from string "player1BuzzLock" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.

This is technically correct but why would it fail?

Dim player1BuzzLock As Boolean = False
Dim PlayerNum as Integer = 1
Dim playerBuzzLock As Boolean = CType("player" & PlayerNum.ToString & "BuzzLock", Boolean)

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Directly Set The Bits Of A Single Variable?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm a newbie in VB.NET, I am trying to directly set the bits of a single variable. For example - dim afloat as single afloat = &h0000000c afloat will then be set to to '12'. However, I wish to actually set the bits of afloat to &h0000000c, which will give a different value.

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Replace The Whole Word From A String?

Dec 22, 2010

i need to replace the whole word from a string.

for example. String= "Hi VBFriends, I am learning VB 2010."

i need to replace only VB as C#.

if i put String.Replace, its changing as "Hi C#Friends,I am learning C# 2010."

i used regex, Word boundary but not worked, below my code.

Dim sHTMLStream As String = "Hi VBFriends, I am learning VB 2010."
Dim oColl As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches("sHTMLStream", "\bvb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
For Each sTemp As Match In oColl

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Way To Replace Word Into .doc File?

Jan 14, 2009

I wana ask you if you think that's the best and the fastest way to replace <<words>> into a .doc file? I don't know other way and i think mine is too slow for doing this kind of job.[code]

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Find / Replace Word Puzzle

May 5, 2009

Let's say I have an object that contains a Word property and a Sentence property. The sentence must use the word, and I want to replace the word in that sentence with a link using a public function (say, GetLinkedSentence). The catch is maybe the sentence uses a plural form of the word and maybe the "word" itself is actually a phrase, or is even hyphenated. There's no length limit to the word either. How do I find and replace this word (in ASP.NET, preferably VB) with a link [word])?

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Find And Replace Duplicate Word

May 25, 2011

I have a tab delimited .txt file, I am reading successfully. Reading first line and split into array. Through the loop I am checking the duplicate column name.

Now I want, if duplicated word found, how can I replace the second one. Suppose my file contains
Cell Site Cell ID Cell ID Site Detail
1 A 1 A1 ABC
2 B 2 B2 XYZ

I want to replace second Cell ID to Cell ID_2.
Cell Site Cell ID Cell ID_2 Site Detail
1 A 1 A1 ABC
2 B 2 B2 XYZ

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How To Replace Entire Word In String

Nov 6, 2008

I am trying to replace an entire word in a string.
This is my example string:
"Hello test this is testing".
I want to replace the word "test" with "abc". I want the output to be:
"Hello abc this is testing".
Whenever I try and use the Replace() function I get:
"Hello abc this is abcing"
How I can do this with Replace or RegEx

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IDE :: Find And Replace In Word Document

Jun 1, 2008

I want to open an existing document, find & replace some words and keep it's format as it is. the following is my code.

Dim oWord As Word.Application = CreateObject("Word.Application")' Open word document
Dim docFile As String = vReportPath & txtInsRptNo.Text & ".doc"
Dim oDoc As Word.Document = oWord.Documents.Open(docFile)
Dim oTable1 As Word.Table
[Code] .....

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Replace / Shorten Word In RichTextBox

Feb 6, 2011

I am trying to use this code to shorten words like Hello to Hi, and Whats up to sup in a rich text box.
If Value.Contains("Hello") Then
Value.Replace("Hello", "Hi")
End If
End Sub

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Replace Text With A Picture In Word?

Jun 6, 2009

I want to search a word document for a specefic text, like <image> and then replace this with a picture.

My code look like this:

"<image>", ReplaceWith:=ThePicture, Replace:=Word.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll)

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Replace Word Under Mouse In RichTextBox

May 9, 2012

I want to replace the current word under mouse cursor while user click on contextmenustrip dorpdownitem. I can get the word but unable to replace the word with new one.

Here is my code:
Private Sub tsmmutradifat__DropDownItemClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles tsmmutradifat_.DropDownItemClicked
Dim myclickeditem As String = correct_word(e.ClickedItem.Text)
Dim wordtoreplace As String
If Not myclickeditem = Nothing Then
If RichTextBox1.SelectedText = "" Then
[Code] .....

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String Match Whole Word And Replace?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm trying to replace a string with another but the problem is that the string is matching some other string partially.

For e.g. -
Dim x as String = "I am Soham"
x = x.Replace("am","xx")

After this replace I would only like the word am to replaced with xx but because my name also contains am its also getting replaced.

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Xml - Find And Replace Particular Word In A File Using .net?

Dec 30, 2009

i have created a template xml file witch contain some words like {contentname}.i need to replace such a tags with my values. how to search such a words and replace using filehandling in my xml templatefile is like this:

<!-- BEGIN: main -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_HotelSearchRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


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Code Does Not Replace The Word In Each Arraylist As A Reference?

Dec 9, 2011

I am puzzled as to why this following code does not replace the word in each arraylist as a reference.

Dim AllMyWords As New ArrayList

I would have assumed the FOR EACH bla IN BLA works like a reference but it seems like it does not.

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Find / Replace In Word 2007 Document

Sep 4, 2009

I try to make a find/replace in a existing word document using Here's my code:


When running the code I get a AccessViolationException on the codeline where the Range.Find is called... I use VSTD2008 and Office 2007 on Windows 7. I have also tried running the code on a machine with Office 2003 which was successful. So if anybody could tell me what I have to do differently that I get this working with office 2007 I'd be very glad!

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Find A Word In Coding And Replace It With Three Lines?

Jun 9, 2012

I know this is a very noob question but would it be possible to find a word in my coding and replace it with three lines?


So far I can only replace it with "ex1.Message) Finally Application.exit" but it's going to take me forever to go through my coding to change it. I'm not sure what character I could use to start a new line in between "ex1.Message)" and "Finally" and "Application.exit"

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RichTextBox - How To Replace Character / Word In Text

Feb 17, 2012

How can I replace character/word in text (loaded to richboxtext) but only for those which are not on the "block" list ?
Dim str As String = RichTextBox2.Text
RichTextBox3.Text = str.Replace("1"c, "A"c)

But I want add list of words which should be excluded. I thought that I can do something like :
Dim str As String = RichTextBox2.Text
If Regex.IsMatch(RichTextBox2.Text, "shows") Then
RichTextBox3.Text = str.Replace("%"c, " "c)
End If
RichTextBox3.Text = str.Replace("1"c, "A"c)
Dim str2 As String = RichTextBox3.Text
RichTextBox3.Text = str2.Replace("2"c, "B"c)

But it's not working as it will just skip replace of % for whole text and I want just just exclude particular word from list from being replaced...

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VS 2008 Replace First Occurrence Of Word In Text

Sep 15, 2011

have a list of 84000 words , and have some articles in these articles i want to replace first occurrence of each word i have in listbox e.g [code]but it used to replace the whole mytext i want to replace words in mytext and also it hang the system and very very slow and replace all occurrences.

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VS 2008 Replace Two Duplicate Word Into Two Different Words?

Aug 7, 2011

I need to Replace two duplicate word into two different words.Like:

abc is a search engine and also abc a search engine.
google is a search engine and also yahoo a search engine.

I tried this.


TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, "abc", "google")

But it replaces all abc to google. But I need to change first abc to google and second abc to yahoo and so on.also tried this one


Dim m14 As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text, "abc", RegexOptions.Singleline + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
For Each n1 As Match In m14
Dim value As String = n1.Groups(0).Value


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VS 2010 Replace A Word In A Sentence On Output?

Oct 14, 2011

How would you replace a certain word from input to output? Like, if you type "Tigers are cool" in a text box I want the ouput after a button click to be "Lions are cool", changing 'tiger' to 'lion'. It should also be case sensitive so Tiger would convert to Lion, not lion.

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VS 2010 Replace First Occurrence Of An Entire Word?

Jul 19, 2011

A little background... I'm trying to build a spell checking form. I have this lovely library: [URL] and it seems to be working flawlessly.

The problem I have is trying to replace an entire word and only the first occurence of the word.

Example: Replace the first instance of "foo" with "bar" in the following string
"foo foo foobar" and get this "bar foo foobar"

I've been trying regular expressions with no luck. Here are the patterns I've tried compiling(these are obviously tied to variables in my program):


I also tried the built in string.replace method with a count parameter, but I have no idea how I would make that match the entire word.

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VS 2005 - Looping Through Word Doc And Find String To Replace

Jul 19, 2011

I am looping through a word doc where I need to find a string to replace and these are in text box's so I thought I could do something simple like this but its not working.
For Each oRng In doc.StoryRanges
strTxt = oRng.Text
If strTxt = "textToReplace" Then
[Code] .....

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Use Regex To Replace Non-word Chars In A Specific Piece Of String?

May 5, 2009

I have text file with a row like this:


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Word Automation Find & Replace Bookmarks In Each Table Cell?

Feb 6, 2010

i have a problem in locating bookmarks which are defined inside the table cell. Each table cell in my word document can contain multiple textboxes. I need to fill text in each of these textboxes using word automation. I tried placing bookmarks inside these textboxes for each cell and tried to replace using Word Automation. But unfortunately, i cant locate / replace the bookmark using the following lines:

cell.Range.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref oBookmark).Select(); //this is throwing exception as it couldnt find bookmark in cell.Range.Bookmarks list.cell.Application.Selection.InsertAfter("New Text");


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Replace The Value Of Connectionstring With Variable?

Jun 1, 2009

I am having an issue using a datagrid. I can use it fine on my development machine in VB 2005. But, when I deploy it to a client and they try to access the datagrid this message comes up:To run this example, replace the value of the connectionString variable with a connection string that is valid for your system.

Both machines are running Windows XP Pro (SP3). Is there some type of assembly for datagrids that I am missing in my application or some prerequisite that I need to install as part of the solution.

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